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3DTMP Enterprise NCC-1701



  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Thanks everyone for your help.

    I watched parts of the high-def version of the movie on my tablet today at lunch. From what I could tell, they appear to be a blue/grey color. I also bought the pdf ebook anystar. Hope to have it in my mailbox when I get home tonight. I am kind of leaning towards how things looked on screen then being 100% accurate on colors. Will wait until I see what the ebook has to say.

  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    Thanks everyone.

    I agree about having more variety visible in the portholes and will see what I can do about that.

    I do have a question this time. Are the colored panels on the TMP Enterprise more blue or green? I've seen both as in the photos below. Was there a difference between the movies or is it more the lighting and processing of the images that make the difference? I've also seen textures from other 3D models that were both blue and green oriented.


    EG is correct.
    The motion picture had a mostly pearl- blue over most of the ship with distinct area have a SLIGHT strong hint of blue. You know you're looking at the original paint job if the Torpedo Venting at the rear of the Neck is Black. If it's blue then then this is the repair and repainting just before TWOK. In TWOK the ship got touched up a bit. But it wasn't major...For the Film White Balanced was carried over mostly from TMP because they used the same shots for FX.

    For TSFS the white balanced was carried over significantly into the blues for the film. The Excelsior model was given a blue ish paint job in it's patching but was still mild. The same was done with the Spacedock since they were be in the same shots and even still they had to very the tinting so that in Spacedock both ships would stand out from the inner wall. So Enterprise is a pale grey tinted blue and Excelsior is blue-black and greys and the Space dock is litteral a different contrast. To further distinguish the ships spots lights were added.

    In TUC The Enterprise is a different model (I believe a small 4 foot model) and the Excelsior was completely repainted. The blues on the ship are much much stronger adding more definition to the line work on the bottom... the florescent UV paint used to light up the lines of the lower sensor dome and torpedo tubes on the stardrive have been completely painted over.
  • Chris2005Chris2005678 Posts: 3,097Member
    Here's the studio model, the -A version:



    The color seems to change based on the lighting...
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  • TallguyTallguy350 Posts: 467Member
    Saquist wrote: »
    In TUC The Enterprise is a different model (I believe a small 4 foot model)
    There is (I believe) one shot in TUC that uses the smaller model. Everything else is the good old TMP ship. (Someone with a better memory or stronger Google fu can back me up on that.) Actually I think they even used the larger scale "neck" model from TWOK for a shot or two.
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • wjasperswjaspers332 Posts: 0Member
    Seems the thread with my color schemes is gone here at scifi-meshes. This is the thread at 3dscifi, only members can see :(
  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    There's a pretty exhaustive discussion of the entire build process of both the original and the refit models on Memory Alpha, including surfacing changes between TMP, TWOK, and onward all the way through TUC. Worth reading, if you're curious about the model's history!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    Unfortunately, this color issue is something that has plagued modelers and Trekkies in general for years, much like the debates over the exact color of the TOS ship and whether or not it has grid lines. Unfortunately, a lot of the "references" are showing the ship shot in different lighting, which doesn't help matters one bit. This topic has even been such a problem that various "alternate" decal sheets have been released for plastic models the ship, including for Polar Lights' latest efforts:

    They have more, but that's just to give you an idea. So, definitely don't feel alone when looking at the pics and going: "Wait, what color is that?" ;) And that's just for one ship. There are plenty of "alternatives" for the other ships in ST's fleet also.
  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    Tallguy wrote: »
    There is (I believe) one shot in TUC that uses the smaller model. Everything else is the good old TMP ship. (Someone with a better memory or stronger Google fu can back me up on that.) Actually I think they even used the larger scale "neck" model from TWOK for a shot or two.

    I heard differently.
    I'm not sure if it's right... what I heard was that certain individuals were looking to get rid of the 6 footer because of issues with packing and lifting. In certain scenes I can certainly tell the difference. I knew there was a 4 foot model and I believe they used it for especially all the damage scenes in that movie with the manuvering the camera would need. I don't know if the destruction of the original model was true.
  • Chris2005Chris2005678 Posts: 3,097Member
    If I recall, the removal of the pearlescent look was necessary due to certain factors... I think one was the fact that it was being filmed in front of a blue screen at ILM rather than that black backdrop like TMP...

    When I do the painting for my 1:350 refit model, I plan to drop using a pearlescent paint and just go with a flat white coat... I like the pearlescent look, but I prefer the way the model looked in TUC...

    Well, since Andy Probert designed the refit, perhaps he has proper color information, at least how he intended her to look, he's told me numerous times when it comes to the ENT-D that the studio did what they wanted instead... hence the overzealous panel detail on the 4 foot model... but side issue, main point, Andy might be able to hook you up with proper paint color information...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    McC wrote: »
    There's a pretty exhaustive discussion of the entire build process of both the original and the refit models on Memory Alpha, including surfacing changes between TMP, TWOK, and onward all the way through TUC. Worth reading, if you're curious about the model's history!

    Yeah there it is!
    From the linked article:

    "I hate that model. I think it's made out of lead. I don't know what's inside to make it so heavy; it took eight guys to mount it for a shot and a forklift to move it around. (...) I'll probably get attacked about his, but I'm just not crazy about the original design of the Enterprise. It's a shape that does not lend itself easily to looking good in the frame. It's hard to come up with angles that read like anything. There are only two good angles on it." (Cinefantastique, issue 44, Vol. 12, issue 5/6, pp. 54-55) and, "I hate that ship. I've said it a hundred times, but it's true. I think it's ugly – the most silly looking thing. The model is murder to work with, so I'm glad it's gone," he recalled while preparing the Enterprise for destruction in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.

    But I guess I took it too literally this guys hatred for the model.
    Turns out they kept it but was majorly repainted for Star Trek IV's appearance.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Wow, thanks folks. That's a lot of information to digest.

    I did get the ebook (Star Trek, Creating the Enterprise) in my mailbox tonight and after a quick look at it, Paul Olsen (the man who painted the Enterprise) said that the color was kind of a sage green. I'm still leaning towards the blue scheme as that is how it appears in pictures and films. It was pretty funny seeing the decal sets in the different color schemes. Guess you have to cover your bases! Maybe that is what I should do with the textures, a blue set and a green set. Then after I release the model, you can choose which version you prefer.

    Anyway, for a quick update, I worked on the greeble detail around the shuttle bay last night and tonight.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    Yeah, you've gotta go with what looks right to you when doing the colors on this stuff. That's interesting information about the sage green, though.

    The shuttlebay area is looking great. :)
  • Chris2005Chris2005678 Posts: 3,097Member
    Yea, I myself prefer the blue look, because blue is my favorite color, haha.

    Shuttlebay area detail looks great.
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann656 Posts: 1,299Member
    It's the difference between real colour and filmed colour. Remember how the uniforms in Enterprise were almost purple the first three years? You just gotta go with what feels RIGHT to you.
  • wjasperswjaspers332 Posts: 0Member
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    Paul Olsen (the man who painted the Enterprise) said that the color was kind of a sage green.

    If you read correct what Olsen says, then it will be clear that there is green AND bleu on the ship. He did not paint the entire ship, some areas where painted before he got the model, and some areas are just green or bleu because of the material used (these have no paint at all).
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    wjaspers wrote: »
    If you read correct what Olsen says, then it will be clear that there is green AND bleu on the ship. He did not paint the entire ship, some areas where painted before he got the model, and some areas are just green or bleu because of the material used (these have no paint at all).

    Ooops, my bad. I just skimmed through until he got to painting the Enterprise and only did a quick read of that. And this folks, is how bad information gets spread.

    Sheepishly, Al.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg1743 CaliforniaPosts: 1,977Member
    Really nice detail around the shuttle-bay Tralfaz. I bow to the master. :thumb:
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Thank you everyone.

    Brandenberg, I am no where near a master. You are much closer with all the work you put into your Klingon ship. That is absolutely beautiful.

    Spent the last little bit working on the torpedo area and engineering hull. Still have the neck to re-do, but I think I need to take a bit of a break. My wife is becoming a computer widow and I need to rectify that! Will see what I can get done on my lunch at work.

  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    ... I think I need to take a bit of a break. My wife is becoming a computer widow and I need to rectify that! Will see what I can get done on my lunch at work.


    Be carefull!
    My wife and kids sometimes say IA’m taking to much time with my pc, fact that will make them to give an end in my hobby. :o

    When it occurs, Shopping, parks, dinner in a cool place and use of a credit card :devil: takes precedence. :lol:

    Just kidding! Take a break, itA’s always welcome and is a pleasure to stay with your family. :thumb:
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Oooohh... a nice dinner out sounds like a great idea. Thanks.

    I reworked the engineering hull on my lunches and ended up with this, which things look so much better and not as angular as the first one I had. Guess it takes me more than once to come up with something I am happy with.

  • SaquistSaquist1 Posts: 0Member
    I knew you'd changed it.
    It's improved.
  • Hunter GHunter G1907 Posts: 543Member
    I love the shuttle-bay area, especially since I appreciate how hard it is to model neatly, no matter what program you use. ;) Plus overall the ship is looking pretty freakin amazing!
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    That refit is very like the "Ex Machina" novel cover.
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Thanks folks.

    I am getting close to finishing the major modeling sections. There are a lot of little greebles and things to do yet, but it is getting closer to looking like the Enterprise. I've been working on the warp nacelles and pylons lately. They've been kind of hard to do, at least for me. It's like I have to model something 3, 4 or 5 times to get something that I end up being happy with.

    It's kind of funny. At first I was quite happy with the textures I had made. But the more I work on the model, the more I want the textures to be of higher quality. A wee bit hard since I suck at doing textures! But, you gotta' learn someday...

  • McCMcC373 Posts: 704Member
    Looking sharp! :thumb:
    Tralfaz wrote: »
    It's like I have to model something 3, 4 or 5 times to get something that I end up being happy with.
    I don't have any idea what you're talking about. Nothing like this has happened while I've been working on my Ambassador. Oh wait... :rolleyes:

    I feel your pain, man. :D
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    The nacelles are looking great so far. :D
  • TralfazTralfaz412 Posts: 846Member
    Just a quick update. Did some more work on the warp nacelles.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    Nice work, those are looking great. :D
  • TallguyTallguy350 Posts: 467Member
    Looking nice. I ought to do a set of those just to see if I can. The only crazier shape I can think of in Trek is the Galaxy engineering hull.
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • anystaranystar0 Posts: 0Member
    agreed, its very frustrating trying to decypher the way the shapes come together.
    looks like you've done outstanding so far though!
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