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AnimationMylex' Star Trek projects



  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Basill wrote: »
    Gotta say, I love human perspective shots. Just like your other animations, too awesome. :D

    Thanks :)

    Now todays last shot
  • PearsePearse0 Posts: 0Member
    mylex wrote: »
    The shots are direct out of MAX, in the final animation I'm using a color filter to add more contrast and a little more blue look. Wait for the second animation preview.

    Cool. Other than the colour, all these shots really do look spot on. I especially like the shot from inside the control booth, as I can't recall seeing anyone replicate that in 3D before, and it looks exactly like the shot in the movie. :)
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    I can't wait for this! :D
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
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  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    Looking very nice indeed. :)

    The only thing odd about that Miranda model is those shuttlebay doors on the rear. The way they are lit with a blue glow around the edges just screams CG to me. Apart from that and the already mentioned blue tint that is missing from the interior shots, it looks excellent. :cool:
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Looking very nice indeed. :)

    The only thing odd about that Miranda model is those shuttlebay doors on the rear. The way they are lit with a blue glow around the edges just screams CG to me. Apart from that and the already mentioned blue tint that is missing from the interior shots, it looks excellent. :cool:


    because there were some requests to the blue tint of the ships, I want them looking a little more natural.

    If you compare the Dock inside shot of ST III and the End of ST IV, you can notice the difference. In ST IV the dock and Ships are more grey,
    in ST III all is looking extremely blue. I think this shots in ST III has some color errors or they used another lighting setup
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    edited January 2022 #98
    Now the second animation preview

    Post edited by mylex on
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    mylex wrote: »
    Now the second animation preview

    "Ahead one quarter impulse"
    Enterprise shown flying backwards lol
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    oldmangreg wrote: »
    "Ahead one quarter impulse"
    Enterprise shown flying backwards lol

    :) Ok not really correct. but in the orginal shot of ST III, Kirk gives the same order "ahead one quarter impulse"

    so I think it's ok
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,892Member
    mylex wrote: »
    Thanks :)

    Now todays last shot
    Please put credits on this image, so i can download it responsibly :p (awesome!! :notworthy:)
  • trekkitrekki966 Posts: 1,419Member
    Very best work. Next comes in Sommer 2012 ??
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Please put credits on this image, so i can download it responsibly :p (awesome!! :notworthy:)

    Done :)
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Out of the Dock
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Excellent work, the Mutara Nebula battle sequence is one of my favourite Star Trek space battle sequences, and you've done more than do it justice here, very nice work.
  • TrekMDTrekMD192 Posts: 639Member
    Oh those look very nice. Looking forward to this video.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    The last two shots of part 1
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    It's a shame the Starbase doesn't hold up so well at that distance. The shots themselves look very nice.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Yes, I worked a lot of time on the spec maps and the lighting, but this mesh don't work well with such closeup shots. But I'll try to match this with some post work.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Comco wrote: »
    It's a shame the Starbase doesn't hold up so well at that distance. The shots themselves look very nice.

    Working again on the lighting, what about this one ?
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Looking better, darkening it so most of the detail is lost and you read the form more in the lighting seems to work much better, perhaps you'll just have to design your close up shots of the asset like this to mask the failing in detail at that range.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Looking better, darkening it so most of the detail is lost and you read the form more in the lighting seems to work much better, perhaps you'll just have to design your close up shots of the asset like this to mask the failing in detail at that range.

    Yes, I think I 'll probably have to find a compromise for these shots
  • Chris2005Chris2005679 Posts: 3,097Member
    Something with the conversion to 3ds really messed with the grid lines in the Starbase, the original Max version of the model doesn't seem to present these geometry issues...
    AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
    Gigabyte RTX 3080 Gaming OC 12GB
    1TB NVMe SSD, 2 x 1GB SATA SSD, 4TB external HDD
    32 GB RAM
    Windows 11 Pro
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    Chris2005 wrote: »
    Something with the conversion to 3ds really messed with the grid lines in the Starbase, the original Max version of the model doesn't seem to present these geometry issues...

    Yes it's unfortunate, there are some poly faults in the mesh, but so far I could fake it with the lighting setup.
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    edited January 2022 #115
    I started with the second part, for the battle sequences I need a Klingon Screen.

    Using footage of ST VI, rendering a CG Enterprise inside the footage and composed it with several layers in Premiere. Result: I have my own screen, which is looking like movie footage :)

    Post edited by mylex on
  • FlankerFlanker0 Posts: 0Member
    Nicely done indeed
  • mylexmylex1015 Posts: 346Member
    edited January 2022 #117
    For this dialog scene I used a computer generated voice

    Two questions

    1. Because english is not my first language, is the articulation correct ?
    2. Is the sound of the voice enough natural or can you recognize immediately that's a generated voice ?


    Post edited by mylex on
  • ComcoComco317 Posts: 1,281Administrator
    As far as computer synthesized voices go, it's not bad at all...Having said that, you can pick it as artificial pretty well immediately. It trips over "Admiral" - "ad-mir-al" whereas most would pronounce it "ad-miral". And it also has some trouble with "Klingon" - maybe try different phonetic phrases and see what sounds best - try telling it to say "cling on" or "king-on" instead of "klingon" - it might sound more natural that way. Also, it speaks too quickly around the phrase "vessel in our area". Not sure what you can do to improve this. You could try adding some commas. Eg - "vessel, in our area". Not sure how natural that would come out though.

    Also, I'm not entirely sure but I think she says "it's one of ours". It's hard to understand. Given it sounds like an alien/non-english speaker, I'd use the phrase "it is one of ours" instead.

    Given you can't see the subject speaking, you could explain it away as an alien voice. Even more so if you were able to add some sort of distortion to the voice...
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    the sound of the voice is pretty natural, sounds like a slight foreign accent but it would work fine for the multicultural world of trek

    however there's an instant giveaway that it's computer generated, because of the speeds at which some of the words and syllables are spoken, they sound un-natural at the moment, I think if the timing could be tweaked you could get it sounding good
  • IRMLIRML253 Posts: 1,993Member
    'vessel in our area' and 'klingon' are the biggest giveaway
  • BasillBasill172 Posts: 0Member
    Comco wrote: »
    Also, I'm not entirely sure but I think she says "it's one of ours". It's hard to understand. Given it sounds like an alien/non-english speaker, I'd use the phrase "it is one of ours" instead.

    Actually, it sounds like she's saying, "It's not of ours." It's certainly an interesting if archaic manner of delivery. Technically, it works; and if you are trying to make her sound alien, then it's dead on. But since it sounds like you are trying to mask the artificial nature of her voice, you might want to put the "one" back in after the "not". "It's not one of ours." Simply negate the dialog Saavik had in TWOK.

    I agree about tweaking the delivery speed and breaking up "Klingon" into it's syllabic parts (cling on, Cling-on), though you'll probably have to play with it to get it just right.
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