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  • Galaxy Class Bridge

    As a Constellation class fanatic, I have to know: Did you build the Stargazer model or get that from somewhere/someone? Either way, it looks great.
    Heck no, no time for that. Stargazer is Raul Mamoru's.

    More updates:



  • My Star Trek Thread

    This station was done a long time ago but never finished. I have some things I need to replace because I did them so crudely the first time.

  • Tiny Trek Issue 04 - Orion Gambit WIP

    Rory1707 wrote: »
    Love the Tiny Trek behind the scenes picture. Enjoy yourself and we’ll be waiting for more Adventures! 🖖🏾

    I haz internets! And it's been a blast so far!
    Cool to see the size comparison.

    yeah she's definitely a much smaller ship.
    Lizzy777 wrote: »
    Now I'm imagining some of the cast off-set. Touring the VFX studio, or doing interviews, or sitting at a convention panel.

    Oooo.. That'll be a great future idea!


  • Tiny Trek Issue 04 - Orion Gambit WIP

    Cool to see the size comparison.
  • Tiny Trek Issue 04 - Orion Gambit WIP

    Now I'm imagining some of the cast off-set. Touring the VFX studio, or doing interviews, or sitting at a convention panel.
  • Tiny Trek Issue 04 - Orion Gambit WIP

    Love the Tiny Trek behind the scenes picture. Enjoy yourself and we’ll be waiting for more Adventures! 🖖🏾
  • -= MKF random trek thread =-

    Messing about with colors and adjusting some of the contrast colors as well. Also thanks to someone I wasted most of the time messing with new hdris
    Wish I could speed IPR up by just throwing $$ at a gpu or something but looking at taskmanager it is still mostly using the cpu. While 3900x is 5yrs old I cannot justify a 70oox the board and ram. I doubt it would make much of a difference as well.

    Anyhow cannot decide on a hdri atm I keep leaning to a pure clean result a warmer tone or ones with l9ots of eye catching kick. Oddly it is also hard to judge how itll affect the mesh as many are way to yellow or way too blue. While the older renders DO lean to making the ship look greener than the base preview material is as it is more drab and darker (all hdri seem to ramp the gamma up overall) It is a reason I still rely on color patches over eyeball in the renderer. Though composite always alters the results and well, I do often tweak stuff in post. ANYHOW. As for the mesh itself I am unsure to go with tones of or go with some contrasting markings. ENT Klingons from memory were all that drabbed grass green with no contrast coloration. Eh maybe I should go browse about at my ent dir and verify. . . .


    oh yeah I have not done much for the pods or the warp drives as those are all grouped instances so it is a bit more involved to color them up so I am working out the colors before I get to those parts.
  • Star Trek Models

    OK, I'm copying bits from the Lightwave mesh to the Blender one. While this is way less time consuming than rebuilding stuff, I still have some work to do, such as getting rid of all of those unnecessary triangles I created for export. Of course, I have to be sure to leave the ones that I need there to fix things like nonplanar faces.

    The ship now has impulse engines, some nacelle details and a navigational deflector.


    Figuring out how to do the fraggin' gradient on the impulse engine was more fun than should be legal. :eyeroll: But, I got it:


    I had achieved this look using a gradient in Lightwave, so I needed to figure out how to do it in Blender.
  • Star Trek Models

    Looking at it more, I just don't know if it's worth actually saving this old Equinox mesh or not. I mean, some parts can probably be used, but the parts I've already rebuilt in Blender are definitely better off for it. Just looking at how I did the windows on that mesh:


    Versus how I did them on the Enterprise:


    The Equinox's windows go straight in and have hard edges, while I did some edge rounding on the Enterprise's windows. That's why I was OK importing the Enterprise into Blender, I did a lot of things how I do them now, not how I did them a decade ago. Though, some things like the navigational deflector will probably be good to go. Possibly the impulse engines and some of the warp engine details too.
  • backstept's Shipyards - Various WIPs

    High Dynamic Range Image - most commonly used in 3d apps to provide environment and lighting. I don't have any lights in the scene, it's all baked into the HDRI