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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    thanks for the advice RJB will try.. poly count = 5113
    - Scootes - will send render now
    more paneling lol
  • KreearghKreeargh0 Posts: 0Member
    Do these ship designs have to be high poly ? if not ive got a few
    ive got more if there is a need for low poly work with horrable textures :D.
  • Ummm, nice designs, I really don't know what more to say:lol: maybe some more work on those is in order?
  • starburststarburst0 Posts: 0Member
    I like the Asgard one and the Daedelus(ish) one I think will look great once its finished if what I have in my head is right :D
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    the multi-coloured textures make it a bit difficult to focus on but they've definately all got potential. Personally I think the Daedalus-esque design would look better without the 2nd platform nearer the front. Also I'm a big fan of Asgard designs (hence the type of designs I normally come up with) so I love that one as well.

    Have you posted these before? I'm sure I've seen them somewhere
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok i have updates.. somewhere lol ATM i just got the computer updated again lol and i am still wokring on getting max to work and "Kreeargh" i like the 3rd down asgard design mate
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    tadz wrote: »
    ok i have updates.. somewhere lol ATM i just got the computer updated again lol and i am still wokring on getting max to work and "Kreeargh" i like the 3rd down asgard design mate
    lol well I had a similar problem, I went to update a scene and could not for the world of me find the file so I started remaking the scene and once done what do I find ..... the original setup. Ah how life likes to play with my minds. :)
  • KreearghKreeargh0 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    the multi-coloured textures make it a bit difficult to focus on but they've definately all got potential. Personally I think the Daedalus-esque design would look better without the 2nd platform nearer the front. Also I'm a big fan of Asgard designs (hence the type of designs I normally come up with) so I love that one as well.

    Have you posted these before? I'm sure I've seen them somewhere

    I havent posted any here that i know of, i didnt think low poly fit in here. I used to make game models for sfc and Freelancer , all my finished stargate is up at battleclinic and they have been posted at

    What platform the one on the top or the one carring the guns? As for Asgard i have several you can check in the stargate page if you want.

    Thanks all
  • Those are some really nice ships:thumb:, great job! Is your X-303 and O'Neil class available in 3ds? And can anybody tell me where I can find some more better backrounds for 3ds max? Because I'm getting tired of my static backround that refuses to move with the scene......
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    finnally got my computer running again.. only 2 things wrong now, and thats my audio and my USB ports.. and here is my newest updates all C&C welcome as usual
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    not so sure about the glow effects, but it's looking great
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    yeah i am experiminting with lens effect.. i am mostly trying to show the paneling lol sorry will try keep effects out of it atm
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    What settings do you have on the Glow?

    It turns out that the agony i've been in this last week or so is down to a rather nasty ear infection :(

    While this has been happening i've started ANOTHER ship idea:rolleyes:

    (Can't stop this idea machine:lol:)


    Don't really have much to say about this one, it's a small two man fighter (I might do a one man varient once this one is done) that would act mainly as a close combat fighter around the -304s and the carrier idea (Once i finish that, that is)

    The green blob is the start of the two machine guns and it also carries a small number of Missiles (Not sure how many or where on the ship they'll be located) No Hyperdrive or Asgard weapons, but it will have Asgard upgraded shields and possibly either a cloaking generator or a reversed engineered Merlin-phase shifting device (Not sure which, though the former is much more likely)

    Interestingly it's the Lowest poly count ship i've created yet, in the image it's only got 938 polys, whihc is quite good for me.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    its looking good so far, well as much of it as i can see.. my computer has a really old screen lol and i have Lens effects glow and in its setup i went to inferno then changed it to electric, at 80% brightness lol forgot the rest
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    very nicly done guys :thumb: and i would have work done on Hammond or others but at the moment I am strugling with a harsh work schedual and big nastie problems with the girl friend :(

    anyway here is the render i made of a battle group. creds go to Tadz for designing the srverus and tom for helping build it. creds also go to grezliek for the deady mesh and some to me for the Hammond class CVF-308 and the clinton class BB-401. umm sorry but I dont have a space texture to put behind it and the ships arent textured either:lol: but here it is for you... let the critz a fly lol
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Looking good scootes. That's actually reminded me of something I was gonna mention a while ago but I'll post what I was going to post first.

    Yesterday I spent a bit of time doing a series of renders of all my models, for no real reason other than I just got a bit bored lol.

    This also includes the latest updates of my Icarus class. For those that don't remember it it's basically a refit version of the Daedalus (think difference between Enterprise in original series to Enterprise in the first few Star Trek movies) and the Hyperdrive Spire upgraded Icarus (difference between refit Enterprise and Enterprise-A basically). I've spent some time adding a few more greebles to it but it was mainly panelling I've done. This is how all the models stand at the moment, and I'd like to think I'll get around to making them all the same level as I've managed to get the Icarus to.

    The Ares - Fast Attack (I think!) [Bar's design]

    The Argo - Heavy Cruiser

    The Artemis - Carrier (with Hyperdrive Spires down) [based on a design that I think was made by bagera4000]

    The Artemis - Carrier (with Hyperdrive Spires Up)

    The Asgard - Fast Attack Ship

    Unnamed Battleship

    Icarus - Cruiser

    Icarus - Iapyx Subtype - Cruiser

    Starbase-1 - Starbase (duh)

    Valkyrie - Ground Assault (with Hyperdrive Spires Down)

    Valkyrie - Ground Assault (with Hyperdrive Spires Up)

    Yakami - Scout/Bomber

    Now then, what I was going to mention is this. Quite a few of us have been contributing to this thread for a while now, in fact some have probably been contributing their work since the thread started almost a year and a half ago. I thought it would be cool if we could get an organised project together. I'm thinking maybe not a series but a sort of equivalent to a tv movie or pilot type thing, possibly done like a comic maybe, dunno just thinking aloud at this point really.

    If we did this though there's a few of problems. One would be balancing out the team. We've got quite a few guys here who design ships (me, RJB, Dr Lee, tadz etc etc) but the only 1 of us I know who actually finishes ships with completed textured models is RJB. Then we'd need someone to actually write the thing, though I suppose we could all chip in with that bit. Then there's making final renders. Again, the only person I can think of who regularly contributes here who's made final renders is RJB. Also there's programs, which may or may not matter depending on who (if anyone) wants in on this.

    Anyway, most of that was really me thinking aloud and if anyone's interested, but it's an idea anyway.
  • mikalamikala176 Posts: 440Member
    Wow I did not realize you had been soooooooooooooo busy.
    Great collection/series of vessels!
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Jay, it's soo great to see all those ships in one post!
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Now then, what I was going to mention is this. Quite a few of us have been contributing to this thread for a while now, in fact some have probably been contributing their work since the thread started almost a year and a half ago. I thought it would be cool if we could get an organised project together. I'm thinking maybe not a series but a sort of equivalent to a tv movie or pilot type thing, possibly done like a comic maybe, dunno just thinking aloud at this point really.

    If we did this though there's a few of problems. One would be balancing out the team. We've got quite a few guys here who design ships (me, RJB, Dr Lee, tadz etc etc) but the only 1 of us I know who actually finishes ships with completed textured models is RJB. Then we'd need someone to actually write the thing, though I suppose we could all chip in with that bit. Then there's making final renders. Again, the only person I can think of who regularly contributes here who's made final renders is RJB. Also there's programs, which may or may not matter depending on who (if anyone) wants in on this.

    Anyway, most of that was really me thinking aloud and if anyone's interested, but it's an idea anyway.

    Thats a great idea, ATM i only have one ship fully completed (And even then i'm still tinkering with it:rolleyes:) But if i make a real effort i could get a couple of the others done in a week or two.

    Those ships look sweet, if you were to do a fleet pic ala Scootes it would look awesome:thumb:
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    I would very much like to join in on that project scorp. and the reason why I havnt fineshed my ships yet is because I have had no time attall to do any work on them I did a rough calculaion on how many hours I actually spend at my house and it turns out I am only there for 18 hours and that time is spent sleeping lol. but I will be doing some work on them all this weekend and actually I would like to show you a new update to the hammond I have rebuilt the main hull and would like your oppinion on it. all C&C is welcome as always

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Thats a great idea, ATM i only have one ship fully completed (And even then i'm still tinkering with it:rolleyes:) But if i make a real effort i could get a couple of the others done in a week or two.

    Those ships look sweet, if you were to do a fleet pic ala Scootes it would look awesome:thumb:

    Don't worry, it's on it's way :thumb:

    Originally I was going to wait and make a fleet pic when they were all finished but that'll probably take me bloody ages, especially if I end up texturing them myself (as I'll actually have to learn how to texture properly), so I may do one like scootes did with the untextured models as they are, then do another one when they're all complete.

    And I know what you mean about only having 1 complete ship, the only ships I've ever completely finished were the original Argo and the Asgard class, the Argo I then went a rebuilt and that isn't finished yet, and I intend on rebuilding the Asgard as well. My problem is that when I learn something new which increases the level of my modelling I want my previous ships to be at the same level, hence the original decision to rebuild the Argo.
    scootes wrote: »
    I would very much like to join in on that project scorp. and the reason why I havnt fineshed my ships yet is because I have had no time attall to do any work on them I did a rough calculaion on how many hours I actually spend at my house and it turns out I am only there for 18 hours and that time is spent sleeping lol. but I will be doing some work on them all this weekend and actually I would like to show you a new update to the hammond I have rebuilt the main hull and would like your oppinion on it. all C&C is welcome as always

    I've always been a fan of the design scootes, looking good. What have you changed from the original version?

    So that's 3 people interested in taking part, anybody else? And also what are people able to/actually interested in contributing?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    My problem is that when I learn something new which increases the level of my modelling I want my previous ships to be at the same level, hence the original decision to rebuild the Argo.
    I'm still trying to complete the reducing poly count alterations. The Archer has been the biggest b@stard in regards to this, I've had to completely rebuild the spires and then i found that the main body isn't lined up properly:mad:

    I've done a few fiddly pics with the fighters and some of my other ships that are almost finished-


    Currently my desktop image /



    As you can *hopefully* see by the last pic, the fighter will be equipped with eight missiles and a wingtip machine gun.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I can just about see it lol, I must admit that's dark even on my monitor. I suppose that's good for stealthyness (don't think that's a word lol). Yeah reducing the poly count on the Icarus has been great fun!:rolleyes: The main problem has been creating the panels the way I have has created loads of unneccesary vertices which I've then had to go over removing just leaving the panels, and the amount of times I've deleted a vertex that's completely ruined one of the panels, it's infuriating.

    I used to hate realising I'd been building slightly out of alignment, in some cases it completely ruined what I'd done till that point. I've got myself into the habit of making sure I always work from the origin or the grid though and keep everything centred. And also checking throughout working on a model as I go to see it's lined up properly.
  • Fighter looks kinda cross between Delta Flyer and BSG's Viper.
  • Now then, what I was going to mention is this. Quite a few of us have been contributing to this thread for a while now, in fact some have probably been contributing their work since the thread started almost a year and a half ago. I thought it would be cool if we could get an organised project together. I'm thinking maybe not a series but a sort of equivalent to a tv movie or pilot type thing, possibly done like a comic maybe, dunno just thinking aloud at this point really.

    If we did this though there's a few of problems. One would be balancing out the team. We've got quite a few guys here who design ships (me, RJB, Dr Lee, tadz etc etc) but the only 1 of us I know who actually finishes ships with completed textured models is RJB. Then we'd need someone to actually write the thing, though I suppose we could all chip in with that bit. Then there's making final renders. Again, the only person I can think of who regularly contributes here who's made final renders is RJB. Also there's programs, which may or may not matter depending on who (if anyone) wants in on this.

    Anyway, most of that was really me thinking aloud and if anyone's interested, but it's an idea anyway.

    Im not a very good moddler but i have vast amounts of ideas for alternate shows and spin offs so i could help write it out well the plot im usles at scripts, i could also suggest a few ideas for ships

  • that new fighter looks more goul'd then t'arhri (<-- i tried...bah earthlingy)

    if you get me, i know there glider was basis for the 302's but stil not the shape i would consider earth
  • Interesting idea, I wouldn't mind helping but I still have a LOT to learn toward model building(and on how to texture as well), although I think I could help write it a little, although someone else could judge that. It would be nice to see something like what your proposing scorpius. Oh and I'll hopefully post an update of what I've done so far on my ship later tonight since I am *hopefully* going to get either Guitar Hero 3 or The Orange Box today! Hopefully.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well I don't know what program you're using but people can always send the models about to let other people have a go at improving details, texturing etc (assuming we get people who are willing and able to do that anyway). Program versions may cause problems as well but hopefully we can work those out.

    For the writing I was hoping we could get everyone who wants to take part on MSN at some point and we can all talk through some ideas in real time rather than relaying on here or some other forum. I've got a few people's MSN addresses, anyone who wants to add me can do through here anyway
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    WOW you have been busy scorpius.

    Well i have been part of this group for awhile now so you guys can count on my continued support. :thumb:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well baring in mind it's taken me over a year to do all those, albeit with a fair few gaps in between for various reasons. It's quite amazing for me to look back at the original Argo and compare it to the Icarus...although on the other hand quite sad to then look at the level of detail some people around here get into their models which put mine completely in the shade.

    As far as this project goes I'd like anyone who visits here to think about offering their services if they think there's anything at all they could bring to it, even if it's only opinions on the ships or storyline etc. For those out there that haven't felt they could contribute to the modelling side of this thread since it started then this is the perfect opportunity for you to make yourselves more of a part of it
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