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3DDerelict ships



  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    I like it. Are the guns lasers or do they have ammunition? The only thing worrying me is the amount of space required for ammo, if they have ammo. If they're lasers, that would be fine as we don't know what kind of tech was used to build the laser and power generators.
    good point although some forms of particle guns(those relying on accelerating particles to extremely high energies) may be able to get away with only a small mass of ammo, some sort of proton beam like the LHC only much smaller and much higher energy.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    They are Directed Energy Weapons. Maybe gamma lasers, quark charge inverters or something more exotic.

    Spacefighter, I tried to follow what you were saying, but... brain. tired. I'll try again tomorrow.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    All I know is I used to carry mortar and machine gun ammo when I was in the Army and it takes up a lot of space. ;) I figured they were energy weapons, but it never hurts to ask.

    I'm loving the details on the guns.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    All I know is I used to carry mortar and machine gun ammo when I was in the Army and it takes up a lot of space. ;) I figured they were energy weapons, but it never hurts to ask.

    I'm loving the details on the guns.

    You realize that even if you'd had energy weapons in the Army, they would have made you carry something else, right? Isn't it written in the manual that all Army troops are to carry twice their weight in something... anything?:D

    That's why I joined the Air Force.:lol:

    On topic: I like this latest design. After all the curvy stuff lately, it's nice to see some straight lines.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    "Curvy stuff"? Really? I hadn't noticed. I just grab whatever's in the scanned sketches folder that catches my eye .

    I imagine that instead of ammo, people will be lugging battery packs.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    rojren wrote: »
    They are Directed Energy Weapons. Maybe gamma lasers, quark charge inverters or something more exotic.

    Spacefighter, I tried to follow what you were saying, but... brain. tired. I'll try again tomorrow.

    judging by this you seem to have followed the advice, the mounting of those spike bits looks much better now. as your ship probably already has a fusion reactor in the engine assembly some power can be diverted(or another reactor added) to power the guns. if the reactor cannot provide enough power to fire the weapons then use some capacitor banks(like they currently do with the experimental rail gun prototype), charge them up over a long time at low power then discharge this energy to the guns very fast for high power.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    You have done a lot of "rounder" designs lately. Not that I've minded. :)
    MaxxRush wrote: »
    You realize that even if you'd had energy weapons in the Army, they would have made you carry something else, right? Isn't it written in the manual that all Army troops are to carry twice their weight in something... anything?:D

    Only infantry. Everyone else bitches if they have to carry a 35lb rucksack on a road march. I used to live for those PT road marches where I only had to carry 35lbs. Though, even your standard infantry soldier has to only carry a rifle, a standard ruck and ammo. (on top of body armor, etc.) It's nowhere near as much as someone on a mortar or machine gun team has to carry.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Those two round things on the outboard pods are two independent reactors to power the guns. Everything is wired so power can be transferred as needed to the main guns, two tail guns and the drive unit. There will also be two small launchers for small mines, countermeasures and other specialty devices.

    Hmmm. Speaking of rucksacks, I need to remember to add mounts for extra equipment.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Starting on the body of the ship.

  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Starting on the body of the ship.


    This is a *very* nice design. Probably my favorite so far.

    Although that last shot reminds me somewhat of an ED-209 minus its body.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Thanks, MaxxRush. I was thinking it looked like the Lego Astronaut.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Thanks, MaxxRush. I was thinking it looked like the Lego Astronaut.

    I can see that. Of course, there's also a resemblance to a lot of Mechs from the MechWarrior games (most especially, the Cougar), but like my ED-209 reference, missing their torsos and legs.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    I'm liking this a lot. Great work. :D
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Thanks, evil_genius_180.

    Added tailguns and fiddled about with details.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    nice work, cool radiators on the rear edges of your wings, but the rear of the fuselage has something that looks like a shuttle bay door on it which would indicate a much bigger craft than this. the boxes on either side of the fuselage are screaming for more detail.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    Looks more like a grill of some sort then a hanger spacefighter
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Correct colbmista. It's a short range jump engine. Around 10-15 AU range.

    Added some hard-points, fuel/propellant refill ports and equipment covers.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    I'm loving the detail on this. :)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    still looking good, will those large boxes be housing it's fuel tanks?
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Yes. At least, yes... I think. Uh, The front part of the section above the wings and in front of the engines are the propellant storage tanks.

    Added things to other things.

  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    I have some thoughts on the weapons for this thing, but I'm having a hard time thinking of how to explain it. I'll keep thinking on it.

    Added launchers, and various things.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Remember the flux capacitor. It's what makes time travel possible. We don't know how or why, we just know it does. You just need some gizmo that explains everything in that way and you're good to go. ;)

    The model is looking great. :D
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    I usually don't get as much into the innards or technology of the stuff I draw as I used to.

    Lately, when asked how something works, my favorite response is "Quite well, thank you" or "The Quantum Snot Effect".

    But I was reading a book that had some interesting things about the behavior of nano materials. So as I fiddled with the launchers for Battalia, I thought of a space-saving multi-function device.

    Okay, in the device (the 'puck') there's a central, rotating, shaped charge that when detonated releases a jet along a single axis. When fired in the 'X' axis, the puck's outer casing becomes a cloud of medium speed shrapnel. When fired in the 'Y' axis, the casing material is converted into a sensor-blinding EM flare and a sphere of chaff. Firing in the 'Z' axis produces a secondary reaction in the casing, generating a much larger explosion.

    Nothing really outlandish. Just something space-saving that I had a bit of trouble putting into words.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    I'm mostly that way too. I'm an artist, not an engineer. ;)

    The puck makes me think of hockey. ;)
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Added the control cabin and probably something else.


    I sort of split the difference between artistry and engineering. At least I try to.

    I'm definately not an engineer. I don't have the piece of paper... or the god complex. I'm uncomfortable calling myself an artist. Well, truthfully that's because so many that call themselves artists are talentless, pretentious hacks, and I don't want to be associated with that.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Well, I make 3D models and sometimes render images. Call it what you will. ;)

    The cockpit is looking great.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Changed the badges. Dumped the forward landing gear and added a second set of landing pads on the gun pods.

    build0131x_thumb.jpg build0131x1_thumb.jpg


    Tag: 0000 058588-3274073
    Type: convoy escort
    Status: retired
    Location: Abiga Vapra Kroon
    (Orion 021.33-08427.01)
    Culture: FSOA
    Est. Age: 2,400 years
    Size: 680m
    Nickname: Shepherd


    This is another old one. It's 'related' to this monster.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Nice work, that came out great. :)

    That next one reminds me of a construction vehicle.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Started on the main hull and fuel tanks.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    the fighter is probably your best work yet, nice concept, clean line and certainly human enough in shape. seeing those seats fit in shows how big it is, which seems a bit larger than i expect for a fighter. nice to see you dumped the forward strut. colours you chose, and arrangement of them, for the fighter fit the design well.
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