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3DStar Trek Etc.



  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Basill thank you!

    Melak.. its deep in there for the locking mechanism and pod/shuttle doors to go inside.. so the door isn't all that thick, but i'll make the windows thicker next time i work on her.. Thanks!

    as for the impulse crystal.. just the way the plans said to make it... if you have an idea of what it could look like, would love to see it! (photoshop the hell out of the picture if you must!) Thanks again!
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    I was just thinking it could be round, like the other we've seen, if there wasnt any particular reason for it to be oval. But since the plans say its oval, go for that :D
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks all!

    well not much, started on textures, uv'd the hull, and done the aztecing for the saucer.. i'll see what i can do to the rest texture wise latter. :)

    for now, pictures!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Not a Necro Post!!!


    well after i done some texturing, the file corupted! so i had to go back a couple of versions, and didn't feel like it to much, so took my time.. so, finished up the textures on the girl, added light spots for the naccelles, and under the saucer so its not coming from nowhere!

    now for some creative wallpaper usage!

    I have no idea what i want to build next.. have no drive to make any particular ship or whatever.. might go back and finsh some ships.. texture the sabre, norway.. finish off the streamrunner.. I don't know.. focusing on plastic models right now... since i have a few extra bucks to get the kits (plus half off shipping from the site i go thru ^_^ )

    More latter!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I don't rcall seeing the Akyazi before, it's a nice if odd design, and this is a very nice example. Looking forward to the First Contact ships. :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well, dusted off some other of my projects, since before the begining of this year, I usually quit at the texture part! ... yeah...

    so, i'm going back and texturing my older ships, cleaning them up, adding here's and there's to bring it up to par with my latest stuff!

    So.. for your consideration..

    The Wasp class..!

    cleaned her up, some new things here and there, and added the temp textures to her, uv'd her.. now, forgot to put in windows last time, so i'll get to that soon.

    i'll be going back to some of my old meshes for the forseeable future, cleaning up what i've done so far, and bringing them up to a good standard before starting anything "new" still working on the sabre, norway and others.. just needed a break.. Till then..


    edit: and oh, i'll be coming up with my own history for this class, seperate from the starfleet museiums, taking in to account Enterprise.. which they dont. and adding some reasons why i did this that way and such.. so.. for latter!
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    This one stands out from the others :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    And another ship!

    So.. for your consideration..

    The Icarus class..!

    .. i only barly started on her awhile back, and i have no idea where i got the reference pics... if someone can identify where.. i'll give credit where credits due! so not my plans.. i tried the usual places.. couldn't find her...


    Wasp Class
    Constructed - 2163 to 2166
    12 ships of the class
    crew of 110
    25 officer
    85 crew
    impulse - 0.30c (limited)
    warp - cruse - warp 5.5
    max - warp 7.1

    Icarus class
    Constructed - 2171 to 2182
    30 ships of the class
    crew of 70
    20 officers
    50 crew
    impulse - 0.30c (limited)
    warp - cruse - warp 6
    max - warp 7.5

    After the forming of the federation in 2161, Starfleet became the operational Navy for the fledgling coalition. After the Earth-Romulan War, the need for new ships became apparent. The few NX and Intrepid class ships provided clear evidence that a modern starfleet was needed. With the signing of the federation charter, the many species began sharing technology more openly, including the vulcans. So with the sharing of technology, tractor beams, phasers, photon torpedos, energy shields, and most importantly higher class of warp engines became available to the Starfleet.

    The Daedalus class was Earths first warp 7 starship, however a few bugs were found. With the mass production of starships, the fine details of the nx class were lost, and so was the 2 year production time for a single copy. 5 Daedalus class ships a year were produced, but with mass production came a few oversights. In the event of a warp core breach, the primary hull could be separated, but without impulse drive, the chances of survival were slim, especially with the distances the class traveled in its exploratory missions.

    First was in the newer generation of ships was to move the impulse deck to the primary hull, second was to give these ships the ability to eject the warp core in a timely manner, third was to pull everything inside to where ships personnel didn't have to do dangerous EVA's to do maintenance, so hulls started to become smoother. ( my reason why the nx and tos enterprise look different, and what Matt said, move everything inside!)

    The Wasp class was an experiment to see if a 3 nacelle ship was feasible. The thought was to have 2 engines on at once, while the 3rd rested, or repaired, and all 3 engaged to facilitate a higher warp. With the distances from Earth growing even greater the reliability of each ship became a problem. This ship took lessons learned from the Daedalus ships in that the impulse deck was in the primary hull, and triple redundant. so in the event of an emergency, the primary hull could escape. The problems with this class was one of its features, it featured a front down approach to decks. this deck arrangement, and the small engineering hull presented problems for engineers in case of fire, or emergency, they had to go up a ladder or turbolift to get out of danger, and if the trouble was above them, then they had nowhere to go but to hope it didn't reach them. The cost of fitting the ship with 3 nacelles was to be prohibitively expensive, and latter ships were only fitted with 2 nacelles, but with a drop in warp performance. These issues insured the wasp class had a short life in Starfleet.

    The Icarus class was one of the last ships to use the spherical hull, which was an experiment to see if the spherical hulls were better to build than the saucer of the nx, which was expensive and needed extra rigidity to pressurize the hull, as with spheres, easy to pressurize and mass produce. which was a necessity in the early days of mass production to get as many ships out as possible and claim and protect territory before aggressor species like the Romulans or Klingons could claim it. The Icarus used the latest in miniaturized components to give the Icarus more bang for its buck, as it was smaller than most ships, it was also faster, and more luxurious for the crew, making it a plum assignment. The Icarus addressed a number of problems of earlier ships. it had an ejectable warp core, standard deck layout, and an aft shuttle bay. advances in impulse drive meant that this ship only needed 1 impulse engine deck, bringing to an end to multiple redundancy. These ships pushed the boundarys of the federation for 30 years before they were retired in favor of larger, more powerful ships.

    In my mind, I'm think of aircraft, on how especially after WW2, that there were so many different aircraft with short shelf lives, trying to get it right, wasn't till the 70's that we got the f14, 15, 16 that longer life aircraft came to be, so to me they tried all different types of ships till they got it right, and was a 100 years after enterprise that the life of a ship was measured in decades or a century.

    More story latter!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    nice work. :)
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    The models are really nice. Looking forward to seeing them finished !
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Thanks to USS Mariner!, didn't look in the 22nd century ships (duh!) of JoaT, credit applied!

    ... his story is better than mine... so ill use his though the backstory on why things are still remains, smooth hull, 1 impulse deck...

    okay, worked on it a few hours last night.. tried to put in some windows and Failed! hate booleans sometimes! i'll try again latter..

    after that failure i started on the shuttle bay.. not done, kind of small, and have to put in some large cargo doors on the far wall, and a lift in the floor, AND design a new shuttle for her! since i'm using the Ent era shuttle pods.. which are 30 years old.. soo.. need another set!

    more latter!!
  • AethernautAethernaut0 Posts: 0Member
    Hey! It's one of my babies. :D Lookin' good!

    I'm not around here much anymore, but I do check in once in awhile. I do have a drawings for the Type-A3 shuttlecraft and the 2 prototype X-104 fightercraft designs I did to go with the Icarus if you want copies of the drawings to work from. I've also got a rough sketch of the MSD/interior if you need an idea of the way the internal space is laid out.
  • Bell'OrsoBell'Orso331 Posts: 93Member
    Valk: Nice to see someone give this baby the high-poly treatment. Can't wait to see this one finished. :)

    Aethernaut: Go here, look in the WIP section and search for a guy named GMunoz. (I know, it's down atm, but it should be back up soon.) He's currently developing your ship for Bridge Commander and so far his TOS and Pre-TOS work has always been top notch. An overview of his work released so far can be seen here.
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Aethernaut! Thanks!, i'll take all the information i can get on her! PM'ed U!

    well, spent some time on the shuttle bay to put it better to scale, so the railings had to go... to bad.. they looked good

    so have some elevators on the floor, and some cargo doors on the wall, the upper thing is a hallway going to the gondola on top on the bay.. no other way to get someone up there, unless they crawl.. >_<

    and something new.. calling it the type C shuttle, has elements of the old Ent pods, and the TOS Galileo, warp capable, thinking warp 2 for 48 hours, warp 1.5 for 72hrs. holds up to 5, 2 pilots, 3 passengers, no eng section though like the Galileo, the impulse/m/am section is jetsonable (why you want to get rid of your drive section, and left adrift.. I have no idea.. but they had it on the old ent pod...) not totally done on them, need to tweak the drive section with more details and do something with the exhaust ports..... though i'll do Aethernauts shuttles as well!

    more latter
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well got some new blueprints from Aethernaut, so the shuttle bay is close to what he drew... i hope!...

    has rounded walls.. thinking i might redo them in straight walls latter, but good enough right now!

    He also gave me some blueprints of some shuttle craft, AND some warp capable fighters! so i'll be building them latter as well!

    still using my shuttles right now, and according the the msd, theres 4 of them, on an elevator.. so kind of like the older blueprints you find on starfleet museium! might use it for the wasp class as well!

    so, i'll continue this, and move on from the shuttle bay for now, work on the rest of the ship, like the sphere!, i'll come back to it latter!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well, some more work on other parts of the ship, installed the impulse engines, the vip/officer lounge aft the bridge, and put in the phasers..

    with the phasers, since the plans called for double banks like the TMP Ent. i used a version from the akayazi, but rebuilt to be simpler... what the hell, i like them! :flippy:

    more tomorow maybe!
  • IronscytheIronscythe0 Posts: 0Member
    That shuttle has a very similar overall shape as the Puddle-Jumper of SGA
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Those are some fine phasers, you don't have to excuse yourself for using them again :D
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    Welcome the USS Galatea! I didn't see any names i liked on the profile on Joat, (sorry Chris!) so I came up with my own, though went with the regestry number in between sets.. soo ncc - 246 is a good compromise! Named after one of Neptunes moons, the 4th out, and also named neptune VI ( where i got 46 ^_^) stayed with the greek naming scheme..

    well, got some work on in on her today, mainly with the saucer (sphere) section put in the docking ports, torpedo tubes, rcs thrusters. rebuilt the sphere, was a bit light on polys...

    now the question, do i model in the panel lines?? or do i go with a smooth shell like a Tos ship... theres some panel lines in the drawings, but there light, barly noticable, so i might just texture it.. or i could model in some shield grid lines, ill give it some thought.. that and some decaling and Windows! (which would be easier with panels so i don't get funky booleans.... egh..)

    so pictures!
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    if you're worried about them being too prominent if you model them in - don't be, you'll probably have more trouble rendering with enough AA to have them show up in non closeups :D

    The Galatea is looking good! :)
  • ST-OneST-One188 Posts: 293Member
    Really nice modelling work here.

    But now I remember why I never finished that ship when I tried to bring it into 3D. I don't think it really works in 3D.
    Its elements are really nicely design (no wonder really when we consider who's the designer), but for some reason the ship as a whole is somehow... less than the sum of its parts.

    Still you did a really good job at building it. And, yes, you should model the grid-lines :)
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    yes it looks like the deathstar with naccelles at some angles >_>.. (sorry Chris, had to say it! :) ) but its a good inbetween that should exist ( yes it looks more advanced than the Kelvin from the new movie.. (thats another war of words i don't want to get in to) but a good transistion between Ent and Tos :)

    Thanks guys/girls!
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    finished up the decaling/penants and the name is on the front of the ship now ^_^

    might have more renders latter... at home some the render times for 1 frame are like 45 minutes (10-20 for the work one... go figure!!) so if i'm not on the computer i'll do some more renders

    so Pictures!!
  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting design is it a stopgap between the Daedalus and the Constitution or perhaps even a ship that is more into a TMP era lineage (looking at the smooth hull design).
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    well, got most of the lighting done, and started in on the shield grid, done the naccelles, pylons and eng hull, next is the primary hull (sphere) and then Windows!!

    few details here and there that i've missed, texturing should be simple, not doing an aztec for it, simple color, light panels for some specular, maybe a dirt map simalar to the tos Ent.

    yeah, panels are a bit to dark, i recolored the panels, but i'll change it to a lighter grey.. Not dark grey!

    sorry bout the quality, no time for a full tilt render.. i'll do more tomorow!

    Flanker - the date for this is around 2188 - 2230 for the shelf life of the class, so late 22, early 23rd, after the Daedalus!

    on a side note.. just took notice.. and wondering.. How do you spell Grey? or Gray?... A.D.D. moment :)

    for now Pictures!!
  • daibakadaibaka171 Posts: 0Member
    Always liked the Icarus, right from Aethernaut's 2d thread years ago. It always had a touch of the "Flash Gordon Rocketship" style to it, especially with that deflector antenna at the front! This is fine job so far and if you're planning to incorporate some of his details with your own it should come out all the stronger for it.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    That forward 3/4 shot looks really nice. Best aspect
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    daibaka, sticking close to the plans with just the here or there, or things i'm unable to model or get the correct curve.. atribute that to the lack of modeling ability.. main parts were built almost a year i could do better.. and rebuild...but i'm lazy ^_^

    well, got a few things done, put the windows in, and the airlock for the eng hull, and, though you can't see it, i put raidiators in the pylons (black parts) instead of the gray boxes.. egh.. why not..

    so most of whats left is the primary hull, grid and windows, i have the window cutouts placed already (done today) and a templete for the grid ready.. just need to do some cutting!

    put in a self - ilumination pic for those of you in to that!! (everybody has to have a fetish..)

    BTW - I'm hitting my upload limit again!, so old pics are going to go again... just a warning to those that save! need to the old sets up at flicker or something.. I will, eventually!

    so, till then Pictures!
  • ST-OneST-One188 Posts: 293Member
    I've found the WIP-folder of my version of that ship again.

    This is where I left off... my god... five years ago...
  • VALKYRIE013VALKYRIE013547 Posts: 1,473Member
    That looks Great ST! should finish it or revisit it! ( 5years ago i wasn't even modeling yet!! wow!)

    well, finished up the hull grid, and the windows for her... so im near finished with the modeling bits, now some light texture work, and i'll call this one done Yay!

    a great feeling to finish something!!
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