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3DDeath Star II Style Hangar



  • ChrisGFXChrisGFX362 GermanyPosts: 607Member
    looks very good! :thumb:

    do you plan to make some textures for the walls? They are looking abit like plastic imho.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    That looks fantastic. :D

    I agree, the materials could use some work. (my only crit)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the crits guys. I wasn't planning on creating a unique texture for the walls, they're currently using the same colour as the walls of the hangar, but I might look at creating a slightly darker less matt finish texture for the corridors with a hint of metallic in there to be more in keeping with the movie look of this asset, possibly need to tone the lights down a touch as well as the corridors are quite darkly lit in the movie, though the lighting clearly doesn't come from the light sources built into the set if you look at the quite stark lighting they have, so it'll be tricky to get it exactly like that, but what I hope to achieve here is a realistic light scape which reflects where the lighting should truly be coming from. Anyhow I think a combination of slightly darker, less matt texture and darker more moody lighting should help to get rid of the plasticy look and get it looking more like the movie asset.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    This is coming along great, and hope you dont mind but I did a little playing with the lighting/colours etc. in PS, as I see this is more the kind of way you are wanting to head...

    A couple of things immediately, currently all the edges and panels etc. are all perfect edges and lines, try to add in some imperfections (softer edges, so the spec highlights on the panel edges are not always so prominent), include specular/reflection maps on the walls to break it up a little; also the floors and ceilings need higher spec reflections with skuff/scratch marks etc. (look into including roughness maps, to help with the dirt on the panels).

    The ref image shows this off perfectly, and you will also notice that some of the panels/walls actually bow out a little, which gives it more a naturalistic look (for want of a better description :)).

    Hope this helps, and loving the work mate! :)

  • ChrisGFXChrisGFX362 GermanyPosts: 607Member
    yeah, thats what I'm talking about ;)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Wiz wrote: »
    This is coming along great, and hope you dont mind but I did a little playing with the lighting/colours etc. in PS, as I see this is more the kind of way you are wanting to head...


    Not at all. In fact a lot of the things you suggest, and the lighting colour correction you've applied to that image reflects what I have been playing around with today, with darkening the lighting and adding a subtle metallic finish to the walls and blast doors. Haven't had a play around with scuff marks and the like, but am playing around with roughness in both the diffuse and bump, to try and get a more realistic feel. With bowing of the light panels I'm not going to add that though, as I feel that is more a side product of having to do the sets quite cheaply at the time rather than a desired effect. After a few more tests I should have some further images to show this afternoon.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Cool, cant wait to see updates :)

    The bowing is an extreme example of the imperfections, and was more to get the point across of the little things make the difference to the eye :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Indeed, well I've made efforts to add some subtle imperfections through the textures, so up close it should have something of a hammerite feel to it, as that appears to be the sort of finish the sets were given. Here are a few shots of where it is at now. Going to carry on with putting the rest of the corridor together now as I feel any further changes I make will most likely be to the lighting or textures rather than the geometry itself.

    Let us know what you think chaps.




  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Yep, definitely better matey :), and would be tempted (when you revisit) to add even more contrast (still can go a little darker).
  • JMoneyJMoney189 Posts: 127Member
    Personally, I think it looked better smooth without the bump. Or maybe make the bump noise even smaller/finer, like half the size it is now. What does everyone else think?

    I think you can acheive a better effect with a Mental Ray A&D metal material using glossy reflections (and by changing the anisotropic highlight parameters). There is a brushed metal A&D preset that might be worth a look as well. The only other way would be to use a specular map, or perhaps even a B&W modified noise texture in the specular slot. No bump.

    The hallway and geometry look fantastic! I love the detail! Are you going to be using the half-circle sections you posted earlier?

  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Actually yeah JMoney is right; haven taken a second look the bump does look like what it is, a simple bump map It needs to be more detailed and far more subtle, also I would leave the bump map as the last addition, cos there's a good chance if you get the spec/reflection details right then you probably wouldn't need a bump map. :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Hi there JMoney, actually that is pretty much the method I've used with this, playing around with A&D materials. Satin metal finishes in the case of the walls and blast doors, brushed metal for the consoles. With the bump noise I'm quite happy with it as it is on the walls, but the blast door material could use a little more work, in fact if you look at the 2nd and 4th shots above you'll see that I've even tightened the bump a little between those two renders. I think the bump does work, it is just that trick of making the effect loose enough to register at distance, and yet tight enough not to look too heavy handed close up. I'll look at tightening the blast door material further when I do my next set of renders.

    The other sections, including the cylindrical one will make an appearance as the corridor goes into its wide arcing corner just beyond the current section. The blast door at the end right now is temporary just to bookend the current section that I'm testing. I plan to put the crossroads section at that point, with large open blast doors either side, and then the corner kicks in, here you'll have a few instances of the cylindrical wall section and some pipes too, some pipes will also be used in the straight section too, to help break things up. Should have a nice extensive bit of corridor to play with.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    I haven't looked at the updates for a couple of days and now my cup of drool runneth over. Seriously my wife walked in on me while I was looking at these and she thought I must have been looking at porn. I think the effect with the bump map works as is with the distance shots, but the close up shot, of the door especially, does look a bit like overspray. I don't play with textures all that much, but is it possible to make two, so that you can switch one on or off for closeups and distance shots?
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, me thinks you were looking at porn and just switched to my WIP images to cover your tracks.


    Here is just a brief update. A render of the smaller blast door with a tighter noise effect in the bump slot which I think works a lot better, and a first look at the curved section of corridor. I'm looking at achieving the curve via an array, I could of course use a bend modifier to get the required effect which would be easier, but I don't want the wall panels to get distorted. Though I might experiment with it to see just how distorted the corridor wall panels would get when using the modifier. Currently I intend to create a 90 degree array curve with all the panels I intend to use and then just switch between them to get the results I want. The second shot shows the curved section using all light bank wall panels just to show how it looks so far.


  • JMoneyJMoney189 Posts: 127Member
    The door looks much better now. Looking good!

    It looks like this project is in the final stretch!

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Indeed it is. I just did a further test with a bend modifier on a dummy section of corridor and was pleasantly surprised with the results, there is really negligible distortion in the panels due to the wideness of the arc, so it looks like this might be the way to go after all. Here is a shot of the results.



    So now I plan to do another straight bit of corridor with all the elements that I intend to use in there and then apply the bend modifier to that. With that task done this will be pretty much finished.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Loving the leave of detail you are putting into this.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Cheers Freak. Just before putting the final version of this together I was reminded by a comment earlier in this thread regarding the Detention Centre, that I had a copy of the Star Wars Blueprints floating around, and that they featured the floorplans for that location. Now it had been an age since I'd thumbed through these, but did they by chance have blueprints of the Death Star corridor set too? Having dug them out it turns out that they do which is a bit of a result to say the least, as it now means I can do a pretty damned accurate representation of the set for the curved corridor by following these. Will still need to refer to screenshots for the specific wall panels used, but as far as placement of those cylindrical sections and the larger pipes are concerned? It is all here in black and white. Nice.

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Last shots for the day of a few of the assets that will help add a little more detail to the corridor.



    Next up will be shots of the finalised full corridor asset with accurate to set corner section, should have that done and dusted by tomorrow.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    That's looking fantastic. The lighting is awesome. :D
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member

    Had to take a day or two off this to deal with other commitments, which was quite frustrating being so close to the finish line, but was able to put some more work in on this today. Here are some renders of the final curved corridor section which is more lore accurate than the test run from earlier. based on the set floor plans I have only made the section a little longer to give me a full 90 degree corner. Pretty pleased with the results. Just have to duplicate this corridor asset for the other entrance and integrate it with the rest of the hangar and we're pretty much done.

    Let us know what you think guys.







  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    A beauty in the dark.
    Seriously though a beautiful bit of modeling.
  • SeverusSeverus401 Posts: 254Member
    I can just see the mouse droids zipping back and forth now... the joy it must bring you... Awesome work!
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks guys, yeah, had a lot of fun with this one.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Yep, looking good matey :) the lighting is much better :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Here are a few last touches that needed to be tweaked before signing off on this, mainly making sure the lighting between the various sections of the asset were well integrated, was a pain as there seemed to always be some niggly little thing that required attention every time I thought I was done, plus a lot of hunting around for which particular light might be causing some unwanted artefacts and why. Finally think I'm just about done with this one.

    These shots represent the use of the new corridor textures in the hangar control room (this room isn't as highly detailed as the corridors due to how it is intended to be used) together with isolated and integrated lighting between the hangar's main lights and the lighting in the control room and the transition across the viewing portal. Might slightly dim that transition a little to be more in line with the movie screenshots. And lastly shots of the more detailed walls of the viewing portal as you look out over the hangar.

    Next up? Might just have to build something to land in there.





  • JMoneyJMoney189 Posts: 127Member
    Just sent you a PM, but your box is full this time. :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, will get on that.

  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    dont forget the storm troopers all lined up standing to attention!!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804322 Posts: 11,047Member
    Looking awesome. :D
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