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AnimationStar Trek: Retribution



  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Formally requesting Tnpir4002's permission to add "Retribution" to "Star Trek: New Worlds"'s website.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    your episodes suck all it is is talking talkng talking the caracters hardly have any action there is no fighting its dull and just chatter boringggggggg
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Hellsgate: permission granted, but only link to the larger clip of the three scenes if you don't mind :)
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »

    I'm only going to post a few more of these preview clips before things really kick off. At that point I may want to consult with several of you (homerpalooza especially since you volunteered!) regarding how the rest of the movie plays out.

    Everyone put your thinking caps on :)

    I've noticed there has been a definite improvement in characters walking abilities, it looks more fluid and smoother now, although after 4 years of Spectre you should be a pro on animated walking by now :P

    The admiral's Uniform looks really good, well done
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-Timelord: glad you noticed :) It's still not perfect, which is why whenever possible you won't see their feet when they're walking.

    @colbmista: I share previous opinions that your lack of punctuation and capitol letters blunts my ability to take you seriously, and the substance of your most recent comment (such as it is) doesn't help your case. If you think my work "sucks," as you so eloquently put it, why do you continue to watch?

    If all you want is action and fighting, there are three Starship Troopers movies for you--Trek isn't just about that, and based on your age you're old enough to know that. My stories tend to be character-driven, much as the best TNG offerings were, and if that's not good enough for you, rather than continually insult someone else and their hard work, I encourage you to make your own fan film whose plot emphasizes those elements you like best.

    Whatever you decide, know that from this point forward, I've placed you on my Ignore list and as such, your posts will no longer reach my eyes. You've insulted me and my work twice now, and I think that's quite enough.
  • ClayClay0 Posts: 17Member
    @Colbmista-Come on man, this is supposed to be a friendly forum, while constructive criticism is welcome comment that are blatantly trolling for flames are not. If you do not have anything constructive to add please refrain from posting. If you continue this behavior an infraction will be issued, fair warning.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Whatever you decide, know that from this point forward, I've placed you on my Ignore list and as such, your posts will no longer reach my eyes. You've insulted me and my work twice now, and I think that's quite enough.

    this guy is the first person to be added to my ignore list :)

    Ill watch the clip and help where i can. So are you putting any Remans in this movie?

    *runs* :lol:
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Homer: thankfully there will be no Remans in Retribution. I'm not going to refute their existence, but it seemed like they came out of nowhere for Nemesis. Admittedly the Son'a got the same treatment in Insurrection, but at least there it was done in what I could consider a "proper" manner. (Besides, I couldn't even if I wanted to--no Reman head morphs have surfaced!)

    I've been very curious about the uniforms you said you were going to be working on, have you made any progress?
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    Progress? Thats what the weekend is for :p. i'm gonna try and play with darryls bump map in photoshop, otherwise ill take a crack at drawing my own. Thats all, im not going to rework the uniforms, i dont have that kind of time anymore :(
  • F9thCenturusF9thCenturus331 Posts: 5Member
    Already I'm intrigued by the surprises Retribution has to offer. :-D
  • bryguy78bryguy780 Posts: 0Member
    Am I imagining things, or did the bridge set of the Fitzgerald change a couple of times mid-scene?
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    I can't believe you actually put that "Federation ship with Romulan upgrades" lines in there. Funny.

    Oh and I believe that colbmista guy was talking about Hellsgate, not you tnpir.
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • BuckaroohawkBuckaroohawk2 Posts: 0Member
    oldmangreg wrote: »
    Oh and I believe that colbmista guy was talking about Hellsgate, not you tnpir.

    No, he was attacking tnpir. He'd started his tirade earlier in this thread. I reported his most recent post to the site admins. I have a feeling he'll be appearing on many member's "Ignore" lists.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @bryguy: not imagining things :) To speed production on these preview clips, I'm re-using material from Specter for right now wherever possible. Eventually all that will get replaced with new background plates of the current bridge. (FYI, you're seeing three different versions of the bridge set: the original one which I made for Specter; the modified version seen at the end of Specter; and a "condition blue" version of the current bridge set.)

    @oldmangreg: Prentice was originally going to say something else there that was also kind of dry and glib, but when I saw a viewer had left that as a comment, it was too perfect (it fits Prentice's personality as I've envisioned it magnificently). I'm not averse to incorporating a good idea, even if I'm not the one who had it :)

    And for the record, yes, colbmista was attacking me. He's posted a total of three times in this thread, first ridiculing my (for the moment) lack of a diverse voice cast, then calling me lazy when I explained why I'm doing it that way, and finally just saying the Retribution "sucks" so far, in his words because it hasn't had any real action.

    (In point of fact, a battle sequence between the Romulans and the Fitzgerald was supposed to open the film, but it got dropped because it would've been hell to produce.)

    *And, in case anyone's wondering, colbmista's post in which he called me "lazy" was the reason I put the "constructive criticism / feedback only" rule in place.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    i flagged his post for the mod. it was clearly abuse and unhelpful.

    btw, you need a proper voice cast :p *ducks*
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homer: don't make me pull out my megaphone on you :-p No voices until the end credits!

    (And believe me, you weren't the only one who flagged it!)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    (But seriously folks...ENOUGH about the voice voiceovers other than my own will be recorded until after the end credits roll)
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    What about beards? You need a character sporting a Riker like beard :p
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-Timelord: is there no pleasing this fan base? Find me a beard prop for P4 males and I'll consider using it.
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    is there no pleasing this fan base? Find me a beard prop for P4 males and I'll consider using it.

    Was only trying to lighten the mood...

    but out of curiosity there is a few on the net

    none free though
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-Timelord: didn't mean to come across impatiently!

    Last time I looked for one was when I wanted to do that Klingon scene in Specter, but the only one I could find looked...well, so bad it was horrible! Most of them are as you discovered, for Michael and not for the older P4 male. I know, I know, the low-res figures I'm using limit the options, but the alternative would take too long to render.
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    Just finished Specter. Can't await this one.
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Mr. Colbmista: I appreciate where you're coming from...but, in Trek, you have to genuinely appreciate that Starfleet isn't the Alpha Quadrant's LAPD.

    The majority of the Alpha & Beta Quadrants have just survived the Dominion War, everyone's licking their wounds, icing their bruises and rebuilding. Now's not the time to be pissing on the Klingon's rose-bushes or getting caught on recordings via Tzinkethi or Cardassian subspace telescopes, ambushing remaining Romulan ships and ripping off cloaking devices for whatever Starfleet Security's reasons.

    Going in, all phasers firing/torpedos away would give the Borg, the Hur'q of "Star Trek: Invasion", and anyone else (including The Dominion,) just the reason they need to come hurtling through the wormhole after a long enough shore leave to re-load, perhaps as a tag-team. In other words, Don't poop where you eat. Don't give the enemy's version of the Federation News Service understandable reason to perceive ~YOU~ (rather than Intended Villain Brayon Garr of "Star Trek: Specter Of The Past",) as the chief dickhead in this situation.

    These guys all signed treaties of non-aggression with one another prior to or at the signing of the Treaty Of Bajor. It isn't a good idea to provoke the Romulans into (very possibly) calling in their markers according to these non-aggression treaties.

    In the meantime, I (as much as any other fan,) prefer to see a good Picard/Crusher-style romance/sub-plot, "the-road-not-taken", comedy/satire, or suspense stories played out in fan productions. Perhaps a cameo appearance of a DS9/VOY/TNG character or a kitbashed bridge aboard a never-before-seen freighter, Museum Fleet / Frankenstein Fleet vessel from time to time.

    All I can do is hope Mr. Bridges names one of his characters (even if he's a redshirt/engineering technician that gets sucked out of a hull-breach,) after me. (Jason Hauck.)

    Lastly, a clip of "Retribution" has been added to "Star Trek: New Worlds".
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    i have a right to my opinion and his storys suck beacuse there are for to much chatting in the stories and it sucks even more beacuase he casts him self as every single character which brings the quality of the series to a 1/10 rating
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    i have a right to my opinion and his storys suck beacuse there are for to much chatting in the stories and it sucks even more beacuase he casts him self as every single character which brings the quality of the series to a 1/10 rating

    Yes you do have a right to your opinion but a good educated one would be nice instead of saying it sucks all through out your posts. I have a question for you colbmista. Have ya ever did a large project like this? Maybe you don't know anything about writing stories. If you have I would love to see it to make a comparison to what the good Mr. Bridges has been doing to see if you can do better. If you have some good ideas point it out, would love to hear them.

    Anyways Tnpir keep on writing and rendering. The positives out weigh the negatives. :thumb:
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla797 HelsinkiPosts: 2,868Administrator
    colbmista wrote: »
    i have a right to my opinion and his storys suck beacuse there are for to much chatting in the stories and it sucks even more beacuase he casts him self as every single character which brings the quality of the series to a 1/10 rating

    Sure you do. And every artist that posts their work on this here site has a right to receive constructive criticism for their work, which overriders your little right to your precious little opinion every single time you fail at basic manners. Opinions are cheap. Everyone has them. If you can't string together yours in a remotely civil fashion, you're encouraged to take them somewhere else. I'm sure everyone around here will miss your precious opinions for a while, but I'm also certain we will learn to live without them eventually.
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  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    My guess is colbmista's number of Ignores just went up. In any case, stfanboy and Guerilla are exactly right.

    I'm uploading a new compilation clip right now, which includes the complete Scene 4, which has the full departure sequence. The plan from here:
    -a quick crew briefing scene with Reyf where he fills in some of the blanks
    -Reyf gets a visit by a ghost in his quarters
    -a scene between Reyf and Mitchell in Engineering
    -arrival at the Neutral Zone
    -a scene with Prentice and Reyf in Ten Forward

    Some very interesting things planned for these scenes. Stay tuned!
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    the last clip of the ship leaving spacedock is well done, its a little dark though, but i imagine you'll go bk and add in some lighting and Earth at a later time
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Well, we're not at Earth so that's a no-go :) If you want a planet I could add something in for some scenery though.

    As for the interior, believe me that's not at all what the final product is going to look like. Dealing with that interior is a nightmare, partly because the filmmakers cheated in III-VI: they had the dock interior as one element, and the ships as another, which were then composited together, and all were lit separately. I decided I didn't want to do that, and that everything would always be together in the same shot--but going that route is making things very complicated. I messed around with it for a while before I just gave up (for now), I figured since they're ultimately just preview clips but not the final products I could go back and perfect the shots later.
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