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3DAshley's Star Trek WIP Thread



  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    scifieric wrote: »
    That's a beautiful set of images of the Captain's quarters. Excellent. And yeah, I got a laugh from Galaxy Quest being included!
    Spotted that almost right away. I'm so sorry Alan Rickman died.

    Looking good.

    He was absolutely one of my favorite actors. Elevated everything he did.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Work on the Baton-Rouge class continues


    Completions in this version:

    Detailed Impulse deck
    Navigation Lights
    reinforced Secondary hull plating
    Bussard bits under the dome for lighting in DAZ
    Bridge turbolift (yes offset :P)
    Those grey bits on the Pilot Enterprise and the NX-01

    I'm at the point now where I think it's just decals other than the shuttlebay doors and landing lights there. Don't know if I'm going to model the decals in or texture them. I'm honestly thinking modeling since this one is just going to represent on ship model for me and it's going to be a 'desk' model not necessarily a full blown in use model although it could go that way pretty easily.
    Brandenbergevil_genius_180Lizzy777FreakWarp Propulsion Laboratory
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    Lots of great design elements on this.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Lots of great design elements on this.

    Thank you!

    Took her into DAZ so I could see how she'll look with working internal lighting and a better render engine


    Definitely need to redo all the saucer rim windows. Le Sigh. I do like how the bussards turned out though. I also found out I used the same material for the main 3 circle windows in the saucer as one of the bussard collector fins, so that needed to be fixed either way lol.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    Agree about the windows and also agree about the bussards. The lowest picture is my fav angle.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Agree about the windows and also agree about the bussards. The lowest picture is my fav angle.

    Thanks! Yeah first thing I did yesterday was re-import that section of the saucer and re-cut the windows smaller. I'm actually really happy about the bussards. It was a complete Bob Ross happy accident. lol
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member

    Space bound and down, loaded up and truckin'
    Oh, we gonna do what they say can't be done
    We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there
    I'm Space bound, just watch ol' Bandit run

    I mean really, we have seen traders and big freighters in Trek and so on, but not a true space trucker and you and I both know they're out there. The U shaped part of the ship is the 'tractor' if you will and the part that slides in and locks in that center section would be the 'trailer.' This allows them to fly to a station, drop off their cargo, pick up another loaded sled and head out without having to stop moving. If you ain't haulin' you ain't making money.


    The Aries escorts two light cargo transports, a Starfleet cargo ship and a civilian transport on their way across the Triangle

    Just tossing in the Aries and a few other ships for a 'convoy' effect. I think the Cargo Ship came off of Foundation 3d and I still don't see their downloads section so I can't verify who built it, yet.

  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    From that angle they look TOS Romulan Warbird. (You knew someone was going to say it) :)
  • publiusrpubliusr561 Posts: 1,763Member
    I love the curved hull...I can see it towing asteroids
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    It's a really interesting design, I'm looking forward to seeing it progress.

    I think the closest we ever got to a true space truck in Star Trek is the freighters (Fortunate and Horizon) from Enterprise.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    From that angle they look TOS Romulan Warbird. (You knew someone was going to say it) :)

    Sneaky Romulan Thieves! I actually built the space tractor off of parts from the NX-01 to star with. The impulse engines and the overall warp nacelle initially, so boo ont hem for stealing a design that started kicking around after the Romulan War ;)
    publiusr wrote: »
    I love the curved hull...I can see it towing asteroids

    Asteroids, derelict ships, tankers, space station parts, etc. Aw yeah. ;)
    It's a really interesting design, I'm looking forward to seeing it progress.

    I think the closest we ever got to a true space truck in Star Trek is the freighters (Fortunate and Horizon) from Enterprise.

    Yeah but they're still classed as freighters and a full blown ship. I imagine most of the fleet would look at these as overblown space tugs ;)

    I don't know how much I'm going to do with it if only because it's a background ship in the TOS era, but I will probably put more detail into them as they show up more often.

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Kind of shifting eras with this one by revisiting the set I pretty much abandoned last August. Going for the mid-range Phase II feel, Post TOS but pre-TMP look.


    Lots of work to do with this one, especially since I'm modelling every control panel on the bridge. All based off the Operations Manual or Flight manual. This is a very rough state at this point.

  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Just a few quick renders while I work on the comic, sets and props.


    Paperwork, reports, training and all the other mundane tasks that need to happen on a ship to keep it moving but are beneath the Captain and First Officer's position. While she may not necessarily enjoy the mundane, making sure the ship is in top shape, people have what they need, and the missions are a success; that puts a smile on Lt. Commander Gal's face.


    Located off the bridge, the Aries Ready Room has all the amenities a Captain needs in emergencies and acts as an office or bedroom depending on need. A large interactive viewer lets the Captain receive communiques, plan tactical runs, or is just a good spot to watch an old holo. The couch doubles as a bed in an emergency and there's several extra uniforms located just off the head along with a shower. The standard office amenities are also available.


    Built in Truespace
    Rendered in DAZ Studio
    Uniform is V4 Courageous
    Uniform textures by JamesJAB
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Nice start on that bridge. Already I can see a pretty TMP style helm and a more TOS style command chair.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Nice start on that bridge. Already I can see a pretty TMP style helm and a more TOS style command chair.

    I don't know that the command chair is staying but it's what I had available at the moment. ;)

    I did start on a 'sister' project...


    So while I'm working on the Phase II bridge for the Challenger, I'm also working on the refit bridge of a certain famous starship. Right now it's a bunch of randomness as I put it together from a slew of references and the bridge JamesJAB put out, but in the end it's going to be all me. Huzzah.

    As a side bonus, I will of course be able to use the consoles and displays from the Phase II bridge in here since they all come from the same place.
  • BrandenbergBrandenberg2176 CaliforniaPosts: 2,300Member
    The hair on the redhead is really realistic. I'm impressed.
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Nice start on the TMP bridge. :)
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    The hair on the redhead is really realistic. I'm impressed.

    I can't take full credit on the hair as it started as a model purchase, but I did tweak a bunch of things on it texture wise, so I'll take credit for that ;)
    Nice start on the TMP bridge. :)

    Thanks! I think I'm finally at a point skill-wise where I can tackle her, but we'll see as it goes.


    Obviously with a WIP nothing is final, but I ended up 'refining' the whole Challenger bridge set-up again after working on the TMP bridge and got some more concrete sizes in and red-did all my cuts in this set as far as the wall and floor creases go. I pulled the railing (not finished but close) from the TMP bridge and this Nav console is now also sitting in the TMP bridge with a dull grey color instead of the red highlights.

    With this change though, neither the TMP bridge or this bridge as built will have pieces of the bridge that'll be hideable or removable, but since it's digital the camera has a lot more freedom.

  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Great start indeed, and the color certainly helps give it more character than the IMO somewhat boring TMP bridge.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Great start indeed, and the color certainly helps give it more character than the IMO somewhat boring TMP bridge.

    Well I'm still doing the boring TMP bridge (as close to onscreen as I'm going to try for anyway), but yeah I agree the color makes it pop a bit more.

    And thank you!
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    Yep, looking great so far.

    I think the colors of the TMP bridge were a reflection of what they wanted to do originally. Looking at "The Cage," it was done in a very similar color scheme. The TOS bridge only wound up more colorful because that's what the studio wanted, to give people with color TVs a treat. A lot of shows in the '60s were like that. But, I definitely like splashes of red or blue, or some other strong color on the bridge, even if it's just the carpet, like they did for TNG.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Yep, looking great so far.

    I think the colors of the TMP bridge were a reflection of what they wanted to do originally. Looking at "The Cage," it was done in a very similar color scheme. The TOS bridge only wound up more colorful because that's what the studio wanted, to give people with color TVs a treat. A lot of shows in the '60s were like that. But, I definitely like splashes of red or blue, or some other strong color on the bridge, even if it's just the carpet, like they did for TNG.

    For the Challenger version I'm going for that tan on the floor, a lighter almost blue for most of the rest of the bridge, dark grey around the consoles and displays and some parts of the flooring, and then a red trim for the railing and console edges, although I did take that red into some of the edging along the displays and the ceiling to give it that pop.

    The display and ceiling red was inspired a bit by the pin-striping idea for the TMP Enterprise before they repainted and re-did parts of the model.

    I am not looking forward to cutting in the ceiling rim lights... ugh. I only have like 3 I have to cut in on the TMP bridge, but the Challenger bridge will have those all the way around instead of the underslung ceiling greebles on the TMP bridge.
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    Woo! Caught up on the thread. These are some great art works. I think my favorite was the green goo in the galley.

    Not to harp on the whole Blender thing, but have you tried Bforartists?
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Woo! Caught up on the thread. These are some great art works. I think my favorite was the green goo in the galley.

    Not to harp on the whole Blender thing, but have you tried Bforartists?

    I've had it suggested to me and I'd gotten so far as to look at the website, but I haven't downloaded it or given it a shot. Mostly because I'd basically have to start over with learning a new toolset. That's why I have an old copy of Lightwave still kicking around and the single thing I've used it for was converting Lightwave meshes over to a different format.

    The other reason, and I'll get real here for a bit, I suffer from a mild depression (dysthemia) that I'll be taking pills for the rest of my life to deal with, and even with those pills, the state of where I live has put those little pills to the test and I've been a stick in the mud for a LOT of things, and learning a new 3D software at 43 years old for my hobby is definitely one of those things not high up on the priority list of helping with the depression.

    So I'll get to it, but probably not for a few months.

  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    The other reason, and I'll get real here for a bit, I suffer from a mild depression (dysthemia) that I'll be taking pills for the rest of my life to deal with, and even with those pills, the state of where I live has put those little pills to the test and I've been a stick in the mud for a LOT of things, and learning a new 3D software at 43 years old for my hobby is definitely one of those things not high up on the priority list of helping with the depression.

    So I'll get to it, but probably not for a few months.

    If you don't mind me being real right back, I also suffer from depression, so you're not alone (admittedly, I can get by with no meds.) I also know it can be frustrating to have people tell you to cheer up and don't be so down on yourself, so I won't do that. Instead, I'll just say that you have given me a chuckle today. You've given me a little more motivation to continue in this hobby. It's okay to take babysteps, even to fall or slide back. What's more important is that you get back up again.

    That's a lesson that's taken me most of my 30 years to learn. I'm still learning it, and it can be a hard one for me to remember. With all of that said, though, it's alright if you're not ready right now. Just don't be afraid to dive in when you get around to it. There's a lot of great resources our there and there's a lot of people here that'll be more than happy to help you.

    So, don't worry about it. Take your time. Just know that you're not alone in this.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    edited July 2020 #358
    The other reason, and I'll get real here for a bit, I suffer from a mild depression (dysthemia) that I'll be taking pills for the rest of my life to deal with, and even with those pills, the state of where I live has put those little pills to the test and I've been a stick in the mud for a LOT of things, and learning a new 3D software at 43 years old for my hobby is definitely one of those things not high up on the priority list of helping with the depression.

    So I'll get to it, but probably not for a few months.

    If you don't mind me being real right back, I also suffer from depression, so you're not alone (admittedly, I can get by with no meds.) I also know it can be frustrating to have people tell you to cheer up and don't be so down on yourself, so I won't do that. Instead, I'll just say that you have given me a chuckle today. You've given me a little more motivation to continue in this hobby. It's okay to take babysteps, even to fall or slide back. What's more important is that you get back up again.

    That's a lesson that's taken me most of my 30 years to learn. I'm still learning it, and it can be a hard one for me to remember. With all of that said, though, it's alright if you're not ready right now. Just don't be afraid to dive in when you get around to it. There's a lot of great resources our there and there's a lot of people here that'll be more than happy to help you.

    So, don't worry about it. Take your time. Just know that you're not alone in this.

    Oh no worries. I've had a few years to come to grips with it. Took a year to figure out what was actually wrong with me. Then the sorting of meds, etc. I have good days and bad days just like everyone else. The pills just normalize those feelings in my head more than anything else.

    The way I look at it, the brain is an organ in the body just like any other. If one of your other organs starts misbehaving there's treatments. It's the same thing.

    People just seem to have a hang up that depression isn't real or it's made up, and speaking from experience when we tried to wean me off the pills, it's very freaking real. After being on them for a year and then going off for about 6 months, I was very happy to be back on them.

    Without them it's like living in a haze of 'don't give a f*#@' all the time and just sitting like a lump not wanting to do anything and it sucks. I'm happy to not be in that haze all the time.

    And I apologize if I came across as bitchy, I just wanted to make sure you understood I appreciate the info but I just won't be getting to it any time soon. lol
    Post edited by ashleytinger on
  • Adam WarnockAdam Warnock65 Posts: 102Member
    You didn't come off that way. I understand that feeling. I was like that for a few years, but I've been getting better. I'm sorry if I came off as preachy. I just don't want anyone going through this to think they are alone.
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    You didn't come off that way. I understand that feeling. I was like that for a few years, but I've been getting better. I'm sorry if I came off as preachy. I just don't want anyone going through this to think they are alone.

    Nope! And I appreciate it. =)
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,339Member
    edited July 2020 #361
    I'm glad to hear you have pills to help you with your depression, Ashley, and that you can manage yours without pills, Adam. People who are stupid enough to think something like depression (or any medical condition that doesn't show physical symptoms) is made up need to have something happen to them that makes them more sympathetic to other peoples' problems. The fact is, there are a lot of conditions that have been scientifically proven to exist that just don't show any physical symptoms, and there are many people who live with those conditions every day. Some people just need to gain compassion for their fellow person, though some of them never will, sadly.

    I was in the Army for four years and, when I got out, I was angry a lot. I don't know why, but I had something going on in my head where I had outbursts of anger, and I'm usually a pretty laid back person. It took me a while, but I managed to get right in the head again. I don't know what made it happen, because I never went to see a doctor about it, but that was something that others just didn't understand. I also went through bouts of depression that started when I was in the Army. For a while there, I thought I might be bipolar, but as it eventually went away, that obviously wasn't it.

    As someone who has made the move from Truespace to Lightwave and given Blender the old college try, I can say that it's a big transition. Truespace seems to do things differently than most other software. It took a while to transition to Lightwave, and at the time I didn't have a lot else going on, so I managed it. But, it's not easy to teach yourself a whole different way of doing things. Blender and Lightwave actually have a lot more in common as far as how they do things than Truespace has in common with either of them.
    Post edited by evil_genius_180 on
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