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  • scorpius wrote: »
    It's looking good. I like the shape of it, very original for a SG ship, but I like your take on it. I look forward to seeing more work on it.

    A quick update on my texturing efforts on the Icarus. I'm sort of a bit lost with it to be honest but here is where I am with it at the moment. C&C and any tips are always welcome (please!!)

    can barely keep up with this thread - had a lot to go thru after a weekend away from a pc heh.

    i think its looking great, if a little bland.
  • Wilson359Wilson3590 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    It's looking good. I like the shape of it, very original for a SG ship, but I like your take on it. I look forward to seeing more work on it.

    A quick update on my texturing efforts on the Icarus. I'm sort of a bit lost with it to be honest but here is where I am with it at the moment. C&C and any tips are always welcome (please!!)

    Looks great Scorpius, keep up the great work ;)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Carach wrote: »
    i think its looking great, if a little bland.

    Well that particular render was an even lighting render so there's no specular. I've been working on getting some decent spec and it's proving incredibly difficult to get it just right, I think I'm getting there though. I'll post updates when I have something better.
  • scorpius wrote: »
    In my experience the people in this thread have been more than happy to give their meshes, certainly to other people in the thread. I myself have given meshes to others and I've had meshes from Dr Lee, tadz, RJB (unfortunately I wasn't able ever play about with it properly because I couldn't get it converted too well), and will be getting one from scootes as well when he finally sends it :flippy:

    Oh well...back to texturing then :runs:
    Really, they have? Then does anyone want a version of their ship on my carrier? It would be nice to see more then the 304's and 303's that I have on it right now even though scootes ship is cool. Oh and I need some type of class name for my carrier. I've looked through some Canadian ship class names and so far I've noticed they all start with HMCS, so any ideas anyone?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well my 2 suggestions are either Majestic or Colossus, 2 classes of aircraft carrier that the Canadian military has used. Personally I think, due to the size and function of the ship, Colossus seems to fit the best.

    Here's an update on my texturing efforts. I think I'm getting closer to "good" looking, but I want to try and increase the contrast and spec areas. Just thought I'd post for opinions anyway

    EDIT: While I'm thinking about it, if anybody would like their own ships to be featured in the joint project in some way please reply here or send me a PM. I'm trying to outline the basic scene now and I want to make a list of ships at our disposal to refer to while we go through the writing process. So anybody who wants ships to be featured if you could let me know the name of the ship or ships and it's purpose (auxilliary craft, cruiser, carrier etc). Any other information you want to include would be useful and an image of the ship for reference purposes as well would help a lot.
  • Looks great scorpius:thumb:. I guess I'll have Colossus as the name of the first ship but I was thinking along the lines of what the Daedalus class is known as BC-304(well some say this). Thats basically what I want first, then I'll think of the name it self which will probably be Colossus unless I find another synonym for that word. Also about my ship, I have added another access way for ships to enter and leave the hanger area below the bridges on the main deck. And are there any suggestions on my turret design or what? Oh and thanks for the help so far as well(well for what was actually given but),thank-you:).
  • boberth2oboberth2o0 Posts: 0Member
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I've noticed a slight problem with the buffalo, Yup i went with EW's name for the fighter after wiki-ing it.

    I'm getting this coming up when i render without a 'Sky' light source

    I can't work out exactly what it is i'm doing wrong, the surfaces it's appearing on are single square polygons not two triangle poly's making a square.

    What do i do to remove this? is it, as i am beginning to suspect, just a vertice problem or is it a bigger problem?

    move the verticies that i have circled down on the "z" axis, that should solve your problem

    and scorp to be honest with you. I havnt been home to retrieve the latest file for the Hammond for you althou I believe that you already have an older version of it. if I am right the only things that would be differnt from the latest version is the main hull and the con tower. I will be home on wendsday night will retrieve it then for you.

    and nice work on that ship boberth. am liking the guns you put on the sides i can see that this ship is progressing quite nicely

    Angelus. you are also progressing nicely good job on your ship

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    and scorp to be honest with you. I havnt been home to retrieve the latest file for the Hammond for you althou I believe that you already have an older version of it. if I am right the only things that would be differnt from the latest version is the main hull and the con tower. I will be home on wendsday night will retrieve it then for you.QUOTE]

    It's ok mate I was only joking anyway lol. There's no rush I'm enjoying working on the JSP (Joint Stargate Project) at the moment and (sort of) enjoying working on the texturing of the Icarus.

    And speaking of the Icarus I do have an update. It's scary but I'm actually getting close to finishing it I think! :o Today I added some beam cannons and some point defense turrets. Currently all I need to do is play around with the hangar doors and also the secondary hangar on the top platform used for other auxilliary craft as I'm not sure about the size (has anybody got a scale ortho of the Daedalus with a Jumper?). Anyway, C&C as always!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I know it's not scale but does this help in anyway?


    scootes- Thanks for that hint.... but i had already rebuilt the nose of the fighter before i sas your post-

    The 311 Gunship has been plauging me for a while now, It was just being a b*stard to de-poly.

    So i canned it and started again...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    That image will definitely help Rob, cheers. As the hangars on the Icarus are the same as the Daedalus I'll be able to scale the jumper to that then work out the secondary hangar from that. Course, I'm assuming your jumper is basically the same size as the ancient jumpers?
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »

    It's ok mate I was only joking anyway lol. There's no rush I'm enjoying working on the JSP (Joint Stargate Project) at the moment and (sort of) enjoying working on the texturing of the Icarus.

    And speaking of the Icarus I do have an update. It's scary but I'm actually getting close to finishing it I think! :o Today I added some beam cannons and some point defense turrets. Currently all I need to do is play around with the hangar doors and also the secondary hangar on the top platform used for other auxilliary craft as I'm not sure about the size (has anybody got a scale ortho of the Daedalus with a Jumper?). Anyway, C&C as always!

    lol ok I kinda thought you were lol. nice gob on the icarus glad to hear you are enjoying textureing it. will send the Hammond file tonight when I get home after I fix afew "problems" with the new hull section :S
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I know it's not scale but does this help in anyway?


    scootes- Thanks for that hint.... but i had already rebuilt the nose of the fighter before i sas your post-

    The 311 Gunship has been plauging me for a while now, It was just being a b*stard to de-poly.

    So i canned it and started again...

    ok well glad I could help even if you didnt see it before you trashed it lol. that fighter is looking good. you are doin a good job on that little bugger gald to see that someone else has done a fighter besides me... hey you know what would be cool... if we did a render of your buffalo in a dogfight with my reaper :D my reaper is a goa'uld fighter idea I had... here is a pic if you dont rember what it is.

    Regards Jesh
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I'm up for it...Pm me your e-mail and i'll get a copy off to you sometime tonight
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    well I myself am not that good at arranging a scene like that but will give it a shot... unless you would like to give it a try? also what version of what program do you use?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    boberth2o wrote: »
    Wow how large is that ship?

    For the little ship im thinking its going to be a frigate, but im still not sure about what type it should be. Heres a larger wip of it.


    Boberth, loving that little frigate. Very nicely done. Only thing I would change right now is to use a grey color instead of the white. The white kinda washes out some of the details.
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    update on that little fighter...

    Firstly when i looked at the long list of ships i've made/am making worked out that this would be the F-314. I'm still working on the name for the fighter (Any ideas?)


    not sure how much greebling i'm going to do to this but i'm certain it won't be a lot. I'm also considering changing it from a two-seater fighter to a single-seater as it seemed a bit cramped as a two-seater.

    When I see it, I immediately think of one thing, Bumble Bee. Or how about, Armadillo?
    dr lee i like it, reminds me of the buffalo from wwII, a tuff small fat fighter able to take a buffalo to me is a kewl name lol...or tonka (indian for buffalo?)
    The word you are reffering to is tatonka, and it's specifically used by the Lakota Sioux indians.
    boberth2o wrote: »

    Not so sure about the fins out back though. I think it would be a good spot for additional equipment.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    When I see it, I immediately think of one thing, Bumble Bee. Or how about, Armadillo?

    now i'm torn... I like both Buffalo AND Bumblebee, which one to choose?:(
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    now i'm torn... I like both Buffalo AND Bumblebee, which one to choose?:(

    It's up to you. The way I do it is, I look at the ship and look for it's "character" for clues. IE: Just look at my Minotaur model. It had two things sticking up like horns do, so it had a bull like character. So I went with Minotaur. Then my Warthog model was obviously influenced by the A-10 "Warthog". And so on and so on. Knowing the "character" of the ship also helps with the background story. Everything else is up to how you feel about it.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Couldn't help but do this ....

    I've also spent the last few hours rendering these images using SGA-3D's wonderful Atlantis mesh

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Oooo... very nice Dr. Lee! i think the name for that fighter should bumble bee just for its general shape and the engine out the back kinda resembles a stinger :lol: but that just my opinion name it how you wish.

    Regards Jesh
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    Oooo... very nice Dr. Lee! i think the name for that fighter should bumble bee just for its general shape and the engine out the back kinda resembles a stinger :lol: but that just my opinion name it how you wish.

    Regards Jesh

    Well, they do make "Stinger" missles. And it does seem to be something one would buzz around the block with, and that it would likely be the type to best use the tactic of swarming a target in great numbers. So, in a way, it all fits.
  • Beside the fact that I'm the last person who should critisize someone for modeling, I just still see F-314 more like Workbee or perhaps stealth something then like a tough space fighter.
  • Looks great Dr. Lee:thumb:, did your Atlantis mesh have any missing materials and did a box come up about a missing dll for specular bloom? Because thats how it is for my version and it's the only thing keeping it from greatness =( . Also I have a few updates on my ship as well. I've added a new access way for ships to enter in through the back of the bridge platform now so more ships can enter and leave at once now. Around the bay doors are pylons with active lights that are used to align the incoming ship with the carrier, it also allows the carriers automated controls to take over if the ship doesn't go forward in a straight line as well. I've also added some antennas at the front of the ship as well and more are going to appear near the bridge area as well. The last image shows how the engines could look like if they were forced to full power but it doesn't seem that good to me, so what are your thoughts on how its progressed so far?
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Well, they do make "Stinger" missles. And it does seem to be something one would buzz around the block with, and that it would likely be the type to best use the tactic of swarming a target in great numbers. So, in a way, it all fits.

    Indeed. lol
    Looks great Dr. Lee:thumb:, did your Atlantis mesh have any missing materials and did a box come up about a missing dll for specular bloom? Because thats how it is for my version and it's the only thing keeping it from greatness =( . Also I have a few updates on my ship as well. I've added a new access way for ships to enter in through the back of the bridge platform now so more ships can enter and leave at once now. Around the bay doors are pylons with active lights that are used to align the incoming ship with the carrier, it also allows the carriers automated controls to take over if the ship doesn't go forward in a straight line as well. I've also added some antennas at the front of the ship as well and more are going to appear near the bridge area as well. The last image shows how the engines could look like if they were forced to full power but it doesn't seem that good to me, so what are your thoughts on how its progressed so far?

    it is looking good. glad to see a render thatr i can actually see my ship in now :lol: and the engines look fine to me. the only thing that gets me about the design is it looks like somthing from starfox, other than that it is looking good to me... now if only i knew how to do affects like the ones you use lol. ok enough of my rant :lol:

    i will be leaving town for afew days and am not sure if i will have access to a comp so if you dont hear from me for awhile i am not dead from being overworked just am having a vacation now hopefully this one will turn out better than the 2 weeks in august that i had :( will do some work on Hammond on sunday if i am back by then and will post updates when i have them... or scorp might do that too lol any way I will cya all in afew days have fun :D

    Regards Jesh
  • scootes wrote: »
    it is looking good. glad to see a render that i can actually see my ship in now :lol: and the engines look fine to me. the only thing that gets me about the design is it looks like somthing from starfox, other than that it is looking good to me... now if only i knew how to do affects like the ones you use lol. ok enough of my rant :lol:

    i will be leaving town for afew days and am not sure if i will have access to a comp so if you dont hear from me for awhile i am not dead from being overworked just am having a vacation now hopefully this one will turn out better than the 2 weeks in august that i had :( will do some work on Hammond on sunday if i am back by then and will post updates when i have them... or scorp might do that too lol any way I will cya all in afew days have fun :D

    Regards Jesh
    I'll try to get more of your ship in but no promises:lol:. Apart from the engines design it self it's the lighting that I'm wondering about since I could either leave it at a constant setting for everything or i could make it brighter as the ship is forced to move faster. And I was actually trying to get the engine design from the Aurora class ships but the way I tried to make them messed up:lol: hopefully the ones on the smaller carrier will look closer since I'll just taper the ends together insted of leaving those flat parts like the current ones. And and resemblance to StarFox is just a coincidence on my part although a StarFox Arwing wouldn't be that bad to have as my fighter............maybe it should be? And I hope you have a peaceful vacation as well since you really need some time off, so have fun:thumb:
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    lantean canuck, why dont you use a material texture instead of halo's?

    you can make a cone, or bubble like thing, and then add about 4 or so textures (specular bump all that jazzy stuff) and come up with a real nice cloud like setting or plasma warp glow or things like that...

    even if you add a texture to a light, when i spots down on something you can create some crazy glow effects....
  • lantean canuck, why dont you use a material texture instead of halo's?

    you can make a cone, or bubble like thing, and then add about 4 or so textures (specular bump all that jazzy stuff) and come up with a real nice cloud like setting or plasma warp glow or things like that...

    even if you add a texture to a light, when i spots down on something you can create some crazy glow effects....
    Textures on lights O.o, never knew that was possible:lol:. But the main reason I didn't want to use textures was because I want to be able to turn the lights off when their not in use, but a glow effect is pretty much exactly what I wanted on the lights in the first place. Can someone tell me how to do that? And thanks for the small tutorial on paneling in your thread elitewolverine, now I just have to figure out where I should put some and how to apply it in max. Anyone think a communications array like the one on the Daedalus would look strange on mine? Oh and did I say that I like the current colour of the engines as well and that I'd rather not get rid of it.
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    Textures on lights O.o, never knew that was possible:lol:. But the main reason I didn't want to use textures was because I want to be able to turn the lights off when their not in use, but a glow effect is pretty much exactly what I wanted on the lights in the first place. Can someone tell me how to do that? And thanks for the small tutorial on paneling in your thread elitewolverine, now I just have to figure out where I should put some and how to apply it in max. Anyone think a communications array like the one on the Daedalus would look strange on mine? Oh and did I say that I like the current colour of the engines as well and that I'd rather not get rid of it.

    i know there is a way to make it so that you link the texture to a empty, and link the aplha channel or things like that to it, so that when you move the empty in a position along the x-axis, the number on the x-axis moves the value you want...

    same thing with the object, like if you create a bubble like engine glow, you can link its properties in terms of size etc, to a empty, and then link the brightness empty to the size empty so that when you increase its size you increase the brightness and glow...

    so in reality, all you would have to do is move one empty and it would effect size glow brightness etc etc, it would be like having your very own throttle stick in blender ;)

    this has to do with nodes, i havent played with it much, i would have to rummage threw some node tutorials to see its effect, but i know in the new blender builds the nodes are like uber uber powerfull. Hell you can even affect textures in the node editor eithout ever touching the materials buttons in blender, its pretty awesome...

    as for you colour problem, you can use the ramps value, or even texture adding a layer on another layer, you can get nice effects, like one can be your texture channel, ie cloud, the next can be your colour channel, then bump channel, then diffuse, can have all these layers, and if you wanna adjust something you can adjust it individually without messing up the rest of the texture...there are many ways to get your effect...

    lol hell buddy you can even make your halo's have textures to them, and with this you can actually use less halos than you have, make the halo's abit larger, then have like a fade effect to them so there is a flame like center and see threw edges, so that you can see some of the model threw it, and bam you got yourself a nice textured halo...

    you can add a light near by, with a texture to it to add even better effects to the halos...

    blender is uber powerfull in what your trying to do, and many ways at going about it....i could try to come up with a few different things, if you give me your color settings for your engine glow, and ill see if you like them
  • I'm actually using omni lights for the current engine glow =). As for blender, I haven't used my version in months now and I don't want to export my ship into blender since I have no idea how to use it and my class project is done in 3ds max, but I'll mess around with putting textures on lights when Friday night comes up. Oh and in max 7 I found sliders under helpers in manipulators, just I have no idea how to use it but it looks similar to what was used in the stargate available for blender.
  • elitewolverineelitewolverine171 Posts: 0Member
    this is just a little playing with my programs internal procedural texture stuff, ie clouds and lights. as well they are scalable to show powering up or full burn etc...

    dont know if this is what your going for, and i know the colour is off, but i used the promethius's engine color as a base reference instead of the more atlantean blue/green glows...

    although i think a huge powerfull engine would have a dark errie green/blueish center giving off like a blueish/green shadows and lightings etc, kinda like the aquatic feel atlantis has, but more menacing and dark in a way...

  • I checked if it was possible to actualy put materials on lights in max and sadly it can't be done, although it would be better if someone who knew more about max 7 could check to confirm that.
This discussion has been closed.