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3DEnterprise Season Five A– NX A‘Toon



  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    Klingon cargo ship. Or rather, the ship some rebel slaves stole from the Klingons.

    I like the battle damage BoP.

    The Romulan warbird, if possible the part above the guns should be curved just like the rest of the hull edge and the square below the tail fin where the hull tapers should be about half as tall and have engines. Plus the internal parts of the guns should be black or otherwise shadowed.
  • PheonPheon0 Posts: 0Member
    Klingon cargo ship. Or rather, the ship some rebel slaves stole from the Klingons.

    It's much too small for the purposes of the episode, however I don't think it'd look out of place as a background ship in the same scenes.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Klingon cargo ship. Or rather, the ship some rebel slaves stole from the Klingons.

    I like the battle damage BoP.

    The Romulan warbird, if possible the part above the guns should be curved just like the rest of the hull edge and the square below the tail fin where the hull tapers should be about half as tall and have engines. Plus the internal parts of the guns should be black or otherwise shadowed.

    Yeah, I was thinking about this ship too but as Pheon said, we need a freighter ... and this one has ugly D5 nacelles :mad:
    No way I'm making this one, even for background shots :flippy:
    (nah, just joking, I don't really care :D)
    When it comes to the Romulan Warbird, I will surely make the changes but keep in mind that it's a very early version so a lot of parts aren't there yet, and the ones that are haven't been really checked with the official version. I have some really good shots (from all possible angles) so when making the final parts, I will go back and make sure that everything's in its right place.
    Thanks again for helping us out :thumb:
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    You mean the orthographic views pictures?

    I posted the ship just as inspiration for a larger one. Actually, I'm wondering whether or not it would make sense to make a Klingon cargo ship modular like the Earth ones. However, it has to be considered that the Klingons probably couldn't land their modified D5 tanker, they would have had to use transporters. Transporters would streamline cargo movement tremendously and if those cargo pods were able to land independantly or were just for organizing cargo, well you wouldn't need it as much with transporters. Secondly, they were using a modified military ship as a tanker. Well, what about making another modified D5 but as a cargo ship? A civilian Klingon cargo ship might then be more like the conventional, non-modular, cargo ships we've seen throughout Trek.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    You mean the orthographic views pictures?

    I posted the ship just as inspiration for a larger one. Actually, I'm wondering whether or not it would make sense to make a Klingon cargo ship modular like the Earth ones. However, it has to be considered that the Klingons probably couldn't land their modified D5 tanker, they would have had to use transporters. Transporters would streamline cargo movement tremendously and if those cargo pods were able to land independantly or were just for organizing cargo, well you wouldn't need it as much with transporters. Secondly, they were using a modified military ship as a tanker. Well, what about making another modified D5 but as a cargo ship? A civilian Klingon cargo ship might then be more like the conventional, non-modular, cargo ships we've seen throughout Trek.

    1.Yes, I have ortographic views too
    2.Well, the cargo freighter is a big question for me too :) However, my model will be a pretty old design (built when Klingons didn't have the transporter ) so I decided to add cargo modules. The ship will be able to land on planet surface but without thm They would be tugged to the destination by uh ... "tugs" :)
    And about the D5 tanker - T'Pol said that they're "maruders" so I think they stole the D5 and modified it to their needs. We're in the Klingon space for the episode so I think we'll go with something more "official".
    By the way here are some shots of the ship :

    So far Pheon likes it so I will stick with that design. However, I'm still making changes to the model, so in the end it can turn out to look the way you want it Major :)

    Ah I almost forgot , the Romulan Warbird.



    Just a little test animation for BoP's "head" disruptors :) (attachment)
  • CandvaCandva0 Posts: 0Member
    Impressive, I was never really a fan of Toon-3d stuff but this is really great stuff. Eager to see the ships in the space background!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Candva wrote: »
    Impressive, I was never really a fan of Toon-3d stuff but this is really great stuff. Eager to see the ships in the space background!

    Thanks :) The modelling is pretty much finished for the major ships so I will start doing animations really soon. You can always check out the animation I posted before : YouTube - Test Animations
    Or you can wait for something better :p
    And here are some ... updates ! :D

    First one, a test for a damaged D5 which will most likely not be used in the first episode but it should give you an idea of how damaged the ships may be in future battles :)


    Next one, the outpost. Fitted with torpedo launchers , docking port and some other details


    The Klingon Freighter without wings (Pheon wanted to make some changes to the ship)


    And a bigger High Council city

  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Hello there everyone. Little new updates to the models :D

    First one, the small Bird of Prey. A damaged model


    Second, the High Council Grounds. Added some more details to the city and started modelling the terrain (this one's gonna be tricky)


    Another update is for the station. This is the final model. The rest of details will come in the texturing process


    And finally a "new" model , the shuttlepod. I just started the development but it goes really fast so I will post the final version in a few hours. I changed the main body a bit to make it a bit more "sleeker"... it may be not visible in this shot but the final version will be a bit different from what we've seen on the screen.

  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    One more update before I go to sleep :)
    An NX class shuttlepod


    If you want to see the little model in action, check the attachment. The video is of pretty bad quality because I had to re-render it to an .avi file (it was mov earlier and I clicked on the wrong compression type which got me a pretty big file...) but maybe someone will like it :rolleyes:
    Please note that the animations and the scenes are NOT final and will look totally different from what you see here .
    Comments ? :)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    I prefer the Klingon frieghter without wings both back and front, I just don't see the need for them, especially since they're not aerodynamic. I think the red thing should be higher or eliminated in favor of a bow device of a simple red rectangle. In light of the stolen ship and this shuttle I think the nacelles should be smoother.
    I would going to say they need to be lower too but the shuttle shows that is not the case.

    I like that it is armed with the same cheak turrets as the Bird of Prey. It's problem is that the placement limits their firing arcs. Eliminating the wings will help a lot, I suppose it might detach from the cargo to fight attackers, just as the Earth cargo ship did in a particular episode, so the remaining firing arc problem wouldn't be as much of an issue. However, if you wanted you could create two towers on the top and bottom of the rear of the bow hull and place the turrets on top of them, that would allow them to fire over the entire hull with very minimal blind spots. Comsidering the change in philosophy the Klingons are supposed to have undergone, I can easily imagine a cargo ship considering the weapon layout as a top priority. I wouldn't go so far as torpedo tubes, though.

    The dorsanl humb with red glowy bits on the back of all the vessels need to have much narrower slits too. I would remove the red slits on the station and reverse what I assume are downward hangin docking pylons, so the airlocks face outward so larger ships can dock. I think the station would look better without them, they look spindly in comparison to those large, I suppose you would call them, piers.

    T'Pol said they were raiders, however that doesn't mean they stole the ship. I find it more likely they are just part of a house that has a tradition in raiding, it's probably considered an honorable way to make a living. This is especially considering that they weren't preying on other ships, as far as we know anyway, but were steeling fuel and had their ship outfitted as a tanker. I imagine they were selling the fuel they were steeling and had a bunch of other places they were steeling from in the way a Lord might have taken from surfs if it so pleased them.

    The Romulan warbird is looking better.

    I like the battle damage on the mini Klingon ship but it doesn't have the hull corrections.

    The shuttlepod looks great but you need to study the engine area more closely and the ladder like part going to the top from the wings should have much shallower indentations.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member

    Thank you very much :)
    I prefer the Klingon frieghter (...)

    1.Thanks for the advice, as always :D When it comes to the freighter, it's very possible that I will rebuild the ship completely and build a new one ... this one didn't had any design to back it up so I think it would be stupid to use something like that in the pilot episode. As you said, the wings are pretty much useless and the whole construction has flaws so I will make a new one and apply the changes you suggested.
    2.The "red glowy parts" bug me a little too but I'm afraid they will have to stay that way because if there were more of the lines there, it all would meld and look really unattractive.
    When it comes to the station, I don't have a better idea right now (and I don't have to since it will probably be a background item) so it will stay that way unless Pheon wants otherwise. The docking port, however, is the tube on the left "wing". Other than that at the time the station isn't equipped with any airlocks or docking ports :)
    3.Well, the raiders is a topic which we can argue about for hours :shiner: they weren't clearly described in the episode so we can only make guesses about who they are and how did they get one of the Klingon best cruisers become a tanker ...
    4.About the small Bird of Prey ... I forgot about changing the head portion :shiner: I will do that as soon as I get back to work.
    5.Thanks for the image. I had some references but not this one. I couldn't really clearly see the engine part so "I had" to make some mistakes :p
    I will fix them today as well.
    Thanks again for everything :thumb: I really appreciate your help.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Ok Major, I made the changes to both small BoP and the Shuttlepod.
    I've made the middle part of the "head" a bit wider, changed the rear curve and moved the cannons on wings.


    And here's the updated engine section for the pod. I think it matches the original now pretty well. There are still some parts missing on the model but I will add them later


    Also, I decided to do a different freighter. I kept the "head" part because it looked pretty good (well, I made some changes but nothing big) but the "cargo" part and the rear are going to be completely new. I did a few designs and I will explore each one of them. In the end we'll decide with Pheon which one will make it to the episode (you can vote too :D)


    This is the beginning of the first model. Updated version will come later and new design will be here before 24 hours :D
  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    I really like that freighter, it won't be modular since each section is different but that's not a problem since it just looks better. The turrets could stand to be placed further out to the left and right so they can shoot over the cargo section. The sections just needs some way to open so the cargo can be loaded and unloaded.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    I really like that freighter, it (...)

    Thanks :) Actually the turrets had a 360 degree (in XY axis) coverage but in the final moment I decided to make the cargo section wider and now the parts don't fit perfectly :p The rear section with engines is actually going to be tapering to the sides at exactly the same angle as the cargo section. I also changed the top part with the "red glowing thing" because this one didn't fit really well.
    Thanks for the comment :)
    And here's a little update for the Golden Gate Bridge


    And a little tram that will be travelling alongside it (it will actually stay extremely low poly and have some simple textures because it will be just a background model)

  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Hey there everyone I have a new test animation, this time for warp travel. I used the damaged D5 here just because it was the one I used recetly so I imported it into the scene :D
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    can you do a warp test with the Golden Gate Bridge? :p
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    can you do a warp test with the Golden Gate Bridge? :p

    :lol: Hahahaha that's the most crazy (just because I don't want to say f'ed up :D) idea yet ! But ... it can be done :devil:

    Before that, a new version of the Klingon freighter with more vertically oriented cargo


    And a San Francisco tram which was finished (it had more details on the passengers' cars and another module with engines) but unfortunately it got ... erased ... my fault because it was the only model I wasn't backing up :(


    But oh well, 5 minutes of work and it will be better than ever :)
    How do you like those models ?
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work on the tram.
    Though I think it's a bit to TMP-ish..
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    That shouldnt be a problem. Trains are way more advanced, on a general level, than spaceships, which require a lot more resources and skills to produce. Trains are relatively mass-produced.

    Nice updates- can you post a 3d-render of the bridge and cargo ship?
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Nice work on the tram.
    Though I think it's a bit to TMP-ish..

    Thanks :) And about the look, I checked out some of the new tram and train designs we are (or will be) using and some of them look even more futuristic than this one ...
    That shouldnt be a problem. Trains are way more advanced, on a general level, than spaceships, which require a lot more resources and skills to produce. Trains are relatively mass-produced.

    Nice updates- can you post a 3d-render of the bridge and cargo ship?

    Thanks for supporting my theory on the tram :D

    What do you mean by 3d renders ? :shiner: there are screens in earlier posts ... or do you mean something else by that ?

    Anyway, here are some new screens.

    Fully textured BoP


    Updated freighter


    Finished (base model) Tram


    ... and with Golden Gate (scaled the tram up a little to make it look nice)


    And a little DY-100 ship , maybe it will be of some use ...

  • Major DiarrhiaMajor Diarrhia331 Posts: 0Member
    The bridge is missing the second from top horizontal span on the right side.

    The cargo ship looks awesome but with that design, flaring sections don't really go with it.

    The BoP looks great, could we have a close up of the belly turret on its own?

    I love that you turned the tram into a train but doesn't quite sit right with me. With the engine in back it doesn't seem train like enough since it isn't a tractor setup, I know some trains push but this isn't on rails. Also, it seems to reduce the need of such a large engine car. Also, what's the point in the rear window section on the engine car? What's the scale, if those low things are doors then the engine car windows may be way to large? A longer train would be cool, lots longer.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    The bridge is missing the second from top horizontal span on the right side.

    Can you clarify this one ? :D Do you mean the tall part at the back of the bridge where the cables start ?
    The cargo ship looks awesome but with that design, flaring sections don't really go with it.

    You mean the tapering of the cargo hull ? It was straight in the beginning but it didn't look any better IMO so I changed it. I made a few animation tests and this version looks sleeker in the shots so I think I will leave it that way
    The BoP looks great, could we have a close up of the belly turret on its own?

    Thanks. Here it is :

    I love that you turned the tram into a train but doesn't quite sit right with me. With the engine in back it doesn't seem train like enough since it isn't a tractor setup, I know some trains push but this isn't on rails. Also, it seems to reduce the need of such a large engine car. Also, what's the point in the rear window section on the engine car? What's the scale, if those low things are doors then the engine car windows may be way to large? A longer train would be cool, lots longer.

    Well, in the beginning it was supposed to be a one-part tram and I added the other modules later so the front car may look a little strange :D That car is big because I wanted it to be the most luxorious section. The top would be for the travellers and bottom for the crew (control room, kitchen and stuff). I don't have any exact measures right now but I want the tram to be pretty wide (it's the next century so why would people have to be still paced like sardines ?)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    What i meant was "standard 3d render" as opposed to "toon render"

    I figured the tram would just be a commuter train. Since anti-gravity technology does not exist in RL, it is up to the artist to determine how it works in his project. That said, i wonder how the train would look with nacelles? :p
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    What i meant was "standard 3d render" as opposed to "toon render"

    I figured the tram would just be a commuter train. Since anti-gravity technology does not exist in RL, it is up to the artist to determine how it works in his project. That said, i wonder how the train would look with nacelles? :p

    Ok I will do some realistic renders but now I don't have time to do it :) I would have to change the models a bit because right now they're not suitable for realistic materials and lighting ... I will look into doing that once we're finished with the trailer for the pilot episode.

    And about the nacelles ...


    Just don't ask me to do any more of that stuff because it's weird :D
    When it comes to tram's mechanics, I think that it would use the same engine structure as other vehicles (hovercars etc) but have a reactor of some kind so that it would be able to run for weeks (maybe months) without refueling ... and that's why the "engine" car in the back is so big.
    And on a side note I think I will do the interior of the tram in the nearest future. We don't need it for the series but it would be easier to understand why do the cars look like this :)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    It actually doesnt look so bad, like some sort of half-assed shuttle :D (I wonder how the Golden Gate Bridge would look with nacelles? :shiner:)

    How do you do toon renders? Im trying to set up a system in poser, but im not sure what im doing
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    It actually doesnt look so bad, like some sort of half-assed shuttle :D (I wonder how the Golden Gate Bridge would look with nacelles? :shiner:)

    How do you do toon renders? Im trying to set up a system in poser, but im not sure what im doing

    Well, the tram certainly isn't as ugly as some of the shuttles used in the series :D (pulls up an anti-fanboy shield :p)
    However, Golden Gate will look silly ... that's for sure :D

    And about the toon renders, I use a cel-shaded material which has an outline and cartoon shading presets . I have no idea how can you achieve something similar in poser , sorry ...
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Hey there everyone :)
    Here are some updates for today :

    Klingon D5 Cruiser with textures (I just started that)


    ... New Freighter :p (If this one won't turn out the way I and Pheon want ... then I have no idea what will I do :lol:)


    Shuttlepod with (blurry) textures


    (drums play)
    New ship !

    Kumari !
    (people jump for joy)


    And a little test for environments

  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    (drums play)
    New ship !

    Kumari !
    (people jump for joy)
    what is Kumari? Dont you mean "Kumtraya!"? :p

    nice updates!
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    what is Kumari? Dont you mean "Kumtraya!"? :p

    nice updates!

    Kumtraya ? What the hell is it !? :D

    Oh and thanks for the good word :) Stuff will only get better from now on. Looks like I'm getting a better hang of working with cel-shading .
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