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3Dbackstept's Shipyards - Various WIPs



  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    It particularly has my attention because of the ambient occlusion? Or am I wrong that you did that?
  • backsteptbackstept2344 Posts: 969Member
    It particularly has my attention because of the ambient occlusion? Or am I wrong that you did that?

    It's a HDRI from Polyhaven, specifically this one.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    HDRI? It's escaping me.
  • backsteptbackstept2344 Posts: 969Member
    High Dynamic Range Image - most commonly used in 3d apps to provide environment and lighting. I don't have any lights in the scene, it's all baked into the HDRI
  • PheylanPheylan534 Posts: 99Member
    Nice start! I googled the source images for this and its a really cool, rugged design....but then I'm kinda partial to flying armored vehicles. =)

  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2065 CaliforniaPosts: 2,206Member
    backstept wrote: »
    High Dynamic Range Image - most commonly used in 3d apps to provide environment and lighting. I don't have any lights in the scene, it's all baked into the HDRI

    So you are saying you used the image in the link as your backdrop or is the download about settings. My initial question (ambient occlusion) is about render settings that make the gaps and grooves dark and dirty looking.
  • backsteptbackstept2344 Posts: 969Member
    backstept wrote: »
    High Dynamic Range Image - most commonly used in 3d apps to provide environment and lighting. I don't have any lights in the scene, it's all baked into the HDRI

    So you are saying you used the image in the link as your backdrop or is the download about settings. My initial question (ambient occlusion) is about render settings that make the gaps and grooves dark and dirty looking.
    Yes, the image is the backdrop.

    Ah, OK. Yeah the shader on the hovertruck uses the ambient occlusion node for the crevices and an edge detection node setup for the edge wear on the corners.

  • backsteptbackstept2344 Posts: 969Member
  • wibblewibble1300 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 583Member
    How do you manage that it looks like your models actually standing on the ground?
  • backsteptbackstept2344 Posts: 969Member
    wibble wrote: »
    How do you manage that it looks like your models actually standing on the ground?

    Add a plane, scale it up so the shadows aren't cut off, then in object properties check the box next to shadow catcher.
    There are addons that make mapping the HDRI to a dome and ground plane easy, but I prefer just using a shadow catcher and finding a good camera angle.
  • wibblewibble1300 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 583Member
    Okay cool, that's fairly simple. Thanks. Your models also seem to be on scale with the backdrop. Was that just luck or do you scale your models so that they fit the background? Scaling up or down the hdri so that it fits the model doesn't seem to work.
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