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3DDaedalus Class starship



  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Overall detail and offside nacelle.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    links cause I do not want to inline a 5k image.

    A bit wide. . . . I dunno if these will upload but fooling around with non sli set ups sadly performance is WAY down. From 80 or so fps to 20 or so just adding a 1600X1200 display. SO I will fool about with adding in another card instead I doubt this will allow me to play games in tri set up but I should at least get my sli performance back. Least how I understand it. It just means dorking about with systems since the one loose pcie card I have is a huge ass 2 series card that is some 11" long. And likely to push my 850w psu or just be a PITA to rout the cables I need to it. Anyhow it was a lark to give it a go was insane to do anything with since stuff was on either side of the displays and major fisheye going on. Overall idea is to give me some more room to have refs open and all the bloody menus I need open in max.

    The updates, well I just had time to extrude some panels and add those yellow box clampy things on. Too much fussing around with a older game to get updates for that gits insist on being steam updates only when my copy is not steam infected thus making me resort to AHEM to get the damned updates on a legal game. Sigh. Hopefully they did not screw with the updates at all. Stupid windows live games ugh.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Red stripes plates odd yellow box things all over (guessing they are some sort of ID for a automated arm for removal of the panels) They are a real PITA to place. I textured them after cutting some into the nacelles and now I am wondering if I shouldn't model them since the textures sort of blur off into nothing on distance renders. Um did more to those boxes and fooled about with other bits all over in general. I think I am getting close to calling the nacelles done, just a few more parts to add I think, and a few decals.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    cool detailing. very nice nacelles in the first image.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    Awesome, as always! But you already knew that.

    The main thing about this model that really intrigues me is how it just feels like something that was actually manufactured and not only designed.

    BTW: With all the depressing stuff in the news nowadays I've decided to dig out DVDs of a show from better days. Still remember Rurouni Kenshin? ;)
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Kenshin hah I recently dug deeper and watched Ranma1/2 Tough you could count Urusei Yatsura since that was remastered recently. It has been a while since I watched Kenshin though lol. I do miss the older anime. This season is one that makes me long for the early 90s again. I know a lot of the canned feeling to things is due to political reasons and moral crusaders over there. Funny how that industry has taken such an about turn to how it is made. Made for the sake of it vs made for the love and creativity. Guess it all dies off in the late 90s crash when most studios folded and the more conservative method arrived. IE love hina like harem anime and pandering to a known audience.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    Beautiful nacelles - though I do prefer them without the grilles covering those pretty coils. I agree with lennier1 about the manufactured reality of your models. This looks like a depiction of something that actually came, full-sized, from a spacedock and not just a hard drive.

    BTW, from how you and lennier1 refer to that early 90's anime, I wish I new more about these apparent golden age shows.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Kenshin hah I recently dug deeper and watched Ranma1/2 Tough you could count Urusei Yatsura since that was remastered recently. It has been a while since I watched Kenshin though lol. I do miss the older anime. This season is one that makes me long for the early 90s again. I know a lot of the canned feeling to things is due to political reasons and moral crusaders over there. Funny how that industry has taken such an about turn to how it is made. Made for the sake of it vs made for the love and creativity. Guess it all dies off in the late 90s crash when most studios folded and the more conservative method arrived. IE love hina like harem anime and pandering to a known audience.
    Urusei Yatsura? Now you're talking! Don't like the show itself, but it would be great to watch Maison Ikkoku again (Let's face it, Takahasi Rumiko is amazing!). Staying in that style, Touch would be another classic that's long overdue again.
    Love Hina? I like it at something when harem shows were still fun just for the sake of their crazy situation (kinda like the first season of Ai Yori Aoshi) but they've become a mass-produced product where it's almost impossible to tell the difference between them (kinda like most high school shows).
    Have to agree with you on the current state of the genre. Hell, even the new alternate reality version of NGE (after the ones in the TV series, End of Evangelion, the manga and the games) has only become worthwhile because the artists themself took back control!

    As for the nacelles, I myself prefer a TOS-style grate in front of ENT-style coils, but that's just personal preference.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    That one render is just a bare nacelle casing no coils since those were on a hidden layer.

    If I did grills it would be transparent textures again and what sucks is those interfere with effects and some of the lum materials to a extent.

    I never was one for the romance anime. Sorta the only thing left these days that has not altered to the brainless media consumption machine. I was more of the space romance series action, and comedys. I never got to see much more than a few disconnected eps of touch or Maison, the clubs and groups where I was in San Jose were not into those series as much. Foothill mostly ran Nadia over and over as well as EVA (probably why I have little like for either, I cannot count how many times I saw the early eps of nadia.) Things like Patlabor, Dominion Police, bubblegum, etc were the choice of the majority. Back then it was a watch whatever was available vs your preference hah.

    EVA was something I always thought was over hyped. The strong western religious overtones did not help much at all either but I have watched that rebirth crap and enjoyed it for the insane action that Gainax is known for. It does not help I find most mecha anime droll. I much prefer their shows like Mahoromatic abenobnashi panty and stocking etc I guess that studio is a hot and cold water for me. Aim for the top (gunbuster) is one of my favorite series even the sequel. Hell I think they did that cutie honey reboot thing from the late 90s as well. Cannot forget the movies like wings and the like too.

    Not sure how much influence they have with that new gatchman crowds show, art is interesting but the lead chars sorta annoy me. Does not helop I expects more of the camp the original was known for when I saw the celshaded tiger and bunny type suits I was really disappointed.

    A lot of the old anime I never got dvds for and much of the good stuff that never finished cause studios were going bankrupt all over and never saw US licensing so it was mostly fan tapes or those rentals you would see that people would record off tv in Japan. So a lot of it all all long gone.

    It seems lately everything has to be jr high or highschool related full of bad fanservice and dumb ideas. Pandering to the moe. And not to mention the amount of galge based or visual novel crap out there. Some of it is good but most of it just goes no where.

    Little Witch academia sort of touched on that old flare anime had in the 80s and 90s but so many Americans rolled their eyes at it cause schools and magic just = harry potter not accounting that Japan has done this type of show since the 60s. Of late though I have been getting my fill of nostalgia with Yamato 2199. Sucks is I am going to have to get the JP discs since the US licensor has fuked up the US release.

    As for discovering old anime just google anime 1990s or 1980s and ignore weebs weeaboos and those desu desu baka ahou type sites. Look for blocgs about shows from old farts who were in uni around 1980 those would be fairly trustworthy. Anything with crap like yaoi yuri plasterd all over or Naruto Bleach FMA etc just close the tab and move on.

    Also keep in mind a lot of the anime remains unlicenced so you will have to find various ways to get it. That or some git holds the licence and has done nothing with it or did a one run pressing and let it languish. IE impossible to get so you will have to rely on dailymotion youtube or torrents. Best bet is to find a location of torrent listings from core fans and not some for profit aggregators. There are places like crunchyroll that you can stream, but many of those are recent shows. Anyhow I have seen some WOAH old as hell VHS only shows on youtube and I have leech downloaded a few filler eps for REALLY old shows off dailymotion. Stuff Like Fandora. lol Reallyfing old anime and not common at all.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Fooling with the texture for those yellow things. Updated them to the refit NX. I textured them though since I was not going to clone face align all of these things onto the ship hull since I can never get the face align tool to work right. Probably would have been faster to model the damned things for all the headache they became. Most if not all of the headache is me forgetting max really bodges up alpha on non tiled images. Once I collapsed and removed the alpha for 0,0,0 everything worked out. SIGH. I still sorta have to work on the finish on the surfaces of the markings but they will do for now. Added some lights to em for the lulz but probably a large waste of 1min.

    And no I will not be plastering these all over the hull like on the NX. I do not have the patience to stick these all over not to mention I really do not want them all over the other hull panels. They will remain on large opening panels and a few choice panes across the ship. I will more than likely zap a few of the ones I have already applied to the struts.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    well, I'm more of a machine/mecha geek, which is why I tend to cut such shows a lot of slack. Hell, I recently caught on on Initial D (nowadays it's basically Dragonball Z with cars instead of magic powers) and I'm even watching Majestic Prince and that's as cookie cutter as they come, though I still feel sorry for the time I wasted on Gundam AGE. Gargantia was nice as well, but they didn't dare to stray enough from mainstream to do it justice.

    Classic romance shows can be fun, but they have to be done right. Then again, that's coming from someone who likes Japanese drama shows. ;)

    Secret of Blue Water was an entertaining show once the Neo Atlantis plot took off, but that took forever and the dozen or so filler episodes didn't help. They actually released a condensed version a while back that nuked the filler episodes from orbit altogether. I grew up with the dub, so I probably have a different connection to that one. For a while during the 80's, they did rather *liberal*/funny dubs, which is why even sub-par/macekred shows like Urashiman, Cat's Eye and Saber Rider (Bismark never made it over here, except for a few bonus episodes on the SR DVDs and the JP imports are expensive as hell) are fond childhood memories for my age group.

    Gatchaman Crowds? Never watched the original, but the new one was so formulaic that I gave up on it after 2-3 episodes. This season there really doesn't seem to be much that's worth watching. Gin no Saji is a nice exception to me because it at least uses an agricultural school as its setting, but that's about it. Guess you're probably watching the new Rozen Maiden, but that's not my cup of tea.

    All in all, as a card-carrying old fart (only a few months until I have completed another decade) I miss the old times. :rant:

    [edit]Almost forgot to mention Uchuu Kyoudai, but it should be obvious why that one's worth watching.[/edit]
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Eh the new rozen I have been dragging through waiting for it to do something. All the slapstick crap is gone from the story and it is just a mope about with silly attempts at humor. So basically it is only worth anything if your desperate for more material. Truthfully I only watched it to see Suigintou again. But at this point I might be dropping it soon if it keeps flailing about.

    Crowds I have been waiting for something to happen but it probably wont but since I really do not even watch broadcast tv anymore I use it as a filler for a day. EXP with how dismal this season is. Majestic Prince is ok but I do not wait for it, it is less formulaic than Vlavrave. So far this season not counting carryovers (shows running over 13 eps) So far Uchoten Kazoku is the only thing I watch nearly right away. And it really has not gone anywhere either. Genshiken Nidame, well BL says it all, I do wonder how the manga fared when the author about faced the subject matter like that. It seems maybe it is to cash in on the fujoshi, free devil realist and others seem to be doing just that.

    BLood lad reaks of never ending shonen fight anime, but who knows.
    Railgun was ruined by me reading the manga some years prior so it just felt like reruns.

    I thought Gargantia was pretty good when it was running but in hindsight the story was where? It built up to a conclusion that was a real cop out.

    Gin no Saiji is just to similar to Moyashimon without the crossdresser and silly microbes talking $hit. Granted so far it does avoid the whole class lecture thing that Moya had. Space Brothers I never started, I think it was one of those started late in the season so I put the first eps aside to watch later never did, and when it went past 26 eps I ignored it. (thing is at ep70 now)

    But eh If memory serves in the past summer season was often the season for bad romcoms and harem anime. Only the last 2 or so years were different, it seems they are back to that formula.

    I think most of the anime I watch is out of desperation. Hell I sat through all of henoji just because the designs were Kantoku. T_T
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Something that just dawned on me while looking at a similar image as this:
    That the think line is on the nacelle cenerline. I had used a mix of other refs to place these on the nacelle and all had it shifted up. SO uh I guess I am recutting the lines.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    OK well I decided not to mess with the stupid banner lines for now and bodged around with the rcs quads on the nacelles. The NX has these in a lateral position vs horz outside edges so I am still deciding if I will go with the nx layout or go with both have a grouping on the outside side of the nacelle. Anyhow renders show the rcs a marker light and the plasma channel to power the things. I might have to rethink the marker light coloration. It does not flare as much as the white element does with similar settings.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Well green flares up nice red is just being a %*(&%#$( so I guess I just ramp the lum up.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Kinda goofed here I made the marker light element a while back without thinking about locating the stupid things on the ball. I would like to continue to use the same elements across the entire ship but I think at least a modified base will be required. I could creep these towards the to and bottom ends of the ball but I think the general rule is to have them on the outer edges of a object.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    BTW: Apparently there are more than 13 episodes of Gargantia, but right now I can only find a raw version of 14.

    Just wanted to let you know that your work has already spawned its own fan art:
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    I think that might be a dvd extra. I did read something about rumors of another season for fall or winter quarter but these things are the same as that phantom Moretsu Pirates movie and second season that was suppose to happen last winter. Slated for 2014 now.

    Yup it is a OAV special off the blurays. With how fansubbing is now who knows if it will ever get subs.
    eh raw I found is ripped off nico nico douga, so it is really ugly. It probably is on youtube somewhere in full, unless nico has distro rights which is more common than not. Likely itll show up on one of the last discs.

    oooh found a bug in the pop up attachment/image/video overlay. Have FF with search (ctrl f) open itll hang the overlay.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Well, here is my half assed solution to the marker lights, cut the panels away from the marker bezel and inset it all. A bit disruptive to the panels I guess. SO now I have to go about re-welding it all into the ball and then re UVWing the stupid thing to repair the damage I did to the mapping cutting up the hull.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    A few ship renders for me to mull over those markerlights. While they rendered I looked at what others might have done and realized that I am the only fool putting marker lights int he bussard ends of the nacelles. SO with that I will probably pull the ones on the forward part of the nacelles.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Not all that sure about these inter cooler parts. I wanted to differentiate them from the bits on the coils but I think going so rounded just does not work here.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    love those details.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Early work on the replacements.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • StarshipStarship472 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    I must say that I liked the old ones, but the new ones are promising to be even better. :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Indeed, same here, I quite liked the first ones you did, seemed appropriate enough to me. The new ones look interesting, but I thought the first ones looked less fussy if you know what I mean? Simpler designed I guess.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    update to those intercooler things
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • theCommandertheCommander0 Posts: 0Member
    Astounding work, bro! Love it all so far :thumb:
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann673 Posts: 1,322Member
    I feel stupid to be asking this now, but does the tube neck line up directly with the dish in front?

    And I just looked up and realized "no, it doesn't."
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9864 Posts: 5,335Member
    Something sort of requested and something I was interested in following through on All LQ though since it is all 1:1 IE no down sampling etc of a higher rez original and very few layers of comp. I dunno where my Vektor connie went so I used the one I had from Prologic9.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    Somewhere up, out there, looking at his original 1701 beside your lovely version of one of his first concepts for it, Matt Jefferies would be smiling. :)
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