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Terra Nova - Fall 2011



  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Well, being 85 million years ago, they should have a lot more stuff with short half lives(compared to that timeframe), so I guess they got plenty of fissionable material? :p
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    The tech is kinda interesting to me. In that clearly they have brought through a lot of the their future stuff, (Sonic guns, advance computers, etc) and have used local material to make some of there stuff. (The logs in the fence around the city, the spike used as a knife in the pilot, etc.) But I'm not seeing much local stuff used to maintain future stuff. IE everything looks a little to refined and presentable. No one seems to have to make do with a battery lamp, because they are waiting on mains power to be hooked up. Tools are either future stuff nice and shiny, or completely local stuff. Where is the modern knife blade with the twine handle?
    Although having said that the place is only a few years old, so maybe stuff hasn't worn out enough for that to happen yet.

    Spoiler alert
    I was a little unhappy about the dino not being identified right away. I don't care if it wasn't local, the first big database to be installed at Terra Nova would have been the fossil record. Their first piece of information was a claw. It would only take a few hours at best for a good researcher to id that claw, using current tech.

    Also a giant leech, is a really really crap way of getting Oxy out of someones blood stream. Let alone the way the doc removed it being the worst form of medical practice I've seen. (I have no idea what this is on your back, or how it's stuck there, so I'll just yank it off.......WHAT!)
    Have these people not heard of an Oxygen mask? You can use it to remove excess gas in the same way as adding gases, and your patient doesn't have to worry about healing massive infection prone bite marks on their back.

    But rant out of the way, I am enjoying the show so far. As Evil Genius said it's a recycled plot, but a fun one. Anyone want to start a betting pool on when Episode the Daughter solves the calculations on the rocks? I'm guessing last ep of season 1.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I agree with ID the dino that should have taken no time. Also would you not have someone that works in this area on back with you?
    Hell anyone that worked in this feild would kill to go to a place where they could see and study the living version.
    They would also be able to ID or be close to what killed the men before looking at a database.

    Anyway, it has not been to bad so far. It will be intresting to see where take the show.
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    I'd like to see the show take a huge turn towards something unexpected. Say the colonists discover that they are not actually in the past at all and that they are on a completely different planet, then the mystery and conspiracy of why they were told it was a time fracture vs. a wormhole would ensue..I'd also like to see aliens stop by for a visit or sentient bi-pedal dinosaurs to say hello as well..
  • chronochrono0 Posts: 1Member
    I watched about 30 minutes of this show and thought, "Wow! An even worse remake of a B movie.". It's like a bad blend of the movie Millieum and Lost World. Pretty disappointed.:(
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Having just watched the current EP. I though overall it's starting to improve a little. Mostly because they dealt with the main plot a bit more. Having said that, I can't stand a scene where an explanation should be given for whats going on, but they didn't because it's not the season cliff hanger. It screams of a story being dragged out longer than it needs to.

    Just as a point of interest however as this thread seems to have died. Is anyone else still watching?
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Yeah I am, But I not yet seen the last ep.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    I'm still watching. I'm liking it. This is one of those episodic series, where they have episodes that have a beginning, middle and end but they've also added this mystery of what's *really* going on there. It will be interesting to see what it's all about, but don't expect to see that anytime soon. Since Jim Shannon is a detective, he'll probably have to gather clues and slowly find out what it is (probably with the help of his family, since the show centers on them) and we're supposed to discover it with him. Though, I'm getting curious as to what the Sixers' role is in everything, they were clearly sent back with an agenda.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    Just saw the latest Episode.
    I agree with Chirs, each episode is a standalone with an arc running though the season/ serise. Just like DS9.
    So far it has been enjoyable even if the concept has been done.
  • ViperViper1688 Posts: 717Administrator
    I'm also still watching...guess I'll finish season 1 and see where it leads. I'm finding it enjoyable at least. But the story is a bit all over the place as if they had a lot they wanted to do, but didn't know where to start.
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Well that's true of most season 1s when you think about it. At least it means its not a case of "What are those pesky sixers up to this week? Bang whoosh, there that stopped 'em" repeat, repeat.
    I would like to see some real character plot twists however. Stuff like finding out that Taylor is the real bad guy, and the sixers are right to try and kill him. Or that the mole in the town isn't the young security guy. (Yes I know that last bit hasn't been revealed, but it's so clearly him it makes my eyes bleed.)
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I think they are leading to Taylor being the bad guy. He might not be a bad guy at Terra Nova, but in 2147, the people he work far are.
    Going by the last episode the Sixers are not really the bad guys either, they are just trying to do somethig that will affect 2147 for the better?
    While their tatics in and around Terra Nova may seem like terrorists. They do it to survive and achive there goal. after all they do not have the resoucers that Terra Nova has.

    Spolier Warning

    There is that whole thing with Meria daughter being hold captive in 2147.
  • ViperViper1688 Posts: 717Administrator
    Pagrin wrote: »
    Well that's true of most season 1s when you think about it.

    Not really. Have you watched Homeland? That series is putting on a lesson on how a series should be written. Constantly keeps you on your toes, and can never be sure of any of the characters. Terra Nova has been pretty erratic on the other hand. On one episode the middle son is a PITA, then the next he is kinda Ok, then goes back to being a PITA again, for instance. The underlying threads of the story are good, and if they can explore those a bit better, then this has some good potential I think.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    I'm bummed that it's not on tonight because of the World Series (baseball, for those who don't know.) But, next week's episode looks like it's going to be good. :)

    @Dean: Yeah, I think the group that sends everybody back has nefarious purposes. However, Taylor himself appears to be a good guy. We'll see though. I'm really curious to see how the Sixers fit into the scheme. Clearly, they oppose the main group, but they might be the actual bad guys, not the other way around. Time will tell.
  • ViperViper1688 Posts: 717Administrator
    For an episode of Terra Nova, the last one was a pretty good Law & Order episode. Although it wasn't bad, I wish we had gotten some more plot movement apart from the son storyline. And BTW, that kid that plays the son has to go...he's really, really fracking annoying. Hope the sixers kill him or something. His motivations are crap, and just don't make any sense. Anyway...let's wait for the next one :p
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Viper wrote: »
    And BTW, that kid that plays the son has to go...he's really, really fracking annoying. Hope the sixers kill him or something. His motivations are crap, and just don't make any sense. Anyway...let's wait for the next one :p

    I was hoping Mira was at least going to cut him a bit while he was in her clutches but she let me down. (I was really hopeful when we saw her heating up a knife)
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    While overall I liked the ep. I can't say it was because of the storylines. All three plots were very bland. But then I guess this was just to move the main plot along a little by putting people in place to latter events. (Or at least that's what I'm hoping it was.)
    I hope the baby dino doesn't stay for to long or its likely to turn into Boxy and Muffit from the original BSG. And that was painful to watch even in the 70s.
    What I did learn from this episode however is that, as a detective, Shannon is crap! If he can't tell when someone is confessing under duress, he'd have never gotten out of uniform.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Pagrin wrote: »
    What I did learn from this episode however is that, as a detective, Shannon is crap! If he can't tell when someone is confessing under duress, he'd have never gotten out of uniform.

    On the same note, everybody else who went to the bunker and saw its condition sucks too. They all went there, most of them went inside, and he's the only one who noticed the really large and obvious scratches on the inside of the door? Really? I mean, I know the others weren't cops, but most of them were in the military. I was in the military, (infantry) we weren't exactly detectives or anything, but we were trained to notice things out of the ordinary and I'd say that qualifies. I know, they wanted him to do his "cop thing," but they could have had him prove his skills by checking out some less obvious clues.
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    The episode was not all that, see far better ones of the same story.
    Like Chirs said they must be a bunch of muppets if they don't see somthing thats in plain sight.
    Whats with Taylor you broke a major law your banished. while at the same time there is another guy breaking another law that can lead to a criminal element spring up. But he gets off scot free without even a warning of the leadger being confisated!
    Whats with that?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    They let the guy who runs the bar get by with some stuff for the same reason Sisko and Odo put up with Quark's crap on DS9: He's of use to the community. (plus, the idiot son getting his girlfriend there is a major plot point) Recreation and relaxation are important and the bar in Terra Nova is an important part of that. People who have been working hard all day are able to go there and relax and unwind.

    One thing they definitely need in Terra Nova is trials. People need to get a fair shake instead of Taylor alone deciding their fate. He shouldn't have the sole say on what happens there. But I'm sure that will come later.
  • ViperViper1688 Posts: 717Administrator
    I thought last nights episode was a very good improvement over the last ones...good action (The fight sequence at least was pretty cool), enough plot stories to keep me engaged in the overall arc and the subplots weren't bad. I liked the way the Skie (or Sky?) story with her friend unfolded. Gave a bit more character to her. And also, we got very little of the emo bitchy son, which is a big plus. Interested to see what'll happen next week.
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    Again we seem to be being told that Shannon is an average cop at best. Yet his daughter has enough brains to try and do a DNA test on a suspect.
    Seriously what cop investigating a break in doesn't ask for finger printing to be done?
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Pagrin wrote: »
    Again we seem to be being told that Shannon is an average cop at best. Yet his daughter has enough brains to try and do a DNA test on a suspect.
    Seriously what cop investigating a break in doesn't ask for finger printing to be done?

    Well, the infirmary has a lot of people in and out everyday, touching stuff, so there'd be a lot of prints. Maybe not on the locker though...

    And to be fair, he probably wouldn't suspect his son just because he found his fingerprints there (the room in general that is), his mom works there after all.

    Maybe fingerprinting dust/lasers/blah were not among the equiptment they though to bring from the future, and, er, couldn't improvise anything similar...

    Or it doesn't work here, you forget this is ancient earth! Magnets!

    Or maybe he never heard of such crude things...nah then he'd have done a dna sweep, which could also yield a lot of samples in a hospital area....but overall no good excuses not to check any of that.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, I was also surprised he didn't dust for prints, but we also don't know exactly what tools and conditions exist in Terra Nova. It could be that he literally couldn't dust for prints. However, we know they can scan for DNA and they had to know that whoever blasted the door would have been knocked backwards into the wall. They didn't scan the wall for DNA. However, as Melak pointed out, this is a hospital, I'm sure it's as full of DNA as it is fingerprints.

    The way they have Shannon working on this show is more old school; blades of grass out of place, questioning suspects, following leads. They don't seem to be big on forensics. And, to be fair, it's pretty clear that Elisabeth and Maddy are geniuses, while he and Josh are clearly of average intelligence. (though, Josh may be below average :shiner:) The jury is out on Zoe, as to who she got her smarts from. (though, she's probably still smarter than Josh, even though she's about 5 years old)

    Here's what I don't get about the show: It's supposed to be so dangerous out in the jungle. "There are a lot of ways to die in this jungle." Yet, hardly anyone ever does. We see people, including Shannon's idiot son, going outside of the gate every week. Most of them go unarmed to poorly armed and there are hardly any fatalities. So, just how dangerous is this jungle?

    And, on a final note, I really want something bad to happen to Josh, even more so after that crap he pulled on the last episode. He's an idiot and he's hurting the colony. He needs to at least do a little jail time for what he did, I don't care if he confessed of his own free will. In fact, that confession could be what keeps Taylor from banishing him.
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    That's probably because they probably don't have CSI shows in the future. :P
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Yeah, that's probably it. :lol: And that's probably my problem too. I've been watching CSI since it started 11 years ago, so I keep thinking of all kinds of forensic stuff they do on there that I might not have known about otherwise. ;)
  • PagrinPagrin171 Posts: 0Member
    My problem is that Shannons ability as a cop seems to be limited to stating the obvious about whats happened. And letting someone else work it out. Maybe he should be put in charge of traffic light maintenance. (I'm sure there are lots of them in far away places he needs to drive 3 months to get to.)
    One of my biggest problems with TV scripts is stupid characters. Granted the female characters all seem to be reasonably smart (to a degree) but they seem smart mostly because the male characters aren't. Good guys should win because they outsmart bad guys, sure. But not because the bad guy is so stupid, you wonder how they get dressed in the morning.

    For example Shannon is looking for the informant within Terra Nova, has been since the pilot. What has he done to look into this on screen....nothing. What could he have done so far?
    Firstly he could be defining his list of suspects, and setting about eliminating them from the list. IE. This piece of info was leaked, Ok who knows that information or could have found the information. Now set about finding out who is accounted for. Cross reference that with the next bit of leaked info and so on.
    I'm sure Maddie's boyfriend would have been caught by now if a half skilled cop was working the case. But instead its going to be forgotten about for the most part until close to the end of the season. Then suddenly hey look wonder cop will have the evidence dropped in his lap, just in time.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    He did better in this week's episode. He actually showed a glimmer of intelligence (Malcolm even pointed it out.) He actually did some real investigating.

    Aside from that, this week's episode was good for other reasons as well. We finally got some questions answered. I was hoping they were going to give us some answers before too long and they finally did. Plus, Josh was in very little and had only a few spoken lines, that was a definite improvement over last week's show. ;)
  • FreakFreak1088 Posts: 4,361Member
    I am two episode behind. I have them I just not in a rush to wacth them. I don't know if that is a good thing or not?
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804256 Posts: 11,034Member
    Freak wrote: »
    I am two episode behind. I have them I just not in a rush to wacth them. I don't know if that is a good thing or not?

    That's usually not a good sign.
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