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3DBattlestar Valkyrie



  • Infinity238Infinity2380 Posts: 0Member
    Of course, all these problems would be solved if you came up with your own name for this battlestar, so it'd end up being of a similar style to the Valk
    One step ahead of you there JDR, and I will take name suggestions as I am looking for two names.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    sweet work infinity, very slick.
  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Sticking with Greek mythology you could go for




    or possibly Celeris (the child of Pegasus)
  • backsteptbackstept2139 Posts: 936Member
    Valkyrie is Norse, so maybe a Norse name would work . . .
    I dunno :D
  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    In that case, Brynhildr or Sigrdrífumál (or Sigrdrífa if you want the name of the person instead of the tale)
  • Free-LanceFree-Lance0 Posts: 0Member
    How about the Battlestar Farris?
  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Free-Lance wrote: »
    How about the Battlestar Farris?

    After the author? Not very greek or norse...
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    I always liked the name Atlantia from the original series. The idea of a distant connection to a mystery or myth from Earth is quite appealing. What about Bermuda?
  • Infinity238Infinity2380 Posts: 0Member
    Theres always Valhalla or Possiden.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member

    also norse, god of thunder, I believe.
    Oberon from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream sounds like a good name. Also has roots in Germanic folklore.

    Could also go with mythical animals like Phoenix, Basilisk, Typhon, Griffen....the list goes on.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    How about the Battlestar Asgard?

    Actually, Midgard would probably be better, since asgard was the dwelling of the Norse gods and Midgard was the dwelling of the first humans (according to the Norse anyway)
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • mattcmattc181 Perth, AuPosts: 322Member
    I know people in military intelligence and defense contractors like Raytheon that are more open about things than you are.

    I wouldn't trust Raytheon to speak my weight, quite frankly. Even if they did, it'd probably be wrong and cost me an arm and a leg, to which they'd present me with a CCP bigger than the original contract to fix the original problem...maybe.
  • Infinity238Infinity2380 Posts: 0Member
    I hit texture mode today, model still isnt done but I find with complex unwraps you had better make the textures while your in the mood.

  • Free-LanceFree-Lance0 Posts: 0Member
    Sweet, but I got to say I like the ship either way!:)

    Man I love that battlestar and want to see it continue to progress!:thumb:
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    great work.
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    How bout Battlestar Beowolf :D kidding!!

    My two suggestions would be

    Battlestar Hœnir
    (Hœnir means - The Silent God)


    Battlestar Týr
    (Týr meaning God of War and Justice)
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    very nice work my friend.
  • BeomooseBeomoose171 Posts: 0Member
    Mjolnir -Hammer of Thor

    Amazon - Mythical Warrior women like the Valkyries

    Excellent work as always, keep it up!
  • Infinity238Infinity2380 Posts: 0Member
    Free-lance look at it this way, this is a warm up for Prometheus.

    fyi typed on my PS3.
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    very cool.

    sweet, ps3 typing, nice.
  • Free-LanceFree-Lance0 Posts: 0Member
    Ya well I'll be holding you to that one!

    As much as I love the BSG artwork and models depicting ships in the fleet. I especially enjoy the ORIGINAL models
    ( Cerberus, Phoenix,Cyneus,Tarterus, Polaris, ext.) that so infrequently appear here!:thumb::thumb::thumb:

    By the way I also used to love PUNCHFACE , Centaurus MODEL but scenes he says his BSG days of modeling are over well "NO SOUP FOR HIM"! :fishslap:
    Just kidding Punch really!
  • ...I just can't let her go yet.

    Centaurus is undergoing a complete rebuild. I am finishing her for the following reasons:

    -I BELIEVE that even though the show will be ending after Season 4, that there will be more Galactica. I no longer believe that the mythos are dying. I think that they will live on...I have no proof of this and I'm not plugged into any insider info regarding Caprica or Galactica DVD movies or anything like that...but I take it as an article of faith at this time that BSG will continue in some for or another after the end of Season 4.

    -Centaurus has also become my way of saying, "Goodbye", "Thank you so very much" and "Love". She has become a personal expression of loyalty and admiration in my mind.

    With that in mind, I'll show you ONE ROUND of pics (and one ONLY!) here in Infinity's thread...which is bad manners...Infinity, I apologize sir. I'll not be doing this again.

  • ...
  • looks great bro!
  • XRaiderV1.7XRaiderV1.7226 I have absolutely no ideaPosts: 1,074Member
    Punchface, check pm.
  • Free-LanceFree-Lance0 Posts: 0Member
    Okay will someone get PUNCHFACE some soup!
    And of course for you INFINITY and your fine model as well SOUP all around!
  • gaiusgaius0 Posts: 0Member
    Btw.: We finally got proof, that this arch does not belong to the battlestar and that she indeed has only four engines. Watch the extended shipyard attack trailer on Battlestar Galactica Razor | Buy BSG Razor DVD On December 4, 2007.

    Funnily enough those bows are gone from one scene to another.
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    well, we do indeed... 4 engines, no arch and we even got to see the front and front/underside of the valkyrie
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
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  • spudmonkeyspudmonkey0 Posts: 0Member
    Hmmm, Free-Lance seems to have managed to get himself banninated, so I guess I won't be getting an apology from him for accusing me of lying then... Ho-hum... ;)
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