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3DKlingon Heavy Weapons Platform

MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
edited November 2010 in Work in Progress #1
Hrmm well I see many new gfx for the boards now :p
Well to get things rolling Ill open up my WIPs again, as I work on them. Formats and stuff for me will change too since I just got rid of the laptop. Got tired of looking at blue tinted stuff and reds that display orange :confused:

This is formerly the Klingon Strike Ship.

I am not sure if I want to use the old tytle or not but since things have changed a bit since I started this project.

SHOCK, there are updates since my last post on this thing. Most of them involve screwing around with shape. I did some fixing of curves and flow, but most is all on the belly side of the ship. Trying to find a good balance of all views with a useable area down there as well as some girth. The round bit below the head parts still confounds me, I most likely will rebuild that part at least. Oh yeah, some of the underside is partial work, so there are oddities etc on the mesh there. Thinking how I will have the panel flow in that area where the bulged belly tapers to the neck on the bottom.

The last images are of older renders to give newcomers a better idea at where this project has come from. uh maybe not. max 5 uploaded images?? ugh guess I post the others later :eek:

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  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ok here are the old pics rest of v1 will have to wait till this file limit thing is fixed. :rolleyes:
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Toragh1Toragh1331 Posts: 0Member
    Wow, exquisite detailing. The design is beautiful, and the lines pleasing. Nice work.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804326 Posts: 11,052Member
    Loving it, as before. My memory's a little fuzzy, though, from what era is this ship?
  • vividevolutionvividevolution171 CA. USAPosts: 26Member
    Exactly what I was pondering..
    The sleek design suggest new but that front makes me think twice..
    Loving it, as before. My memory's a little fuzzy, though, from what era is this ship?
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    oops yeah I forgot all that foo.
    Late 24th cen possibly mid 25th. (ie within 40 years after the last TNG film.)
    Use of the ship is a fast assualt ship. Flys in eliminates resistance and captures systems until the larger fleet ships and support flotsum can arrive. Used in mass expansionism. (little something tainted in the future:rolleyes: )
    But as it may I will do 2 versions of this one my way and one more trekish like with far fewer weapons and more conventional weapons too. As stated in the now dead thread The ship will carry a belly full of torp launcers that can redirect similar to the heavy capital ships one sees in anime. Gunbuster and Gal Force use this type of weapons system. Granted the ones in Top were beam weapons. (laser then particle) But it gets the visuals across. I hope ;p
    Since Im adding these stats I might as well dump more pics.

    forgot to add earlier too the wing patterns and most of the hull plates will remain as carry over from the older mesh. Things that may change are hull materials and a frew small plating details due to new shapes etc.

    As well the shapes are a messing around with old and new ideas I didn't much like the TNG era ships at all. Huge mint coloured lego bricks in space. They totaly lost the feel and style the Klingons ahd in the TOS and TMP eras. Not to mention the the flair the Klingons have in weapons and symbols One would thing they would take as much pride in thier ship designs. Either case. Original idea was taken from the Klingon logo (if you top down on the ship the neck and swept wings resemble the logo kinda ;p ) The rounded head thing I was tempted to remove totaly to remove that D7 feel from the ship, and have ti relate more to the TNG eras. But a few had expressed thier like for the bulge thing so who knows ~_~
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • REL777REL7770 Posts: 0Member
    Yes! This is one of the one's I've been waiting to show back up, 1 down about 200 to go.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Ok went a bit retro after a hour of screwing around with the lightrig and rendering passes off, a 2sec merge of old lights and I was done lol. OK granted this isnt the most real lighting but it shows off pretty good. I also returned to the grey hull mat. Well not really just took the green out of the existing one and dumped some of the shine off it. I do plan on pulling some other ideas from earlier modeling such as the nacel positions etc. Right now they are raked in pretty tightly In the original meshes I had them a bit more vertical and slightly diffrent strut angles. So those will be getting bumped around some etc.
    Modeling I started messing about with the arse of the ship. I want to get a in and out shuttle bay set up I had spent a few hours earlier modeling it into the upper hull with a fly through idea but all looked odd. NOW I have a open area on the top of the ship I have to decide what to do. hrmm pulse cannon turret? ;p
    I am not sure on how everything will work back here since its a bit blocky. I do think the lower impulse engines need a bit of narrowing. They dont balance too well with the upper engines. I am thinking of stuffing a mess of weapons all over these flat aeas you see in the second image or a mess of windows. Dunno how safe that would be? Maybe stick the Captian and commanders wifes rooms back there? Who knows Ill come up with something. heh Im getting tired and no longer have the "bedroom" modeling option since the lappy is gone. so I think I shal work a few more min then call it a night.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • Prime_8Prime_80 Posts: 0Member
    klingon badness.
  • shipfishershipfisher371 Posts: 115Member
    Nice to see this one back after the hard drive "event".

    Welcome back MadKoiFish. :)

    (so we're all SFM Gurus now?)
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Nice to see news about her. ;) How did you made all the plates ? Aren´t shapemerges, I´m right ? The close view of the neck and head really impressed me. :eek: :eek: :)
  • Dann-ODann-O0 Posts: 0Member
    Top notch work. Always liked Klingon designs especially D7 types this is a perfect homage to them.
  • Lee80Lee80193 Posts: 458Member
    Love it, good job, cant beleive i didn't see this before.
  • AethernautAethernaut0 Posts: 0Member
    Boy she's a beauty!
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Yar its back form the dead!
    MadKoiFish I through you where going to scap this ship. I am happy to see that you are working on it again. looking forward to more updates.
  • baxartbaxart0 Posts: 0Member
    Very Cool!!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Starship wrote:
    Nice to see news about her. ;) How did you made all the plates ? ArenA’t shapemerges, IA’m right ? The close view of the neck and head really impressed me. :)

    Um, no. . . Its all manual cuts and extrusions. I avoid bolean like the plauge. Only time I really use it is for windows, and there are none yet so no boleans here ~_~
    Love it, good job, cant beleive i didn't see this before.

    lol, it was on the header for about 2 weeks ;p

    Freak wrote:
    Yar its back form the dead!
    MadKoiFish I through you where going to scap this ship. I am happy to see that you are working on it again. looking forward to more updates.

    Nope it was the "other" ship that I dumped. . . :rolleyes:

    sorry guys had to edit the smilies. . . -_- limit of 4 attached images. erm k
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    Not much I suppose redid the recesses yanked some goemetery aand ajusted a few things around.
    Im starting to dislike the change in surface on the bottom engines. (it appears as a odd notch on the sides. (see image 2) It makes it appear like something is wrong there. It isnt too apparent in this render or angle but at other near rear facing images it appears to be a distortion of the extruded engine itself. So I have to think this one through some. Maybe Ill work on other bits till I decide?
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • KyroKyro0 Posts: 0Member
    great hope you will keep up the great work
  • BlueRaaBlueRaa331 Posts: 0Member
    She definitely looks like the next generation of klingon ships would look. She'd make me poo myself if I saw her on a viewscreen anyway! Keep it up.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    OK I know some of you are going to run me a new a$$hole for this:eek: :eek: :eek: but um heh. I HAVE to the old head was way too funky to attempt to remodel the chin bit and get it to flow into the rest of the ship. Its only about a hours work since I keep getting distracted with stuff. It will carry the same shape but the chin bit wont be as bulbious. Once I get the boxing in the details should fly through. I need to designate some more arears of rough haping and then itll be just panels r us till its done. Then mapping UGH and making renders. Either way getting ahead of my self here.

    OH this is where if you didnt like something with the old one you can scream at me to FIX it lol. Everything chin up will roughtly be the same as the original. A few ugly greeble bits around the base of the head will be not included on the new parts, such as those handle things on the sides etc.
    I will scan and post the doodles I did tomorrow.

    Oh yeah you can just see it in the renders but I extruded out the neck some, it flows down the neck across the wings. This will allow a recess for greebles and some heavy style influence later. (one of the key things I killed the old mesh for) Still not happy with the arse end inside around the impulse engines.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    i like the old head. But I know you will pull somthing of the bag that will be big. So I am looking forward to it.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    well not much of a update get home and have to leave. Not to mention all last night I screwed around with animated gifs -_-;'
    Either way here is a render showing the reasons why I decided to try to remodel the head.
    Nothing other than that lower bump should change much so no needs to worry. Base mesh does need smoe ajustments to it. IE killing the taper etc.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • WolfseyeWolfseye0 Posts: 0Member
    Very, very, very nice!

    I've always been a fan of Klingon ships ... This one is outstanding!

    Well done!
  • JAGsterJAGster0 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah I second Wolfseye!

    I have always prefered Klingon Ships to U.F.P. ships anyway!
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    thanks guys
    Here are some roughs to show where Im going with this. I really wanted to intergrate more curves and edges into this but I cannot seem to get past the bulbious design here. I want some offset ovals cut into the sides later But I worry that these wont lend much to the style I usualy model with. I would love to figure out a way to carry that concave surface I have in the neck through that chin bit but I havent thought of a clean way to do it. SO in the end these renders are roughs and still a tad lumpy.And a few odd smoothing wonkies too. I think this head part will be much nicer than the old one. Oh the lower chin bits towards the back will carry over/ontop of the neck parts. Similar to the D& does. I cant get to the pc with the scanner right now so I cannot get my doodles up. I have oh a few hours tonight left so Ill post a final for the night. Maybe Ill get the blocking done tonight.
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804326 Posts: 11,052Member
    I've got Jerry Goldsmith's Klingon Battle theme running through my head now. :)

    I absolutely love this ship. It reminds me of the D7 (my favorite Klingon design) updated for the 24th century.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Looking good.
    Thanks Evil, I now have it running through my Head! That going to stay with me for the rest of the day! :D
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    hehe its one of my fav themes, though most if not all the old space soaps had music I liked.

    Here are some renders with more refinements. I am not sure of the recessed dome thing on the bottom yet. I originaly intended to bevel this into the hull as a recess with a sendor dome thingy or weapon in there. so shrug?

    I think I have the base shape down enough i can begin detail and attaching it to the hull. Only thing left to box in is the spine deal arching to the bridge/dome (doubt itll be the bridge plans are for a rec area there with the bridge burried in the center of the head.
    MMM yummie all those hard edges. heh Need to look at chamfering some areas to get rid of that, most of it will be hidden by paneling :rolleyes:

    extra a few shots of the new head on the hull It hasd much nicer flow now.

    OH OPINONS NEEDED!!!111 heh
    Hull colour?? TMP grey metalic or TNG/ENT green , and no I dont refer to the mint choc green they used but more along the lines of the BOP
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • MadKoiFishMadKoiFish9848 Posts: 5,335Member
    bleah have to do another post for these last 2 :mad:
    Each day we draw closer to the end.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I'll go with somting in between the TMP Gray and TNG green. after all this comes form a Post Nemesis era. But if you don't want to do that go with the gray, so the colour is away form the Romulans.
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