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  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    Stagate: Deep Space Nine :-)

    HAha...Thats kinda what I was thinking. After they destroy the ori it would make scence to create an outpost so they could send missions to the ori long as the writers don't destroy the super gate in the ark of truth movie...

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    ok it turns out drawing ether starship troopers or Farscape ships is going to b hard lol

    Yeah I could have told you that tadz lol, although I'd have thought the starship troopers ship would be slightly easier, not quite such an odd ship as Talyn.

    On a slightly unrelated note, I just found out that Wayne Pygram, the actor who plays me in Farscape, also played Governer Tarkin in Star Wars Episode III. He never speaks, but still looks evil :devil:. So, he's played the 2 most evil villians in sci-fi :flippy:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    lol i was more thinking of mixing the front of the Roger young with a Daedalus type front and also taking the engine layout from the roger young it turns out to be pretty hard as i am not a very skilled drawer yet lol
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I'm certainly a fan of the engines from the RY, I prefer the square style in comparison to the cylindrical type ones used on the Daedalus and Prometheus, that's why I tend to use square ones in my designs. I know how you feel with the drawing, I've never been any good whatsoever at perspective drawing, the best I ever managed was some dorsal drawings of star trek ships a few years ago, not done any in a while.

    By the way, I was wondering if somebody wanted to come up with some jargon about why my ships have the Asgard fins? When I first made the Argo (actually I came up with the idea long before I actually made the Argo) I figured that as all Asgard ships have fins of some description that maybe they were required for some part of their technology. The Argo was born out of the idea that at some point the SGC may at some point have access to all Asgard tech (wow, I was well of the mark with that one! lol) and that future Tau'ri ships may include the fins as well. I never theorized about what the fins were actually used for though. I thought maybe used to stabilize the hyperdrive further and increase speed? Any other suggestions?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Maybe towers for asgard weapon systems?
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    there will be weapons mounted at the top, like I did at the top of the ones on the Asgard class and intend on putting at the top of the Argo ones as well, but I doubt the Asgard actually intended for them to be used solely for that purpose
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    I have always called them hyperdrive spires.
    And in my own(Very limited) mind, the bigger the spire, the faster the ship is able to travel.
    We have observed in SG-1 episodes that the Asgard can recieve a distress signal from Earth, and have a ship here in less than two minutes(And i am talking about situations where there are two different stories playing out, so we know it's actual elapsed time).
    Considering the Daedalus takes three weeks to travel between galaxies, and that the Asgard home galaxy is supposed to be three times further away than Pegasus(In the opposite direction), doesn't two minutes seem to indicate some greater capacity to the larger Asgard vessels?

    In my "universe", it's because of the spires. They somehow streamline hyperspace travel, making the engines more efficient, allowing faster speeds, with reduced power consumption.

    Of course, we also know that the Asgard hyperdrive aboard Deadalus class vessels have no spires, but i just like to think that the Asgard design is the Ferrari of hyperdrive engines.
    We also know that the Daedalus hyperdrive is only limited by how much power they can feed into it(With a ZPM, it takes under three days to get to Pegasus).
    But i am rambling...

    Asgard Hyperdrive Spires...


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I've always taken those two minutes as a plot device, because in both cases episode comes to an end. Not sure if any civilization could even send orders to ship's commander in two minutes...
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    I've always taken those two minutes as a plot device, because in both cases episode comes to an end. Not sure if any civilization could even send orders to ship's commander in two minutes...
    No. In the episode with the replicators(With Sam off in the Asgard galaxy), the two stories are happening concurrently(With actual communication exchanging between both parties in "real-time" within the show).
    Those ships are really that fast....
    Or at least, they were...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    tadz wrote: »
    ok it turns out drawing ether starship troopers or Farscape ships is going to b hard lol

    oh yeah. i wouldn't even know were to start :eek:

    and i think that makes sense bar :thumb:

    hehe. Asguards fine tuned there engines. Little grey dudes are a bunch of grease monkeys. :D Wonder what they could do with a bugatti veyron :cool:

    Cool station James. Great build and some great scences :thumb: Keep up the good work. ;)

    And i think the writers wouldn't make the Supergate go boom. its the biggest plot device they've got! :p (well after Atlantis [also known as "That house full of really idiotic ancient tech" .... )
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Lol, well I'm inclined to go with your theory Bar, considering it's very similar to what I'd thought anyway. I actually watched The Siege (all 3 parts of it) yesterday and I noted that they said with the ZPM tied into the Daedalus they should be at Atlantis within 4 days. But I'd certainly like to think the spires are to make hyperspace travel far more efficient so the ships could travel faster without having to rely on massive power sources such as ZPMs. Course, we also have to assume the Asgard do indeed have an incredible source of power of their own because they're able to create wormholes between Othalla (and pressumably other planets in the Ida galaxy) and Earth on a whim (using their fingers a lot of the time which is worrying lol).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Communication is one thing, chain of command and instant FTL another. I mean, c'mon, writers doesn't had plan of something for 10 years, season two or three they just need unbeliavable hi-tech race and why spend time in 42 minutes and why complicate plot in episode to wait 2 days (or something) for Asgard. They propably didn't think that one day Asgard give that technology to Earth. I think for creating such rules one must take in count how writers often bend their own rules... that's why, allright, Asgard had quick hyperdrive, but I don't think it should have been instant hyperdrive.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    hehe. Asgards fine tuned there engines. Little grey dudes are a bunch of grease monkeys. :D Wonder what they could do with a bugatti veyron :cool:

    Probably make it able to go REALLY fast...

    scorpius wrote: »
    Course, we also have to assume the Asgard do indeed have an incredible source of power of their own because they're able to create wormholes between Othalla (and pressumably other planets in the Ida galaxy) and Earth on a whim (using their fingers a lot of the time which is worrying lol).

    Thor mentioned in an episode that the beliskner class vessels are powered by a series of four neutrino ion generators. God only knows the kind of power they can supply, but it's enough for them to be able to traverse entire galaxies in mere minutes(All the way across their galaxy, past two more galaxies, to our part of the milky way...).
    I know it's fan-updated, but there is a piece about these vessels on the Wiki.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Well, it's unlikely that neutrino ion generator is more powerfull than ZPM.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    It's possible it can create as much power at any given moment but not so much over a sustained period of time, just a theory anyway. I'm not really too worried about it. If we're not careful we'll have to take this to tadz' argument thread lol

    Reading that article it says (it may have been mentioned in the series at some point, can't remember off hand though) that Beliskner class ships (and pressumably other Asgard vessels) are equipped with internal energy dampening fields to negate the amount of damage internal explosions can cause. Reminds me a lot of the system the Titanic had (and that Tom Paris also added to Voyager in the "Year of Hell" two-parter).
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    Well, it's unlikely that neutrino ion generator is more powerfull than ZPM.

    It could easily be way more powerful, but a totally incompatible form of power generation.
    At least that's my view.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Not cathing you now... anyway, why I think so? For few reasons. Firstly, Asgard were beaten by Replicator, whose assimilated not just Asgard technology. And yet, Replicator were beaten by Ancient technology - this reflect, in my opinion, that Ancient technology is still way over Asgard.
    Secondly, three tinny ZPMs are enought to supply Atlantis; and Atlantis presumably had more hunger for energy than standart Asgard vessel.

    It's all my guess of course.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Well my ideas are just guesses also!
    This isn't an arguement, merely differing ideas of what it might be!
    It's interesting to just fire these ideas back and forth.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Bar wrote: »
    Probably make it able to go REALLY fast...

    No more comments about there "Captain Slow" then. :lol: Maybe it'll do a DeLoren and disappear in a flash with buring skid marks!?! :cool:
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Well, just because generally speaking the Ancients' technology is more advanced than that of the Asgard it doesn't mean the Asgard weren't better in certain fields. Ancients may have been at the forefront of power generation, cloaking tech, gate travel/rings and god knows what else, but the Asgard may have been able to improve their hyperdrive dramatically since the ancients were around. Don't forget, the Asgard were a part of the same alliance that the Ancient's were, and the Asgard were around (on this plane of existence anyway) for a hell of a lot longer.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Of course, but as Bar said this all is very very speculative and there is evidence for different theories...
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    By the way, I was wondering if somebody wanted to come up with some jargon about why my ships have the Asgard fins? When I first made the Argo (actually I came up with the idea long before I actually made the Argo) I figured that as all Asgard ships have fins of some description that maybe they were required for some part of their technology. The Argo was born out of the idea that at some point the SGC may at some point have access to all Asgard tech (wow, I was well of the mark with that one! lol) and that future Tau'ri ships may include the fins as well. I never theorized about what the fins were actually used for though. I thought maybe used to stabilize the hyperdrive further and increase speed? Any other suggestions?
    It could be a tribute ship now that our little Grey friends are kinda... Well u get the point
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah absolutely, I'm just choosing to go with the decent Asgard hyperdrives for the purpose of my ship designs.

    OK it's about time for an update I'd say. Been on a bit of a roll today detailing the underside of the ship. I was a little concerned last night when doing the windows. I normally use shapemerge to cut the windows into the mesh then extrude as required. When I tried to do that last night it wouldn't make the cuts in the mesh and I had no idea why. So today, I instead tried extruding the splines directly, then booleaning (is that a word??) them out of the hull. Not only did this work better than I expected it to, it actually made the windows a lot more efficiently than shapemerge. So, all in all, I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I intend on detailing all of the original ship (ie the basic Daedalus parts) before moving onto the "Hyperdrive Spires" (thank you Bar lol), as those I'll have to detail without references and I'll be doing them unlike I have previously (ie, not having the Ancient style panel covering it), so we'll see how that goes.

    EDIT: My post was in reply to the one that -Raynor- made. The Asgard class I made was designed to be a tribute ship to the Asgard. The second ship of the class (after the original prototype of the class) was going to be named the UES Thor, after the greatest lil' grey fella we ever knew.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    ok. We know that the Asgard ships are fast, REALLY fast. On screen evidence proves this. We've had atleast two occassions where an Asgard vessel was able to traverse the distance between their home galaxy and ours in mere minutes. IE: "Thor's Chariot" Season 2 Episode 6, and "There But for the grace of God" Season 1 episode 19 . Then, there is the episode where the Asgard "tow" the Prometheus to their galaxy to engage the Replicators, in Season 6 Episode 12. In that episode, they state that it will take many hours to get to the Asgard homeworld with the Prometheus in tow. So, the question of the Asgard being able to get from place to place in minutes is moot, IMO, indisputable.

    Now, as to what those "fins" are on Asgard ships. I always thought part of those were the hyperdrive engines. Maybe not the entire structures, but atleast part of them. Why couldn't they have more than one hyperdrive engine? The way I perceive it is this, think about a boat with an outboard motor. With one outboard, you can go this fast. With two you can go even faster. Having two would certainly have it's advantages. So, if they do have two hypersdrive engines, there would probably be a need for some way to synchronize and manage them. So, maybe that is another part of the "fins". Also, and I just thought of this, is what about cooling the hyperdrives? In the episode Grace, they had to take "pit stops" with the Promy to give it time to cool down. Apparently hyperspace travel generates a lot of heat. And yes, because of them using a hyperdrive from an Al'Kesh probably exasperated the situation. So, maybe a portion of the fins are for cooling the hyperdrive engines on an Asgard ship. They do go faster, so maybe the drawback is that they generate more heat going that fast. I think it's a safe bet that it does. I mean, if you pump twice as much electricity through a wire as you normally would, doesn't it get hot? Seems logical to me.

    And now, for the other things. Some say that the Ancients were the crem de la crem in technology. I don't disagreed with that totally, or agree with it completely either. To me, it seems that each of the four great races brought something unique to the table. Each had their own strong points. I think the Ancients strong point was their weapons and sheilds. No doubt, they were the best of anyones. It seems to me that, the Asgard were strongest in Hyperdrive technology and cloning tech. The Nox, I think focused and were best on cloaking tech and hiding from the enemy. The furlings, well, we don't know much about them. But, they probably did something better than all the rest. Put all of them together and you have a pretty potent group to contend with. But now, as of "Unending", I think the Asgard are closer to the Ancients level of Tech than ever before. They did build weapons able to bring down an Ori warship with a comparatively primative ship. Sure, the ZPM helped a LOT, but the Odyssey was still kind of primative in comparison. So while I agree that the Ancients were still the top dog, I don't think the Asgard were any slouches and getting better all the way up until they apparently died.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Xjamesx wrote: »
    Worked on a final render and fixed some textures...what do you think.


    Looks good. Only thing I can see is, the texture color is a little off. It's a little too yellow-greenish, needs to be more redish brown. Otherwise, it looks very good. You sure do model fast. :thumb:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok good news... some updates on the Severus, hope u all like :) i could explain the new hangers but i cant be bothered right now i will explain later lol
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Freek, sure, evidence is evidence, but as I said, IMO one can't just observe rules or evidence or whatever you can call it only from screnn, but also needs to think why and when writers did what they did in story.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Now, as to what those "fins" are on Asgard ships. I always thought part of those were the hyperdrive engines. Maybe not the entire structures, but atleast part of them. Why couldn't they have more than one hyperdrive engine?

    I completely agree with this. And also it's another possible theory as to why the Asgard hyperdrive on Tau'ri ships doesn't go as fast as those on Asgard vessels. If they only have one on board compared to a standard Asgard arrangement of two, and it doesn't have the cooling to allow it to run at full power leaving it having to run at, well, whatever really, say 60% of standard. It explains a lot anyway.
    freekzilla wrote: »
    And now, for the other things. Some say that the Ancients were the crem de la crem in technology. I don't disagreed with that totally, or agree with it completely either. To me, it seems that each of the four great races brought something unique to the table. Each had their own strong points.

    Exactly my point. I may have been wrong about Ancient's being the best at cloaking tech, I wasn't thinking about the Nox and the Furlings at the time. Course, it's always a possibility that the cloaking tech the Ancients had was originally a Nox design, who know's?
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    -Raynor- wrote: »
    Freek, sure, evidence is evidence, but as I said, IMO one can't just observe rules or evidence or whatever you can call it only from screnn, but also needs to think why and when writers did what they did in story.

    What are you saying? Are you saying that the speed of the Asgard ships was a plot hole or a ploy just to move the story along? I'm unsure as to what you are trying to say.
    scorpius wrote: »
    I completely agree with this. And also it's another possible theory as to why the Asgard hyperdrive on Tau'ri ships doesn't go as fast as those on Asgard vessels. If they only have one on board compared to a standard Asgard arrangement of two, and it doesn't have the cooling to allow it to run at full power leaving it having to run at, well, whatever really, say 60% of standard. It explains a lot anyway.

    Exactly my point. I may have been wrong about Ancient's being the best at cloaking tech, I wasn't thinking about the Nox and the Furlings at the time. Course, it's always a possibility that the cloaking tech the Ancients had was originally a Nox design, who know's?
    You have to wonder how advanced the Nox were. After all, they did have a cloaked flying city. And they had the ability to "hide" things at will, and apparently without the aide of technology. Cloaking tech just seemed to be a Nox type of thing to have based on the way they acted.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    It's not worth argueing over guys.
    I personally believe they can traverse galaxies in minutes when they have to(As mentioned before, in the episode with Thor's hammer being damaged, and the episode with the Replicators on the russian sub), but everyone else is free to believe what they will.
    This is a friendly thread, folks.
This discussion has been closed.