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3DStar Wars projects thread



  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Nice, manly version of the Acclamator-class.:thumb:

    Could you give some info on length, armament and reactor output?:) I suppose it has got a smaller reactor than an Imperial-class.

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Almost done:

    The Consolidator is ~1.8km long. Reactor power is near ISD level, but more for shielding rather than weapons. Weapons are 3x720-teraton single heavy turbolasers for bombardment, and something like 176 Acclamator-scale medium turbolasers.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent, I'm still not totally sold on the slightly clunky original source design which is highlighted by your shots of it side by side with the much more elegant looking Lambda, but if that isn't the best damned looking interpretation of a Delta Escort Shuttle then I don't know what is. Awesome work.

  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Seconded. I would be interested seeing it with the purple camo scheme. :D
    Are there missile launch tubes on it?
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    emp3ror86 wrote: »
    Seconded. I would be interested seeing it with the purple camo scheme. :D
    Are there missile launch tubes on it?

    Heh, the only way the original could have looked any more ridiculous would have been if they'd covered it in pink polka dots.


    Now Fractal, surely it is time you tackled a Sentinel? I'm pretty sure you haven't done one yet, unless you have and I somehow missed it already? Would love to see your take on that design.
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    I have a better idea. ;)
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    awesome side by side
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    emp3ror86 wrote: »
    I have a better idea. ;)

    Pretty sure I'd rather 3d print that and eat it rather than model it...

    I think the Sentinel is quite far off in the future. The Chi was pretty close in style already and I think there needs to be some other stuff first :)
  • YIIMMYIIMM179 Posts: 96Member
    Pretty sure I'd rather 3d print that and eat it rather than model it...

    I think the Sentinel is quite far off in the future. The Chi was pretty close in style already and I think there needs to be some other stuff first :)

    Personally I'd really love to see how you'd do the other angles of the Nebula and Endurance, they're collectively one of my favourite EU designs.
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Pretty sure I'd rather 3d print that and eat it rather than model it...

    Well, whatever you do, I am sure it will be great and we will love it.:)

    The Endurance in the Essential Guide of Warfare is also your model?

    I apologize for the small hijack but as I was lurking on deviantart the other day, I came across something that blew my mind:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    I think the Sentinel is quite far off in the future. The Chi was pretty close in style already and I think there needs to be some other stuff first :)

    True enough, That thing is like a Sentinel on some serious steroids. I think that is what got me thinking of it and had me eager to see what you'd do with the real deal.

    Well either way, I'll as always look forward to seeing what you tackle next.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Been working on a commissioned ship lately, the Vindicator frigate (baseline hull for the Immobilizer):

  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
    looks awesome. love how you took those pieces you made and formed shield generators. the long barrel cannon look looks really interesting and new. not sure about the antennas sticking off the front though. cant wait to see the back
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    are you allowed to say who commissioned it?
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    So you're basically making an Interdictor without the gravity well generators? Interesting, what is the idea behind it? Fleet function etc?
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    its an odd concept - interdictor is such a specialised ability and has such high demands of a ship that it seems hard to credit the design wasn't custom from the ground up
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    It's a private client, who's also interested in Mandalorian ships, so you might be seeing some of those down the line.

    The background EU has the Immobilizer being derived from the Vindicator hull, which itself was supposed to be a replacement for the Dreadnaught, which was largely used in second line roles.

    In my design notes, I peg the Vindicator as a sector defense utility design. Of the frigates, I'd say:

    Acclamator II/Rand Ecliptic - high-end generalist heavy frigate, 3700g+ acceleration, about 1/10th ISD weapon power, 4-6 squadrons, 2-3 battalions troops
    Eidolon - large generalist medium frigate, 3500g+ acceleration
    Vindicator - large utility design, for Sector group duties, less for the fleet, 3000g, about 1/15th ISD weapon power, 2-4 squadrons, 1 battalion
    Gladiator/Demolisher - medium carrier/frigate, slower, about same weapons as Vindicator, but 4-6 squadrons, 1-2 battalions
    Fulgor - specialist fast medium frigate - 4200g, heavy MTL only, 1-2 squadrons, 2 companies
    Kontos - generalist fleet medium type - 3700g, MTL only, 2-3 squadrons, 1 battalion
    Strike - lower end modular medium type - acceleration who knows, MTL only 1-3 squadrons, 1 battalion

    As such, it should be able to carry some troops and some fighters, and be efficient in a way the notoriously crew-intensive Dreadnaught never was, but it's not likely to have Fulgor engine or Acclamator II overall performance. Does mount genuine heavy turbolasers, same gun as ISDII, but only 4 of them, those being backed up by 11 quad mediums.

    Space for ~4-5 light fighter squadrons, or 2 heavy squadrons (Defender/Scimitar), or 1 assault gunboat and 1 light squadron. Flexibility to dock many types of ship is important away from the fleet. Room for Escort shuttles, single Lambda, selection of light dropships and transports. Probably typical carriage would be 1 flight of assault gunboats and 2 light squadrons. Flank hangar bays room for racked light fighters in 2 levels, or Defender/Gunboat in one level. Aft aperture just big enough to take a Lambda (the prestige personnel transport), as well as Escort shuttles. Front aperture for transports and dropships.

    Troops - tactically, would be battalion, since that's typically the smallest independent ground force unit. 1 company in repulsorlift, 1 company light armor (Sabre, or scout/medium walker mix), 1 company leg infantry for ship duties, 1 company scouts and light infantry (speeder bikes).
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    As for Immobilizer, it was supposed to be built on the Vindicator hull. Probably not the best choice, given that the grav well generators are power hogs and the Vindicator is not a particularly energy dense design, hence the delay in activation after hyperdrive use. My personal headcanon is that SFS was deep in the project and got it diverted to one of their hulls for first deployment.

    Certainly the ISD-based Dominator would have had much better grav well performance, not least because those generators are 10 times the size of the ones on the Immobilizer.
  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Speaking of interdictors, why isn't your Dominator model is up on your page Fractal? It would be good to see it.

    Will we get to see point defense weaponry on the Vindicator?
    Thanks for the technical write-up. Have you thought about sharing that info on your page in the model gallery?

    I have always wanted to see a properly modeled Vindicator-class, especially with armament so pass on my thanks to your client please. :)
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    emp3ror86 wrote: »
    Speaking of interdictors, why isn't your Dominator model is up on your page Fractal? It would be good to see it.

    Will we get to see point defense weaponry on the Vindicator?
    Thanks for the technical write-up. Have you thought about sharing that info on your page in the model gallery?

    I have always wanted to see a properly modeled Vindicator-class, especially with armament so pass on my thanks to your client please. :)

    20 LTL (10 twin) for point defense.

    Vindicator pretty much done:
  • grifxogrifxo0 Posts: 0Member
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Loving this, I'm particularly liking your interpretation of that flatter conning tower, it is a detail that has always looked a bit ropey in orthographic illustrations of this ship, so it is good to finally see a good detailed rendering of the thing.

    Talking of orthos, it would also be nice to see scaled side view of this and some of your other recent cap ships compared to a standard ISD to see comparative scales. You're definitely putting together a very cool and varied collection of Imperial capital ships to complement the good old trusty ISD.

  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Some recent renders of Wrath and Secutor. I realized I never even added windows to the Secutor!

  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Something felt really odd with the Secutor, now I know what it was. Looks great!
    Do you have information on her fighter complement
  • TanzTanz0 Posts: 0Member
    Some recent renders of Wrath and Secutor. I realized I never even added windows to the Secutor!


    With the new movies coming many of my coworkers are so hyped. I just sent them all links to your site, and they were blown away with your work. I really cant wait to see what else you come out with :thumb:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Two cracking designs, the Wrath really gives you that feel of classic Imperial Naval excess, almost making the Executor look conservative by comparison. How long is it compared to that ship?

    The Secutor I like less, despite loving a lot of the details in there, and the fact that it is so different to more standard ISD designs (particularly love the densely detailed hangar areas), If I was to put my finger on it I think what throws me is how far forward the conning tower and command decks are, I think if they were further back I'd like it more, it is like that for me was one design departure too many amongst all the others and lost it for me.
  • fractalspongefractalsponge254 Posts: 1,088Member
    Look what I just finished:

  • emp3ror86emp3ror86171 Posts: 0Member
    Oh what a beauty.:cool:
  • stonkystonky350 Posts: 489Member
    It looks good but it needs more detail...said no one, ever. :)

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