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3DDaedalus Class starship



  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Never said the nacelles were anywhere near done.

    The glow is part lum shaders, light emitting shaders, the reason it looks blotchy is from low FG settings. It should be lighting up that area smoothly and not have those lumpy blow outs on the cap. It is how all those interiors are lit and all the other glow effects are done. I do have a camera shader called glare on but it is fairly buggy and not very controllable to it tends to blow out quite easily. But it only accounts for any flares, though when a lum shader is physically exposed it will pull it's overall surface to a brighter level.
    You can see this glare shader going ape$hit in the vent and the impulse and that bit of nacelle endcap floating to the right.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    This looks fantastic. Very nice work.
  • japetusjapetus2966 SeattlePosts: 1,401Member
    Awesome, I appreciate what you've done with this design! I thought it had promise to it, just needed more detailing. Great job as usual!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Well it keeps giving me crap about tokens and not letting me into advanced so goodbye SFM.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Eh... What are you talking about MKF?
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ever since the uploader interface changed I have had a lot of issues with posting due to token expired crap I will have to f5 or reload the page 5~10times before it issues a new token, I cannot use the thread links in the direct forum nor in the "show posts last 24 hours" or it will cause token issues. At least SFM retains what I typed to a extent unlike other forums. At this point it is too much of a PITA to post.

    NOW it could very well be the build of FF I am using or some add on or some forum update I dunno. This post so far seems ok, the one last night took me 10min to get posted. At that time I was fed up with it. I suppose thinking about it I will keep trying, but in future if the post wont go through on the first try I am not going to persist EXP since this only occurs on 2 forums.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • japetusjapetus2966 SeattlePosts: 1,401Member
    Dang that sucks. I'd be super frustrated too. It'll be a big shame if your posts are reduced because of this. Hopefully some admins can do something
  • MartocticvsMartocticvs444 Posts: 524Member
    It was extremely slow for me the other day as well, I must say. Nice modelling work there, I've not seen this before!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1126 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,582Member
    Beautiful work on those ramscoops!
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Never said the nacelles were anywhere near done.

    The glow is part lum shaders, light emitting shaders, the reason it looks blotchy is from low FG settings. It should be lighting up that area smoothly and not have those lumpy blow outs on the cap. It is how all those interiors are lit and all the other glow effects are done. I do have a camera shader called glare on but it is fairly buggy and not very controllable to it tends to blow out quite easily. But it only accounts for any flares, though when a lum shader is physically exposed it will pull it's overall surface to a brighter level.
    You can see this glare shader going ape$hit in the vent and the impulse and that bit of nacelle endcap floating to the right.

    Now that's crazy...
    I just did rendition of the COnstitution nacelles that has almost the same profiles of the rear face of your nacelles. I like your detail within it. I'm struggling there. You have the ball component but still looks light-years more modern than the original. The Hi bright vents at the base of the nacelle meeting at the pylon is good too. Very good ideas.

    I'm not feeling the quad impulse units though.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    update: Panel gap test renders.
    crap token $hit, once more and everyone will have to follow the threads on F3d from now on.

    Slow server I can deal with this token crap I cannot.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    got carried away and forgot about where that tube hits the ball.

    Ok, updated to a beta FF here is hoping that this fixes this horsecrap. SFM is bloody slow though just cause Martocticvs mentions it. T_T %Though this is after a 115f day locally so it could be something broke at the isp or a provider to the isp somewhere along the way. So far the other forum has behaved lets see if SFM will.

    Ugh the uploader window got even uglier
    I am blocking all the google snoopware so that might be the issue with bits loading ugly. Not seeing anything blocked in that particular window though.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    another test and small progress upload.

    OK I thought people are a pissin about weapons so I dug around found the cannon nipple and cloned it about on the ball. It looks funny given the girth of the cannons. NOW I had spun only the typical array and thought maybe I should add more forward weapons. I dunno. . .
    Not all that sure about how they line up with the RCS (always the damned RCS you know) So I am sitting here looking at it wondering if I shouldn't pair them up closer to the ends of the saucer on the left right layout (edges of the center pink panel and then add some lower down in a quad around the docking ports. Thus leaving those ones around the deflector alone to cover the front of the ship Aft wards would relay on the units on the secondary hull. Dunno. Wary of having too many all over.
    Render also shows off the panel layout. The smaller panels ringing the central sensor pit might get broken up into random panels, still aiming for that universal fit thing.

    Speaking of weapons someone asked about the doors again, I forget which forum but NO I do not plan to have them open but who knows some ideas I have they might be useful to have. But Just the thought of hinging them across the tapered hull gives me ulcers. With that in mind it would probably be better id I altered that part of the ship to be like a sub a blister that is square to the centerline so the flaps can open and all be the same from port 1 to port 8. It might give the ship more to look at too other than a huge tube body.

    I also got to decide what I am going to do with those stupid nacelles, top facing grills inboard only TOS, or ENT inboard outboard. I think the ribs as they are now will have to go and be replaced by something a bit more reasonable for their existence. Maybe panel the thing with large gaps to mimic the look of what was on the toy model.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Well damn, 16 phaser/phase cannons or whatever they call them. Dunno too much maybe not pair them up? Or maybe pairing is ok if you think of the 2 as 1? I definitely dislike the tube I put on them cause well if I were to show these firing up close I would have to rotate the boogers and in order to easily place them I do not have a centered point of reference. (suppose I could group them as a unit then alter the transform to easily spin them. UGH.

    I left off the 4 on the bottom thinking the secondary hull could provide mounts since there are no nacelles getting in the way, but I dunno. HOWEVER the idea of 20 total nipples on the ball alone is a bit much.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    That's a lot of phasers. Would the ship be able to power them all?
  • SchmidtFGSchmidtFG211 Posts: 203Member
    Great progress on the ball. Especially like the bridge area and the docking hatch.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    I can see this being built right after the Discovery from 2001
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    This is my last post on SFM. This token bull**** is too much where I have to hammer the reload button or f5 over and over to not get token expired. So with that you can follow posts over at Foundation3D where I do not have to log in, log out, clear cookies, clear cache every 5 min, restart the client, reboot, and reload pages over and over to post.
    It seems the only time I can post is if someone has posted into the thread and it shows on new posts anything else opened form anywhere else results in token expired. I has been fun, since 2003 or so. Bye.

    And before it is said I do not care that it works for you, it does not work here. I have explored everything to solve it on my end. This is the only forum acting up like this now.

    Updates show new cannon layout 12 total across the entire ship. Also pictured is something suggested by Tobian. I had planned to use blisters to create lighting for registry #s and other markings.

    [edit]Token test
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • SchmidtFGSchmidtFG211 Posts: 203Member
    Looks good!
    The hull is really a great piece of work. Keep it up!
  • SchmidtFGSchmidtFG211 Posts: 203Member
    Looks good!
    The hull is really a great piece of work. Keep it up!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Giving it one more go to see if a clean install of the client fixes this token crap. I will leave the images to represent what has been updated since I last posted.

    Site seems to work, a bit slow though.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • gerb200gerb200176 Posts: 114Member
    I'm actually watching this really closely. I love this imagining of the ship and the detail you're putting into it.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    I've gotten pretty tired of Star Trek ships, but your designs are always really, really good.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Well wiping my FF seems to have fixed things. Guess all the updates broke something along the way so it means I have 3 other PCs that need the same treatment. Google related sites with a crapload of scripting still seem to give me issues. But that is likely google forcing people to use chrome to be added to the nsa spylist. Google image search in sware iron is fast and small ram use on FF it chews at least 500mb per page. Youtube drags ff up to 1.2gigs and soon lags text entry in any field. Like forums, it is all 1989 in here with me watching my text slowly catch up to what I type. SIGH.
    ANYHOO updates are still crap. Mostly posting to test if I get the annoying token stuff. SO cutting in all the windows that will clone to the other side of the ball to minimize duplicated work. Bit slow going due to all the wedge shapes I have to align while creating the rooms. Dunno when I will have free time to finish these bits.

    I hope to finish this off to get working on the next project, even though I have that NX thing to finish and 2 or 3 other fed ships I just have had very little motivation. The next project is to model up a mess of ships from Yamato. 2199 inspires me and I am loving the new takes on the alien ships. I dunno if I will go full canon cloning the ships or do my own takes I have had a hell of a time finding GOOD refs in high rez. I will probably start a thread begging for refs. Mostly the few artbooks released with technical drawings. Sadly they are limited and finding good scans is near impossible anymore. Refs for this sort of thing seem to have grown very scarse these days so I might end up using hd rips for screen grabs. Maybe someone has the brds and uploaded grabs.

    Anyhow this would be my first time since the ENT BOP that I will end up using caps with lacking orthos or documentation to work a project. So who knows what will happen.
    I still have a fed station early klingon ships and a few romulans to model as well. Least if what I want to do pans out. Dunno lots of stuff to finish.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ok I was wrong plenty of room for those windows and the room behind. ATM it is just a small basic room but it will be later done up as a rec room or lounge etc. It would be like 7 assward or something. Deck 7 or 8 not sure atm Id have to count it out. Not sure if smaller machine decks would count and as always I never build ships with flat decks slicing through the ship but with multi level sections. This ship would definitely have such things like the inner rooms spanning across 2 decks and the like.
    I am however not sure about those flanking large windows. Ship name whatever it will be will go under the 7-assward window set. Sorta toying with a VIP docking collar above as well. Maybe a inset bay to allow small transports to land? Dunno maybe not. UFP logo would look nice above those large windows too.

    oops ignore the fact all the lights are off forgot to cut in the room lights. Just the green strips lighting it up atm. It will be a great place for plot devices, foe shoots for the impulse misses and blows out 7assward venting all the inebriated crew into space along with all the prized Denobulan Nematode Brandy.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    more holes.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    New neck, there are still details to add to it but it is close to what was there.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    Great take on the Daedalus MKF. The original, as first depicted in the spaceflight chronology of many years ago, was a little too "softball towing a shaving cream can" for my tastes. This one looks fittingly like a predecessor of your beautiful re-imagined connie from a few years back.
  • aomtealfoxaomtealfox0 Posts: 0Member
    These look amazing, the Daedalus design was always one of my favourites and this is definetely an awesome depiction! Better than the ones on the show :D!!!
  • gerb200gerb200176 Posts: 114Member
    I LOVE those large windows behind above the impulse engines. Really gives a sense of scale and depth.
This discussion has been closed.