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3DDescendants of Order 66 - Star Destroyer Hangar



  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Sorry for any confusion; OK the floor will roll/slide away allowing access to outer space from the hangar, as in Revenge of the Sith when Obi Wan returns to the Tantive (or whatever the hell that one was called ;)).

    In the shot they have planned a ship will be seen leaving the Tantive IV hangar (starting from inside, and then an outside shot of the ship exiting :)).
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    But I mean… Will the floor slide into a gap inside the hull, with those girders railing along some mechanism *inside* the hull itself? I'm just trying to picture it in my head.

    The thing is, if what I see (in my head) is correct, those girders will be visible outside the ship when the hangar is closed, right?
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Yep they will slide into a gap between internal and external hull plates in a concertina affect, however as the doors will be in an open position and I don't have to animate (static background plates :)) so I don't have to worry too much about where they end up, as long as it looks cool ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    Nice start on the girders. :)
    Wiz wrote: »
    Well many have asked that same question... :(

    I remember buying the THX remastered trilogy on VHS back in the day, so it's not like they haven't already done the remastering. He claims they destroyed the only master copies of those when they made the "special" editions, but I think that's a load of bull. I'd imagine they're somewhere at the Skywalker Ranch, tucked away in a vault.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah there is no way they were destroyed... but may as well have been...

    OK a very quick render to show the sort of way the girders will be used,... :)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    Yeah, probably. He's that much of a wiener. I don't know why he can't just give the people what they want. Who cares if the original films don't live up to his expectations? They were fine for the rest of us for 20 years, until he had to start all of this "special edition" nonsense. :rolleyes:
    I remember buying the THX remastered trilogy on VHS back in the day, so it's not like they haven't already done the remastering. He claims they destroyed the only master copies of those when they made the "special" editions, but I think that's a load of bull. I'd imagine they're somewhere at the Skywalker Ranch, tucked away in a vault.
    The original 'Special Editions' changed all of what, 10 minutes of footage in the new trilogy? Not that i necessarily agree or disagree with the changes, but its hard to watch the theater version dvd with the lighting/grading artifacts. Yes, i'd like a digitally remastered, with shiny new digital vfx and otherwise untouched bluray version, but i'm happy with the current version just as well :P

    Oh wiz, i love bay! :) good stuff!
  • BinkermanBinkerman0 Posts: 0Member
    I think the Markings for Tantive Hanger area needs more than red .. with just White & Red to me indicates Medical .. maybe add some yellow ... Plus important 'must-have' signage to this area ! Just some suggestions below ... The renders with R2 look great Wiz ! ....


  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    :lol: I especially love the NO VADER signs... lol... Will be revisiting the decals once I have the bay floor sorted, so will definitely look to mix it up a bit and may even keep the Vader signs :P

    @Homerpalooza - Happy with the current version... tut tut tut,... the colour correction alone is enough to make you vomit... but each to their own ;)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    I like the signs. :lol:
    The original 'Special Editions' changed all of what, 10 minutes of footage in the new trilogy? Not that i necessarily agree or disagree with the changes, but its hard to watch the theater version dvd with the lighting/grading artifacts. Yes, i'd like a digitally remastered, with shiny new digital vfx and otherwise untouched bluray version, but i'm happy with the current version just as well :P

    Who said anything about redoing the effects? This isn't Star Trek. :p If I wanted that, I could just buy George's re-re-re-re-edited Blu-Rays that came out a couple years ago. Digital remastering just means they make a new master (that's digital.) That's it. No redoing effects, no color correction, nothing. It will give you a better picture and sound due to the digital format, but nothing else should be changed.

    The thing is, you can say you like the movies the way they are and that's fine. To each his own. You can buy the movies they way they are and watch them and be happy. However, for those of us who don't like them the way they are, a nice copy of them they way they were would be nice. Then people who like the new ones could have their copy and people who like the old ones could have their copy and everyone would be happy, except for those people who are never happy no matter what they do. ;)
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    good signs, is the parking as extortionate in that universe as it is in britain now.
  • BinkermanBinkerman0 Posts: 0Member
    good signs, is the parking as extortionate in that universe as it is in britain now.

    Probably a tad more than the U.K ... as the price of tickets went up to cover the cost of door repairs, caused by the Asthmatic with the Black Tin Hat, .. who prefers to blow sodding great holes in the doors when boarding ... just to avoid purchasing a ticket ...

    Hence the updated signage, that should deter that particular individual from re-offending ...
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    I dunno though, he doesn't seem to care,... Just last week I was skiing on Hoth and he made a right mess of our hotel (I still cant find my Tauntaun...), apparently he was after the Rebel family?
  • BinkermanBinkerman0 Posts: 0Member
    Ahh, but the people who put those signs on the doors are from the T.D.D.P.U.D.D >>> Tantive Door Damage Prevention Union Disney Division <<< ..... So if he tries it again, they'll pull the plug on his Empire Building hobby ...

    If you Ski on Hoth, avoid the Chair Lifts .... It's like meals on wheels for Wampas ... People go up, and don't come back down ....
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member

    This is rapidly becoming my favorite discussion on the entire site.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    :lol: Yeah we heard that about the chair lifts, but its one hell of a walk; the trick is to send up one of them there red shirted fellows first (I know I know its a different franchise, but nothing else in this conversation makes sense ;).

    And I wouldn't mind but he didn't even knock on our hotel room door, just barged in; said something about not underestimating the power of the force, and that isn't a piste, I checked... go figure... :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    Definitely the wrong franchise. After all, the cannon fodder in this franchise typically wears white armor, the worst armor in the galaxy because it apparently stops NOTHING. :lol:
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Hey Luke and Han survived OK, so that is purely a miff, mith, myth...

    "Hey TK421, this armor rocks doesn't it!"
    "Haha TK412 You know it, we are totally safe... Hey what was that noise?"

    So many law suits outstanding...

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    That's because Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers apparently don't have to pass basic marksmanship. Meanwhile, Han, Luke and Chewie were apparently awesome shots and lucky S.O.B.s. ;) Though, to be fair, Han, Luke and Chewie did take the officers in the detention block by surprise, but there's no excuse for the stormtroopers not being able to hit anything, especially after all sections were on alert. ;)

    Man, I need to watch these movies again. All of this SW art and talk is really putting me in the mood. (plus, I've been playing SWTOR again recently) Too bad all I have are the "special" edition DVDs. :rolleyes:
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    Have you seen this (now deleted) article?

    They propose, among other things, than in many of the scenes where we see their poor marksmanship, the stormtroopers had orders not to kill the main characters. In A New Hope, they would have been allowing them to escape so Tarkin can locate the Rebel base in Yavin, for example. It's an interesting reading :P
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    Have you seen this (now deleted) article?

    They propose, among other things, than in many of the scenes where we see their poor marksmanship, the stormtroopers had orders not to kill the main characters. In A New Hope, they would have been allowing them to escape so Tarkin can locate the Rebel base in Yavin, for example. It's an interesting reading :P

    Yes, definitely good reading, thanks for linking to that. :)

    "And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are that precise."

    That statement by Obi-Wan pretty much negates any possibility of technical issues. Plus, we saw them pretty flawlessly take out the crew of Leia's ship in the opening sequence of the film and we saw them slaughter Ewoks pretty well in the battle on Endor. They also got several of the other rebels, while Han, Leia and Chewie got away with a flesh wound among them. The "they were on orders not to kill them" theory works, with the exception of the Endor battle. Emperor Palpatine isn't overly sentimental and he already has the entire Rebel fleet, essentially the entire Rebel Alliance, in the system and Luke on the Death Star, he has no reason to leave anyone alive. You'd have to assume he had kill orders placed on everyone.

    But, it's a movie. The real reason nobody in the main cast died in those battles is because the script said they lived. ;)
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    and Luke on the Death Star, he has no reason to leave anyone alive. You'd have to assume he had kill orders placed on everyone.

    Well, the Emperor was slowly destroying the entire Alliance to force Luke to turn to the Dark Side by making him hope it's his only option to destroy him and save them… Maybe that's why he didn't use the superlaser in a more efficient way. But on Endor the Stormtroopers were pretty deadly, you must not underestimate the Ewoks (warriors, hunters, used to defend against giant creatures like the Gorax, and who used poison in their arrows…) :P
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    :lol: well this went off on a bit of a tangent didnt it, but all very interesting all the same :)

    Back to business, finally decided on the floor mechanism layout, and here it is (albeit additional detailing :)).
  • DarkSapiensDarkSapiens174 Posts: 0Member
    Looks good! How does it work? Is it like a double door, closing both from the long and the narrow sides?
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks, and yep, the double doors (top and bottom end) close in and the side pieces move into place beside them, nice and simples :)
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Another shot this time from a different angle to show the floor config :)
  • BinkermanBinkerman0 Posts: 0Member
    Looks good Wiz, .. Would like to see a short Animation ... Can you do a camera sweep from inside ... Then as the doors start to close, move through the opening, and pan up watching them fully close from the exterior ...

  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    Will the final version of those doors be animated?
    If so, don't forget to use viewport previews to test the timing of your elements.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    For the film there are no needs for this shot to be animated, so I only have to give the impression of the mechanism, which is what I have done, and right now there are no plans to rig/animate; but I may come back to it further down the line and set it up for animation :) (as I have several other projects that I really need to get back to :)). Also the exterior has not been modeled as it is also not required for the shot.

    And thanks for the tip on the viewports previews, extremely useful :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804321 Posts: 11,047Member
    It's looking great. It's always nice when you don't have to make this stuff actually work. ;)
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Oh yeaaaah! ;)

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