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3DDerelict ships



  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    It's got balls. (sorry, I tried to resist saying that but a little devil was standing on my shoulder demanding it :devil:)

    Seriously, I'm liking this one so far. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Added the front end. It looks like a Dalek with square training wheels and a funny hat.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Now that will take a bit out of any asteroid!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    I like the spike things, those are cool. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    (The recent troubles made a couple of posts go bye-bye.)

    Tag: 0000 500538-2302900
    Type: starship / cargo hauler
    Status: scuttled
    Location: Canaman Convergent
    (Orion 063.00-01024.13)
    Culture: Cognizance Arising
    Est. Age: 64 million years
    Size: 841m
    Name: Strongbox

    haulers smaller.jpg build 0226a.jpg build 0228.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    Yeah, a few posts didn't make it through the move. But, that makes sense, I always seem to lose something when I move too. :lol:

    OK, as I said prior to that happening, I like the design of this. You can look at it and figure out its function very easily. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Worked on the engines.

    build 0303.jpg
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    This has been going kinda slow. Been busy these past two weeks.

    Still working on the engines.

    build 0307x.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    That's looking really good so far. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Made a bit of progress.

    build 0309x.jpg
  • emacemac1 Posts: 0Member
    I'm a secret admirer of this thread. I check it at least twice a day in hopes of discovering something new. I find the designs very inspiring. I hope you're not running out of old sketches.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member

    Thank you. That's not something that I'm used to hearing.

    Before I started posting things here, if anyone happened to see what I was scribbling, and if they were curious enough to ask about what I was doing, and if I told them what I was doing, their reply would invariably be "Oh yeah... like that 'Star Track' " as their eyes glazed over.

    So, thank you, and everyone else for commenting. Input is always welcome. I know what it's like trying to figure out what the hell to say.

    And, I think there's a few years of old (and new) scribbles waiting to be revisited.
  • SanderleeSanderlee1 Posts: 0Member
    Decided to check this thread out ... that first ship kept throwing me.

    Several of these designs are fabulous!

    Will definitely be following this one now!
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    First an "Inspiring" and now a "fabulous".

    Normally, that could only lead to an inflated ego. Fortunately, my ego was long ago beaten into it's component atoms by a team of experts using state-of-the-art cudgels.

    Thank you, Sanderlee. I had thought of changing the first image on this thread, but I kinda like the colors. And I'm lazy.

    A few more details...

    build 0311x.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    Looking good. I like this one a lot. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    More details.

    build 0312x.jpg build 0312x1.jpg


    Tag: 0000 104660-0069125
    Type: explorer
    Status: self initiated reserve mode
    Location: Galactocentric 90 degrees to ecliptic
    (Orion 021.00+00002.45)
    Culture: Aspirant
    Est. Age: 840 million years
    Size: 4.18 km
    Nickname: God's Own Turnover

    grand turnover.jpg

  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    interesting but the ships in this thread are all quite weird. i think the engines on the right hand side(they are engines?) are nice but i am not much of a fan of ships that look too alien. what is the idea of this thread, ships found ,long abandoned by an advanced race, floating in space being discovered by early human interstellar explorers? if so that is kind of cool as an idea but it is amazing that the ships have not received more damage in the millions of years they have been drifting for.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    interesting but the ships in this thread are all quite weird... the engines on the right hand side(they are engines?)...

    Thank you. Really. For "Strongbox" the engines are to the right in the last three images.
    ...what is the idea of this thread, ships found ,long abandoned by an advanced race, floating in space being discovered by early human interstellar explorers?

    Essentially, the idea for the thread is to have a place to dump 40+ years of scribbled ship design ideas. I now have access to serviceable (but still buggy as hell) software, and I get bored. I made up the derelict 'framework' to explain the obvious technology differences between the designs, and started imagining.
    ... it is amazing that the ships have not received more damage in the millions of years they have been drifting for.

    One ( a tanker) did, but space is vast, and mostly empty... and not all luck is bad.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Finished the basic shape.

    build 00314x.jpg
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    As an explorer this new ship almost looks regal! :thumb:

    Maybe when it was created the race was highly advanced but ready to collapse from within. Think of the Roman Empire. At its height it was completely rotten to the core but boy did they build things in a big way. I would say that this ship makes as much of a political statement as anything else.

    I love the shape and the colour you have chosen for it. If you could do intricate scroll work as part of the design it would be over the top :)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    I really like that newest ship. :)
    rojren wrote: »
    Hmmmn... tough shape.

    Yeah, that's a tough shape but a cool one. It reminds me of an Art Deco style wing. :)
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Played with some ideas for details. Rough scroll work as cavebear suggested. It reminds me of the details on the gun ship I did several pages back. I'll keep thinking on it.

    build 00315a.jpg
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804264 Posts: 11,045Member
    I love the scroll work. :D
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    I love the scroll work. :D

    So do I! Looking great rojen :thumb:
  • emacemac1 Posts: 0Member
    interesting but the ships in this thread are all quite weird.

    That is exactly what makes this thread so cool. I find that the ubiquitous images of popular sci-fi classics do serious damage to my own creative process.
    I love the scroll work. :D

    Me too! It reminds me of the Sultan's Seal on one of the blunderbusses I photographed in Istanbul.
  • rojrenrojren2371 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 1,985Member
    Scroll work it is, then.

    Added some more.

    build 0318x.jpg
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    nice patterning, i could certainly imagine such details existing on an alien craft and i can see some of the similarities to the turkish cannon, also cannons and things from that area in that era often had similar patterns on them so the similarities extend.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Over the top!

    Now that is one impressive explorer :cool:. If they ever found a new system with sentient creatures I’m sure that they would be awed by the shear spectacle of the beast! :thumb:
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