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3Dbackstept's Shipyards - Various WIPs



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    Vortex5972 wrote: »
    John Eaves designed an era appropriate Klingon Battlecruiser for the Enterprise episode "Unexpected." The powers that were didn't like it and instead decided to use the K't'inga CGI model. That model of Klingon Battlecruiser was supposed to have been new in the 2270s, and they decided to put it in a story that took place in the 2150s. So, no, definitely not the brightest bulbs.

    Watch the clip of the NX-01 returning to Earth at the end of the Xindi arc and you can see a Steamrunner. I spotted it earlier today.

    Actually, there are 3 of them. I pulled up the screenshots on Trek Core and, sure enough, they're staring me in the face.
  • Vortex5972Vortex5972337 Posts: 1,215Member
    Damn. So there are.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    Doodled an armored core
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    Nice. It's not a franchise I'm familiar with (beyond a vague knowledge of what it is) but that's some nice work. Your photo integration is great too.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    edited November 2023 #396
    been doing a mishmash of stuff

    A shuttlebay for HunterG's Enterprise
    Post edited by backstept on
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    doodling some more cars
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    Ooh, Porsche 911, one of my favorite cars ever. I like the other car too, I just can't place it. My hat's off to you, I looked at doing cars ages ago in Truespace and I didn't even know where to begin.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    The first car is the Hyundai N Vision 74 concept which is an electric/hydrogen fuel cell hybrid
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    backstept wrote: »
    The first car is the Hyundai N Vision 74 concept which is an electric/hydrogen fuel cell hybrid

    Nice! I'm looking at it on Hyundai's website. I see it's based on a Pony Concept from 1974. The Pony concept reminds me of a DeLorean, which is probably why ever since I saw your model I've been thinking, with some added greebleage, it would make a cool updated Back to the Future time machine.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    backstept wrote: »
    The first car is the Hyundai N Vision 74 concept which is an electric/hydrogen fuel cell hybrid

    it would make a cool updated Back to the Future time machine.
    Now there's an idea!
  • JESJES408 Posts: 196Member
    For some reason, the N Vision 74 has always come off to me as the child of a DeLorean and Japanese sport cars from the 80s.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    made some phaser strips
    lennier1evil_genius_180StarCruiserWarp Propulsion LaboratoryscifiericPreVizRory1707Lizzy777
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    edited November 2023 #404
    doodling around with a '75 Porsche 930
    the one in the auto shop is one I found on sketchfab that I was playing around with a paint shader, and also using it for reference
    The model I'm using for reference is by Karol Miklas
    Post edited by backstept on
    Warp Propulsion LaboratoryscifiericPreVizevil_genius_180StarCruiserMadKoiFishashleytingerRory1707Lizzy777
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    Lizzy777Rory1707evil_genius_180StarCruiserashleytingerwibblescifiericWarp Propulsion LaboratoryCptBenSisko
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    Your work on the Galaxy is drool worthy, but I keep being drawn to that Porsche. That's a beautiful model so far.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    Your work on the Galaxy is drool worthy, but I keep being drawn to that Porsche. That's a beautiful model so far.
    Yeah I'm enjoying working on it! Just to make it clear, the model with the S KM 930 license plate is not my model 😊
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    backstept wrote: »
    Your work on the Galaxy is drool worthy, but I keep being drawn to that Porsche. That's a beautiful model so far.
    Yeah I'm enjoying working on it! Just to make it clear, the model with the S KM 930 license plate is not my model 😊

    I'd like to know the secrets of whoever made that, especially the car paint material.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    For the Galaxy, I decided that it would be easier to array my phasers and escape pods and wrap them around a curve. Last time I tried it I did the escape pods by just copying and rotating. Yeah not doing that again.

    Gonna do the same with the windows this time.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    backstept wrote: »
    Your work on the Galaxy is drool worthy, but I keep being drawn to that Porsche. That's a beautiful model so far.
    Yeah I'm enjoying working on it! Just to make it clear, the model with the S KM 930 license plate is not my model 😊

    I'd like to know the secrets of whoever made that, especially the car paint material.

    Oh the car paint is easy! I was tweaking it a bit. My version is a principled bsdf with a light color, mixed with a darker shade with a layer weight node set to fresnel as the factor. Then a voronoi set to a very high scale with the color plugged into a normal map node for the sparkles. The principled shaders have a low roughness and high metallic and clear coat
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    Here's my car paint node setup
    Gotta be careful with the denoising because it thinks the sparkles are noise. haha
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    That's cool, thanks. No worries for me on denoising, I don't use it.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    got most of the window cutters laid out
    Still need to do the rim windows
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804745 Posts: 11,267Member
    That's going to be one hell of a booleans operation.
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    evil_genius_180trekkiStarCruiserMadKoiFishRory1707publiusrcaveat_imperatorashleytingerwibbleHunter G
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    edited December 2023 #416
    Here's a still from an animation I'm working on with the El Dorado
    still working on post process goodies, so I don't have anything rendered out yet
    Post edited by backstept on
    evil_genius_180ashleytingerLizzy777bloknayrbrojrenRory1707StarCruisertrekkiwibblecaveat_imperatorand 2 others.
  • bloknayrbbloknayrb142 Posts: 44Member
  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    Still gotta work out the bugs in the compositor lens flare nodes. I would pick a frame that had an odd flare in it and render it, then adjust the flare threshold, and repeat. Didn't catch all of them by a long shot. Gotta re do it and do the flares on a different pass.

    Enjoy this first draft!

    ashleytingerStarCruiserLizzy777rojrenRory1707trekkiHunter Gwibbleeagledocf15
  • backsteptbackstept2341 Posts: 969Member
    I'm re-making the Shangri-La in different parts. Made a new saucer, neck, secondary hull, and pylons.
    Also working on the hull shaders.
  • bloknayrbbloknayrb142 Posts: 44Member
    This seems like an odd place to put RCS thrusters:
    But this looks awesome overall.
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