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3DDeath Star II Style Hangar



  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the feedback, yeah, I'm going to be looking at grubbying up the floor a little. Here are a few more comps of different angles, blending some iRay and MentalRay shots again.

    Oh, and I mustn't forget to give credit to Fabio Allamandri for the Lambda Shuttle, the same one used in JMoney's renders.




    (Just updated this post with links to the image hoster so you can gain access to the higher rez shots)
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    stick a Keurig in the corner there with a stack of styrofoam cups, even stormtroopers get tired and thirsty!
  • TovetteTovette5 Posts: 13Member
    That is sexy stuff.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Well there is a blue milkshake maker in one of those crates somewhere, and I believe that round device to the right is an ice cream dispenser. Perfect for those days when the Death Star's reactor core is running a little hot.

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Here are a few new renders featuring a new floor provided by JMoney (Many thanks fella :thumb:) which goes the geometry route rather than using a texture to visualise the floor tiles, and they look great. First up are a couple of shots that show the deck close up to make the most of this detail. On the second shot I have dulled the floor tile material somewhat as I think they are still a little too reflective in this new version. Check 'em both out and see which you think looks best.



    Following that are a few more preset shots with the new floor panels in there again for comparison. With the control room view I've blended the more reflective floor with duller one to give a ramp like effect so the reflection looks stronger closer to the floor and then fades away as the distance gets greater. Had to do this as unfortunately the reflection straight out of 3DS Max just remains constant. Is there away to get the reflection to fade at greater distances? I'm guessing with some form of fall off ramp? Also without the blended MentalRay render element these shots also look a touch too dark, especially in areas away from the wall such as the Lambda Shuttle and details under the TIE Rack, so might have to look at giving the light materials a bit more of a boost.




    Back to the subject of the new floor object it looks fantastic close up, but the detail is hard to read from a distance (such as in the hangar control room view above), I'm almost tempted to use my original floor for long shots such as that as it appears clearer at that distance (as that was the kinda range I designed it for), and use JMoney's for more close to the ground shots, but his floor is more true to what you would actually see, so I'm torn on the subject.

    Lastly I have a shot from the exterior just under the shuttle asset. As good as the model is, from this render it is obvious that it wasn't designed to hold up to this close a shot as far as the detail level is concerned. Should still hold up well enough for most of the shots I have in mind though.


    Well let us know what you think guys.


  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    hmm, two thoughts: shininess is good, but not too reflective. Rather, give it the look of a finely textured metal (the death star used roughly 80 billion metric tons of linoleum) with a clean but well used surface.
    Looks great!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    That's true, the Death Star II hanger from the film wasn't quite that reflective. It has some reflections, but they're a bit more blurry.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good! :)

    If you use a darker reflection colour/map only the brightest lights will come through and then also fade in the reflection as their brightness fades; also play around with the roughness on the reflection as well to help break it up.

    That is what I did with mine to achieve the effect you are after; I will post more info this evening when I get home :)

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Cheers Wiz, yep, that's the exact effect I'm after, having the reflection fade off at distance and add a little break up, as the effect I'm currently getting is just dulling the reflection (and making it look more like lino as mentioned above) without any break up which is not the effect I'm after at all.

    Also with the hangar lighting there are no lights in there at all, just light cast from the visible modeled light sources, think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and add a few lights to get a truly accurate and representative lightscape. especially under the TIE Rack, might have to put a spot under there to light up those arrays like they are in the matte painting, and my composite shots from a few posts ago.
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Here was my setup for that shot, going for IOR reflections rather the BRDF, with a relatively low 2.0 IOR strength.


    If you increase the roughness value in the diffuse slot that will start to take away from the reflective factor dulling the floor.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Cheers Wiz, will take a crack at that method. Much appreciated.

  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Here are a few renders with stronger lights to better light assets away from the walls of the hangar, but as I mentioned above I think I'm going to look at alternative methods for lighting those assets up better. This also just makes the walls a little too bright, though I might look at something between this and what I had previously for general light levels from the self ilum material. Next up after this? A crack at those floor material settings.



  • JMoneyJMoney189 Posts: 127Member
    Hi TALON,

    I've made some modifications that will fix the floor to look like Wiz's floor. The texture we are using is completely different than his, so his settings will not work with ours. Here is exactly what you do:

    1) Start with the material I gave you
    2) Change BRDF to IOR (if not already set like that)
    3) Change IOR to 2.0 (like Wiz suggested)
    4) Change Reflectivity to 1.0 (from 0.7)
    5) Change diffuse color 0.02 (because we are not using a diffuse map (yet) with painted lines)
    6) Make sure the Reflection and Gloss map are NOT instanced (we will be using separate settings for each map)
    7) Glossy map settings - change RGB Level to 0.62
    8) Reflection map settings - change RGB Level to 1.50

    See if that works for you. I just did a render test on my end and think it looks exactly like how Wiz has it.

    EDIT: I had roughness set to 0.0 for my test, but you can adjust the settings as Wiz suggested.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Here are two tests for the floor, one at distance and one closer up. I think it is pretty much there, I've added roughness and a subtle hint of blue to the diffuse as the floor looks slightly off black when you look at the screenshots of the location (going off of the matte paintings more than the set shots). Thanks guys for the assistance in setting the floor material up, and of course JMoney for providing the mesh based floor, looks great. Much appreciated.


  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Fantastic :)

    You can do work in post (colour correction, Gaussian blur etc.) to get closer to the reference shot :) saves so much time and easier to achieve, especially if you use the light paths options in iray :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Heh, nice colour correction tweak to my original image Wiz.


    Hard one to get right that Imperial hangar blue looks slightly different from shot to shot, might adjust my hangar wall texture to match this new hue, or like you say, just do a little post colour correction depending on the shot.

    Going to look at trying to get an optimal number of iterations which will work for animation without being too much of a time sink, don't really want to be looking at any more than 5 minutes a frame for this demo, thinking about 500/600 iterations should work at 1920x1080.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Heh, nice colour correction tweak to my original image Wiz.


    Hard one to get right that Imperial hangar blue looks slightly different from shot to shot, might adjust my hangar wall texture to match this new hue, or like you say, just do a little post colour correction depending on the shot.

    Going to look at trying to get an optimal number of iterations which will work for animation without being too much of a time sink, don't really want to be looking at any more than 5 minutes a frame for this demo, thinking about 500/600 iterations should work at 1920x1080.
    It's actually grey with a hint of blue. Most of the blue in the movie comes from the camera and lighting
  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Most of the blue comes from the crappy pass they did in 2006 (or 2004), which became the bluray :(
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    I found something called the "Despecialized Edition", which aims to restore/recreate the original movies as they originally appeared in theaters, from all sorts of sources, presented in 1080. It's one of the most accurate (albeit unsanctioned) versions i've seen of ANH and ESB. You can get a much better feel for colors.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    I found something called the "Despecialized Edition", which aims to restore/recreate the original movies as they originally appeared in theaters, from all sorts of sources, presented in 1080. It's one of the most accurate (albeit unsanctioned) versions i've seen of ANH and ESB. You can get a much better feel for colors.

    I've heard of this too. All I have to say to them is: good luck with the lawsuit. ;)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    It's actually grey with a hint of blue. Most of the blue in the movie comes from the camera and lighting
    Wiz wrote: »
    Most of the blue comes from the crappy pass they did in 2006 (or 2004), which became the bluray :(

    Yeah, if you look at prints of the original matte paintings the walls are pretty much just grey. The practical set elements are pretty much grey with a hint of blue, but again this could be due to lighting on set.

    Will have to check out those "Despecialized Editions", they sound interesting.


    Here are a few shots from the short animation I'm developing for this as a demo. Will basically be an establishing exterior shot with the shuttle flying in, followed by a fly around in the hangar itself. Should look pretty cool. I still think my lighting in the hangar is a bit bright though, so might give that a bit of a further tweak before I commit to rendering.


  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    They may be a bit bright, but you're really getting there with the floor. :thumb:
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    So here's the quick test video (I say quick, took an age to render, but quick as in 18 seconds long) of a Lambda Shuttle Landing in an Imperial Hangar. Hangar modeled in 3DS Max, and rendered using iRay. All lighting in the scene generated by self ilum materials on the models.

    (Shuttle model by Fabio Allamandri)

    A few things I'm not happy with include the camera motion on the second shot, mostly okay, but a bit jerky at the beginning, so I'll look at refining that. Also obviously no landing gear as there were none included with that model, so might look at building those and adding animation for a landing cycle for those as well as the wings. Lastly the Youtube compression has really done a number on the subtlety of the lighting which is a shame as that is the whole point of doing it with iRay for the most part.

    Rendered it at 500 iterations which came out at about 10 minutes a frame roughly when rendered at 1080p, so a little grainier than I'd have liked, but still gets reasonable enough results for animation.

    Let me know what you think of those results.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    It looks great to me, man. I did notice the slight jerkiness of the camera movement, but it's not that bad. (I struggle with camera movement myself) Modern directors like JJ Abrams who insist on those "sick" jerky handheld-looking cameras would like it. ;)

    The bay and shuttle and everything look fantastic. The movement of the shuttle is really good.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Cheers, yeah, like I said, I'll look at refining that camera motion.

  • WizWiz28 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good matey, the laser disc is considered to be the definitive version of the film, and there are copies of that floating around on the torrents :)

    Also Starwars revisited by Adywan, he is doing an amazing resotoration and updates to the movies, so definitely should check his work out :)
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah, have Adywan's stuff, most impressive. Has he done Jedi yet? Last I checked he'd just done Star Wars and TESB. He makes some very cool additions. For a definitive copy of the original trilogy I have to go to my Executor tinned boxset, that was a fine buy, and still have a VHS to watch them on. Hopefully Disney will get their act together and release an unaltered edition of the original trilogy soon. Can't see them not doing it the way they're milking the Star Wars cash cow so far.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Hopefully Disney will get their act together and release an unaltered edition of the original trilogy soon. Can't see them not doing it the way they're milking the Star Wars cash cow so far.

    I second that one. There are a lot of fans that feel that way.
  • TALON_UKTALON_UK2 Posts: 0Member
    In my opinion still the best release of the original trilogy, and well worth keeping an old dusty VHS player around for. The extras were great too. Sod dvd and Blu Ray.


    $_86.JPG 404.6K
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    TALON_UK wrote: »
    Yeah, have Adywan's stuff, most impressive. Has he done Jedi yet? Last I checked he'd just done Star Wars and TESB. He makes some very cool additions. For a definitive copy of the original trilogy I have to go to my Executor tinned boxset, that was a fine buy, and still have a VHS to watch them on. Hopefully Disney will get their act together and release an unaltered edition of the original trilogy soon. Can't see them not doing it the way they're milking the Star Wars cash cow so far.
    Harmy's Despecialized Edition is pretty nifty, (if you want it, google it ;)) but the vfx are the originals, which is both good and bad.
    Without some major horse-trading with Fox, Disney can't release the originals for a couple more years. There is a vfx outfit which has a few clips of high quality remastering of ESB on their demo reel, can't remember the name at the moment.
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