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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • Rory1707Rory1707241 Posts: 244Member
    Awesome job as usual my friend. I love this design! ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿพ
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    edited May 16 #3933
    @Rory1707: Thanks!

    Looking at the Cerberus MSD up-close again after so long for the corridor I realized how empty and basic it was looking, so just like others before it updated it a bit. Still not at the level of detail some other artists go for, but for my purposes it now works a lot better. Here's a before-and-after, and the necessary renders of both the bridge and corridor were redone with this new version.

    I'll probably do the same for the USS Ross soon, I'm embarrassed by that MSD!

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    lennier1BolianAdmiralStarCruiserDoctorShmullusRory1707Lizzy777Warp Propulsion LaboratorysolaremesBrandenbergevil_genius_180
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  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    Aaaand I couldn't help myself, I stayed all night updating the Ross MSD... :joy:
    All bridge renders now have the updated version.

    BolianAdmiralStarCruiserDoctorShmullusRory1707wibbleashleytingerLizzy777Warp Propulsion Laboratoryseanrsolaremesand 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • richiewilchrichiewilch60 Posts: 44Member
    Love how many renders you got out of such a relatively small set - assuming that the cutaway is all you built.

    It instantly made me think about The Delta Flyers podcast - Garrett Wang and Robbie Duncan McNeil's rewatch/review podcast - and they often talked about the walk and talks on corridor sets, and how they had to maximise the limited corridor set that they had, and get creative with making more of it. The renders demonstrate how much you can get from so little. Brilliant.
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    edited May 21 #3936
    @richiewilch: Oh, the cutaway is definitely not all that was built, the total area is identical to what it was on the Yeager, which isn't as much corridor as they actually had on Voyager.


    Been thinking for a while of doing a ready room and briefing room combo for the USS Thunderchild. So, after some false starts during the weekend (when my power wasn't failing, thanks Edesur...) I have a basic idea in place for the ready room. Luckily the Akira bridge module is massive so it fits in there, and the windows pretty much match with those on the outside.

    The set itself is obviously inspired by the Defiant/Starbase 375 office set, but larger, though still smaller than the Enterprise-E ready room. I modeled the same desk from Defiant's, and the windows are the same too. In fact I matched the 16 degree angle of those walls, better seen on the USS Valiant ready room. I intend to also do those black plastic chairs for the desk, while keeping the better chair from the Enterprise-E for the Captain. I'll probably add a sofa below the windows, and some side tables or stuff like that. The layout is very much in-flux at the moment, still trying to figure things out.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    Warp Propulsion LaboratorywibbleBolianAdmiralStarCruiserLizzy777Rory1707DoctorShmullusseanrBrandenbergevil_genius_180
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    Iโ€™m absolutely loving the ready-room so far.
  • richiewilchrichiewilch60 Posts: 44Member
    @richiewilch: Oh, the cutaway is definitely not all that was built, the total area is identical to what it was on the Yeager, which isn't as much corridor as they actually had on Voyager.

    Oh awesome. That explains why it looks like there's more... because there is. Brilliant stuff.

    Always loved the Defiant aesthetic, and definitely is something that I like about the Thunderchild bridge, so it makes sense for it to carry through into this too. Given the corridor sets that you've done recently too, I wonder how you'd translate the Defiant style, but without the constraints of the corridors needing to be for a smaller vessel. As always, love your work.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    Looking at the position of the chair and desk here makes me wonder if the Dโ€™s ready-room would look a tad more roomy if Picard had his desk and chair by the fish tank wall, facing the painting wallโ€ฆ

    Are you going to incorporate a monitor/view screen like the one in the Defiant/Valiant ready-room as well?
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    @BolianAdmiral: Thanks! IMO the TNG ready room would've have a less optimal use of space that way, as the natural place for people to stand in when they come into the room would've been further away from the sofa. Might have been weirder to film too. As for the view screen, yes, I intend to add it probably on the wall to the right of the desk.

    @richiewilch: Yeah I've been thinking about the corridors, I have some ideas in mind using angled walls, but it's gonna be a while until I tackle that anyway. :)

    Only worked on this for over an hour today, so just a slight refinement of the room shape. I ended up adding another half a meter to the room's width, plus I added another door at the back for a small toilet, something most ready rooms have. I moved the replicator and will be placing a model ship where the replicator was before.

    I also started blocking out a basic shape of the sofa, which is a Brigadier Sofa aka the one used on Voyager's mess hall. To me it's perfect for this location as it sits very low, thus it doesn't block out the windows. Plus because of its deep shape, people won't be hitting their heads against the angled wall.

    BolianAdmiralStarCruiserDoctorShmullusRory1707Lizzy777raztovseanrwibblesolaremesBrandenbergand 1 other.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    Maybe it's distortion from the camera, but it feels like the sofa is slanting downward, anyone else seeing that?
  • StarCruiserStarCruiser387 Posts: 67Member
    It's the angle of the outer walls (aka. bulkheads) and the camera angle combined.

    The seating portion of the sofa is angled downward towards the back, and that would be proper...
  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    Really good stuff here as always. Love the corridors. That square turbolift reminds me of the Battle Bridge lift, or the Excelsior one from STIII.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    I like the table design and the new sofa. One small suggestion would be to move the replicator t the wall behind the desk, on the right side, that way the Captain doesnโ€™t have to get up and walk across the room for a cup of coffee. IIRC, Picard has a small replicator in the wall unit behind his desk on the E. Iโ€™d put the monitor/screen on the wall in front of the desk, so the Captain has only to look straight ahead and address whoever is on the other end.

  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    @BlueNeumann: Like @StarCruiser said, it's the seat portion that's angled down towards the back, thus creating that optical illusion.

    @seanr: Thanks! That lift literally is the battle bridge one, it was reused a ton on Voyager, including as the Prometheus' lift. :)

    @BolianAdmiral: I personally never liked that replicator there in Nemesis, gotta stretch your legs once in a while while you fill in that paperwork! :p

    After thinking about it some more, I wasn't totally happy with that replicator placement either, so I took a page out of the Enterprise-D ready room, and moved it to a little alcove, with the toilet door now further down that little corridor.

    I lowered the intensity of the ceiling lights and added some spotlights, alongside a beam going across the ceiling in the same style as the ones on the Defiant mess hall/sickbay/transporter set (aka the Saratoga and Odyssey bridge). I also modeled a little side table from Voyager's mess hall, which I think fits the style, to have the ship model on. Right now I'm using Marc Bell's Akira model, I'll probably do my own simplified model later. Then again I might remove the ship model entirely and put something else there.

    wibbleDoctorShmullusBolianAdmiralLizzy777ashleytingerStarCruiserRory1707solaremesseanrBrandenbergand 1 other.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • PleiadesPleiades33 Posts: 9Member
    These are all wonderful! I like the wall paneling texture.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    That looks really nice.
  • darkthunderdarkthunder415 SwedenPosts: 105Member
    edited May 23 #3948
    I lowered the intensity of the ceiling lights and added some spotlights, alongside a beam going across the ceiling in the same style as the ones on the Defiant mess hall/sickbay/transporter set (aka the Saratoga and Odyssey bridge). I also modeled a little side table from Voyager's mess hall, which I think fits the style, to have the ship model on. Right now I'm using Marc Bell's Akira model, I'll probably do my own simplified model later. Then again I might remove the ship model entirely and put something else there.
    If I might make one suggestion: Perhaps a smaller version of the Akira, attached to the wall as shown here? Since that area of floor space might be considered a "dead angle", and attaching it flush on the wall would clear some of the space, while still having it visible. Either that, or a diagram/painting of an Akira in that location (not an "MSD" type thing, if your intent is to have a viewscreen on the opposite wall... total security risk) ๐Ÿ˜


    Just a thought. Love the overall look and layout of the ready room so far. Looks both cozy and functional.
    Post edited by darkthunder on
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    Thanks @Pleiades and @BolianAdmiral!

    @darkthunder: That's not a bad idea, but as you'll see I had another idea for that space. :)

    Modeled the Defiant mess hall "bar" for the small space between the replicator and the sofa. Made sense to have a place to put a tray or something like that, plus it adds something visually interesting to that corner I believe.

    Still, I might shuffle things around, as the wall between the door and the windows is particularly empty at the moment, and I don't want to add yet another sort of table.

    Rory1707seanrStarCruiserashleytingerraztovBolianAdmiralDoctorShmullusdarkthunderwibbleBrandenbergand 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • Rory1707Rory1707241 Posts: 244Member
    This ready room is coming along beautifully my friend! ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿพ
  • seanrseanr1452 Brooklyn, NYPosts: 641Member
    Your work just gets better and better. <3 The wall material in particular looks great. Now you just need some visible footprints on the carpet (you know how almost immediately after vacuuming, the pile gets nudged this way and that by people walking on it). If you're interested, I'd be happy to share the material I use for mine. :)
  • lennier1lennier1918 Posts: 1,287Member
    Love it! Great upgrade of the idea for Admiral Ross' office.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    Yes, all that furniture really helps with that distortion! Now it feels like a cozy little room, too.
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    edited May 27 #3954
    @Rory1707: Thanks!

    @seanr: Thanks man! I do have a carpet material set up, it's just that I haven't properly UV mapped the mesh yet, so the texture and procedural details aren't there until I have the pattern finished.

    @lennier1: Thanks!

    @BlueNeumann: Haha, glad to hear!

    I ended up replacing the Voyager-style side table with a simpler design from Nemesis, which is also smaller so it doesn't get in the way so much. I complemented it by adding a matching, longer side table on the empty wall next to the sofa.

    For decoration, I decided to swap the Akira-class model for an HMS Thunder Child model. Given that it is not a real ship, I went with an era appropriate pre-Dreadnought model from CG Trader, probably more impressive than what the torpedo ram was meant to be in the book. I didn't want a super detailed mesh as that would've been distracting, so it's relatively low-poly. I modeled the wooden base to be of a similar style as the one on the USS Saratoga model in Sisko's office.

    I then continued the naval motif with an old-fashioned globe. Plus I also added the wall sculpture I originally did for the USS Appalachia briefing room to the wall behind the Captain, rotated 90 degrees.

    Just to make sure I had the measurements correct for the room to be traversable, I placed a couple chairs from the Appalachia mess hall on the desk opposite the Captain's. I found they fit in quite nicely, so I might keep them rather than doing the cheap plastic chairs from DS9.

    I have yet to add more props all over, as well as finishing the sofa and screen, among smaller details; but I think it's mostly there now.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1216 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,644Member
    I love the wall art behind the desk and the design of the two chairs.
  • Rory1707Rory1707241 Posts: 244Member
    edited May 29 #3956
    The wall art, the globe and the sea faring ship are nice touches to the room.
    Post edited by Rory1707 on
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    That ship looks great on display-- loving the stands as well, minimalist, they don't clutter up the room, which is a help in a contained space like that. Digging the TNG chairs as well, and nice job making all the upholstry look the same. Keeps the room nice and unified.
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    Glad you all like the decor details on the last update!

    I finally bit the bullet and modeled the DS9-style desktop monitor. This thing looks so cumbersome and cheap when compared even to the TNG monitor, let alone the First Contact one I have right next to it...

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
  • StarCruiserStarCruiser387 Posts: 67Member
    I liked to think the DS9 consoles were built that way to handle talking with the Cardassian computer systems in DS9 itself.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann741 Posts: 1,368Member
    That's what I was thinking! Got the beefier equipment because it was a non-Starfleet facility. Like when you need an adaptor when you go abroad.
  • RekkertRekkert4281 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,327Member
    Except of course they were also used at Starfleet Command, Starbase 375, Voyager, Bellerophon, and Jupiter Station, among others. :p
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolioโ€‹
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