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3DEnterprise Season Five A– NX A‘Toon



  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Small updates :) I started adding shadow maps to the armory and textured the main control panel :


    I also added some details to my other, non-canon ships (maybe we'll use some parts from them to build other ships :rolleyes:)

  • <:K.I.S:><:K.I.S:>0 Posts: 0Member
    Very nice work indeed so will all the ships that you have made on this thread will they all appear at some point or other in the cartoon?

    And going back to your priveous post im surprised that more people havent asked to get invovled.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    <:K.I.S:> wrote: »
    Very nice work indeed so will all the ships that you have made on this thread will they all appear at some point or other in the cartoon?

    And going back to your priveous post im surprised that more people havent asked to get invovled.

    I am only sure that all the "canon" ships will appear in the cartoon. Everything else is one big question because we're still not decided what ships will appear in later episodes. However, if there will be a need for an earth tanker or some other Starfleet vessels, you may see some familiar parts :)
    About the number of people working on the project, we have some people helping out with voices (well they will be helping out once we start recordings) and once we have enough stuff finished to dish out a trailer, we will make a campaign by which we'll try to get more people onboard :D
  • <:K.I.S:><:K.I.S:>0 Posts: 0Member
    sounds like a good plan you have there!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah and if it doesn't work then all the unused ships will appear in Flanker's Starfleet Manual - he will be doing 2D orthos (and maybe MSDs) for canon Enterprise ships and every ship I create.
    It's already late and I'm going to sleep now but before that I must report that I actually started reworking the walls to match the sets that appeared in the show. As you can see below, some of the stuff such as panels and screens can be easily reoriented to match the new configuration.

  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    it looks exactley the same :p
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah it may look the same but it has a different setup (the "sections" are angled differently and are now at correct height) and now it's a single model and not 3 like it was before (which was the main reason why I had to rebuild it - I would have to apply changes to all 3 objects if I altered even one ...
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Sweet, I like the look of that. Both the internal stuff as well as the external. :D
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Heck, i only like the blinking panels. Everything else is *bleh* :D
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Don't worry about the flashy stuff - everything will be in its right place at the right time :D
    Here's a small update to the "wall module" :


    And some non-canon updates :

    H Class ECS ship:


    And a Starfleet shuttle for VIPs - I didn't like the fact that in the show they just retextured the standard pod :p

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Well, what can I say, it all looks wonderful.

    What's the H-class of usage? It looks like some sort of small runner.
    This VIP-shuttle bears resemblance to the Executive-shuttle.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    ^I would almost bet that is intentional :D
    I like that VIP shuttle!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Well, what can I say, it all looks wonderful.

    What's the H-class of usage? It looks like some sort of small runner.
    This VIP-shuttle bears resemblance to the Executive-shuttle.

    Well the H class can connect to a cargo module but on its own it's a ship used for runs to the Jupiter station and repairs.
    Melak wrote: »
    ^I would almost bet that is intentional :D
    I like that VIP shuttle!

    Nope, that's the first time I've seen that shuttle :D I wanted something original ... and at a first sight that ship doesn't seem very attractive to me :D
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Some the H is something like a tug...

    Well, the executive-shuttle looks much like a manta-ray to me...
    I actually like it.
  • JohnnyMuffintopJohnnyMuffintop173 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, now that I like! That executive shuttle looks more functional to me than more trek shuttles do, but then again, most of ENT looks more functional to me.

    The reason they just retextured the standard pod in the show is because it's a TV show, budget and time is a big concern. Hence why that Romulan marauder was a reused Voyager ship. You should consider bring back the Rom marauder, using Flanker's ship designs. :D
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    It didnt look any more functional than my left shoe. Its design, as everything else aboard Ent was utilitarian over all other concerns. They still did a huge deal of stuff totally unnecessary when trying to "de-techify" it so it could take take place before TOS, despite current technology surpassing most of what was done on Ent (aside from the phasers, warp stuff and antimatter) :D
    still, adam does a pretty good job, he only needs to redesign the armory because he accidently scratched some digital paint on the wall, and redo the quarters because he misaligned the doorbell panel by 3/4 of an inch, and the corridors just have to go because the ceiling isnt colored properly; :p and dont get me started on the shuttlebay; dear lord, those ladders arent accurate to the drawings..... :eek:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Hm. You really got the flim-maker job down right... Always bickering but happy in the end.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Oh, now that I like! That executive shuttle looks more functional to me than more trek shuttles do, but then again, most of ENT looks more functional to me.

    The reason they just retextured the standard pod in the show is because it's a TV show, budget and time is a big concern. Hence why that Romulan marauder was a reused Voyager ship. You should consider bring back the Rom marauder, using Flanker's ship designs. :D

    Yeah I was trying to make something a bit similar to the Ent's shuttlepod while making a look that would make it look a bit more exclusive ... this one was actually based on a metro bus (which I use every day to get to school :D). Of course it doesn't look exactly like that but the angled front caught my attention.
    Yeah there were a lot of reused models in Enterprise (Klingons had houses taken from episode "Desert Crossing", the crashed ship in "Oasis" was also in one of the Klingon 3-part story episodes and on top of that it's from Voyager anyway etc etc :p) but that was mostly due to the producer's "taste" - they rejected at least 3 Volcan ships, one Klingon ships and probably many more ...
    I don't know about the Marauder but don't worry - Romulans will get their fair share of ships (I would be surprised if there were less than 5 new vessels)
    It didnt look any more functional than my left shoe. Its design, as everything else aboard Ent was utilitarian over all other concerns. They still did a huge deal of stuff totally unnecessary when trying to "de-techify" it so it could take take place before TOS, despite current technology surpassing most of what was done on Ent (aside from the phasers, warp stuff and antimatter) :D
    still, adam does a pretty good job, he only needs to redesign the armory because he accidently scratched some digital paint on the wall, and redo the quarters because he misaligned the doorbell panel by 3/4 of an inch, and the corridors just have to go because the ceiling isnt colored properly; :p and dont get me started on the shuttlebay; dear lord, those ladders arent accurate to the drawings..... :eek:

    The whole area is inaccurate anyway :flippy: Enterprise was about looking utilitarian so we're going for the same - utility before accuracy :D
    Aresius wrote: »
    Some the H is something like a tug...

    Well, the executive-shuttle looks much like a manta-ray to me...
    I actually like it.

    Yes, I think it could be a tug but I already did a ship for that ... maybe I will make some updates to it today ( the tyg which most of you probably haven't seen)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    The whole area is inaccurate anyway :flippy: Enterprise was about looking utilitarian so we're going for the same - utility before accuracy :D
    *drumroll flourish* Bad-amp-bump ching */drumroll flourish*
    Aresius wrote: »
    Hm. You really got the flim-maker job down right... Always bickering but happy in the end.
    was that addressed to me or somacruz? :D
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    lol, to you...
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Oh ok :D
    Sorry for the late reply but I didn't have anything to show... but now Flanker said that he will help me out with the textures so I can easily focus on the bridge. Here's what I have so far (all of the textures are new because the old ones were just bad)


    More to come really soon !
  • <:K.I.S:><:K.I.S:>0 Posts: 0Member
    Still looking good as ever adam!!!!:thumb:
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    (all of the textures are new because the old ones were just bad)
    As predicted......:shiner:

    ^runs :runs:
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    <:K.I.S:> wrote: »
    Still looking good as ever adam!!!!:thumb:

    I thought it's nicer-looking than before :(

    Nah just joking :p

    Thanks :D
    As predicted......:shiner:

    ^runs :runs:

    Oh come on it's been about 10 months since I got on board so my skills should have gone up a bit :D Just don't be surprised to see a lot of stuff rebuilt and updated. of course I'm not talking about ships that appear in one episode but NX interiors and other popular areas/objects from Klingons/Vulcans/Romulans and such.
    Now if I only could get a new computer with twice as good specs :D
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    Now if I only could get a new computer with twice as good specs :D
    Then you would spend the next 6 months pulling out your hair while doing a complete rebuild of everything you have ever thought about doing for this project. The hanging lamps would get some new designs, and the bridge set would look exactly the same but you would swear it looks 10 times better, etc etc etc....:lol:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Looking forward. ;) :thumb:
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Then you would spend the next 6 months pulling out your hair while doing a complete rebuild of everything you have ever thought about doing for this project. The hanging lamps would get some new designs, and the bridge set would look exactly the same but you would swear it looks 10 times better, etc etc etc....:lol:

    Oh come on I'm not THAT crazy about the details. I will make a comparison shot of the bridge and let you decide whether I did the right move :devil:
    Also I'm 100% sure that I won't be rebuilding any new stuff because my computer isn't prepared for making a lot more detailed stuff ... however the most important thing is that I'm finally happy with the bridge and everything else so it should be clear now :D
    Aresius wrote: »
    Looking forward. ;) :thumb:

    Thanks :D New pics coming this evening.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    I promised a pic and now I will keep my promises :D It still has some bits to be finished but overall I think it's as close to the show set as possible (I think I will even add some more panels to make it just a bit different)


    I'll try to make another demo reel with new images and animations because I have a few of those somewhere on my HD.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Looks like a busy workstation. ;)
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good, though the green things are a little garish. What are those?
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