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  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Yes... What the hell were they thinking with that one?
    A normal glider with a set of rings?
    That could have come in handy so many times later on...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    was that sarcastic bar? i couldnt tell
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dallidas wrote: »
    was that sarcastic bar? i couldnt tell

    Not at all!
    I was serious.
    The glider in the Pilot had the ability to drop a set of ring transports(Presumably Apophis and his cronies were back at the castle, and ringed down to the gate when the glider was in position).
    The glider then morphed into a "normal" Death-Glider.
    I can think of several instances where a set of transport rings in a Glider would have been very benficial to the team!
    I was being earnest.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Been panelling like crazy today...


    I am very unsure about the engines and Hyperspace ports being in the Asgard style fins. I'm considering scrapping them and only having the two main engines visible or replacing the 'fin engines' with a different type of nozzle, maybe more rectangular?

    I'm also unsure what type of landing gear this should have. I'm flitting between none, retractable or solid beams on the underside of the nose with the Asgard fins extending further down as the rear struts but i'm leaning towards none.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok i have been designing a satellite, docking thing and have almost finished here is a little bit about it... ok longest part of the um... no name is 1.23 km long, the "no name" is used for protection around Earth and also built around alpha site's and super gates... the "no name" has a massive weapons that will destroy everything in the solar system (of course this is a last stand thing and yes it is its self destruction) and also has a weapon that will destroy a Ori mother ship in 1 hit, this weapon drains around 63% of shield each time fired takes 30-40 seconds for the shields to recharge and 60 seconds for the weapon to be ready again... Will post pictures ASAP oh and BTW if u haven't noticed it hasn't got a name yet any suggestions?
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    that was quicker than expected lol... hope u like it
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Looks interesting Tadz, is it 1.2km tall or long as you said long but the image makes it look as though it actually tall?

    Bit of non modelling SG-1 news here. A 54-DVD boxset of EVERY SEASON of SG-1 will be released in the US on October 9th. No news yet on if itr's coming this side of the pond or how huge the box will be.

    Oh yeah it's $300.:lol: (Minus any store discounts)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    well thats not the whole pic and it kinda rotates, really not much on board besides stuff for repairs on ships and the weapon systems
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    *Slaps forehead*

    D'oh! looks liek the only problem i was having with importing bitmaps was that i can't read:mad:

    I've finally been able to use a panelling Bitmap (From someone on here, i forget who atm:rolleyes:) on the Un-named ship

  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Unable to view pix on your site. Getting an error msg when clicking on placeholders. Wazzup widdat?
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Hey all I have been watching this thread for a while. Heres somethign I started on a few hours ago. It also has my 303 and 304 WIP models.

    Its the space station from summit I believe..

  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Xjamesx wrote: »
    Hey all I have been watching this thread for a while. Heres somethign I started on a few hours ago. It also has my 303 and 304 WIP models.

    Its the space station from summit I believe..


    Nice start. Wish I could get things going in just a few hours.

    Ok, got a few things of my own to plop into your lap.

    First up to bat is the latest version of my A-100 "Warthog" fighter. Not too much to report. Just mainly some tweaks. Modified the cockpit area so it doesn't look so long. Added a seat for the pilot, and a HUD - although you can't really see it. Was thinking about putting in the HUD info, but said the heck with it as you wouldn't be able to see it unless you were 2 feet from it and behind it. Added rocket launchers to each wing. They are guided, but the guidance it provided by the fighter's targeting system and is not onboard. This enables the rockets to be very small. Each rocket has about the same punch as a handheld Stinger missle. Not uber powerful, but enough to take down an opposing fighter, and in multiple hits might even take down an Al'Kesh. This fighter is all about the guns. Not much going on with this model, just mostly tweaks.

    Then I move on to a new model. It's the Gemini class. It's about 100-110 meters long, has a crew of only 25-30. No auxiliary craft. It has 6 standard calibur single barrel rail guns, 4 (2x) calibur dual barrel rail guns, 3 missle bays- 2 smaller for Sidewinder and Sparrow type missles w/ 8 missles each, and the large bay for 4 Tomahawk cruise missle sized weapons, with all the bays in a ventral configuration. All missles can be either conventional or nuclear. This ship fits in between my Paladin Lite Cruiser/Destroyer and my Schwarzkopf Heavy frigate. It's not as heavily armed as the Scharzkopf, doesn't have the ability to carry auxiliary craft like the Paladin, isn't as advanced as the Paladin, BUT, it is faster than the frigate and has greater range, better shields than the frigate, and is cheaper to produce than the Paladin. Basically, the Paladin is the Cadillac, the Gemini is the Camry, and the Scharzkopf is the Prius - in car terms.

    I didn't want to do a standard Tau'ri Earth ship. I wanted to do something a little different. But I didn't want to make it the "red headed step child" either. I used many different influences in combination to make this model. The front is clearly Daedalus influenced. The sides near the hull wear actually influenced by Star Trek's Runabout's. The guns on the sides up front, from Star War's AT-AT and AT-ST walkers. And the cockpit was influenced by the Flash Gordon movie from the '80's, IE the ship from the final battle sequence. I also did something different with this model. I put the main BIG engines out in the pod sections, and the smaller engines on the main hull. I did this to get away from the standard Daedalus-esque form where the opposite is true. One advantage I can see with this is, that the ship should be quite manueverable.

    Neither model is done. But they are far along enough for me to step back for a second and think. Yeah I know, they are both kinda crappy. I'm just in unfamiliar territory and trying to come up with something different, fresh and new. Oh well, I try. I think I'm going to visit some other genres and franchises for fresh inspiration, when I get the chance.

    I also put in a F-302 (credit Animaniac) for scale reference. C&C?
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    lets start with Tadz very nice job on that satalite. next we have XjamesXyou wer right about where that station was from, and very nice job on making it too I cant whip somthin together that quick and have it turn out that good. and last we have freekzilla,:o I love that gemini class

    Regards Jesh
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    not bad everyone. Freek, how many different ships have you designed and modeled now?

    Been working on the Bridge of the churchill......





    Not got to the lighting as of yet and i'm in dire need of some approptiate images for the computerscreens but i like it.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    not bad everyone. Freek, how many different ships have you designed and modeled now?

    Been working on the Bridge of the churchill......
    Not got to the lighting as of yet and i'm in dire need of some approptiate images for the computerscreens but i like it.

    Dr. Lee, well, it's about 20 or so, why? Not including complete rebuilds. The unreleased models are mostly from an earlier time when I was just starting to do this, so they are not that good at all, in fact they are horrible, even to me. About 17 of the models are earth ships and 3 were Goa'uld ships. About 5 or 6 models have never seen the light of day though. So in the end, I've only posted about 14 or 15 of them to the thread. I've tried to do a variety of ship types, from the big battle cruisers to the small fighters and over to the non combat types. I think I've coverd a lot of the bases. Unfortunately though, what I envisioned and what I ended up with are two different things. My skills don't even begin to approach what my imagination can come up with. But I do try my hardest to atleast make it so people can understand where I was coming from and where I was going with the model.

    I recently did have a crazy idea come to mind. I thought about taking all of the models and making a sort of "info" card about them. You know, with orthos and specs, but also including it's design theory (in the SG universe), some history of the ship and it's mission profile. I thought it would be cool to have every ship from the thread to have a data sheet like that. I even came up with a new and different model designation system, one that would make it easier to designate the model number and type. It went something like this:

    Prometheus - D-400
    Deadalus - D-401-001
    Odyssey - D-401-002
    Korolev - D-401-003
    Apollo - D-401-004

    XF-301 - XF-300
    F-302 (1st gen) - F-301 - First gen with the triangular bottom fuselage
    F-302 (2nd gen) - F-302 - Second gen, seen onscreen since Season 2 of Atlantis. Has a more normal fuselage shape on the bottom

    Basically, the prototype of the class would be a even hundred number, with each successive derivative being an integer higher. Case in point, my Helios model is based on the Deadalus class, but is different. So I'd designate it to be a D-402 class. My Valkyrie model is not based on the Daedealus, so I would designate it D-501-001 class. The prototype being the D-500. My Hercules class cargo ship would be H-200. Now, the Paladin class, since it is completely different that the Daedalus class even though it is based on it, would be a G-402 class, the Gemini would be a G-403, and the Scharzkopf being a G-401. So, the first letter designates the group the model belongs to, cruiser, destroyer, transport etc. The second designates design lineage, and the third the ship number. And so on and so on.

    I dunno. Sometimes I think about the darndest things.
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Worked on the station a bit more today, got the upper supports done and added a few small details.

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work on the summit station James, looking great.

    And Freek, that's the sort of thing I find fun, would be quite cool if we could together all of us come up with a template of sorts for the entire "info card" to make it easy for anybody who wants to have them for their ships to fill them out more easily.

    Let me see if I understand the designation system correctly. Basically you've given the Prometheus, Daedalus and any other class of vessels designed for the same purpose a designation of D? Because the Daedalus was the first ship designed for it's purpose it's given the hundred value of 400. The Daedalus was the second ship designed for the same purpose as the Prometheus so it's designated 401. So if we were to include my Icarus class, based on the Daedalus and serving the same purpose, it would be designated 402 with 001 on the end as it's the first of it's class, with every subsequent Icarus class vessel to be designated 402-002/003 etc.

    So, if a ship was designed for an entirely different purpose say, colonisation, it would be given a completely different designation (call it C-100) with all subsequent colonisation ship classes to be C-101, 102 etc?

    Not sure why you started the Prommie at 400 rather than 100 though?

    If I got any of that arse about face (probably won't have heard that expression if you're not English...may not have even if you are lol), it's late and I'm tired lol.

    By the way, re me absense the past few days, came down with a bug and haven't really been able to concentrate on anything properly. Have been checking up on here every now and then but every time I tried to reply I just kinda forgot what I was writing and gave up lol. I've recovered now though (hence the posting) and got some modelling done today, mainly on the Icarus, which I'll post tomorrow. I also dug out a model I found that I started quite a while ago and didn't get very far with, based on a 2d design I stumbled upon somewhere. I'm using it as a carrier/command vessel. It has huge carrier bays which would be used for storage of just about anything, with some sections designated as fighter bays. The idea I originally had was that it would act as a mobile starbase of sorts. Especially useful in times of war where large fleets need to be coordinated, this ship would have a large meeting room for the ship commanders to meet and discuss/be given orders. It would include advanced sensors for giving complete tactical overviews so that officers on board can coordinate properly with tactical officers on other vessels.

    Anyway, I'm just ranting now. If I get any decent progress made on the ship tomorrow (may start it from scratch) I'll let you know.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Just being nosey really, it seems like every time you post an image it's of another project:lol:

    ATM i've got about 9 projects going, 3 of them are non-SGverse stuff (Failing to work through a iPhone tutorial being the main one:rolleyes:)-

    The Churchill
    The 'Archer' Class ship (Not the ST Archer)
    The PuddleJumper
    A stillborn SGC carrier idea that has never gone past the basic four blocks stage
    A British Alpha Site idea
    An Asgard upgraded F-302.

    The Archer-Class looks to be finished in the next few days (Which is nice), (EDIT-) Just decided to name the patrol ship 'Archer-Class'. Been looking on Wiki at the Royal Navy ship classes and the Archer Patrol ship name jumped out at me.

    Got a quick update though....
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Nice work on the summit station James, looking great.

    And Freek, that's the sort of thing I find fun, would be quite cool if we could together all of us come up with a template of sorts for the entire "info card" to make it easy for anybody who wants to have them for their ships to fill them out more easily.

    Let me see if I understand the designation system correctly. Basically you've given the Prometheus, Daedalus and any other class of vessels designed for the same purpose a designation of D? Because the Daedalus was the first ship designed for it's purpose it's given the hundred value of 400. The Daedalus was the second ship designed for the same purpose as the Prometheus so it's designated 401. So if we were to include my Icarus class, based on the Daedalus and serving the same purpose, it would be designated 402 with 001 on the end as it's the first of it's class, with every subsequent Icarus class vessel to be designated 402-002/003 etc.

    So, if a ship was designed for an entirely different purpose say, colonisation, it would be given a completely different designation (call it C-100) with all subsequent colonisation ship classes to be C-101, 102 etc?

    Not sure why you started the Prommie at 400 rather than 100 though?

    If I got any of that arse about face (probably won't have heard that expression if you're not English...may not have even if you are lol), it's late and I'm tired lol.

    By the way, re me absense the past few days, came down with a bug and haven't really been able to concentrate on anything properly. Have been checking up on here every now and then but every time I tried to reply I just kinda forgot what I was writing and gave up lol. I've recovered now though (hence the posting) and got some modelling done today, mainly on the Icarus, which I'll post tomorrow. I also dug out a model I found that I started quite a while ago and didn't get very far with, based on a 2d design I stumbled upon somewhere. I'm using it as a carrier/command vessel. It has huge carrier bays which would be used for storage of just about anything, with some sections designated as fighter bays. The idea I originally had was that it would act as a mobile starbase of sorts. Especially useful in times of war where large fleets need to be coordinated, this ship would have a large meeting room for the ship commanders to meet and discuss/be given orders. It would include advanced sensors for giving complete tactical overviews so that officers on board can coordinate properly with tactical officers on other vessels.

    Anyway, I'm just ranting now. If I get any decent progress made on the ship tomorrow (may start it from scratch) I'll let you know.

    Scorp, well, I started the Prommy at 400 instead of 100 to avoid some confusion for now. At this current time, in the SG universe, there are no military aircraft with a designation over 200. None that I know of atleast. And since the F-302's are already in the 300 range, I chose another range as a start for the group class. I also wanted to make it more simple to start off with. But as time goes on, it will get more complicated and confusing, just like all things do as they grow. One would expect it to be a simple thing when they only have 2 ship desings, F-302 and Deadalus class. But when you have 20 or 30 different ship classes, you need a way to differenciate between the ships better, and easier. The way they designate model numbers now is archaic and confusing. They have a 302 which is a small fighter, the 303 was a bigger "capital" type ship, and the 304 was the latest model. Sure they have different prefixes, but it could lead to some confusion. Dr. Lee's Churchill class could fall into the G Group as it is a smaller ship with combat part of it's mission profile, maybe a G-405-001 class. Whereas, your Argo and Ares classes would fall into the D group, and probably in the 600 and 700 range based on how advanced they are, their size, and their intended primary purpose. So, your Icarus could be considered a D-402 class, if it's different enough from the standard Daedalus D-401 class. Although, it could still be considered a D-401 just like the Odyssey is still a D-401 even though it now has the Asgard weapons. It's like Trek's Enterprise, there was the original and the A version, but both were still Constitution class. It just depends on how different it is. If it's just a Daedalus hull with upgraded weapons, sensors, etc, then it should still be considered a Daedalus class. But you are on the right train of thought though. I'm suprized that someone could follow my train of thought, and that's just scary! :o

    Basically this is how I worked things out:
    D group - Large "capital" ships with primary mission of combat. (Cruisers)
    G group - smaller ships, primary role of combat/patrol. (Destroyers)
    H group - cargo and transport ships. Size irrelevant.
    F group - small fighters. Crew of no more than 3.
    S group - science and research vessels. Size irrelevant.
    R group - smaller ships, faster, more advanced, intelligence and surveillence mission profile. (spying)
    M group - "colony" ships. M for "mother earth", and M like they classify earth-like planets in Trek. (Obvious I know.)
    Y group - satalites of all types.
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Got most of the big stuff done now just a few small details and some textures.

  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    I noticed that you have bumble bee on the wall... nice touch:thumb:
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Basically this is how I worked things out:
    D group - Large "capital" ships with primary mission of combat. (Cruisers)
    G group - smaller ships, primary role of combat/patrol. (Destroyers)
    H group - cargo and transport ships. Size irrelevant.
    F group - small fighters. Crew of no more than 3.
    S group - science and research vessels. Size irrelevant.
    R group - smaller ships, faster, more advanced, intelligence and surveillence mission profile. (spying)
    M group - "colony" ships. M for "mother earth", and M like they classify earth-like planets in Trek. (Obvious I know.)
    Y group - satalites of all types.

    so where would Hammond fit into all of this?

    hey Bar I have somthin for you. ya know how you said awhile back how you wanted to see a carrier deck crowded with 302's... well here ya go tis the best I can do for right now seing that I did not have time to do any lighting to make it look better. but anyways here ya go a crowded carrier deck with F-302's.

    hey James.. beutifal work!!

    and also credits to darckprince for the 302 mesh

    Regards Jesh
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    By the way, re me absense the past few days, came down with a bug and haven't really been able to concentrate on anything properly.

    i had that a couple of weeks ago (god these illnesses can travel far! :eek: ) and only just now getting back into Max!
    Xjamesx wrote: »
    Got most of the big stuff done now just a few small details and some textures.


    man thats a sweet station. An awesome pieace of modeling there James. :thumb: Are you going to be adding stuff like windows. airlocks and maybe some gun enplacements? Just to finish the details off. :) Just my 2 cents. BTW: like the Promey and Deadulus. did you make those as well? :eek:
    scootes wrote: »
    so where would Hammond fit into all of this?

    hhhmmmm lets see. Big huge aricraft carrier ship? (how is that going!?!) So
    Maybe D - 4 - - ???

    hehe. the Cook would be in S class (as in "thats a big pile of sh--" ??? :confused: ) :rolleyes::p
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Choo1701 wrote: »
    man thats a sweet station. An awesome pieace of modeling there James. :thumb: Are you going to be adding stuff like windows. airlocks and maybe some gun enplacements? Just to finish the details off. :) Just my 2 cents. BTW: like the Promey and Deadulus. did you make those as well? :eek:

    Yeah those are the small things I still need to work on. Yes I made the 303 and 304 there also a WIP. Most of my stuff is because I keep getting side tracked with new ideas and stuff...:p I think i'm going to make a version that was taken over by the SGC..

  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    so where would Hammond fit into all of this?

    Regards Jesh

    Choo is right. Since it is:

    1.) A large combat ship
    2.) Clearly belongs to the Prometheus design line
    3.) uses comparable technology levels as the Prometheus/Daedalus
    x.) the one drawback to classification is, that the ship itself doesn't normally engage in combat directly and relies more on it's fighter group for combat actions.

    Therefore, it would belong to the D-4xx group. Although, carriers do represent a unique classification problem. So I might create a new grouping just for them. Who knows. Dedicated carriers are rare in the SG universe, and I foresee it to remain that way for a long time. I could never see there being more than 3 dedicated carriers in the Earth's fleet, 1 for Atlantis, 1 for SGC, and one to remain in reserve, or perhaps traversing back and forth to the Midway station. Who knows. But even 3 dedicated carriers is a stretch I think. It's more likely they'd have a more abundant supply of ships with atleast some auxiliary craft capabilities.
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Decided to add my 302 into the mess.:p You can see the scale of it on the deck of the 304.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Xjamesx wrote: »
    Decided to add my 302 into the mess.:p You can see the scale of it on the deck of the 304.


    Okay. now your just showing off!! :p :lol:

    it you do make an earth version maybe add a few bits of earth tech like missile launchers, some cannons and a big Satelliete Dish to pick up all the good cable channels. :cool:

    and freek. nice idea with the if only we could get into the writing staff .....

    *cue mission impossible music* :devil: :p
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Although, carriers do represent a unique classification problem. So I might create a new grouping just for them. Who knows. Dedicated carriers are rare in the SG universe, and I foresee it to remain that way for a long time. I could never see there being more than 3 dedicated carriers in the Earth's fleet, 1 for Atlantis, 1 for SGC, and one to remain in reserve, or perhaps traversing back and forth to the Midway station. Who knows.

    I think even if there were only a handful of them they could still have their own classification. And it could be that they serve another purpose other than just a carrier (I see your point with that, as all their larger ships so far have carried 302s with it anyway, it would have to show it's worth), say for example my ship that would be a dedicated carrier AND command ship. Personally, I'd give them classification group B, for behemoth or of course bigass muthaf**kas lol
    Xjamesx wrote: »
    Decided to add my 302 into the mess.:p You can see the scale of it on the deck of the 304.

    God damn you're making quick progress on this thing, great work on the station and the ships.
    Dr Lee wrote:
    ATM i've got about 9 projects going, 3 of them are non-SGverse stuff (Failing to work through a iPhone tutorial being the main one)

    Yeah I know what that's like. I've got 11 projects (all SG stuff) going on. Some I started quite a while ago, like the carrier, and will probably completely restart when I decide I want to carry them on. Right now my list of WIPS is as follows:

    Bar's Ares Class
    Command Carrier
    Argo revisions (still never actually finished it)
    Valkyrie revisions (did start a new version of that as well)
    Hyperion class cruiser (not sure if I'll carry on with that or not)
    Maintenance ship (to go with the starbase)
    New fighter
    Small scout/bomber
    Yakami (now officially in the hands of Animaniac for texturing and generally whatever he wants to do with it)

    I've really got to set my mind to finishing some of these lol
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Woah! A lot of movement in the thread today...
    Thanks for that image, Scootes.
    I like all those 302s in the bay.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok i have been working on a space texture for backgrounds etc. If any1 is interested please ask
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I'm interested Tadz.....

    The -304s are Deep Space Carriers (DSC), my Churchill is a Deep Space Transport (DST) but what would you call this?

    Deep Space Patrol (DSP):confused:
This discussion has been closed.