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3DCalling all Stargate Fans!



  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    btw the 304's and 303's have never actually been called anything else than 303's or 304's i know it says deep space carrier on the badge well that is stating the obvious thats just 1 of the many things it does... and the stars texture is almost done ( it is me first attempt at something like it so i will make more improvements as we go along or if u spot any mistakes).... here is a examples i can think of that they have been called just 304's... When the Russians wanted there gate back near the end of the episode i recall that dude that runs the place and Daniel saying "Daniel: what did we have to give up" "dude that runs the place: a fully operational 304 with a full load of 302's"(sorry about that i forgot his name lol) ok below was made in paint and it will get better as i learn new things in paint
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It's a bit of a mouthfull to say DSC-304 so i wasn't surprised to see them vocally call them only -304.

    I'll stick with the DSP designation for now.... Oh yeah, the Archer class will be -308s
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    did u like the stars thing?
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    I did.... though it needs more
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Tried out some textures C&C welcome..

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I can't actually remember what the station's supposed to look like but this looks good to me, although a bit stretched in places. When exactly did you start this model? Seems like you've gotten to this stage in no time at all.

    Update on my Icarus, I've spent more time adding details to the platform and the fighter bay, and I also added the bay door. I've decided there won't be any external communications array on the top like there is on the Daedalus, (in fact that whole section won't be there) I figure as you don't see any external antennae on Asgard ships internal arrays may be built using Asgard designs. C&C welcome as always
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Yeah I started it on wed and worked on it for about 6-7 hrs total. It was a lot easier then I thought it would be. I used a lot of arrays and it is a very symmetrical model. It also helped finding this schematic pic. Also added a screen cap from the episode.

  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    well you've certainly done great with it, especially considering the lack of references.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    Oh my god! Just nabbed SGA-D's Atlantis mesh... It's sooooo FKing sweet!!!

    Can't wait to get The Archer-Class in there. Chris, You are a master of modelling.

    Darn... Found a rather nice Bitmap in the the Zip that i'd like to stick onto the -308 Archer Class. I can get it onto the ship with my eyes closed. But when i try and have two ships each with different textures on them then Max throws a wobbly.

    What i want is one ship with this Texture

    And a second seperate model in the same file&window with this texture

    But it won't allow me:help: Also is there a way of keeping textures on an imported image?
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    Oh my god! Just nabbed SGA-D's Atlantis mesh... It's sooooo FKing sweet!!!

    Can't wait to get The Archer-Class in there. Chris, You are a master of modelling.

    Darn... Found a rather nice Bitmap in the the Zip that i'd like to stick onto the -308 Archer Class. I can get it onto the ship with my eyes closed. But when i try and have two ships each with different textures on them then Max throws a wobbly.

    What i want is one ship with this Texture

    And a second seperate model in the same file&window with this texture

    But it won't allow me:help: Also is there a way of keeping textures on an imported image?

    That ship seems really small to me.
    But it occurs that it could have a dual purpose!
    Think of it like the cab of an atriculated truck!
    So it could be like a cargo ship(If you have a stack of containers attached behind).
    Just a suggestion.
    In wartime, it could fulfill the support role, but for the Atlantis milk-run, it could haul maybe ten cargo containers behind it...
    I only mention it, because it reminds me of the new Optimus Prime...
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee, I don't know what the easiest way to do it is to be honest (I also may have misunderstood your problem) but one way to do it is clone the ship within the file, copy the material in the material editor so you've got 2 copies of the same material. Make sure that one of the materials is applied to one of the ships and the other to the other, then modify the bitmaps so you've got one with your textures and one with the one you found.
    Bar wrote: »
    That ship seems really small to me.
    But it occurs that it could have a dual purpose!
    Think of it like the cab of an atriculated truck!
    So it could be like a cargo ship(If you have a stack of containers attached behind).
    Just a suggestion.
    In wartime, it could fulfill the support role, but for the Atlantis milk-run, it could haul maybe ten cargo containers behind it...
    I only mention it, because it reminds me of the new Optimus Prime...

    That's exactly the way I've been thinking about my maintenance ship for SB-1, kinda like the workbees in Star Trek, they serve their purpose when on their own but can also be used to tow various items as well.
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    It appears that all i had to do was Clone-Instance not Clone-Copy. D'oh!

    Thats a good idea Bar but i've designed this as a pure short range patrol ship, the -306s fill the role as Earth's cargo carriers in my designs
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    ah yeah I believe instance copies all the subsequent changes made to one of them onto all the other clones
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    Dr Lee wrote: »
    It appears that all i had to do was Clone-Instance not Clone-Copy. D'oh!

    Thats a good idea Bar but i've designed this as a pure short range patrol ship, the -306s fill the role as Earth's cargo carriers in my designs
    It was just a thought.
    In light of the cargo idea, i am now thinking of a large cargo train system to be towed by Daedalus class vessels, though...
    Somewhere in the region of twice the length of a Daedalus, and towed behind(But "attached" on the rear underside and top rear of the flat deck).
    It would be really handy when the need to ferry large amounts of cargo to a newly settled planet.
    This whole line of thinking assumes the ORI get defeated, and that humans are free to start colonising planets as they wish.
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    i know this thread is Stargate but... I just found a ship i like, the ship off starship troopers great and original design and looks as if it were of similar technology to the ships of Stargate... There is one other... Talon i think, he is off Farscape and great design will post pics as soon as i get some good 1's
  • BarBar171 Posts: 0Member
    tadz wrote: »
    i know this thread is Stargate but... I just found a ship i like, the ship off starship troopers great and original design and looks as if it were of similar technology to the ships of Stargate... There is one other... Talon i think, he is off Farscape and great design will post pics as soon as i get some good 1's

    Fair enough if you intend to make an SG ship from them, but if all you are going to do is post pics from "other universes", please start another thread, Tadz.
    This is Stargate...
  • Dr LeeDr Lee2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    ah yeah I believe instance copies all the subsequent changes made to one of them onto all the other clones

    Actually it was the other way round for me:confused: When i did clone-copy then any changes i did to one copies textture affected all the others, it was only when i did clone-instances that it finally worked......

    As it turns out the Prommie texture included in SGA-Ds Atlantis Mesh file is a better look than the Daedalus texture i was using:rolleyes:
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok here we go the one on the left is Talyn (farscape) and the too on the right are roger young class's (starship troopers)
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I always thought Talyn (and Moya for that matter) looked cool, although neither of them look related to anything from Stargate I don't think. The Starship Troopers ship resembles Stargate tech more I'd say, maybe a mix of Tau'ri and Ancient ships (the front of it reminds me of the front of the Aurora class warships. But like Bar says this is supposed to be a Stargate thread, fair enough if you intend on porting the designs to the Stargate universe
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    yer i know Talyn looks nothing like Stargate ships but he could be a form of wraith ship and i plan on making a ship from starship troopers into a Stargate ship and Talyn yer i will try to draw him as a wraith BTW scorpius did u happen ti get ur name from Farscape lol
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    well lol, actually it's a name I used for years in games (whenever I needed to name a profile or whatever) and I hadn't consciously gotten it from Farscape as I hadn't watched in ages when I started using it. When they showed the Peacekeeper Wars miniseries for the first time on TV (first time I could see it anyway) I suddenly realised that's probably where I got it from lol
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Scorpius is the coolest and most evil villain I've ever seen... I mean, Farscape's Scorpius :-)

    IMO Farscape's rules how Moya works could be implanted to Hive ships, you know - living ship should have some kind of inner self-defense, some immune system, like Drds in FS, as well as individuality.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    Nah, Scorpius wasn't the most evil villian ever. To me, he only rises to the level of incompetant henchman with a temper tantrum. I've never been a fan of the Farscape series, or for Firefly for that matter. Now, I don't hate either, but nothing about them even comes close to Stargate, Trek, or SW. We're not even talking apples and oranges, more like apples and brussel sprouts.

    Now, I could see the Farscape ships being ported to a Wraith genre, and the Starship Troopers to a Tau'ri design. Changes would need to be made of course, but they could work. Would be interesting to see how that would play out.
  • scorpiusscorpius332 Posts: 0Member
    I certainly agree that it doesn't compare to SG, ST or SW (too many acronyms damnit). I've never watched Firefly but I did watch Serenity and didn't rate it that much to be honest. I'd probably say SG/ST/SW apples, Farscape oranges, and Firefly brussel sprouts. And how dare you say I'm not the most evil villian ever, I shall kill you where you stand lol

    Like you say though, I could certainly see Talyn and Starship Trooper ships as Wraith and Tau'ri respectively.
  • freekzillafreekzilla2 Posts: 0Member
    scorpius wrote: »
    I certainly agree that it doesn't compare to SG, ST or SW (too many acronyms damnit). I've never watched Firefly but I did watch Serenity and didn't rate it that much to be honest. I'd probably say SG/ST/SW apples, Farscape oranges, and Firefly brussel sprouts. And how dare you say I'm not the most evil villian ever, I shall kill you where you stand lol

    Like you say though, I could certainly see Talyn and Starship Trooper ships as Wraith and Tau'ri respectively.

    Little of that Klingon dander coming out there Scorp? Or do you have a snake in your head now? Just promise you won't shoot me in the mik'tah. I need it. :lol:

    Kree homell Goa....err...Pizza.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Maybe that's the problem, watching continual series like Firefly and Farscape from the end, which is Serenity and PK Wars :-) That's like start watching Stargate at the Unending. For me, both FS and FF are way better than last few years of SG and perhaps then some Trek, like Voyager, because writers of FS and FF had guts to make a shocking twist in story and preserve it, not erase consequences at the end of episode. And of course characters looks more human and beliavable to me, more like someone who could exist. But yeah, that fruit rules of yours could be also counted.
    A slight OT...
  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    Worked on a final render and fixed some textures...what do you think.

  • XjamesxXjamesx171 Posts: 0Member
    So the SGC decided they needed a permanent watch tower over the Ori super gate so they decided to tow the Summit stationin proximity to full fill that role.

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    Stagate: Deep Space Nine :-)
  • tadztadz175 Posts: 0Member
    ok it turns out drawing ether starship troopers or Farscape ships is going to b hard lol
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