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3D3D WIP for Vir Inter Astrum universe



  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Well, since I have a bit of free time at the end of my work-day... ;)

    "Dual Sun" is a universe, I`ve designed for a single RPG campaign after watching the "Space Odyssey" film (yeah, where Jupiter collapsed and became the second star in the solar system due to some alien obelysk). Well, I`ve used the same idea from somewhat different approach.

    The historical "fork" where "Dual Sun" branches from our universe is somwhere near 1940, when in the said alternative universe, happened the merge of the two star systems. On very close (astronomicaly speaking) relative speeds, our solar system was invaded by a brown dwarf star, with a mass close to critical (about 150 masses of Jupiter). It happened to be captured by the Sun`s gravity and ended roughly on the same orbit as Jupiter. In early 1943, the star absorbed the Jupiter and ignited as a small red dwarf star on ellyptical orbit.

    All planets suffered severe tectonical activity. On Earth, the "volcanic winter" happens, that lasted for 3 years, bringing the World War II to an effective stand still. Mars, that happened to be on the edge of the Sol`s and Jupiter`s (the second star was named after the absorbed planet) gravity, managed to heat enough to re-establish the generation of the magnetic field, stopped eons ago after the collision with a huge asteroid.

    Making long story short - the World War II in that alternative univerce was ended in 1950, with the win of USSR. However, the outcome was different. Same goes for other countries (Canada became the part of USA, USSR grows with Egypt and Iran for example, and so on.) The political leaders of both countries were different from our realitiy, so were the political courses. In 2015, the world was still devided between the superpowers, and that boosted the technological and explorationary progress. For example, BMP-11 was fielded in early 2010, and at that time both USSR and USA have colonies on the Moon and Mars, skientific stations on Venus and Mercury. Terraformation of the Mars started and the expeditions to the Jupiter`s planetary system were planned by both superpowers. Riding on the wave of superpowers rushing forward, other countries also entered the "space age", thou with more humble results.

    Hope, this gives the rough idea of what the setting looks like.

    As for mecha, I`ll make the neck a bit shorter, after I finish the head`s design. The element between the arm and the chest is necessary to allow arm travell forward and backward (you can see the rails) and to move colar bone upward, mimicking the human motion.
  • I.g.(.I.g.(.0 Posts: 0Member
    Moon colonies?
    That's sweet!
    The mecha could be quite slow acting on earth/mars, but on the moon is totally different...
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Current version won`t do any good on the Moon or Mars. It uses diesel engine to generate electricity. No oxygene=no internal combustion engines. Later models, however, use fuel cells, to produce electricity chemicaly, from the components, stored in the bettery itself. They could be adapted for the operation outside of Earth`s atmosphere.

    BTW, MArs is very "light" compared to Earth. Not as much as the Moon, but still...
  • I.g.(.I.g.(.0 Posts: 0Member
    I told you that cause it's some years that the idea of mecha at low gravity is orbiting my head.. as you know I'm always searching for a realistic setting for exciting battles ^^
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    some updates on both head design and arm covers. "clips" on the arm are used for fixation of a weapon or other equipment on arm hardpoint.
  • I.g.(.I.g.(.0 Posts: 0Member
    What kind of weapons did you think at? And how will they be carried?
    Will your mecha just handle big rifles [like the best anime tradition] or will there be various equipments attached around, IE on the shoulders [like Armored Core]?
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Mix of both.

    The only "built in" weapon is a dual 7.62mm PKT chainguns in the "head" of the mecha. Used for last-ditch defence from infantry, or where the other weaponry is deemed an overkill.

    The payload of the other weapons is mission-dependant.

    Typical loadout will be:
    1) KPVT 14.5mm chaingun, redesigned for BMP-11, hand carried as an "assault rifle". On later version could be changed for 12.7mm "Kord"
    2) 2-4 anti-tank guided missiles on left arm hardpoint (have to see how them would fit)
    3) 2 anti-aircraft guided missiles, on the shoulder hardpoint.
    Second shoulder hardpoint is reserved for chaingun`s transportation.

    Anti-armor, ver-1 "assaulter"

    1) 30mm autocannon, based of 2A42, but with much shorter barrel. Hand carried, like assault rifle.
    2) 2-4 anti-tank guided missiles on left arm hardpoint (have to see how them would fit)
    3) 2 anti-aircraft guided missiles, on the shoulder hardpoint.

    Anti-armor, ver-2 "fire support"

    1) 73mm recoilless cannon, something along the line of SPG-9. On the right arm hardpoint.
    2) 2-4 anti-tank guided missiles on left arm hardpoint (have to see how them would fit)
    3) 2 anti-aircraft guided missiles, on the shoulder hardpoint.

    Anti-armor, ver-3 "sniper"

    1) 100mm cannon, based of 2A70 with severe modifications, I think.
    2) 2 anti-aircraft guided missiles, on the shoulder hardpoint.

    Something like this :)
    I`m even thinking about including the "knife" in the typical loadout. Thou, not as a weapon, but as a tool for clearing the path through vegetations and emergency entrenching :D
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Still building the head of the mecha. Detalization mostly.
  • lennier1lennier1919 Posts: 1,287Member
    Just what an updated civilian version of a Patlabor should look like.
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    This is great stuff, I miss 3D been so busy with work cant wait to get back into sketchup!!!
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx for your kind words, both of you :) I`ve been sort of distracted by other projects, but non the less.

    Same universe (Dual Sun), but 1946-1950 year. German E-79 "Panther-III" heavy tank. Yes, that one, from "Panzer front".
    That`s what is done so far. The wheels and torsion system are "borrowed" from "Tiger-2". Wheels are modeled true to original and could be completely disassembled to the last bolt.

  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Update of E-79.
  • EgeriaEgeria61 Posts: 0Member
    nicely detailed tank... also nice to see another sketchup user...
  • I.g.(.I.g.(.0 Posts: 0Member
    isn't too much flat?
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    It is supposed to be that way. That`s a fictional analogue of T-54 made by nazi germany.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Another update on E-79. I`ve added some details to the turret, roughly modeled the internal part of the cannon, fixed minor errors in the tracks position.

  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Here`s another bit of update. Torsions are now 58mm in diameter, like those on kenig tiger, minor updates to the turret and so on. Rendered in twilight renderer.

  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Another little update. Angine, based on 700-hp Maybach (the one from Tiger-2 and Jagdtiger) is sketched. However, I had to "flatten" it a bit. To achieve the same output, I`ve enlongated the motor, adding 4 cylinders (now it is supposed to be 16-cylinder, instead of 12).
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Guess, this counts as necroposting, but since I`m the starter of this tread... Well, I`m still alive, and work on the models is resumed. Here`s a simple render of the same E-79. Model is almost ready. Only the night vision optics, some tools on the back side and anti-cumulative screens are left to do.

  • KhayKhay0 Posts: 0Member called. They want you to stop putting their work on World of Tanks models to shame.
    It looks wonderful. I want one. I'd give my T-54 for this baby :)
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    haha... no, the "bigworld" engine can`t handle that many poligons. BTW, I have a tread about this tank`s building on the WoT`s forum too.

    I`ve played with more advanced materials a bit. First image is just a test one - there are some funny errors in mat. selection.


    Second is more accurate. Still, there is no "skin" to talk about - everything is done through `kerk`s materials.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Night vision optics added. It is fixed in commander`s hatch for now, but this isn`t too wise in given weather conditions (From minus 40 to minus 60 degrees, night/twilight all year round.). However, I can`t find a way to use this "wundervaffe" remotely and tank is too cramped to use sort of periscope.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Added some more details. Look`s like that`s all for this model.

  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    And a quick render of the mecha from the same universe, but 201*`th year. The shoulder pad design was changed completely, to be "in the same style" as the rest of the mecha.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Same "Dual Sun" universe, 1949 year. Half-made render of IS-7 heavy tank.

  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    Stonecold wrote: »
    Same "Dual Sun" universe, 1949 year. Half-made render of IS-7 heavy tank.


    Hey man

    Do you have any aircraft I can use of yours to populate my helicarrier? I am going to use the navy version of my SA-2 samson but dont have anything fixed wing? You sent me an aircraft last year with folding wings but I deleted it. Do you think I could have it again?

  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    I`ve re-sended you that mail with the bomber, check if the file is still there.
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    No nothing came up?
  • Orion's beltOrion's belt0 Posts: 0Member
    do any of you have bbzwbbzw email ive tried emailing but nothing came up
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