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3DDerelict ships



  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    AutoCAD. It uses meshes and/or surfaces and/or solids.

    I'm mostly learning AutoCAD 3D as I go, (In 2D I can make it stand on it's hind legs and beg.) and mostly work with solids.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Still fiddling around with some ideas.

  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    More fiddling.

  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Cut out the dome frames, and glass for the big and mid-size domes. Also playing with pastels.

    Not sure how I'll do the landscapes. There's some AutoCAD 3-D foliage blocks I may look at.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    It's starting to look like something. (I literally didn't know what to make of it before) It's definitely a very interesting way of doing an agricultural ship.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Playing with landscape methods.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    I love the crop circles. :D
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Thanks. I thought that would be ironic.

    I rebuilt the domes.

  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    I've lost interest in this one.

  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Tag: 0000 255340-1212178
    Type: cruiser
    Status: abandoned
    Location: Caterwaul Corona battlefield
    (Orion 022.90-01412.53)
    Culture: Vaquensis Primus
    Est. Age: 5,500 years
    Size: 420m dia
    Nickname: Cirque


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    It's a shame, that last one was getting really interesting. ;)

    The new one looks great so far, though. :D
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Started on the drive unit (the non-saucer-shaped part).

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    Interesting drive design. :thumb:
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Added hanger doors and engine stuff.


  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Added weapons and some doodads. This thing reminds me of Federation stuff, and the Flying Sub.


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    Those are the things it reminds me of too. I like it, but not because of that. ;)
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Added large window bays, a marking-type thing, and I think that's it.


  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member


    Tag: 0000 010091-0876144
    Type: spacecraft, personnel hauler
    Status: abandoned in low orbit
    Location: Orphanworld 117, Lisle Cluster
    (Orion 021.18-811110.43)
    Culture: Resurgent
    Est. Age: 1800 years
    Size: 620m
    Nickname: Pennon

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    That last one came out great. :thumb:
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    not so keen on the saucer, it seems a little bit too plain, i have however seen proposed reentry vehicles of similar shape. not entirely sure if that new one will look as a model like i imagine it does as a drawing. if i am right...
    you have crew section and a huge radio dish at the front(over on the right) then a neck structure with tubular pods around it. at the rear on the left 4 huge heat radiators each at 90 degrees to the others forming an x shape when viewed from the stern. big engines in the piece of the hull around which those radiators are arranged. the neck seems to be a truss structure of narrow beams rather than a solid hull.

    oh and i noticed the size, have you ever designed any small(10-50 metres) ships or are they all huge in your verse. with some modifications(to the "bridge" region at the right) this could shrink down to 30-50 m very nicely.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Yeah, the saucer could use some details, but most things I added made it look Federation-y. That's one of the reasons I put those huge window bays in the sides... very un-Federation-like.

    There's maybe a couple of smaller craft that I've done. A scout early in this thread, and that space-to-space shuttle. To be honest, I mostly just throw numbers at the descriptions, and occasionally go back and update them. (I have a few smaller ship scribbles in the queue.)

    The general idea I had for the new ship is the dish-thing to the right is the sub-light drive unit along with storage tanks. The rest of the ship is a bit up-in-the-air right now. I'm leaning toward making the 'wings' the trans-light drive units... idea just occurred to me... I hope it works.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Started on the spine.

  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Added sublight drive and tanks.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    COOL! reaaly like the spine, when you get round to it you should detail up the tanks to the same level. is the ring thing at the front the sublight drive(i thought it was for ftl?), it looks very different to the shapes used in the spine region, maybe consider altering the dish into a bridge like in "2001 a space odyssey" or a hanging nose like a d'deridex from star trek. still very nice work.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member

    Added framework and detailing to tanks.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    Nice work. I'm really liking the "practical" look and details on this one so far.
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Worked on the sublight drive.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    if that's the sublight drive i'm starting to wonder which direction this one flies in? great to see the extar detail
  • rojrenrojren2421 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,994Member
    Added a few things to the sublight drive, added the translight drive (the sail looking things), and added the basic shape for the front section, which I've decided to make a detachable lander.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804572 Posts: 11,179Member
    I think this may be your masterpiece. (to date, that is) :D
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