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3DAshley's Star Trek WIP Thread



  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    A lot of little detail work to spruce up the railings a bit (had to attach the endcaps) and then a lot of measuring, refining and then cursing, cutting, redrawing, etc. to get the railing supports done up.

    The Challenger floor is a little higher at that point than the TMP bridge so these may not work without some edit on the TMP bridge, but things are at least progressing.
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Huzzah for progress!

    It's coming along nicely. I keep thinking to myself that the command chair is floating, only for me to remember that there's probably a step up in there that hasn't been modeled yet.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Huzzah for progress!

    It's coming along nicely. I keep thinking to myself that the command chair is floating, only for me to remember that there's probably a step up in there that hasn't been modeled yet.

    That's actually next on my list because it's bugging the hell out of me.

    Been a little distracted with work and like 3 other projects but I'm trying not to let them distract me too much ;)
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    As someone who's been compared to a highly-distractable, non-compliant cat, I can relate. :D
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    Took me far to long to get the turbolift alcove cut-outs right for the refit bridge, but I think I finally have them to where I'm at least moderately happy with them. I'm going to work on the pit platforms, stairs and the railing supports for the refit bridge. The platforms and stairs will transfer over to my Challenger bridge.

    Bonus, I used the same turbolift cut-outs for the Challenger bridge. ;)
    Warp Propulsion LaboratoryLizzy777evil_genius_180FreakBrandenbergP5ych0p4th
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Oh man, very cool!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Looking good. I've always thought that style of turbolift alcove looks like a bit of a pain to do.
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    At least for all the pain they do look good. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    scifieric wrote: »
    Oh man, very cool!

    Thanks! I'm having to be a lot more careful with the Refit bridge since it's an ACTUAL bridge set and not just one of my 'in the spirit of' sets.
    Looking good. I've always thought that style of turbolift alcove looks like a bit of a pain to do.

    Looking at it I STILL don't think I have it quite right. GRRRRR. But yes, thanks!
    At least for all the pain they do look good. :)

    Thank you! yeah, I love that kind of styling with it, my coffee craving brain isn't letting me in to get my art history, but it does look good.
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Yeah, it looks like some sort of Bauhaus Neue stuff to me. Very geometrical with unorthodox proportions. It fits right in with the 60's aesthetic of TOS.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    Spent way too much time working on the floor plating around the helm and the steps. Also the railings for the Refit which are similar to, but are a totally different build from the ones I used on the Challenger bridge. I built what they had done for the Captain's stoop and the helm station from the Phase II bridge and built all my supports over the top of that for the refit, then just moved that Phase II base over to the Challenger. I'm going to add something to that base, probably a similar overlapping set of plating but I want the patterns to be different. I also ported over my doors and turbolift from the TOS-enhanced sets I did for the Aries.

    Built in Truespace
    Lizzy777evil_genius_180Adam WarnockFreak
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Builder's Log Stardate 3642.58
    Captain Lanternjaw was not happy with swapping out his anti-grav chair that was in the concept renders for the physical one that has to be bolted to the floor. Complaints have been noted by Commodore Weldslot and promptly filed to her shredder bin.

    It's looking good. I'm curious to see how adding the helm and navigation station chairs in will affect the amount of room there appears to be in the pit.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,299Member
    He has a point. It seems as though a helmsman and navigator might have to go up on the other level. Looks good.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Builder's Log Stardate 3642.58
    Captain Lanternjaw was not happy with swapping out his anti-grav chair that was in the concept renders for the physical one that has to be bolted to the floor. Complaints have been noted by Commodore Weldslot and promptly filed to her shredder bin.

    It's looking good. I'm curious to see how adding the helm and navigation station chairs in will affect the amount of room there appears to be in the pit.

    Chairs are pretty much contained under the station, even with the TMP versions.
    He has a point. It seems as though a helmsman and navigator might have to go up on the other level. Looks good.

    Guess I'm confused by what you mean there?

    Either way, here's the Challenger Bridge with those 70's style chairs I've been using in my sets. I have to model the TMP chairs.


    I am thinking the Challenger bridge needs some of that extra plating that the TMP bridge has, but I just haven't decided what shapes it'll take. That'll raise the chairs about 1.5 inches total for the Helm and Nav and I am going to have a slightly raised platform for the captain that ties it with the helm station. The base platform, while somewhat accurate to what was initially built for Phase II, definitely needs ... something.

    evil_genius_180Adam WarnockLizzy777
  • scifiericscifieric1123 Posts: 1,498Member
    Oh, this looks very cool. I love all the detail on your Navigation console!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I'm really enjoying the mix of TOS, TMP and your own personal style. :)
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Ah, I thought the chairs were going to be further back than that.

    Did you remember to get the chairs from a new supplier? They had a recall on the old ones that kept flinging ensigns out into space. :p
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    scifieric wrote: »
    Oh, this looks very cool. I love all the detail on your Navigation console!

    Thank you! All modeled except for like 5 display screens that I wanted to be able to change for close-ups as needed. Going to make it a chunky set in the wireframe department, but I think it works. ;)
    I'm really enjoying the mix of TOS, TMP and your own personal style. :)

    Thank you! I really did love the TMP-WOK era bridges and I'm having fun with the Challenger by making her kind of right before that bridge came out but I want enough Phase II/TOS in there that it could work either way.
    Ah, I thought the chairs were going to be further back than that.

    Did you remember to get the chairs from a new supplier? They had a recall on the old ones that kept flinging ensigns out into space. :p

    LOL I just didn't want to keep using the TOS chairs to be honest. Although I'm thinking that I'll use the TMP chairs as part of a 'refit' after her shakedown cruise or something. The TMP chair are mounted in rough the same points as where I positioned the 70s chairs.

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    Revamped the raised pit portions and steps for the Challenger bridge. I also did up the mid-range sized console for Challenger since that's all she's using. I need to work on the small version for the standing stations on the Refit bridge and the mega-wide Science station also for said Refit bridge. I think I have the consoles sitting out about 4 inches too far from the back of the wall, so they all might be getting pushed into the wall alcove a little bit.

    Either way, it's coming along.

    Built in Truespace
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Looking good. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Looking good. :)



    I know this update doesn't look like much, but it's taken about 5 or 6 tries to get it either right or so that it didn't completely obliterate the bridge hull. The big grey cutouts you see are the TMP outline versions of the consoles that lined the walls. I'm almost sure they were just painted in the film and lined with some stripping, but I decided to actually model the cut-outs/outlines. I haven't gotten the stripping around it yet because I needed to get the cutouts completed as it follows them in an unbroken pattern around the bridge.

    The security station has gone through about 4 or 5 different iterations and isn't pictured here because I deleted it again in frustration.

    Built in Truespace
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    edited July 2020 #383
    I hate it when I'm trying to make something and, after multiple attempts, it's just not working how I want it to work. So, I feel your pain.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Aside from work sucking my soul, some automated set-ups and other problems made my work on the refit version of the bridge ground to a halt.

    I've decided to do this part MANUALLY instead.


    Yes, I'm manually 'applying' all the plastic/rubber stripping that lines the stations around the refit bridge... and I thought greebles were bad...
  • rojrenrojren2621 Louisville, Kentucky USAPosts: 2,015Member
    I would ask if we worked in the same place, but mine's more of a grinding than a sucking.
  • seanrseanr1465 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 642Member
    Looking pretty good so far. Having taken a shot at this set myself in trueSpace, I can tell you it's a pain, especially those border bits you're working on right now. :D I may take another shot at it in Blender some day (the TVH version specifically), but I'm certainly not in any hurry to do so. ;)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    Finally getting that PITA stripping wrapped around the console cut-outs. Been a bit of a time getting back into my modeling groove what with work and not feeling the greatest, but getting this part done is putting a smile on my face.
    Lizzy777Warp Propulsion Laboratory
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    Got the wall cut-outs in place along with the ribbing and fixed up the consoles. I need to cut into the walls for the displays and display hoods yet, but she is coming along. I'm probably going to work on the monitor cutting along with the weapons console, then probably the viewscreen. At some point I need to build chairs and the turbolift too.

    Warp Propulsion LaboratoryLizzy777
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    It's been a few months, new job, lots of time to get rested up, lost our cat (he was 18 and it was out of the blue), and when I finally feel like modeling again I got a nasty surprise. That last Windows update seems to have COMPLETELY killed Truespace 3 for me. Won't start, can't start, whatever. It's ancient, I knew it wouldn't work forever, but MEH.

    So, do I continue using Truespace with version 7.6 and just convert up? I would still have to get used to the differences in layout and capabilities so it'd be almost like learning new software.

    Or do I download Blender for Artists and just start over completely with a current platform?

    Ugh. I so do not need this right now.

    Thoughts? Opinions?
  • seanrseanr1465 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 642Member
    I think you'd be well served by moving to BFA, but I may be a little biased (I manage the Mac builds for that). Blender in general is literally a decade and a half (or more, really!) past where trueSpace left off.
  • FreakFreak1090 Posts: 4,361Member
    Congratulations on the new Job Ashley, and I am sorry to hear about your cat.

    Is Truespace still going? I thought Microsoft killed it after they bought it.
    I would say go with Blender, I think you can import Turepsace files so it just a case of converting it.
    Plus Blender will be around for sometime to come and keeps getting updated at no cost to yourself. Hell it gotten to the point where it so good, lots of production and game companies are now switch over to using it.
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