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3DStar Wars projects thread



  • jedi44jedi440 Posts: 0Member
    Wow it really looks menacing now.Well done mate.
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    not sure about the placement of that top gun but the rest is coming along nicely. the front is giving me kind of a defiant vibe. but it looks great. guessing that is the bridge in the nose section.
  • stonkystonky350 Posts: 489Member
    Looking great!
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Bridge position: barge13.jpg
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, love the way you've gone with the familiar Lambda Shuttle style cockpit area type of shape and then done something completely different with it to bring home the scale of the thing. Nice touch.

  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    only thing i would say is that it would need a flat landing site
  • SamuraiSamurai185 Posts: 408Member
    I think somewhere in this thread Fractal has the "flattening potential landing sites" aspect of this covered. ;)
    "Perfect. Then that's the way it shall be."
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Samurai wrote: »
    I think somewhere in this thread Fractal has the "flattening potential landing sites" aspect of this covered. ;)

    Well Flattening would be the first stage. Letting the area cool would be next. :lol:


    Loving the position of the bridge on the nose there Fractal. Will you be able to fit some At-AT's in there?
  • Nathan RubricNathan Rubric180 GermanyPosts: 159Member

    That thing can even swallow six or eight Y-85 Titan dropships!
  • Wishbone_AshWishbone_Ash327 Posts: 250Member
    I think the bottom of the elevator panel should have a row of small landing legs along each side to account for any minor terrain irregularities. Sort of like the main landing gear of the Antonov AN-225
  • Nathan RubricNathan Rubric180 GermanyPosts: 159Member
    I'm just waiting for the day when Fractal does Kuat Drive Yards.

  • Road WarriorRoad Warrior207 Posts: 815Member
    Ha! Give him time, Crix.:)
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Coming along nicely.
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    I'm just waiting for the day when Fractal does Kuat Drive Yards.


    I think Sponge is Kuat Drive Yards...
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    really interested to see what you do with that big flat surface on the front of the bottom part.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    The Titan's going to become an AT-SP barge. Or at least a variant thereof. This ship probably has double-triple the internal volume of a Titan.

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    underside is looking sexy as hell.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, so you have a shedload of landing gear pads underneath that I gather will all be able to be independently adjusted to compensate for any minor variations in the terrain below as it sets down in an LZ? I gather all the radiator vents are there to cool the powerful motors that extend the boarding ramp/lift the ship above it? Nice bit of design.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    OK, just did a big family move to California, so updates will be sparse while I get organized again. Found time to finish the outer main door:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Awesome, really coming together nicely, interesting details on the door, are those individual doors for each walker in addition to the overall ramp? Or have you just done away with that idea and replaced it with individual doors/ramps?

    Excellent work as ever.

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    ^No, just something to break up the surface. The whole door moves down as one unit still. The hatches on the upper door are separate hatches though, for small repulsorlift and spacetrooper egress, etc.
  • jedi44jedi440 Posts: 0Member
    Clever idea.Coming together beautifully.
  • BarricadeBarricade199 Posts: 181Member
    Fractal, I just spotted your interview in the Art of Star Wars magazine (which I also bought). If I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd been holding out on us with a few of the images in it, like the one on the inside back cover). Also it makes me near giggle (and as a guy, I hate giggling) at the fact, we in this thread got to see a good chunk of those images YEARS prior to anyone else seeing them. And I have to say, knowing this will sound like its pandering to your ego, but: OMG, you're in the same artbook as Ralph Quarrie's work!!


    Just curious, but would the two rectangles on the sides happen to be that can fold down to allow speeder bikes to deploy from above the AT-ATs / AT-SPs?
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Barricade wrote: »
    Fractal, I just spotted your interview in the Art of Star Wars magazine (which I also bought). If I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd been holding out on us with a few of the images in it, like the one on the inside back cover). Also it makes me near giggle (and as a guy, I hate giggling) at the fact, we in this thread got to see a good chunk of those images YEARS prior to anyone else seeing them. And I have to say, knowing this will sound like its pandering to your ego, but: OMG, you're in the same artbook as Ralph Quarrie's work!!


    Just curious, but would the two rectangles on the sides happen to be that can fold down to allow speeder bikes to deploy from above the AT-ATs / AT-SPs?

    It was a pleasant surprise to be featured :) And yeah, hell yes, sharing a book with McQuarrie!

    The hatches on the upper door are separately opening, and yes, it's to let out bikes and stuff like spacetroopers without having to open the big hatch.

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Fantastic level of detailing, ably shows why you got featured. Excellent work.

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    And the exterior is pretty much done:

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member

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