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3DStar Trek: Specter of the Past



  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    I suppose the surprise both will be and will not be after Specter is finished :)
  • oldmangregoldmangreg198 Woodland Hills, CAPosts: 1,339Member
    Do you still need help voice overs or are you done with that?
    Your right to an opinion does not make your opinion valid.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @oldmangreg: I haven't decided yet how I'm going to proceed with voiceovers from this point, I'll send out a reminder to the ones I have now and we'll see what happens. I'll let you know as soon as I make a determination.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Alright guys, I've reached a decision about the future of voiceovers for Specter. I know this will irritate a lot of people, but I've decided not to move forward with voiceovers. I'm not sure yet if I'll proceed with integrating the ones I already have, that's going to depend on how I feel once I finish the remastering process.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    so you're saying you might not keep the current voice-cast, or are you saying something else?
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    In plain English, I've set down multiple deadlines, which some important cast members keep missing. Rather than continue to try chasing them down, I've decided not to press forward with any further recording sessions or casting calls or anything else. The set of voiceovers I have now comprises less than one third of a full set, and I don't think it would be worth the effort to try and integrate those into the audio track. My temp tracks are simply going to have to suffice.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    ah. so if you cant get your cast to pull their own weight, youre just going to forget it. cant argue with that, but it'd be a shame, IMO
  • Halo BuffHalo Buff331 Posts: 0Member
    It's a downright shame! I've got a decent USB mic if you need a small part done. I'm a great fan of the show, and forgive me, but the quality of the temp tracks is downright horrendous at parts. I'm sure you could find like minded fans on here, if you cant get your regulars to respond. I can also stress my voice some for an older character if needed.

    I'd like to see this actually completed. I wouldn't drop it on their accounts, not after you've put this much work into it!
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    Halo Buff wrote: »
    [T]he quality of the temp tracks is downright horrendous at parts.

    Ordinarily I'd take that personally, but I'll give you this one for the sole reason that, except for Reyf and Garr, none of these temp tracks were really meant to be any good :) I did try my hardest but even so, I never planned on keeping them.

    Better than nuthin' tho...

    Even so, I think someone heard me and today I got a set of VO's submitted from the actress playing Troi. She says she sent them earlier but never got a reply, so since I never saw the first set that leads me to believe GMail might be acting up. Sometime during the holidays I'll send out an announcement to my cast list about it, and see who says what.

    We'll go from there.
  • James MidsenJames Midsen62 Posts: 0Member
    Ok, tnpir, I am working on recording the parts for Merv real soon. Specifically the day that everybody leaves for going home. I'll have tons of spare time. I'l get them in ASAP.

  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    Don't forget you could always take voulenteers at this point. Display a list of those who haven't replied, say that if they wanna be in the movie, they need to record "all" the supplied dialogue and submit it to you. rather then setting deadlines and whatnot, they have to complete it on their own time in it's entirety.

    Cause it doesnt matter if they dont respond to you after that or anything of the sort, as long as the entire dialogue is provided in a single voice, it'll do for the character.
    Formerly Nadesico.

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  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Count me in,
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    use your yahoo then, if gmail is acting up
  • Stevie_DStevie_D191 Posts: 155Member
    I remember doing a machinima waaaay back when, and getting a large amateur cast to do voice overs on a deadline is a true nightmare, i can really sympathize. It's hard to find reliable people, but the one piece of advice id give - is if you find ones who *are* reliable - ask them to do another smaller bit part as well. That way you clear out a lot of the smaller parts by people who you know will get them to you on time.

    ...and dont give up! You've taken this long to do the movie, you're obviously 100% committed to seeing it through, so take the same aggressive stance with the voices!

    You'll see it through, Tnpir! Just keep thinking about the day you'll post here saying "It's done!" and let that drive you :)
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    As an amateur film maker there is another approach i can recommend. You need voice actors but you don't want/need to pay them. Put up ads at nearby community centres and acting centres. Here in Australia, I can easily get a million voice actors who are semiprofessionals or students looking for unpaid work simply to fill out their portfolios for professional job applications. Because it's win-win, particularly with students, you'll find a higher grade of voice actor who is willing to meet deadlines.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
  • Capt DaveCapt Dave0 Posts: 0Member
    Hay, I'll read for a part, as long as I have some video to take cues from. I've done my share of voice over acting.
  • Halo BuffHalo Buff331 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    Ordinarily I'd take that personally, but I'll give you this one for the sole reason that, except for Reyf and Garr, none of these temp tracks were really meant to be any good :) I did try my hardest but even so, I never planned on keeping them.

    Forgive me, I was only referring to quality of the microphone used, not your acting. In several places, it is hard to listen to through the distortion of the microphone being overpowered. I did not mean to insult, merely critique.

    At any rate, my offer still stands, I have nothing but free time until classes start up again.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @Halo Buff: just be mindful that the word "quality" has multiple connotations. In the future, I suggest you say exactly what you mean rather than being quite that ambiguous with your meaning. If your intent was to comment on the overmodulation issue, you should've said so from the start rather than leaving a remark about horrendous audio quality open to interpretation.
  • Halo BuffHalo Buff331 Posts: 0Member
    Again, sorry. The ambiguity of my statement escaped my notice until I read your reply. Won't happen again. I really do appreciate the work that you've put into this project and was slightly turned off at the thought of you not wanting to finish it, I really hope your actors come through for you so this can be the awesome project it is shaping up to be.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    @Halo Buff: just be mindful that the word "quality" has multiple connotations. In the future, I suggest you say exactly what you mean rather than being quite that ambiguous with your meaning. If your intent was to comment on the overmodulation issue, you should've said so from the start rather than leaving a remark about horrendous audio quality open to interpretation.
    i couldn't do voice-overs to save my life, but i interpreted Halo's comment to refer to technical quality
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    Must...Keep Thread.... alive......

    Any Updates at all ? :)
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member

    The remastering process on Specter is officially complete, as of 16 hours ago. That's the good news; the bad news is that I've decided not to press forward with voiceovers, and so Star Trek Specter: The Ultimate Edition will be the Very Definitely Final release. I've made some changes to earlier segments, so I've pulled everything down off Vimeo and I'm going to re-upload everything. The first segment is uploading right now, the remainder to follow over the next three weeks.
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    There's other news too, regarding Retribution: the overall story is finished, I'm still trying to flesh out the full script now (this time I'm going to have a full script before I even think about rushing full-on into production). But I think I've more or less decided to forge ahead with the project, this has the potential to be a lot more fun for me to make and for you all to watch than Specter ever could be, in that it's going to be less a personal confession story and something firmly rooted in the Trek universe.
  • homerpalooza67homerpalooza67228 Posts: 1,891Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »

    The remastering process on Specter is officially complete, as of 16 hours ago. That's the good news; the bad news is that I've decided not to press forward with voiceovers
    At the very least, get a woman to voice the female parts. I insist!! (although i appreciate how much time/effort you've put into it)

    Edit: (floor plans for Ent D bridge, labeled for size, assuming an 8-foot turbolift)
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    tnpir4002 wrote: »
    There's other news too, regarding Retribution: the overall story is finished, I'm still trying to flesh out the full script now (this time I'm going to have a full script before I even think about rushing full-on into production). But I think I've more or less decided to forge ahead with the project, this has the potential to be a lot more fun for me to make and for you all to watch than Specter ever could be, in that it's going to be less a personal confession story and something firmly rooted in the Trek universe.

    This is good, I like how you are going to be fleshing out your story and dialogue etc before you start animating, like a REAL movie :D, bigger and better things

    One thing, do you plan to alter your animated models in anyway, so they dont look the same with different hairstlyles? AND will you be using that walk plug in that was posted a few pages ago

    oooh how exciting :P
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    You want exciting? Check out the updated bridge set:

  • lennier1lennier1917 Posts: 1,286Member
    ^^ Are you planning to fix the contrast problem of the carpet for future use?
  • tnpir4002tnpir4002418 Posts: 1,277Member
    @lennier: I remember we discussed that before, I honestly forgot all about the carpet issue. You're right, that does need to be fixed--I can definitely do that before I start work on Retribution.

    By the way gang, the first segment of The Ultimate Edition is up:
  • Dr-TimelordDr-Timelord0 Posts: 0Member
    That new bridge set is amazing, I like it. Its very Late 24th Century :D

    I vote that at least once character in your next project should have a beard lmao


    What changes have you been making to your earlier segments?
  • count23count23362 Posts: 782Member
    I have to be frank about this, I truely believe that not providing proper voice overs is a mistake. Sure it's time consuming and you run into problems where people drop out of the production, but not provided them and just using your voice for all characters is going to detract from the reception of this much more then the delays required in getting a voice over team together. I'd also like to point out that if you're unable to deal with the constant troubles of people dropping out/having scheduling issues with Specter, you may want to seriously consider how you want to play out Retribution before you start work on the film production because you will easily have the same problems as you did with Specter when it comes to getting voice overs done.
    Formerly Nadesico.

    Current Projects:
    Ambassador Class
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