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3DAkira Class Starship



  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
  • SchimpfySchimpfy396 Posts: 1,632Member
    Great update. Nice to see the details being added. :)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member

    I am currently woring on adding the ship reg to the front. I am modelling instead of using bit maps.
    Once done I will move to do the detail that I skipped on the escape pods. Then it on to cutting out the windows.
  • anthscoanthsco365 Raleigh, NCPosts: 87Member
    Very nice work, this is one of the best additions coming to us Trek Blender heads after the release of another TNG ship to Blender. Eagerly awaiting the release of this beauty.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I gone back to the escape pods and add more details to it and place the upper saucer one's in.
    I still need to add the details to the one's I have aleady put in. but that easy to do.


    I have also added the ship reg. I have modellled this instead of using texts. The reg also pays homage to the orignal HMS Cambeltown. I also modelled the housing for the reg lights. But I have not yet put the light in.


    I have also started cutting out the windows on the saucer. On the studio Model, and the concept drawing had this area as another torpedo launcher. I never liked the idea of having them there. There no needed for them there, as torpedo can change direction after it has been fired, it seems to be pointless having them.
    As this is a fighter carrier it would also have support ships around it. Most likely a few Defiant classes, and some curissers.
    So I just changed it to a window.




    I also started the cut out for the upper section with the windows on the cat's, but it not sitting right with me.
    from what I have seen the cut should be deeper into the hull, but if I cut any deeper it will not look right with the rest of the ship, so I am not sure if I should keep it as it is, try something else.

  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Maybe you could move the cut part a bit away from the catamaran ? The mesh is looking awesome btw :thumb: Nice to see that the ship is getting more attention lately.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member

    I thought about that, but with the way my decking is done, the windows would be between decks.
    So that would not work.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Cutting out windows does take time but I am happy to say that I have finished the set that are set in the top of the suacer.
    I have done this slightly different to the ones of the stuido model. this is so it matches my floor plan layout.

    I have also modelled the RCS for the saucer. on the stuido model, it just blocks sticking out of the saucer. However I have done and added some details.




    I am now moving down to bottom of the saucer. I am not 100% happy with the way the “secondary hull” has been modelled.
    So I am going to redo it.
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Looking good. Did you boolean the windows? Because they are CLEEEEE-EEEEEAAN. The rcs thrusters are definitely different, but they would work, and the Akira is so different anyway you may get away with it. I'm betting you will end up changing them though.

    You say you modeled the registies instead of using text? Why did you do that? They look great though. I really like the lifeboats. Great detail there.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member

    Yes I did Boolean the windows, but there was a lot of errors that I had to end up cleaning.
    Yeah the thruster are different. I might change them later on to something more standard.
    as for the reg, yes they are modeled instead of textuered. Reason being easy to change. Though the one of top of the saucer should have been textuered. as far as I know there no way to get more than one colour on a text without truning it onto a meshes.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Sweet updates you have there. :)
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member

    With work now done on top of the saucer except for the panels. I have now moved down to under the saucer and the secondary hull.

    I was not happy with the front of the secondary hull so I have remodelled this and I tihnk it looks a lot better. with this done, I started on the deflector dish. From the refance pic's I have you can't really get a good look at it as the light bleeds into the image.
    So after looking at some of the work done by Madkoifish. I did my own version with some infulance from MKF.


    I add a blue light behind the deflector to add a little mroe to it.


    and here is how it looks on the ship.


    I have also modelled windows into the saucer, though at the angle on the next set of pic's you can't really see it, though in the last pic, you get a idea where it is.
    I have also put in another torp laurcher. This is smaller than the others, I have put this into the "Secondary Hull" I done this as the ship has a blind spot with all it laurcher.




    Now I have two options for lower forward torp laurchers. Should I go with two or four?


  • backsteptbackstept2282 Posts: 956Member
    I say go with just the two down there . . . the akira was already overtorp'd anyway :D

    nice work so far, man
    you've definitely improved a lot since you started :thumb:
    [edit]started with blender that is :shiner:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Ohhh, wonderful, that's some nice work.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Thanks Guys.

    Andy I perfer it with two myslef.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Yup two looks better. The ship is shaping up really nicely :thumb: You might want to add some edges to the deflector hull because it looks a bit wonky when reflecting light (especially in the bottom shot).
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member

    okay I'll do that after I have finished putting in the windows for this section.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Not much of an update. This week I have just worked on the windows on the "secondary Hull". It been slow due to having to do the clean up but I am happy to say that it is now done. I have also done the tractor beam emitters as well.
    Still need to cut in the Warp Core escape hatch as well.





  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Nice work, the windows are nice, I'd say, but what's the thing in the last two images?
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Thanks, it is a tractor Beam emiter.

    I have been asked by one of the guys on to post some wires of the secondary hull.
    So here they are. I have also included a clay render.




  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I have now finished the lower saucer, not to much detail down here, just a few windows.
    This is for two reasons
    1, This a warship, it should not have lots and lots of windows.
    2, The windows placemeant on lower saucer would be in the floor, with my deck layout.

    I have added navigation lights and a phaser strip as well as add the last of the escape hatches for the saucer.
    I have also add the little cricle cut at the rear, some people think this is for the warp core to eject. But I think these two hatches are for refulling the ship when docked to a space station.





    Now to move onto the fixing the Cats.
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Looking really good. Nice work on the windows, they look nice and even and very clean. I see no boolean gaffs anywhere. Very clean mesh.

    Say, how do you get blender to do those wire renders? I didn't even know Blender could do that.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member

    If you go into the Marterials, under the Links and pipelines tap. you will see a button that says wires.
    Click on this and hay presto you can now render out your object as a wire frame.

    I Beleave you can have a soild and a wire at the same time, but I am not sure how I do it.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    I have cleaned up the error that where with the catamarans. This has meant that I have complately rebulit them.
    Cut on the impluse engine area on the back, that was a real pain to do as it needed a lot of clean up.



    I have also started to add details to them. I know there are issuses with the top cutout area, I need to go back and sort that out.


    Started adding the windows, they are little higher than I would like, but if I had put them lower, they would have been between decks. I have also added another airlock as well.

  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Sweet work here.
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,286Member
    Not too fond of some details (like the clunky RCS thrusters and the segmentation on the saucer rim), but it's still nice to see progress on this project.

    Have you considered replacing those dark plates on top of the saucer with actual greeble pits (sensors) like on the Intrepid model?
  • backsteptbackstept2282 Posts: 956Member
    nice work Dean!
  • Polaris 004Polaris 004199 Posts: 752Member
    Looking really good. Your windows are so nice and clean, it's actually making me re-think if it's worth the trouble to actually cut them into my meshes... I keep having to remind myself that you're doing this all in Blender. I'm used to thinking to myself... great mesh, but it probably can't quite be done that way in Blender... Your showing me I just need to try a little harder.

    The Cats look SPOT ON. Really, really clean, good job. Details look good so far. As far as your Maneuvering Thrusters, maybe you could just lift the verts on the outside of the bottom edge, so the the bottom is not level, but slanted up a bit? Just a thought.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Aresius wrote: »
    Sweet work here.
    backstept wrote: »
    nice work Dean!
    Thanks Guy's
    lennier1 wrote: »
    Not too fond of some details (like the clunky RCS thrusters and the segmentation on the saucer rim), but it's still nice to see progress on this project.

    Have you considered replacing those dark plates on top of the saucer with actual greeble pits (sensors) like on the Intrepid model?
    Thanks, Yeah I not to happy with the clunky RCS either, but that the way they are on the studio model. But that has no detail to them what so ever.

    I had not though about replacing those dark panels with greeble. I always though they where some sort of cargo doors. But the shape a bit odd for that. I After I have finished off everything, I might go back and do that.
    Looking really good. Your windows are so nice and clean, it's actually making me re-think if it's worth the trouble to actually cut them into my meshes... I keep having to remind myself that you're doing this all in Blender. I'm used to thinking to myself... great mesh, but it probably can't quite be done that way in Blender... Your showing me I just need to try a little harder.

    The Cats look SPOT ON. Really, really clean, good job. Details look good so far. As far as your Maneuvering Thrusters, maybe you could just lift the verts on the outside of the bottom edge, so the the bottom is not level, but slanted up a bit? Just a thought.

    Thanks, The windows are a pain to do and take forever, but it worth it in the long run.
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,286Member
    Freak wrote: »
    Thanks, Yeah I not to happy with the clunky RCS either, but that the way they are on the studio model. But that has no detail to them what so ever.
    True, but just like the reinforced Bussard collectors and the engineering hull's flat front surface you're already using some superior elements from the concept stage anyway. Which means, in a pinch you'd always get away with other elements from the concept stage, like the more form-fitting RCS thrusters in this drawing.
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