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3DStar Trek: Specter of the Past



  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Alright guys, just touching base:

    Scene 44, "Reunion / Old Friends" is about halfway done; fortunately the part in the transporter room went fairly quickly, now for the half in the corridors. The corridor set is a lot more elaborate and takes longer to render so I'm not sure about that, but I have ways to speed things along if I must. At any rate, I'm planning to post 44A sometime this afternoon, and 44B hopefully sometime this weekend.

    I can say I had an enormous amount of fun doing Garr's dialogue for Scene 44, and Scene 45 is going to be even better. 44A (transporter room) starts off very formally but gradually segues into something a little lighter, which 44B immediately undoes by reminding the audience that Garr has a dark side.

    Here there be spoilers (only read these if you REALLY want to know):
    Scene 45 is going to have three parts:

    45A: First Officer's Log (Prentice's log entry); basically just a montage sequence of Garr showing Reyf around the ISS Voyager and telling him about his evil plan
    45B: In the VOY briefing room, they compare their respective painful pasts. I expect this is going to be an especially moving scene because this is the one where Garr offers Reyf the chance to "redeem himself" (remember Scene 34) by joining him, in exchange for which Garr will take him to the Battle of Wolf 359, to rescue his father from the Goodson before it's destroyed by the Borg. Reyf refuses, on the grounds that saving one life while allowing 11,000 others to perish is unthinkable, to say nothing of the potential damage to the timeline.
    45C: On the Voyager bridge. Garr is angry that Reyf has once again refused to join him, and Reyf attempts to talk Garr down by reminding him of lessons Garr taught him after the death of his father. He ultimately succeeds--and what ultimately convinces him is the fifteen years of friendship they had shared.

    Remember though--after this there are six more scenes. The story isn't quite over yet...
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member

    Scene 44A, "The Reunion," is up!
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    " So... What Now? "

    * Pulls out phaser and disintegrates*

    the end LOL
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Scene 44, "The Reunion / Light and Dark" is now up in its entirety:

    I'm especially pleased with this scene, please view and comment!
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Alright, folks, slight change of plans. As before, the transitional shot from the ISS Voyager to the Fitzgerald is going to be accompanied by a log entry from Prentice. But the timing worked out differently than I expected and the "Voyager tour" montage just won't fit. So instead, I'm faced with two possibilities:

    1. Write a brief scene aboard the Fitzgerald showing the first officer and security chief are worried about Reyf.
    2. Press forward with Scene 45 as planned, and just leap right into it after the exterior shot is finished.

    I'm heavily leaning towards #2 myself, but I just figured I'd see what you guys thought.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    maybe show them leaning over a blank monitor, with Rayf and Garr's voices clearly coming from the screen, then use that to jump into the next scene?
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homer: come again?

    Regarding Scene 44, something I'm surprised no one's addressed yet is the red alert sequence. Notice that Reyf responds in terror as if he sees Garr's eyes glowing, which is significant because it's the first hint for him (and for the audience) that there's more to Braiyon Garr than meets the eye...
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    i looked closely; i saw garrs eyeglasses reflecting the alert-lights; giving the impression of glowing.

    ^im suggesting you pan from the voyager to the fitzy, and go to the bridge with kendra and erickson tapping into reyf's conversation with garr.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Ah, I see now. Interesting interpretation of 44B. Unique idea for a transition too, definitely worth considering.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Ah, I see now. Interesting interpretation of 44B. Unique idea for a transition too, definitely worth considering.

    Otherwise, i think glowing eyes would freak out even rayf. Unless of course Garr is really Grand Admiral Thrawn... :p
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homer: For the record, the Heir to the Empire trilogy is the best trio of Star Wars novels I've ever read. AFAIC, they are the honorary episodes 7-9!

    Garr certainly has been acting like Thrawn in some ways, hasn't he? And like Thrawn, Garr is (now) obviously not quite human...
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Actually, here's a question for you guys.
    If you read the previous spoiler, then you know that Scene 45 is all about what caused things to go so wrong for Garr and why he's doing what he's doing, and Reyf talking him down. But you also know that, just a few scenes later, the female android visits Garr's guest quarters on the Fitzgerald, and something she says convinces him he needs to go through with his plan after all, and so off we go.

    The question is, how would you guys feel if we left Scene 45 out entirely, and jump straight back to the Fitzgerald, with Reyf and Garr beaming back aboard? Or would you prefer to see Scene 45 as advertised?
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Is there anyway you can cut scene 45 down to a short minute conversation or something? and the on we go to the ship
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Sweet stuff. Despite the spoiler, you still needed to go ahead with the temporal interference in order to get the changes described earlier. Though, now that I think about it, I'm surprised that they didn't fire tri-cobalt missiles/torpedoes on the I.S.S. Voyager the second the shields were dropped to allow Reyf to beam over. After all, Reyf himself would've been considered "collatoral damage" / "acceptable losses" compared to unpredictable ripples in the timeline. I believe they were authorized to stop Garr "by any means necessary".
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-Timelord: not quite sure I follow? You talking about the conceptualized scene on the Fitzgerald showing Reyf's crew worried about him, or "talking Garr down"?

    @Hellsgate: part of the dialogue later will establish that the ISS Voyager didn't, in fact, lower its shields to beam Reyf aboard. Another little trick Garr picked up from Starfleet Intelligence apparently :)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    you do understand, that as much as im rooting for the good guys to win, i think it would be awfully cheap if Garr ended up turning himself in. F*** the universe, dude! :p
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homerpalooza: :)
    You'll get to have your cake and eat it too!
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    @homerpalooza: :)
    You'll get to have your cake and eat it too!
    Reyf replicates a CAKE, and THAT saves the day??? :p
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    The Cake is a lie, we all know that...
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-Timelord: which scene were you referring to earlier, the conceptualized Scene 45 aboard the Fitzgerald (which would be about three lines long), or the one aboard the ISS Voyager, with Reyf talking Garr down?
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    The scene aboard the Fitzgerald, can it be cut down to just a few lines?
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Dr-T: oh no worries, the segue was only ever conceptualized to be about three lines long or so (basically just enough to establish how long Reyf's been aboard the ISS Voyager wih no contact, and ending with something clever like "For all we know, Garr and the captain are just sitting down to tea" before cutting back to the VOY briefing room--where Reyf sits with a mug in hand). Not going to be a drawn-out or in-depth ordeal at all :)
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Tnpir4002 is there a way you can show more beauty shots of the Fitzgerald she is lookin good. :thumb:
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    hehe. i added you to the wikipedia entry for Poser :D
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @homer: too bad the one for Bryce doesn't have a usage section...yet :)

    @stfanboy: more beauty shots? I think homerpalooza67 might have some choice words for you about that one :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Scene 44C, "Waiting," is up!

    Short but fun scene between Prentice and Erickson.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    cute - but are they just having tea? :D
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    We'll find out soon :) Scene 45A is written and starts production today. I hope to have it up sometime this weekend. Stay tuned!
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Good morning, campers!

    Just a headsup, Scene 45A is very close to completion, and it's shaping up to be every bit as dramatic and emotional as I'd hoped. It's a tad longer than I'd like, but there's a lot to say. I hope to have the completed scene up for viewing in the next hour or two, so stay tuned! I'm really eager for feedback on this scene, so when it goes up make sure you take a look :)
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