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3DDerelict ships



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Thread views include bots, which are frequently hitting the forums but (obviously) won't comment. You have to take that into account. As for why more people don't comment, you've got me. I actually quit this place for a few years because I was getting little or no comments here, but plenty elsewhere.

    As for suggestions, I often don't feel qualified to give crits or suggestions for peoples' original work. If you're talking Star Wars, Trek or BSG, which I feel qualified to do so because of the familiar subject matter, it's easy to offer (hopefully) constructive criticism. However, when you're building something that's completely original, I don't know what your vision of it is and what looks right to you might not look right to the rest of us. But, it's your design, so you're the one most qualified to say what's right and what's not. I don't know if other people feel that way too, but I've noticed a lot of original work gets less attention than familiar subject matter. Now, that covers offering suggestions. I don't know what's stopping people from at least commenting on it.

    As for this place being mostly Trek, it is right now. However, that could change. I remember several years ago, when most everybody was doing a Battlestar and Trek was hardly seen. It all depends on what people are in the mood for. ;)
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    I actually like this thread. You have some interesting designs. And I have to agree with evil_genius_180 about comments on your designs. The only thing I could possibly point out is mesh errors, which I haven't seen any.
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Yeah, this ship is pretty bleh. Some of these ships are nothing more than me thinking "I wonder what this would look like?" This is one of those.

    I think I've already done most of my favorite old designs. I need to dig through my old folders to see if I missed anything.

    evil_genius_180: I got suspicious about the view counter, when I got around 500 views over a lunch hour.

    oldmangreg: I can guarantee no mesh errors... no meshes, all solids.

    Rekkert: 'Different' is what keeps me from banging my head on my keyboard - and helps keep me employed... at a place that sometimes makes me want to bang my head on my keyboard. Hmmn.

    spacefighter: While I don't know if I want to post all the scribbles I have (that's a bit of work) here's a few

    medium cruiser, profile

    extra atmospheric fighter, top view

    surface-to-orbit heavy lifter, top view

    heavy towship, profile
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Those are some interesting concepts. :)
    rojren wrote: »
    evil_genius_180: I got suspicious about the view counter, when I got around 500 views over a lunch hour.

    Seriously, it's bots. Mostly the spybots that companies like Google and Yahoo use to report user statistics to the NSA.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    Like eg180, I tend to not comment on threads that I don't feel qualified to answer. If I *do* comment, it's usually to mention some particular design feature, or maybe something I feel needs a comment, due to a percieved flaw.

    That said, I'd really like to see you do a model of that medium cruiser you posted the sketch of. The only thing I could see an objection to with that one is that it might be compared to a Star Destroyer.

    And yeah, I'm a little tired of all the Trek stuff here as well. Don't get me wrong... I like Trek, as long as it's TOS or TNG (or most movies prior to JJ getting his mitts on the property), but there are days where I come here to see what's on the first page, and end up not looking at anything because it's all Trek.

    My Honorverse stuff drifts down pretty quick - not that I've posted much to the thread(s) lately. Mesh-block, I suppose, but it doesn't help that I'm not permitted to post a lot of stuff I do.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    the "surface to orbit heavy lifter" looks to have some potential in the design, the rear end with the three engine bells and the fuel tanks looks coll(but lose the empty space sphere bit just forward of the central engine nozzle). i'm not sure if the trussed beams extending form the sides are for thruster mounting, landing legs or something else but provided they are designed carefully they could look pretty good, it might be nice to put some fin like parts extending from what is currently the top of the beams so they can rotate on the x axis to form fin structures(see my diagram). aerials poking form the nose, like the nostromo, appear to be visible, they could be a very effective feature. the cruiser is quite star destroyer like, but that is only in profile, for all i know you might have very different ideas for how it looks form above/below/bow/stern. the fighter is a bot hard to tell which end is which but i assume the front is the left hand side of the image, it seems similar to a naboo fighter but with beefier engines/single engine in the centre rather than on the wing tips. keep the shapes looking "of human origin" and avoid visible intersections and you could have some great models there. would adivse avoiding your "towship" design until it is further refined.
    Attachment not found.
    quick diagram showing an idea for those trussed arms on the ship, have them rotate about a pivot on the x axis so they can do as shown in the picture, purple arrow indicates axis and origin for rotation.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Left one out.

    A cruiser of some sort, profile minus fuel torus.

  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    MaxxRush wrote: »
    ...but it doesn't help that I'm not permitted to post a lot of stuff I do.

    Now that sounds interesting.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Now that sounds interesting.

    Explanation is in the first post here:
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Ah. Nice. I haven't read the 'Honorverse' books. I have read his 'Safehold' books. I like them rather well, but I think his obsession with weapons minutia (I don't care what the barrel pressure is with smokeless powder as compared to earlier formulations.) really distracts from the story.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Ah. Nice. I haven't read the 'Honorverse' books. I have read his 'Safehold' books. I like them rather well, but I think his obsession with weapons minutia (I don't care what the barrel pressure is with smokeless powder as compared to earlier formulations.) really distracts from the story.
    interstingly, i find that sometimes adds a lot to the story. It also becomes repetitive quite fast, and im not so thrilled at the weapons imbalance in the new honorverse "talbott" series.
    And Maxx, im very annoyed at you. Here i was hoping that you were working for a TV or feature film adaptation, and all you've been working on was the companion! :mad: :D
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Ah. Nice. I haven't read the 'Honorverse' books. I have read his 'Safehold' books. I like them rather well, but I think his obsession with weapons minutia (I don't care what the barrel pressure is with smokeless powder as compared to earlier formulations.) really distracts from the story.
    use of powder propelled shells in a sci-fi future, shouldn't they use rail guns? as for my opinion on little details, used with care they make the world more full and rounded. i chanced a cross a link a few weeks back called " if everything was written like sci-fi", it is sort of funny and shows how the standard sort of writing in sci fi would appear in a mundane everyday series of events. personally it does make the story in the link more interesting, although it is also rather funny.
    somehow any technology seems cooler when it is written about like that...
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    The 'Safehold' books are a sort of 'Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court' type story.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Ah. Nice. I haven't read the 'Honorverse' books. I have read his 'Safehold' books. I like them rather well, but I think his obsession with weapons minutia (I don't care what the barrel pressure is with smokeless powder as compared to earlier formulations.) really distracts from the story.

    Hmmm... well, then I wouldn't recommend the Honorverse. Infodumps out the ass. Occasionally an entire chapter is not much more than an infodump.

    Still, if you like military space opera, realistic military command structure (IOW, not like the Federation), and logical new weapons development, combined with good stories, strong characters, and a very likable main character, you should give it a try.

    You can get everything up through Mission of Honor (the latest mainline book - it's a couple years old now) here:

    It's a link to a copy of the CD that has been included with several of his books. The CD contains everything that Weber has written, in full, and is free. Free to copy, free to distribute, as long as no money changes hands in any way. The books are in various e-reader formats: Kindle, Nook, .rtf, .txt, etc.

    At least this way, if you end up not liking the books because of the abundance of infodumps, you're not out any money. OTOH, if you *do* get hooked, be prepared. Besides the mainline books, there's also two side series (trilogies - one written by Weber, one co-written with Eric Flint), six anthologies of short stories and novellas based in the Honorverse written by Weber and other authors, a Young Adult series of three books written by Jane Lindskold, and a new trilogy set in the early days of the Star Kingdom of Manticore that is being written by Timothy Zahn (and *my* boss, Tom Pope). That's 30 books, so far, and Weber recently said in a Reddit Q&A that there may be around 6-8 more books before he's finished.
    interstingly, i find that sometimes adds a lot to the story. It also becomes repetitive quite fast, and im not so thrilled at the weapons imbalance in the new honorverse "talbott" series.

    Yeah, it get repetitive, and after multiple readings, I tend to skim that stuff, but overall, for the first reading, I liked it.

    Do you mean the difference between the Solarian League and the Star Empire of Manticore? It may be a huge difference, but it makes sense. Given 10-15 years, the Sollies will even the balance, then walk all over everyone.
    And Maxx, im very annoyed at you. Here i was hoping that you were working for a TV or feature film adaptation, and all you've been working on was the companion! :mad: :D

    No, nothing so impressive. :D Still, I'm named *in* the companion, and will be for the next two as well. The movie is being made by Evergreen, and their in-house CGI artists are much better than I. Not to mention, they would have problems if they hired me - I'd insist on canon designs, whereas in what little preproduction art we've seen (which includes the Tales of Honor comics from Top Cow and the mobile game getting released in a couple weeks - a month for the Android version), the designs are far from canon.

    I understand their reasonings (too much to go into here and I'm already in danger of threadjacking), but I still think the movie stuff should look more canon.

    Something fun - a very well-written parody of David Weber's writing style (How David Weber Orders a Pizza):
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    i must agree, if that is really how he writes the info dumps are a little excessive. funny link though.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    MaxxRush wrote: »
    Hmmm... well, then I wouldn't recommend the Honorverse. Infodumps out the ass. Occasionally an entire chapter is not much more than an infodump.

    Still, if you like military space opera, realistic military command structure (IOW, not like the Federation), and logical new weapons development, combined with good stories, strong characters, and a very likable main character, you should give it a try.

    You can get everything up through Mission of Honor (the latest mainline book - it's a couple years old now) here:

    It's a link to a copy of the CD that has been included with several of his books. The CD contains everything that Weber has written, in full, and is free. Free to copy, free to distribute, as long as no money changes hands in any way. The books are in various e-reader formats: Kindle, Nook, .rtf, .txt, etc.

    At least this way, if you end up not liking the books because of the abundance of infodumps, you're not out any money. OTOH, if you *do* get hooked, be prepared. Besides the mainline books, there's also two side series (trilogies - one written by Weber, one co-written with Eric Flint), six anthologies of short stories and novellas based in the Honorverse written by Weber and other authors, a Young Adult series of three books written by Jane Lindskold, and a new trilogy set in the early days of the Star Kingdom of Manticore that is being written by Timothy Zahn (and *my* boss, Tom Pope). That's 30 books, so far, and Weber recently said in a Reddit Q&A that there may be around 6-8 more books before he's finished.

    Yeah, it get repetitive, and after multiple readings, I tend to skim that stuff, but overall, for the first reading, I liked it.

    Do you mean the difference between the Solarian League and the Star Empire of Manticore? It may be a huge difference, but it makes sense. Given 10-15 years, the Sollies will even the balance, then walk all over everyone.

    No, nothing so impressive. :D Still, I'm named *in* the companion, and will be for the next two as well. The movie is being made by Evergreen, and their in-house CGI artists are much better than I. Not to mention, they would have problems if they hired me - I'd insist on canon designs, whereas in what little preproduction art we've seen (which includes the Tales of Honor comics from Top Cow and the mobile game getting released in a couple weeks - a month for the Android version), the designs are far from canon.

    I understand their reasonings (too much to go into here and I'm already in danger of threadjacking), but I still think the movie stuff should look more canon.

    Something fun - a very well-written parody of David Weber's writing style (How David Weber Orders a Pizza):
    funny link, although a bit over the top :). Good to know there IS a feature in the works, rather than some vague and persistently unconfirmed rumors of such.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    funny link, although a bit over the top :).

    Well, to be fair, it *is* a parody, which, by definition, ought to be a bit over the top.
    Good to know there IS a feature in the works, rather than some vague and persistently unconfirmed rumors of such.

    Yeah, the feature film release date has been pushed back to 2017, though.

    Also, to prevent any more threadjacking, we should take this to PMs or my thread linked above.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    This one is one of those that doesn't readily go from 2D to 3D.

    Tag: 0000 055148-1239756
    Type: cruiser
    Status: mothballed
    Location: Eiderdown Nebula
    (Orion 214.00-00014.00)
    Culture: Venture
    Est. Age: 1.8 million years
    Size: 640m
    Nickname: qarayaan

    build0412a_thumb.jpg build0412a1_thumb.jpg

    I'm working on the heavy lifter too, but I'm doing prep-work on paper.
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    Strikes me as a sort of racing / cigarette boat in space. I love the lines and the sense of speed, even if derelict.
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    rojren - I like it. As Sanderlee says, it seems to be moving at a nice clip, even while sitting still. Can't wait to see if you're going to add more detail.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Interesting shape. It reminds me of a drag racer without wheels. :)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    this could be areally nice design, the twin prongs on the bow are cool as is the area around the bridge. my advice is to start greebling pretty soon rather than making more large scale structure changes and add some more detail round the engines. some carefully placed radiators/solar panels could be a good addition as could some carefully placed aerials, but you would need to be careful not to interfere with the clean lines you currently have.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    I was thinking the shape looked kinda familiar, but couldn't place it. I guess a dragster is probably what I was thinking of.

    I never really noticed it looking fast. Different eyes really help.

    build0414x_thumb.jpg build0414x1_thumb.jpg
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    great work, keep that colour scheme and those window arrangements. just add some smaller details(comms dishes, aerials, vents, more detail on the weapons) and greebles(but keep the greebles fairly smooth in shape)
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    I figured out what it reminds me of. The front end resembles the starfighter from the Buck Rogers TV series.

    I spent the last couple of days trying things, and then deleting them.

    build0417x_thumb.jpg build0417x1_thumb.jpg
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Worked on the engines

    build0418x_thumb.jpg build0418x1_thumb.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804619 Posts: 11,191Member
    Dude, those spikes on front look downright mean. ;) I'm liking this ship a lot, the details are looking really great so far.
  • rojrenrojren2429 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,996Member
    Maybe I should have made the spikes red. Make it vampire looking.

    Anyway, I'm done with this one.

    build0421x1_thumb.jpg build0421x2_thumb.jpg
  • MaxxRushMaxxRush180 Posts: 168Member
    That front angle is pretty awesome. Just downloaded it into my wallpaper folder.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    that's come out really nicely although i would have suggested some more greebling and details, and perhaps some extra engine nozzles higher up on the rear as well as those already in position.
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