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3D-= MadKoiFish's Trek Crap :p =-



  • LonewriterLonewriter236 Posts: 1,078Member
    nice details on the bussards.
  • jimi kanejimi kane0 Posts: 0Member
    I forgot how much I liked V2. Not to be a dick or anything, but now that this isnt really the linerunner, any thoughts on finishing the other?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I wasn't a fan either... So we'll be looking (me in any way) for your go on this adjustments...

    Just wonder who the staff will enter these areas...
    else it's looking very good...
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Yes, Im leaning on making this a diffrent class of ship. So that means the original design itself may return with some variations. The linerunner v2 was dumped mostly because something in the file was causing major lag in the app. Its not poly count cause the thing is maybe 150k if that. I have also tried removing all the materials yanking parts a bits merging in etc and it all results in a file that lags up max, so I think there is some corruption in the file. Solution is to either back track to a version that doesnt lag or rebuild it.

    In the end the answer is maybe :p
    btw the v1 and v2 images were in the wrong order in that post, It has been fixed now lol
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    why laughting?

    the ship looks quite good his way...
    what is it? an alternative or another new project? ;)

    Im at a loss here. The Linerunner is MY design not anyone elses.

    messing with some parts.
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  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    The shuttle bay's a bit close to the pylons...
  • darkthunderdarkthunder413 SwedenPosts: 103Member
    In one of the other angles he posted not long ago, the shuttlebay didnt look too close to the pylons. I like how this design is shaping up. Any plans on having it landing capable?
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    for the 3rd time no, none of my ships larger than a runabout will ever see atmosphere. There is plenty of clearance from the struts.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Some comparasons
    Most of today was spent collapsing the subd objects and optimising. Most objects are quite a bit smaller in poly count than prior to colapsing.
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  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    The shuttle bay's a bit close to the pylons...

    Have you guys ever seen the Nebula's shuttlebay? theres the sodding sensor pod support about 10 feet from the hanger!! :o :rolleyes:

    And besides, theres clearance, it just doesn't look it from that angle. :cool:

    Oh, and the shuttles will all be designed by the Ferrari F1 team so the computer does all the hard work, leaving the pilot to do nothing, and lands you perfectly in the bay everytime. :D :p (kidding)

    so...anyway...Great Work Mad. You really show how diverse these ST ships can be :thumb:
  • psychopsycho0 Posts: 0Member
    already loved the first 2 versions of the linerunner... but this one is stunning! keep it up!
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice update MFK, this version of the Linerunner, is the best so far.
  • jimi kanejimi kane0 Posts: 0Member
    Not really much of a comment, only wanted to say i really like the idea of the last pic, i'd love to see a finished pic of those two flyin through space. :D
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Some bridge area details. Rebuiolt the blister thingy into a clyrindical look instead of the equonox ovalish thing.
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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    The cut out I am not sure if this is a feature that will remain. Some hated it others loved it. Currently its here because I need someplace to stick the deflector. I had a passing thought to convert the belly pod into a deflector unit but decided to give the saucer cut out another try.
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  • EoraptorEoraptor1 Posts: 0Member
    Might be interesting to make it an observation deck? just a thought out of left field.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    I'd sy keep the cutout... There you can store the deflector and the forward torp-launcher... This also gives the ship a 'better' look... Think about the Akira, the Ayakazi and several other NC-ships that have this coutout...
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    Whats an NC ship?

    Love what you have done, has alot of things I would say are from other ships which are favs of mine, even like the Norway (a little, saucer structure)

    Whats an NC ship? non canon?
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Non Canon I think, unless its a typo of FC (First Contact) Which I doubt. I have decided for the cutout given I spend a hour on it. I have kept some similarities to the original and stuffed a traditional"ish" Deflector and comm in it.
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    I am fooling around for now on the deflector I might change the shapes some. Torps will flank the deflector either a pair of pulse phasers and a pair of torps or 4 torp 2 pulse. Original I think had the first arrangement. 2torp 2 pulse. With the size of the gash now I could cram quite a bit in there. Only drawback is its already a pit, IE no light gets in there to show the details >_>
    I will ajust my lighting rig to show it more down the road. Materials in there are driving me nuts lol, cannot fond anything I like yet >_>

    ##redid the renders with a brighter skylight
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  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Nice MKF, I like the cut out, it brake up the shape a bit more.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Thanks ppl,
    Last pic for the night added more of those funny capsules some panels and orange thingies, a mess of chamfers and a recess for the weapons modules. Fooled with glows a bit and the lighting as well so the deep bits have a bit more light. I think the capsules might need to be redone, a bit big.
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    Kust need to remember to ajust and fix those damned bussard objects.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Sweet I like how the trop lunchers and part of the defliactor dise.
  • halhal192 Posts: 157Member
    From the thumbnail I thought it was a forward facing shuttle bay, which would of been cool! then I realized that its the deflector! very nice design, shes looking great!
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Non Canon I think, unless its a typo of FC (First Contact) Which I doubt

    Ive re read what Aresius said, thought he was putting the Akira into the same group as the Ayakazi.

    My bad

    Loving the new details
  • jimi kanejimi kane0 Posts: 0Member
    Nice update. Deflector looks good but a little strange being square. I think if you put it under the saucer you'de have something looking like an Akira update.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    love the deflector, gives it an ayakazi feel to it, love the bussards too..

    now to tackle the sensor/whaterver it ends up being pod :D
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    cool one...
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member
    Is it going to have any overhead rollbar surveillance / tactical modules like the (Ambassador/Nebula-Class upgrade) "Apollo-Class" or the Ronin-Class? It looks good!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Nope no rollbars or other rubbish, Itll be profiled as it sits. Just details added as I go. I havent decided all the weapons locations yet. (just a rough idea of where and how many)

    The recesses on the far corners are for the torps/pulse phasers. The squarish do hickies to the sides of the "dish" surrounded in blue are part of the comm systems etc. IE part of the dish itself.

    A round dish in a square hole just doesnt work lol, second everyone hated the underbelly saucer. As for Akira I think that ship is 2 ot 3 times the size of this one.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ok sensor thingies. Least I think thats what they are. All I know is they were a PITA to model. Since none of the tools in max allow a proper extrusion of this part. Sadly the moulding lines are a bit narrow. Sooooooooo, Im thinking of redoing it.
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    Each day we draw closer to the end.
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