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3DDerelict ships



  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    These are a couple of the angles I don't care for... although they look a little better with the added detail.

    I just noticed. From this angle the 'emblem' looks like a caricature of an alien face.

    build0814x_thumb.jpg build0814x1_thumb.jpg
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    regarding your 0225 13th aug post
    that "shark look" is much too strong, you need to change some things to stop that, and crucially get rid of those things that look like eyes from this angle.
    on the latest pics the top is ok but i think the logo does more harm than good to the underside.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    Suggestions are one thing, but you may want to be cautious about saying somebody "needs" to do something. It's up to rojren what needs to be done, as this is his build. You would like to see those changes, but rojren might not agree.

    I always thought the emblem looks like a face, I just figured it was intentional. :lol: It reminds me a bit of the Spawn emblem.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    It was sort of like: okay, a dot for a green world... some circles, offset some of them, trim some of them...hope I'm not copying anything unintentionally... good enough, and done. Look at it sideways a few days later... oh, look... a face.

    I don't mind suggestions, in fact I welcome them. In this case, though: 1. since the shark look was unintentional, 2. I'm planning another version of this ship anyway, 3. I don't mind the shark look. 4. the eyes were for humor's sake. I'm not going to worry about it one way or the other.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    Suggestions are great, they can really help a lot. I just personally don't like to tell people that they need to do something. But, that's just me. ;)
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    ...I just personally don't like to tell people that they need to do something....
    Eh. Some people just phrase things that way.

    I don't really notice it. Although I will admit when one of my friends talks to his sons that way it drives me nuts. I tell him make observations and suggestions, not decrees. He has a hard time understanding the friction he's causing.

    Anyway, I think this version is done.

    build0816x_thumb.jpg build0816x1a_thumb.jpg build0816x2_thumb.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    I like it because it's odd, but that's definitely one of those vessels you have to view from the "correct" angle for it to look good. ;)
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    I completely agree with Evil Genius, there. It really is an "angle-specific" ship. That first shot has a serious armed, racing-boat feel to it. The second shot, much less so. :D

    Excellent work, as always. The texture of the hull (almost chromed steel) adds to the thing quite nicely ... though if its a derelict shouldn't it be scuffed a bit? :devil:
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    sorry for saying "needs", it's just that those "eyes" dropped the design into the realms of hilarity. the latest images look better, making the logo symmetrical has helped a lot. the extra greebles are quite nice, especially the "blue glowy ones" behind the gold and white "domes". i wouldn't say this is a one angle ship, there are several angles from which it looks quite cool, but there are also some angles to avoid. by the way it may help to show more pictures with perspective turned on, i don't know about you but i find looking at something, let alone modelling, rather tricky when there is no perspective effect turned on. loads of people seem to have their 3d programs set up to show "orthographic" or "parallel projection" but i find it really distracting and confusing except in pure "3 view" images.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    Sanderlee wrote: »
    ... though if its a derelict shouldn't it be scuffed a bit? :devil:

    They used really good wax. :)

    I did a ship with some impact damage - I guess it was a couple of years back

    Space is vast, and not all luck is bad. (If I ever get around to texturing, and rendering any of these, I'l add some scuffs and such.)

    ...i wouldn't say this is a one angle ship, there are several angles from which it looks quite cool, but there are also some angles to avoid. by the way it may help to show more pictures with perspective turned on, i don't know about you but i find looking at something, let alone modelling, rather tricky when there is no perspective effect turned on. loads of people seem to have their 3d programs set up to show "orthographic" or "parallel projection" but i find it really distracting and confusing except in pure "3 view" images.

    Actually, the perspective is turned on on this one. This shape doesn't show it off very well though
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    rojren wrote: »
    Space is vast, and not all luck is bad. (If I ever get around to texturing, and rendering any of these, I'l add some scuffs and such.)

    Space is also dirty and stuff will inevitably impact with and accumulate on your hull. ;) However, as you said, textures are the best way to show that.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    This is version 2. I hoping this one will have some better angles.

    build0818a_thumb.jpg build0818a1_thumb.jpg
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    This is going to sound a bit, erm, perverse but ...

    Remember how the ship in Battle Beyond the Stars, Nell, was inspired by a busty woman lying on her stomach and arching her back? Well, let's just say the second shot looks quite a bit like the reverse. :devil:

    Or, maybe I just have a really naughty mind.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    I thought I had a dirty mind, but I'm not seeing anything like that. Maybe you're extra perverse. ;)

    I like the overall shape so far.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    Wow, that certainly sounds much more impressive and artsy (and adult) than "I took a hollow saucer and subtracted some cylinders from it."
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    Space is also dirty and stuff will inevitably impact with and accumulate on your hull. ;) However, as you said, textures are the best way to show that.
    space is quite clean and a purely interplanetary vehicle will look outwardly like it did the day if left the "factory" except for any forward whipple shields. entering an atmosphere makes things dirty, and hot exhaust plumes near metal in an atmosphere can cause oxidation (walking round aviation museums you often see titanium parts around jet nozzles multicoloured due to this oxidation) but outside of an atmosphere and away from dense areas of micrometeorites or the surface of dusty moon like worlds ships stay clean. dirt makes things more believable to the eye (and does a great job of covering imperfections in modelling) but is unlikely on a pure exo-atmo ship, it's one of those cases where "reality is unrealistic". the latest design hasn't got far enough yet for me to really know what i think of it.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    Technically, we're both correct. There are parts of space that are dirty. Debris from planetary explosions, asteroids, comets, etc. does float through space and it would endlessly except for occasions where it runs into something, like a planet. Crap from space hits this planet all the time. However, for the most part it would be clean.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    Added some windows.

  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    This is going to sound odd, but adding the windows in made me look at it another way.

    What about reversing it? The spine is the tail, the windows the beginnings of drive units, and the open area the bow?

    Either way, this is quite cool!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    Nice job on the windows. It's smaller than I was thinking it was. I don't know why, but I thought it was really huge.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    I'll look at making a reverse version after this one, Sanderlee.

    This one's quite a bit smaller than the first one, evil_genius_180. Not too small though. The windows are about 3 meters tall.

    Added some weapons, markings and a mission-specific-module.

    build0820b_thumb.jpg build0820b1_thumb.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    Looking good. :)
    rojren wrote: »
    This one's quite a bit smaller than the first one, evil_genius_180. Not too small though. The windows are about 3 meters tall.

    I didn't mean it in a negative way, I was just making an observation.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    ...I didn't mean it in a negative way, I was just making an observation.

    I didn't take it negatively... Why do people think I take things negATIVELY??? AAAARRRGHHH!!!



    build0824_thumb.jpg build0824A_thumb.jpg build0824B_thumb.jpg
  • bosunbosun62 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting shape. Looks like a collaboration between Escher and Lovecraft.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804662 Posts: 11,214Member
    That's really looking good so far.
    rojren wrote: »
    I didn't take it negatively... Why do people think I take things negATIVELY??? AAAARRRGHHH!!!

    *backs out slowly, avoiding eye contact and sudden movement*
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    Looks like a bunch of bots are visiting again. 1,300-ish views in 4 days. Not likely.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    This is the reversed version mentioned by Sanderlee. It's the smallest of this series.
    Escher and Lovecraft? Okay. Is that good? I know Escher, but I'm pretty unfamiliar with Lovecraft.

    build0829a_thumb.jpg build0829a1_thumb.jpg
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting how you use the same basic shape three ways. Very nice.

    And Lovecraft, well, that would be Cthulhu and the rest of the Mythos. Dark fiction based on the concept that knowledge and insanity are related ... as in to know too much is to be insane or driven so. Good stuff, if a bit dated for many present-day readers.
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    I used to read a lot.

    I've read tons of 'classic' SF&F and I've read a significant number that redefines 'obscure', but still I'm always amazed with how much 'classic' stuff I missed.

    Added some colors and some things.

    build0901x_thumb.jpg build0901x1_thumb.jpg
  • rojrenrojren2440 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,998Member
    I've been considering whether or not to include some sort of landing gear. I'm leaning toward letting some sort of antigrav hold it steady instead.

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