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3DKlingon Heavy Weapons Platform



  • dwldwl0 Posts: 0Member
    Great design and modelling. I love the blend of Eaves' style into your own. Looking forward to seeing it complete!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Something old coming back again. Got some plans for this so Im gonna attempt to gang bust it out. Even though I have yet again yanked everything but the nacelles.
    Renders show the old struts but I am considering redoing these for something not curved. The new parts are completely different from the old, same forms but size and girth have all changed. I am also considering boosting the size of this a bit. Not as much as she was way back in 05 but maybe a in between the original and the most recent one. You can see comparisons of it to the Sov on my blog.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ok, stayed up way too late extruding these out. But I wanted to show the new head. I have decided to keep the old chin. It just happens to fit perfectly. Id like to redo it but getting that shape without any bumps was a real PITA on the original and was when I just attempted it this evening. I may take a stab at it later on.
    Those that know this mesh will notice that I am not extruding the plates as deeply.
    The new head has me wondering if I should have done more with that skirt thing. The idea is it will house deflector arrays. I have not decided how they will appear though.
    OH note: the little missing texture Klingons are 6'6"
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    So glad to see this getting worked on again!
    The sweeping lines and sharp angles are making this a very striking design
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    ItA’s good to see her coming to life again. I believe that her "torso" could be enlarged, not so much as KA’tinga, but a bit. ;)
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    I really like the sleekness of it. Gives her an almost avian predator look, like a hungry hawk on the prowl.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Oh lovely, I really hope to see that one (near) completed once, that's such a great ship.
  • madmacsmadmacs0 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, I thought this build was thrown on the wayside like a uninteresting toy. Good to see it back
  • aylaa12aylaa120 Posts: 0Member
    wow at it again jejejeje great work
  • srspicersrspicer392 Posts: 336Member
    I am also glad this ship is back. This is such a great design!

  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Spent the afternoon arguing with the central hull. Well messed with the "wings" struts a bit too. New mesh etc. I think what I have here works, some of the surfacing will have to be redone once I freeze the stack. My brain just isn't working right today with the subdiv or just visualizing things. I really want to find something else for the rear end but so far this seems to be the best for now while it is still subdiv. Does not help every time I say Ok this is it, I think of something else to try :D *>_<

    Also note the change in the nacelles, some reason I had the newer ones on some odd layer instead of the proper one. They are smaller and well have more done to them. Thinking they could use some thickening though.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • madman1701amadman1701a339 Posts: 366Member
    Hmm, it looks great, but I think I like the last version of the wings and nacelles better. :)
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Starting up the details on the hull and working in all the features. Imported it into a new scene since the old one was all weird. Still had some funkiness in the view port rotations ate certain views. dunno wtf is with that but eh. So, with that I need to adjust things since this is the workspace for the cargo ship and it obviously produces different renders.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Hmm, for some reason the first two images in the last post don't want to load.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Just image$hit having issues just refresh the images and it should load sooner or later.

    Plating plating plating. . . .
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Lovely. Those platings are great.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Very nice work as always.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Stuff from last night and a little today. I remember now why I dropped this project in the past, plates are annoying and this thing is nothing but. Top of the head even though I added no cuts radially had a mess of open ends after detaching to do the central cutout. ffffff That and all the cleaning up of hidden edges to avoid errors (those folded dark spots or smoothing wrinkles) Great fun will be the secondary plating and the decoration plating. Toyed with doing maps but for now I will work with polies as much as possible.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I know how much hull platig can be pain, but you done a fine job.
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    Stuff from last night and a little today. I remember now why I dropped this project in the past, plates are annoying and this thing is nothing but. Top of the head even though I added no cuts radially had a mess of open ends after detaching to do the central cutout. ffffff That and all the cleaning up of hidden edges to avoid errors (those folded dark spots or smoothing wrinkles) Great fun will be the secondary plating and the decoration plating. Toyed with doing maps but for now I will work with polies as much as possible.
    IA’m not experienced as you but I have a suggestion. Why not just draw the plates as independent splines and later attach them to the hull? Of course it wonA’t be that easy over the curved faces, but with the help of the glue plugin it can works. At least, I believe it will save you a lot of polly adjustments and time welding vertices. Hope that helps. ;)
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    I hate plugins. I avoid them if at all possible. It probably comes from the days when you couldnt do anything in max without plugins.

    I can not see splines being any easier to deal with. EXP since hardly any of this stuff is planar to the world. Only flat faces planar to world are the tops and bottoms of the head. If your projecting splines onto a sloped/curved surface spacing of things will go all to hell. And I just cannot see how I can measure out things to keep consistency across the entire mesh.

    Plating is just annoying like windows, tedious work that is just work period.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Not much of a update but neck bits are all worked in. They should look better once plated up and taken further in. The lower ball and head part are separate obj, the spin and neck are now merged in. Ages ago I had pictured the head as a detachable humongous lifeboat, but I dunno if I want to even go there now. hah.

    Somethings need work still such as the segs on the curved slope on the head, removing all the blockyness on the lower neck parts and dealing with that ugly part where the neck flows into the triangle part of the neck.

    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • rojrenrojren2373 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,987Member
    MadKoiFish wrote: »
    ...Ages ago I had pictured the head as a detachable humongous lifeboat, but I dunno if I want to even go there now. hah. ...

    Do Klingons even do lifeboats?
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    yup, seen often in DS9. There are conflicting canon on it via verbose from Worf I think in TNG or one of the films. But visually it is shown they have lifeboats. Not to mention a whole season 7 ep dealt with lifeboats from a TNG era BOP. (if you swallow the milti size BOP thing) One could argue that in the latter DS9 era The Empire was strapped for skilled warriors (read skilled ship men) that they instated lifeboat use. I think Worf and prior canon about a lack of lifeboats on Klingon ships is wrong. What is to honor in dieing in a failing ship?
    If you consider ENT canon as well they show lifeboats and refer to them repeatedly as well.

    Now, this does not mean I will cover this thing in lifeboat hatches or "zit" domes. Likely they would have them under a hinged hull plate.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Final update for now. upper plates and side plates to the triangle bit.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • AeriesAeries1 Posts: 0Member
    Great work, very clean. I love the armor plates. :]
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah I remember seeing this model a long time ago but then somehow it disappeared :D The design is really nice and I think that Klingons in the TNG+ eras should have ships looking more like this. I know that they're supposed to be rough and dirty warriors but come on rusty spaceships going faster than light at least should have better looks. Looking forward to seeing more of this because it's one of my favourites !
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Here is a example of how annoying it is, the spine thing has one set of plates too small in the middle. SO now I have to undo all of that work to get in there to recut it. Also the angles are all wrong. Start off steep and transition too fast. UGH Great fun will be had when I get to the "wings" O_o;' Anyhoo some of it is me not taking the extra time to really look at things before just going at it. beh.
    Anyhow I went back to using that AO shader to make the AO stronger so it shows off the details better. Likely I will remove it in the latter stages and use the AO shader that is part of the material. Oddly both are for the MR materials. So I dunno why one has multiple options. W/E I stick the AO shader into the FG/GI multiplier slot. (on and it is Ambient/Reflective Occlusion, uh ok. fff)
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ok a hour later. hah some of it rendering things out.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • LockeFPLockeFP171 Posts: 0Member
    W/E I stick the AO shader into the FG/GI multiplier slot. (on and it is Ambient/Reflective Occlusion, uh ok. fff)

    This is just an awesome sentence. I have no idea what you said there, but it sure does sound cool. I had a pretty good laugh when I had to read it for the third time to try to figure it out. I especially liked the "fff" at the end, whatever that means! Sounds like your brain misfiring when you say that sentence out loud.

    And just for some gratuitous groaning, what's the poly count on this thing right now?
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