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3DSeaQuest DSV 3D Internal Deck Layout



  • RichipediaRichipedia1 Posts: 6Member
    Test Comment

    Test received! :)
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Richipedia wrote: »
    Test Comment

    Test received! :)

    :p I'm trying to figure out how to setup my signature so it lists my other projects like Viper's comments. Not quite there yet.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • RichipediaRichipedia1 Posts: 6Member
    :p I'm trying to figure out how to setup my signature so it lists my other projects like Viper's comments. Not quite there yet.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to change my avatar... :s
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Click this first

    Then, after that page loads, click this one and upload your avatar
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Test Signature #2
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • RichipediaRichipedia1 Posts: 6Member
    edited September 2023 #127

    Thank you! But I don't see an option in that menu to edit my profile :/


    I'm guessing it's one of those "you need to have a certain number of posts" or "been a member for a certain amount of time" things. I did hunt for guidance in other parts of the forum to confirm this but didn't find anything specific.
    Post edited by Richipedia on
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Huh. I think you're right about needing a certain # of posts. Keep posting then!
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Finally got Unreal Engine to do an animated "boolean" of the various parts of the seaQuest's "skin" attaching to the hull ribs. It's not quite as cool as I imagined, but I'm at the limit of what I can do with Unreal at this point. And I want to move on.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • GuerrillaGuerrilla799 HelsinkiPosts: 2,872Administrator
    Richipedia wrote: »
    I'm guessing it's one of those "you need to have a certain number of posts" or "been a member for a certain amount of time" things. I did hunt for guidance in other parts of the forum to confirm this but didn't find anything specific.

    We have to manually verify each member before they can edit their profiles to keep away spambots. I just moved, and my computer isn't quite up and running yet, so I can't check in quite as often as usual, so apologies for the delay. I bumped you up to a regular member, so you can access your full profile now.
    Comco: i entered it manually in the back end
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  • RichipediaRichipedia1 Posts: 6Member
    Guerrilla wrote: »
    We have to manually verify each member before they can edit their profiles to keep away spambots. I just moved, and my computer isn't quite up and running yet, so I can't check in quite as often as usual, so apologies for the delay. I bumped you up to a regular member, so you can access your full profile now.

    Thank you! :)

    I promise to stop monopolising this thread now :p
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Some more work on the SeaQuest internals. Added the Launch Bay set build by StarSailor78 (who should really post more of his stuff here :)
    Built out the EVA sphere in an attempt to figure out how the crew would get from a Launch shuttle to inside the ship. Not easy. Still might try to find a way to put the launch bay at the very top of the sphere, but with the Maglev tunnels passing through there, its crowded.
    Even though the structural ribs are not perfect yet, and have things going through them that shouldn't, I'm glad I built them. Really trying to think of this thing as a real vessel. Can't just have the outer skin be magically keeping the ship together. There's so much water pressure pushing against it.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    A quick Arnold render of the interior of the EVA sphere. Never shown on the show, its based on the concept sketch by the seaQuest designer James Lima and a plan from the UI graphics of the show:

    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • Capt. Eric GardnerCapt. Eric Gardner339 Posts: 109Member
    A quick Arnold render of the interior of the EVA sphere. Never shown on the show, its based on the concept sketch by the seaQuest designer James Lima and a plan from the UI graphics of the show:

    It was actually shown once. There was an episode of seaQuest where it encountered an alien ship entombed in the ground at the bottom of the ocean until an earthquake shook it loose.
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    A quick Arnold render of the interior of the EVA sphere. Never shown on the show, its based on the concept sketch by the seaQuest designer James Lima and a plan from the UI graphics of the show:

    It was actually shown once. There was an episode of seaQuest where it encountered an alien ship entombed in the ground at the bottom of the ocean until an earthquake shook it loose.

    Hmmm. Gonna have to rewatch that one and screengrab some more reference.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • Starsailor78Starsailor783 Posts: 3Member
    It's a very brief sequence at about 10 min in the episode, and we don't see much: Only the docked shuttle, a passing Stinger, a seaCrab and the big docking gates with a yellowish rim.


    We do get another glimpse in the Abalon / Mermaid episode though, with Ford in his dive suit stepping into the Hydrosphere:


  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    I need to add those yellow rings around the inside now.
    Thanks for the screengrabs!
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
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