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3DDerelict ships



  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Added some more 'crescents' (the drive and power systems) docking ports, and window groups (the round ones are for the party room) and a landing shuttle.

    build1129x_thumb.jpg build1129x1_thumb.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    Looking good. It's an interesting design. It reminds me of a sea creature.
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    I think it's done enough.

    build1201x_thumb.jpg build1201x1_thumb.jpg build1201x2_thumb.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    It looks done to me. ;) I really like it, it looks alien.
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Tag: 0000 022124-1817230
    Type: Automated Blockade Ship
    Status: Operational
    Location: 4th moon Edistiri Obelise Alpha
    Orion 00101-0003070.17
    Culture: Borniss
    Est. Age: 162 thousand years
    Size: 320m
    Nickname: Cornerstone

  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Started on some missile emplacements and energy weapons.

  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Added a few weapons and things.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    That looks really good so far. :)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    being a blockade ship will this be particularly mobile or just sit in orbit around the planet it is blockading? as yet i don't have any opinions on this design.
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    The Cornerstone (Should have been cobblestone) is meant to be one of several positioned in orbit, meant to pick off anything trying to achieve orbit from the planet, or move into orbit from beyond the planet. I don't have much of an opinion on it yet, either.

    At present I'm moving back and forth between my normal software. and some other beta software, on two different computers. So for a while, I'll be working on two at a time.

    Tag: 0000 4110876-2017220
    Type: escort ship
    Status: museum piece
    Location: The Museum of the Great Inter-Collegium War
    (Orion 060.10-08542.11)
    Culture: Principle
    Est. Age: 63 million years
    Size: 318m
    Nickname: Nagaringan kapal

    build1214x_thumb.jpg build1214x1_thumb.jpg
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    More stuff.

    build1217aa_thumb.jpg build1217aa1_thumb.jpg build1217aa2_thumb.jpg
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Stuff. Things. And the like.

    build1226a_thumb.jpg build1226a1_thumb.jpg
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member

    Tag: 0000 073288-1007077
    Type: pseudolife starship / cargo hauler
    Status: asleep
    Location: Realm of Blessed Light
    (Sagitarius 919.22-03744.07)
    Culture: Biur
    Est. Age: 1600 years
    Size: 468m
    Nickname: Fleuron

  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Two directions I'm considering. The bottom one looks almost familiar.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    That's really interesting so far. Very organic looking. The previous two are good too. :)
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Worked on the engines, and added some color.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Worked on the engines, and added some color.

    engines remind me of unguided rocket pods on russian cold war fighters.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    They remind me of rocket launchers too. Very cool. It looks like they could be a combination engine/RCS thruster.
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Yeah, I noticed that while I was making it. I thought of changing it, but left it.

    Worked on the front.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nice work. :)
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Removed some of the straight lines.

    build0106xxD1_thumb.jpg build0106xxD2_thumb.jpg build0106xxD3_thumb.jpg

    Next: Another old one:

    Tag: 0000 041488-3017070
    Type: heavy fighter
    Status: abandoned
    Location: Canisgate Tertiatus
    (Orion 101.82-03113.02)
    Culture: Arising
    Est. Age: 720 years
    Size: 120m
    Nickname: Battalia

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    Yeah, who needs straight lines? ;) It came out great. The next one looks cool too.
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Starting on the basic shape.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    Nice start.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Next: Another old one:

    Tag: 0000 041488-3017070
    Type: heavy fighter
    Status: abandoned
    Location: Canisgate Tertiatus
    (Orion 101.82-03113.02)
    Culture: Arising
    Est. Age: 720 years
    Size: 120m
    Nickname: Battalia

    looks a very good starting pint, could turn out to be one of your best works yet. if it's not too late to say i would ask have you considered making the wings able to raise like on a klingon BOP, then you could have shorter landing gear which would be easier to fit into the hull when it folds up. your basic shape is working nicely, perhaps on this one try using shapes which look like the sort of thing humans would build. your designs that do that always come out better than the really alien ones.

    p.s. other than your rocket pod style engines i am no fan of the last one, sorry.
  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    This ship mostly stays in space, in a cradle, or docked, rarely landing. The front gear is mostly a 'just in case' type thing, and when stowed remains external. The wings are fixed because the guns are pretty heavy-duty and have independent reactors, and also serve as two of the landing pads.

  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Started on the guns. I mentioned a while back that I have a hard time getting guns to look right.

  • rojrenrojren2424 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,995Member
    Worked on the guns.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Worked on the guns.


    this is turning otu to be one of your best designs. remember, keep the shape "human" without any unusual super-complex curves. it looks a bit like a klingon bird of prey, which is cool, however i do think that some of the curves on the guns are becoming a little bit too alien, where you have two tubes acting as pylons for each of the forward spikes(these tubes intersect the rearward ends of the gun spike barrels) remove the double tubes and instead have one longer intersecting pylon support. this new one can be a little shorter and narrower so that it can be terminated inside the barrel rather than poking out of the other end in such an untidy way. or use some truss work as the support with some much narrower tubes in the centre of the scaffold. for more detail try either some rectangles(perhaps curved corners or maybe plain ones) slightly inset into the hull and maybe some small vents. i don't know if textures can be applied in your software but as i said before even a simple seamless tiled one would be an immense boost to the model's appearance.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804599 Posts: 11,184Member
    I like it. Are the guns lasers or do they have ammunition? The only thing worrying me is the amount of space required for ammo, if they have ammo. If they're lasers, that would be fine as we don't know what kind of tech was used to build the laser and power generators.
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