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3DSurak w Warp Sled



  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Finally got something sorted, and so...

  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited April 2023 #33

    Post edited by vfxart on
    StarCruiserevil_genius_180trekkiwibblerojrenashleytingercaveat_imperatorLizzy777japetusscifiericand 4 others.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    A couple of roughness issues to chase down, those will need to wait. Putting this to bed til then.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    It looks great.
  • trekkitrekki981 Posts: 1,435Member
    Yes , this is a great work, very nice
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Thanks! Bugged by the roughness issues, but so much else to hit right now on 'other' and so they have to wait their turn, heh.
  • TallguyTallguy354 Posts: 468Member
    Looks fantastic but I don't think the lighting is showing her off as much as it could. Are you going for a particular look that I'm just not getting?
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Gorgeous! I now have no need to model this myself :-D Awesome texturing work, from what I can see!
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    japetus wrote: »
    Gorgeous! I now have no need to model this myself :-D Awesome texturing work, from what I can see!

    Thanks. About 60 custom graphics/decals between the two, repeated like crazy at times, and the pattern and color balance are insane on these. But as much as I like nailing mesh ref, I love the texture stage. Was always my favorite time in games and loved working with the texture artists at LFL. Then the 5 years at Nike almost killed it (texturing on a whole other level, but it got tedious) ;-) but love doing it for asset work.

  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    vfxart wrote: »
    Finally got something sorted, and so...
    This ... this is SPECTACULAR! Well done!
  • Admiral156Admiral156200 Posts: 88Member
    Looks awesome!!!
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited May 2023 #43
    The more I was tightening things up on other ships the more this was living rent free in my head and the roughness in a few spots *still* bugging me. So I went after that, and had to share an IYKYK. _Had_ to have at least one streak of space algae on my ver and it's not visible in other shots here. ;-)
    Anyway, she is pretty officially put to bed til I sort how best ways to render for portfolio, got to study some Trumbull and learn a bit of deeper lighting and fx in UE for that. Dropping in an underside shot as those kit pieces don't get enough love. Or something.


    Post edited by vfxart on
    caveat_imperatorevil_genius_180Lizzy777StarCruisertrekkipubliusrP5ych0p4thashleytingerSCE2Auxwibbleand 2 others.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    I can't leave this thing alone! OK, hang with me here:

    I mentioned that this is a v3. Fine. I got a new bit of ref from a builder and that one image allowed me to push and tweak things in 'mwah' ways. Fantastic. Yet it left one area that I was dissatisfied with, a nagging doubt. Went back to some old ref and... sure enough... in my defense, the images are scans of actual photos and are warped. So- my 'hm, that's probably not right' that I convinced myself to let go is... not right. I took another hour or so to fix that today, will update the textures tomorrow (maybe an hour), etc.

    The latest change makes a huge difference with regard to how this asset would interact with others and is a bit cleaner in line. There might be a bit more of a ripple effect, but I won't know til Monday or so. You'd never know I have other projects going at the same time... this thing, I swear... anyone else this errrr... well, if I know it's wrong, I want the chance to make it right and get that out there. Beyond a matter of personal and professional pride. Maybe I just don't get out enough.

    Speaking of, anyone heading to STLV in August? Really thinking about it... even with unemployment etc... would be a great five days to recharge.

  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    Not enough was done with the hybrid warp/impulse nacelle combo idea.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Looks great. Many of us have been there plenty of times; you get some fresh references and it's like "Time for another version."
  • TallguyTallguy354 Posts: 468Member
    Looking amazing.
    vfxart wrote: »
    Speaking of, anyone heading to STLV in August? Really thinking about it... even with unemployment etc... would be a great five days to recharge.

    Sadly, no. But I'm trying to figure out when I'm going to get to Ticonderoga. More on my side of the continent.
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Tallguy wrote: »
    Looking amazing.
    vfxart wrote: »
    Speaking of, anyone heading to STLV in August? Really thinking about it... even with unemployment etc... would be a great five days to recharge.

    Sadly, no. But I'm trying to figure out when I'm going to get to Ticonderoga. More on my side of the continent.

    I think that Shatner is going to be there at the beginning of July... might be a thought.... have only been to two conventions he chatted at; one was with Leonard, a great night.

    Vegas is a lot closer for me, but the costs are likely going to keep it out of reach, even with friends donating air miles etc.

    Thunderstorm fun here today so getting a break from this and the mm, and a few new bits. Thumb-twiddling practically.
  • TallguyTallguy354 Posts: 468Member
    I don't need to see the stars. I'm there for the sets and the models! :)
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • Admiral156Admiral156200 Posts: 88Member
    The texturing on this is fantastic (the whole thing is fantastic)! I built the ATM kit as a kid, but mine never looked this good.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited May 2023 #51
    May I introduce you to the USS Effing Done. Good-bye Spocky-boy, we can't miss you if you don't leave.


    Post edited by vfxart on
    trekkievil_genius_180rojrenashleytingerStarCruiserTallguySCE2AuxLizzy777caveat_imperatorseanrand 7 others.
  • TallguyTallguy354 Posts: 468Member
    I can almost hear the Goldsmith.
    Bill "Tallguy" Thomas All I ask is a tall ship...
    Various Work: U.S.S. Constellation - Matt Jefferies Concept Shuttle
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    edited May 2023 #53
    Tallguy wrote: »
    I can almost hear the Goldsmith.

    Thanks. As we all do I'd guess, occasionally soundtracks are keeping me company while I work and yeah, when 'Spock's Arrival' pops on... ;-)
    Post edited by vfxart on
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Yes, I've seen the photos. I knew the model was out there because of a late image I was shown, but it didn't help or really come in time, save for my own version.

    I still got the runaround, ugh, but I'm happy to say that there is only one detail I would cut in and some that I would soften back to where I had them. I can also now see how the final layer of color influences things (transparent hand-applied wash). I doubt I'll be asked to revisit it, but might make changes to mine if there's ever time... still wish my contact had helped me secure a job from it...
  • japetusjapetus3019 SeattlePosts: 1,408Member
    Glorious texture work and modeling!
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    japetus wrote: »
    Glorious texture work and modeling!

    Thank you- with some new images, I'll be hitting the texture one more time and cutting a couple of details in... will likely do it after the Stargazer is wrapped up. The job hunt continues, Portland's pretty dry for this sort of thing now, alas... shoulda moved to Seattle!, but the portfolio work continues, so I expect to hit it next week. Not bad, excited to hit another level with it. ;-)

    Thanks again.
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Yeah I just can't leave well-enough alone. With the new old new reference, I had to make a pass at at least accurizing some of the paintwork, if not dimensions. The latest pass needed a bit of conversing with a couple of folks on the nature of what time has done to the ship, but I think I landed in a fairly happy medium on this. At least til I can either get dimensions or get to see her and shoot my own ref...

    I've updated the shuttle also, will try to pair them up for renders later on today. This is probably iteration 7 (number 2 being for a specific use, then having to rebuild my own after that)

  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Welcome, my friends, to the show that never ends...

  • StarCruiserStarCruiser390 Posts: 69Member
    We're so glad you could attend Come inside! Come inside
  • trekkitrekki981 Posts: 1,435Member
  • ClubTepesClubTepes0 Posts: 1Member

    I love the Vulcan Shuttle.
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