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3DStar Wars projects thread



  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    got to admit it does look too contemporary - tank in a amphibious landing unit
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Pretty much done:
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    Sweet looking tank!
  • MihoshiMihoshi0 Posts: 0Member
    Question? Tank or IFV? Because it looks like you've got a large ramp at the back.

    If it's an IFV, you could do a tank version by removing the aft ramp and taking that (sensor?) dome in the lower front of the hull and replacing it with a limited traverse large caliber (well, for a tank) turbolaser.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member

    Some messing about with a military conversion of the customs corvette:

    Hangar for 2-3 squadrons of fighters. More accommodation and command space for added crew, removed the docking port at bottom, slightly revamped armament.
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    awesome stuff. not sure about those two small wing flaps on the front though.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    I like it. Makes sense too that they'd look at re-purposing some of their hardware as the shape of the war changes, but being the Empire and the massive resources they'd have available, surely they'd just build new ships? Though I guess this could just be a different configuration for this ship model.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    MAVr A7 Broadsword-class Repulsortank gallery:
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    I like it. Makes sense too that they'd look at re-purposing some of their hardware as the shape of the war changes, but being the Empire and the massive resources they'd have available, surely they'd just build new ships? Though I guess this could just be a different configuration for this ship model.

    I'd think of it more as a development of the basic design, rather than an actual refit.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Haven't checked the thread for more than half a year and now got a couple of dozens pages to check, that's perfect. Good to see you back Fractal. :)

    Awesome work as always.:thumb:
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    ^Welcome back!

    Pretty much done with this:
  • stephan_skastephan_ska171 Posts: 0Member
    I really love your work !!
    Thank you for sharing it !!

    Best regards, Stephan
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Gallery's up:
  • StarriggerStarrigger476 Posts: 702Member
    Wow! This stuff just makes me wonder if I'll ever be "That" good....

    you give me something to shoot for, thanks.
    Come on over to my place CGI Worlds
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    The turbolaser turret just fit, with sawn off barrels and some component shrinking.


    Also, bonus extra renders for Allegiance:
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Its reactor has got enough capacity to run a turbolaser? The ship seems to be too small for that.

    My personal favorite is the Allegiance-class so big thanks for the new renders!
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    emp3ror86 wrote: »
    Its reactor has got enough capacity to run a turbolaser? The ship seems to be too small for that.

    My personal favorite is the Allegiance-class so big thanks for the new renders!

    A good question, and the answer is probably no, it doesn't really have the capacity for it (thanks, EU) :P

    Small ship powerplants are very difficult to judge, especially since they are often combined reactor/engine units. Furthermore, it seems like the proportional relationship between reactor volume and power starts to break down a bit as you get into smaller ships. I don't know when it happens, but around corvette range seems to be it.

    This is definitely a smaller turbolaser than the mounts on the Intersector or Customs corvette, so that helps. Rate of fire and range would also be much lower. It would be more powerful per shot than almost any fighter gun, being still near megaton range per shot, but would not fire like the installations on the bigger ships. I see it more as a deterrence weapon in melee or as a strafing gun. Also on the debit side would be this ship dedicating more internal volume to reactor than the lambda.

    So, it could run it, but not as efficiently as a ship like an Intersector, and probably in bursts, rather than sustained fire.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    This is another ship design I'm not that fond of, but yet again your interpretation of this vessel might just force me to reconsider that position by the time you're done. Nice work.

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    This is another ship design I'm not that fond of, but yet again your interpretation of this vessel might just force me to reconsider that position by the time you're done. Nice work.


    If I had a nickel every time I heard that...:P
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    If I had a nickel every time I heard that...:P

    I also wanted to post the same thing Talon_UK did but I thought you have read it enough. :D

    I am more than eager to see your LAAT/i finished! And have you thought about making a Turbulent-class?
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member


  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    You guys are all over there drooling over his ships and I'm just like "when are we going to see him build HK-47?" :D
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • YIIMMYIIMM179 Posts: 96Member
    I particularly like the lack of purple-on-white camouflage scheme.
  • DCBDCB331 Posts: 0Member
    oldmangreg wrote: »
    You guys are all over there drooling over his ships and I'm just like "when are we going to see him build HK-47?" :D

    I think HK would really appreciate a couple of turbolaser batteries to enhance his assassination protocol.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    This one finally got rendered properly:

    Naming it Consolidator-class Corps Assault Carrier:
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