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3DShips of the Federation Civil War



  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Looks perfect no matter how I look at it :D I really can't wait to see what will you do with the rest of the ships !
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    nice work.
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    An excellent job all round. :)
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Not really an update I have have finalized the names of the first five Soval class ships.
    I made a few changes to this one.
    He was the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth for many years in the early days of Earth-Vulcan relations. He originally fought to restrain Earth from sending ships deep into space but eventually changed his opinions before the formation of the United Federation of Planets. He was severely injured in the bombing of the Earth embassy on Vulcan, being saved through the sacrifice of Admiral Forrest.
    Minister Kuvak was a member of the Vulcan High Command prior to its dissolution in 2154. When Jonathan Archer and T'Pau presented the Kir'Shara to the High Command, and accused Administrator V'Las of framing the Syrannites for the Earth embassy bombing, Kuvak incapacitated V'Las and ordered the invasion forces headed for Andor to withdraw. Following the removal of V'Las from office and the dissolution of the High Command, Kuvak assumed an important role in the new Vulcan government and promised a less supervisory role in Vulcan's future relations with Earth.
    T'Pol mentioned that he was the first Ambassador to Earth.
    The most beloved and respected of all Vulcans who ever lived. He was the founder of modern Vulcan philosophy. He instigated The Great Reform, which put an end to millennia of warfare. He was murdered during a peace mission but his work continued past his death. His ideals of logic and IDIC remain foundations of Vulcan society. His Katric Ark was found in 2137 and, in 2154, his katra was transferred to the Hall of Knowledge for all Vulcans to have access to.
    One of the most respected women in Vulcan history, a skilled high priestess and politician. She participated in Vulcan affairs much of her life. She was the only Vulcan to have turned down a seat on the Federation Council. She was a descendant of Surak, the grandmother of Sarek, and great-grandmother of Sybok and Spock. She lived well over 200 years but her actual age at death is apparently unknown.
    This information comes from here Vulcan Language InstituteAR - Famous Vulcans so don't hang me if any of it is wrong.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Sweet work, but I'd suggest thatz every ship has it's own motto.
    For instance the Surak: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    It's been mentioned by others that each ship should hava a quote. Feels like a pain in the ass but I'll se what I can do.
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    XFozzboute wrote: »
    It's been mentioned by others that each ship should hava a quote. Feels like a pain in the ass but I'll se what I can do.

    Ok I have one for T'Pau
    "You'll no longer have us looking over your shoulder. It's time for Earth to stand on it's own."
    And one for Surak
    "Logic has not won this day. But this day will not last forever."
    Solkar will be the hardest since he's never been seen or heard.
  • Genex-X1Genex-X10 Posts: 0Member
    Solkar: 'If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all'
    The plates look nice and awesome job on the bajoran ship :thumb:
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    That's actually not to bad. I was watching the Godfather and I thought of maybe.
    "I made them an offer they couldn't refuse.":lol:
    Actually I just found a quote by Aristotle that works.
    "Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit."
  • Agent VesagoAgent Vesago0 Posts: 0Member
    Now this is a blast from the past.

    Looking good there duder.
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Thank you.

    Back to the Cardie ship.
    Just a few details and the base color.
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    I think I've finished the spikes at the back of the ship.
    I also added two aft torpedoe launchers to the lower spikes.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work, but it's IMHO too bright.
  • kborakkborak1 Posts: 0Member
    Wow the Opaka came out flipping awsome. Great work. Its nice to see some color on the Cardi ship as well. Your helping feel my inner treky!
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Nice work, but it's IMHO too bright.
    It's just the base color right now. I'm useing the same one that Martocticvs has on his Galor class ship. By the time I'm done with it I don't think it will be too bright.
    Wow the Opaka came out flipping awsome. Great work. Its nice to see some color on the Cardi ship as well. Your helping feel my inner treky!
    Well don't feel him for too long. He bruises easily.:devil:
  • Monkey BoyMonkey Boy0 Posts: 0Member
    XFozzboute wrote: »
    Well don't feel him for too long. He bruises easily.:devil:

    Evil! Also ya momma always told you that you could go blind for doing too much of that! :nono:

    Hope your inner treky isn't likea Gizmo from gremlins - don't feel him after midnight! :D
  • tobiantobian226 Posts: 1,600Member
    Nice detailing on those back fins, very reminiscent of the infil detail of DS9's outer ring, which of course is Cardassian :D
  • ViperViper1690 Posts: 717Administrator
    This is one of the best WIP threads I've seen here for a while :) Keep it up man. Loving the stuff so far.
  • kborakkborak1 Posts: 0Member
    ok I am paying more attention to my post before I submit it next time, and monkey I tend to keep it before midnight lol!
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Viper wrote: »
    This is one of the best WIP threads I've seen here for a while :) Keep it up man. Loving the stuff so far.
    Thank you.

    Added panel lines to the, wings I guess I would call them.:confused:
    I also added impulse engines.
    I have also added an airlock. It's loosely based on the ones used on DS9. I plan on placing another one up front some where.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Looking great there Fozz. Some excellent work in this thread so far. :thumb:

    Looking forward to updates!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Nice model so far :thumb: The details are really sweet. Are you going to do a rusty/dirty texture for this one like you did for your earlier model ? (the brown one, I don't know what race it belongs to)
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Yeah I plan on dirtying it up. Not as much as the bajoran ship but she will get roughed up.
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    The build of the Impulse engine is done.
    I've started to play with an idea of doing a Keldon type varient of the ship.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Rob - Apologies if this has already been answered earlier in the thread, but where is that design from? Is it from Birth of the Federation?
  • XFozzbouteXFozzboute654 Posts: 1,627Member
    Not a problem.
    It's based on an old design by Rutger Warrink.
    I don't even know what Birth of the Federation is.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    It's a 1990's game from Micropose. Verry cool, IMHO.

    But to be honest, I think the Keldon-box there does not really fit the ship.
  • EBOLIIEBOLII205 Posts: 362Member
    I flows with the boxy Cardassian design
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    So far right, but I think the ship does not need it.
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Let him detail the thing before you make a judgment. It's still a roughed-out box. :)
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