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  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    As far as I knew the only differences are the tech upgrades from the SG-1 finale. I've certainly never noticed anything physically different from the other Daedalus classes.
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    There are no physical differences from the Daedalus Mesh(Except perhaps the registry on the outrigger pods...).
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    thank you i have just has enough of people saying they are different and there is only 1 reason i can think why, here that reason is: when the odyssey is first seen the angle makes it look a little bit different to the Daedalus. that is all
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    I suspect that there are some minor differences. But surely they are mostly cosmetic. Kind of like how car headlights change a little from year to year sometimes. The only other differences are the upgrades from "Unending", and the upgrades Daniel made when he was a Prior, IE the cloak. Otherwise, I think they are structurally identical. Now, I don't know about one thing though, whether the bomb bay was an added feature in later models or if the Daedalus has them too. That we don't know about. Although, we have seen the Odyssey launch missles from both the top missle tubes and from the bomb bay. So it could be that the class has both, or atleast the later examples do. So who ever is saying they are completely different types of ships is full of manure. The Apollo, Odyssey, Korolev, and Daedalus are all Daedalus class ships.

    And my only complaint about that is, I would have liked to have seen some intermediate class of ship before the Daedalus class came about. Maybe bigger than an Al'Kesh, but much smaller than a Daedalus class. But alas, it was not meant to be I guess. :(
  • SGA-3DSGA-3D0 Posts: 0Member
    Just to let you know that I've uploaded the low poly Atlantis mesh :) . All we have to do now is wait.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    And my only complaint about that is, I would have liked to have seen some intermediate class of ship before the Daedalus class came about. Maybe bigger than an Al'Kesh, but much smaller than a Daedalus class. But alas, it was not meant to be I guess. :(

    It's fine freek, it just gives all us 3d guys the chance to fill in the blanks! I suppose they figured having battleships was a bigger priority than speciality ships. Maybe they'd having something smaller in future if they have the opportunity.
    SGA-3D wrote: »
    Just to let you know that I've uploaded the low poly Atlantis mesh :) . All we have to do now is wait.

    That's awesome news SGA, can't wait to check it out.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you SGA-3D:thumb: I might just grab that and fiddle about with it (Crediting you of course)

    Once again i've been sidetracked with the Churchill and it's cargo bay. With this-

    79ft from Bow to stern without the 'Spike' attached
    Just under 25 ft wide
    25ft tall

    It's going to be a small Patrol ship. Crew of three or four and armed only with railguns and two Asgard beam emitter weapons. Only got two decks plus a small bridge and will be outfitted with Asgard transporters.It's going to be a lot more manuverable than the -304s and much faster....

    What else?

    Oh yeah, not got a name for this yet. I'm worse at labeling stuff than i am at texturing them (And thats saying somehting:lol:)

    ATM i'm not going to attempt a interior build on this but i'll be reviewing that once this is finished.

    C&C plz
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Here are a few ships I have planned after I finish with my own Daedalus model. Right now they are all very basic wips.

    From left to right based on the first picture.
    Daedalus, Advanced tau'ri battle cruiser (no name yet.) Small Tau'ri space station. (it will be used for resupply, trade and as a distant outpost.) Ancient warship (not yet named).
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Oh man.... They are going to look sweet!

    How long do you think it'll take to finish the Daedalus? and which one will you start on first?

    Also is it possible to post some closer in shots of them?
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Oh man.... They are going to look sweet!

    How long do you think it'll take to finish the Daedalus? and which one will you start on first?

    Also is it possible to post some closer in shots of them?
    Well I'm going to be hard pressed for free time till after the 27th. (Got stuck working weekdays and weekends for this week and next :( ) Once I get back working on her IA’d say a good weekend worth of work and she should be done or at about 98%.

    Now for which I'll do first, well I'm thinking of switching back and forth between the advanced tau'ri cruiser and the ancient warship.

    As for some close ups, IA’ll try to get some up soon.
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Oh man.... They are going to look sweet!

    How long do you think it'll take to finish the Daedalus? and which one will you start on first?

    Also is it possible to post some closer in shots of them?

    PS Dr Lee it's nice to see someone working on some small ships so keep up the good work.

    edit. went to hit edit and got quote instead. lol
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    It's fine freek, it just gives all us 3d guys the chance to fill in the blanks! I suppose they figured having battleships was a bigger priority than speciality ships. Maybe they'd having something smaller in future if they have the opportunity.

    That's awesome news SGA, can't wait to check it out.

    Eh. I'm still just bummed that they didn't atleast show something, atleast in plans or a prototype. Just something. I mean, how many times has a Tel'tek (Goa'uld cargo ship) saved their butts? Too many to count I say. Even though a "battleship" was more useful and important, an intermediate ship should have been the next logical step after the F-302 was developed. Atleast they could have worked out some bugs before the larger models came about. Besides, a medium sized ship doesn't need to be a specialty ship. If it was designed right, it could serve many purposes.

    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Thank you SGA-3D:thumb: I might just grab that and fiddle about with it (Crediting you of course)

    Once again i've been sidetracked with the Churchill and it's cargo bay. With this-

    79ft from Bow to stern without the 'Spike' attached
    Just under 25 ft wide
    25ft tall

    It's going to be a small Patrol ship. Crew of three or four and armed only with railguns and two Asgard beam emitter weapons. Only got two decks plus a small bridge and will be outfitted with Asgard transporters.It's going to be a lot more manuverable than the -304s and much faster....

    What else?

    Oh yeah, not got a name for this yet. I'm worse at labeling stuff than i am at texturing them (And thats saying somehting:lol:)

    ATM i'm not going to attempt a interior build on this but i'll be reviewing that once this is finished.

    C&C plz

    You could always name it after Greek Heros instead of greek gods. Something like Perseus, Peleus, Cygnus, or something like that. The only crit I have is, that it's too Daedalus like, too square and boxy. How about changing how the outter engines are attached? Say, having a structure coming out of the hull on the sides, just thick enough to hold a crawl space so they can get to the engines from inside and service them if need be. Just wide enough and it will have a slight hint of Asgard in it, but not too much to make it obvious. Would also make a great place for any landing gear too. Also, I'd greatly increase the size of the texture. Given the size of the ship, the panels should be MUCH larger.

    I'm not trying to be mean or nit picky, not at all. I'm just trying to help you. I hate criticising and giving my opinion sometimes, it makes me feel absolutely horrible to point out anything. And right now I feel like pond scum. But my loyalty lies with being honest with you guys. I just wish it didn't make me feel so bad. :(
    RJB wrote: »
    Here are a few ships I have planned after I finish with my own Daedalus model. Right now they are all very basic wips.

    From left to right based on the first picture.
    Daedalus, Advanced tau'ri battle cruiser (no name yet.) Small Tau'ri space station. (it will be used for resupply, trade and as a distant outpost.) Ancient warship (not yet named).

    Interesting original designs. And as far as names go, I always consult with the Encyclopedia Mythica. They have tons and tons of good stuff in there for names.

    Encyclopedia Mythica: Areas
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I love the look of that Tau'ri cruiser RJB, really do. I'm never overly keen on the Ancient warships to be honest, but I've seen some incredibly well built models based on Ancient designs so I'll still look forward to it. The overall shape of the your station is actually very similar to a design I started with before I made SB-1 as it is so I'll look forward to seeing what you do with that as well.

    And Dr Lee, I echo what RJB said about having small ships, I'll look forward to seeing more
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member

    Did i go overboard on the Asgard influence?:lol:
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I love the look of that Tau'ri cruiser RJB, really do. I'm never overly keen on the Ancient warships to be honest, but I've seen some incredibly well built models based on Ancient designs so I'll still look forward to it. The overall shape of the your station is actually very similar to a design I started with before I made SB-1 as it is so I'll look forward to seeing what you do with that as well.

    And Dr Lee, I echo what RJB said about having small ships, I'll look forward to seeing more
    Well I think the main down fall in the Ancient designs is that they don't have a common style to them. Looking at the city, puddle jumper and the warships it could be said that they could belong to totally different races since they are so radically different from each other. That being said the warship design has started to grow on me and I look forward to making something that fits the feel of the original Aurora 's design.
    Dr Lee wrote: »

    Did i go overboard on the Asgard influence?:lol:
    I think your still fine.
    It hard to follow that fine line of what is a tau'ri design and what takes it too far and turned it into something completely different.

    ps. I'll try to have my close up shots up sometime today.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    RJB wrote: »
    Well I think the main down fall in the Ancient designs is that they don't have a common style to them. Looking at the city, puddle jumper and the warships it could be said that they could belong to totally different races since they are so radically different from each other. That being said the warship design has started to grow on me and I look forward to making something that fits the feel of the original Aurora 's design.

    I think you're right, it's tough to fall in love with a style of ships if the ships (or whatever structure) don't actually have a specific style to them. I think the jumper and Atlantis fit better together than the Ancient warship does with anything else, they at least have the same angular details throughout the designs. I certainly don't dislike the Aurora class as much as I did when I first saw it. Anyway, I'll look forward to seeing where you go with it.

    And Dr Lee, I think the ship looks fine, and if you've got too much asgard influence in this then I dread to think what I have in my designs lol.
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    RJB I really love the advanced cruiser! The space station looks very interesting too, I hope you find time to work on your models :)
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Ok here are more renders.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Yup, definately looking forward to the Tau'ri cruiser, I guess for obvious reasons lol. But I'm certainly interested to see where the station and ancient cruiser go from here. Great designs.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    Yup, definately looking forward to the Tau'ri cruiser, I guess for obvious reasons lol. But I'm certainly interested to see where the station and ancient cruiser go from here. Great designs.

    I agree

    other news.....

    my computer is being dumb today and wont open max:( so I would be working on the Hammond or others but I cant get into max so this is a very bad thing and I will try to get it fixed tomarrow and hopefully work on the Hammond then before I hawe to go to work.

    Regards Jesh
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    scootes wrote: »
    my computer is being dumb today and wont open max

    What's the problem?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    freekzilla wrote: »
    Eh. I'm still just bummed that they didn't atleast show something, atleast in plans or a prototype. Just something. I mean, how many times has a Tel'tek (Goa'uld cargo ship) saved their butts? Too many to count I say. Even though a "battleship" was more useful and important, an intermediate ship should have been the next logical step after the F-302 was developed. Atleast they could have worked out some bugs before the larger models came about. Besides, a medium sized ship doesn't need to be a specialty ship. If it was designed right, it could serve many purposes.

    I made an "Angular, Earth-designed" cargo ship model once.
    It was designed to be big enough to fit a gate into...
  • AlphathonAlphathon0 Posts: 0Member
    @RJB: Nice designs, especially liking the Tau'ri battlecruiser, looks awsome. Fits in well with existing earth tech pretty well. Can't wait to see it all greebled up!

    @Bar: I also like the cargo ship - still looks like one, but with a distinctly Tau'ri feel. I don't know how you make all these models, but they always look good :)
  • RJBRJB201 Posts: 182Member
    Thanks guys and I do hope things free up for me soon too.

    Bar - The cargo shuttle looks great. It's almost like a goa'uld one crashed and this is earths attempt to rebuild it with our limited technology.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    like the model bar, but i wouldn't buy it lol
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    That's ok, becaue it's a scratchbuild that took two whole days to finish, and you wouldn't be able to afford it, Tadz!

    I also did another ship a while back, which i called a Cargo-Glider(Still Earth-built).
    It was meant to be a sub-class of the previous ship, bigger than a 302, but a good bit smaller than a Tel'Tac.
    And it was built with a hyperdrive(The reason the underside and rear is so bulky):
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    heh springs for pipes. nice!
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Actually, it's very fine solder wrapped around flower-arranging wire, but i know what you mean.
  • scootesscootes171 Posts: 0Member
    I like them both!! keep up the good job Bar:thumb:

    yay MAX is working again!!!
    the problem was it couldent find a file to run it. so I reinstalled it (and i made backups of all my meshes) works now.

    Regards Jesh
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Cargo-glider reminds me that weird glider-transformer-thing seen in SG-1 pilot episode.
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