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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Oh my gosh, I hadn't seen those before! Those are going right into my reference book!
  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    @Mustang13Camaro68: There's a ramp on the front end. We obviously never saw it in its full glory, but it was there on the interior set. At one point there were also side gullwing doors, but those weren't carried over to the interior.

    Oh, interesting. Like a futuristic BMW Isetta:)
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    edited June 2023 #3754
    Forever remembered as Steve Urkel's car. "It's a Beemer, baby!" Which is actually a great car for that character and a sitcom, very small so it fits on the stage, easy to see inside...
    Post edited by BlueNeumann on
  • darkthunderdarkthunder415 SwedenPosts: 105Member
    edited June 2023 #3755
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Thanks for the kind comments! I went ahead and re-rendered my older Type 7 and Type 15 models, just so they fit with the same style as these, and did orthos as well. They're really old models, with some really terrible work in some areas, but oh well, I did update them a little back when I did the Potemkin shuttlebay. That Type 7 Bussard area still bothers me though, it's all sorts of wrong.


    I rather like the short stubby look of that Type 7 myself. Only question I have, is how does one enter/exit? I'd assume the rear of the shuttle has the impulse engine, but I see no doors on the sides.

    EDIT: Because I'm dumb, didn't read all the replies that came after your images. Including the answer to my question.
    Post edited by darkthunder on
  • admiral hortonadmiral horton201 Posts: 145Member
    please do the Type 8 shuttle there is no good models of this shuttle
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @admiral horton: I love the Type 8 but it's a very complex shape while also keeping the base of the 6, so I won't be tackling it anytime soon.

    I started and dropped this project several times, but now I'm 100% doing some more corridors sets. I'm starting with the Potemkin which will basically be a redress of the standard TNG corridor set as far as style, but the layout will be different. I'll likely incorporate the horizontal paneling from the ship that brought the Siskos to DS9 in 'Emissary', which was identified as an Excelsior class in the novelization (or some other novel, I don't remember).

    Very early stuff, I started by just modifying my existing corridor segment from the Frontier battle bridge, still have to add several details to this area. The turbolift is pretty much identical to the TNG one, just with a handrail and with smaller "windows".

    lennier1Rory1707wibbleStarCruiserashleytingerBolianAdmiraltrekkiPreVizevil_genius_180DoctorShmullusand 5 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Oh, I love that… TNG aesthetic with a VOY color scheme.
  • DoctorShmullusDoctorShmullus54 Posts: 37Member
    I’m always glad to see more Potemkin sets!
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    I know it's kind of a lame question but I did struggle with this in my own project recently, so I just have to ask.
    How did you do the carpet material on your Enterprise D Bridge Set? Did you made custom maps for the surface detail or did you use Blenders own noise texture? If so, what have the settings be? And if you don't mind that I use them for myself I would also be interested in the RGB values of the colour, especially for the red carpet. Thanks in advance.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BolianAdmiral: Thanks! I'm already considering how I'd do the Appalachia corridors to properly mix the TNG and Voy aesthetics! ;)

    @DoctorShmullus: Haha, glad to hear! Because my objective for the Potemkin was always to make a "ship of the week", I often fear they're too bland and uninteresting for people.

    @wibble: The surface detail is just a texture I found online, with another shader with a noise texture added in at 10% to recreate the "splotches" these carpets often had. As for the RGB values as you can see I have them on a color camp, and the resulting look is very dependent on the lighting, so I'd encourage you to experiment until you get the color you like.

    I think I finished with the "hex corridor" portion of the set as far as modeling goes, though I still have to change the door label textures as you can see. I've added the weird ceiling screen bits from early TNG, being an older starship they made sense for Potemkin. I also modeled new keypads for the turbolift doors and the square end alcove that always looked awkward to me. I also redid the lighting inside the lift, the blue neons on the walls are now more intense.

    I started work on the curved parts based on a TMP blueprint (clearer references than the TNG ones available), but it's taking some time, it seems to not be on a single continuous curve which won't make it as modular as I hoped it would be.

    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • ashleytingerashleytinger2152 Central OhioPosts: 1,289Member
    Great work!

    Yeah the TMP corridor is a tricky beast when you're following the top down blueprints. It looks like it should follow a curve but doesn't quite do that.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited July 2023 #3763
    More progress on the Potemkin corridors. Finished the layout and basic modeling for the curved segments. I'm not liking how the horizontal elements brought from the "Emissary" corridor look with the Potemkin colors, so I might do something different there. Thoughts?


    Also, here's a comparison to a quick redress for the Victory corridors (still missing tons of changes). I might shift focus to these, I think they look more interesting. 😅

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    evil_genius_180StarCruiserRory1707Lizzy777DoctorShmulluswibbleashleytingercaveat_imperatorraztovBolianAdmiraland 1 other.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    The stuff from The Emissary looks like something they slapped on there to try and hide the fact that it was just a quick redress of an Enterprise-D corridor. Like "if we put this over the shiny panels, maybe nobody will notice." :lol:

    As for your stuff, it looks great. I especially like the colors in the bottom image.
  • DoctorShmullusDoctorShmullus54 Posts: 37Member
    edited July 2023 #3765
    I agree that the detailing from the Emissary looks a bit out of place. Perhaps using a curved wall like on the refit Enterprise would fit better and also tie it in with the TMP era?

    I’m thinking something like this with the straight wall on one side and the curved on the other side:
    Post edited by DoctorShmullus on
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    The stuff from The Emissary looks like something they slapped on there to try and hide the fact that it was just a quick redress of an Enterprise-D corridor. Like "if we put this over the shiny panels, maybe nobody will notice." :lol:.

    I think was some cobbled together set; it doesn't look like the Enterprise-D corridor to me.

  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    The stuff from The Emissary looks like something they slapped on there to try and hide the fact that it was just a quick redress of an Enterprise-D corridor. Like "if we put this over the shiny panels, maybe nobody will notice." :lol:.

    I think was some cobbled together set; it doesn't look like the Enterprise-D corridor to me.

    Yeah, you might be right. The holodeck doors look like they came from the Enterprise-D, but the rest look like generic wall bits.
  • NevetsNevets203 EarthPosts: 137Member
    Love the overall Potemkin corridor. Stunning work.

    Maybe just switching the dark grey colour with the light brown and vice versa.
  • BlueNeumannBlueNeumann845 Posts: 1,398Member
    Hmm... so for the Potemkin, my first thought was swapping the walls, so the tan panelling is on the interior curve, not the exterior.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited September 2023 #3770
    Thanks for the feedback on the corridors folks! I've taken notes, but working on them proved to be not the most exciting project, especially as I wanted these to be heavily based on the TMP/TNG corridors and existing pieces, so I have to keep my own creativity in check. I consider these on hold until I can be bothered to continue with them.

    During the last month or so I started two other projects though given a lack of time and drive are languishing on my PC. Maybe posting them will give me the motivation to do something with them.

    First off is a Dominion War era Olympic-class bridge, for a medical ship. Very similar in layout to the Pasteur from TNG, but using parts from my Thunderchild bridge. I'd probably name the ship the USS Leloir or use the existing USS Nobel name.


    The second project I actually started this past weekend, and it's a small ready room for the USS Yeager. Going through my references I recalled the ready room of the USS Challenger from VOY:"Timeless" being a redressed wall from Neelex's Baxial bridge, which itself was a redress from the Hathaway/Enterprise-C bridge consoles. So I recreated that wall from my existing meshes, and then went from there to create a very small room, given the size of the ship. I'll probably continue with this one, but it's mostly just decorations and small props to call it done, paintings and stuff like that, so I've got to think what sort of theme I want for those. I know I'll incorporate a model of the X-1 plane Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier with.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    rojrenashleytingerWarp Propulsion LaboratoryStarCruiserBolianAdmiralRory1707evil_genius_180scifiericDoctorShmullusLizzy777and 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    edited September 2023 #3771
    I like the Emissary corridor panels, but I agree with you regarding the color… my suggestion would be to either match them to the darker gray or the lighter gray of the standard corridor panels, to kind of follow the color palette on Voyager. If you recall, the Emissary panels also had little red labels on them, so I’d also add those to break up all the gray. Just my two cents. The DW-era Olympic is looking interesting… I like the inclusion of the Defiant-style stations. As always, excellent work.

    EDIT: I’d also add the top and bottom raised panel detail areas to the Emissary panels, as not only are THOSE what had the little red labels, but the raised panel details add a bit more visual interest to the corridor… IMO.
    Post edited by BolianAdmiral on
  • lennier1lennier1919 Posts: 1,287Member
    Love the idea of an Olympic bridge with access to better parts!
    Are you planning to echo that divider railing, maybe with a Voyager-like console behind the captain?
    StarCruiserRory1707BolianAdmiralscifiericRekkertwibbleWarp Propulsion Laboratory
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @BolianAdmiral: Yes, had I continue with the Potemkin corridors idea those raised panels were planned, I just didn't get to it.

    @lennier1: Divider railing yes, Voyager-like console no. I think for the size and purpose of the Olympic it already has more than enough bridge stations.

    Continued with the Yeager ready room, I've added the FC style display monitor, which I have mixed feelings for as it wastes a lot of space for such a small desk. I could've gone with the Insurrection version as that's a lot more compact, but I really don't like the design on that one. I also completely redid the PADDs I've been using, adding more designs and different sizes.

    Finally for now, I also added some decorations from CG Trader: the previously mentioned Bell X-1 model, and a stretching black cat statue. This last one is in honor of our oldest cat Muffin, who we had to say goodbye to on the same day I started working on this room, after having been fighting an illness for some time.

    Rory1707StarCruiserLizzy777BolianAdmiralwibbleevil_genius_180DoctorShmullusraztovcaveat_imperatorscifiericand 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    Hello my friend. Yes I think the monitor is to large for the size of the desk. Maybe something that slides up when needed would help with the look. IMO of course. 🖖🏾
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Oh, nice… I guess I’m one of the few that actually likes that monitor, lol.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Got a solution for the FC monitor size problem, I think. I really like it's design but it takes a lot of space on the desk when not in use. So I removed some of the glass dividers on the back shelf, and now there's a place to store the monitor on its closed position, I think this works and is quite analogous to how one might store a laptop when not in use.

    On other updates, I got a bonzai tree and some generic books online; and I modeled some isolinear chips and other small details, plus LCARS for the aforementioned monitor. And I added a frame on the wall above the desk, on which I'll place a painting-like render of the Yeager I'm having commissioned.

    The open book's a little easter egg, being a page out of the still in-progress digital book "Starship Class: The History, Traditions, & Workings of Star Trek's Mighty Starships", being written by STO's Art Director Thomas Marrone. As the name implies, the book's a fascinating look at Starfleet vessels through the different Trek productions and their real-life analogues in both contemporary and historical navies.

    DoctorShmullusevil_genius_180StarCruiserWarp Propulsion LaboratoryscifiericRory1707ashleytingerBolianAdmiralLizzy777PreVizand 1 other.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • DoctorShmullusDoctorShmullus54 Posts: 37Member
    That is some nice progress! The ready room is turning out really well
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Nice workaround to keep using that monitor without it being in the way. It is a nice monitor. It's a good thing that shelf is as high as it is, since the monitor in FC opened automatically when Admiral Hayes (windbag) was hailing Picard.
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    The ready room looks awesome. Love your attention to detail!
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    I really like that… the ONE suggestion I might make, is to replace the film-era lighting fixture from between those two windows on the last render… it looks pretty bulky, and quite honestly, just planted on there. My suggestion would be to have lighting on the edges of the windows, like on Voyager. Just my two cents.

  • Mustang13Camaro68Mustang13Camaro68373 DetroitPosts: 178Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    The open book's a little easter egg, being a page out of the still in-progress digital book "Starship Class: The History, Traditions, & Workings of Star Trek's Mighty Starships", being written by STO's Art Director Thomas Marrone. As the name implies, the book's a fascinating look at Starfleet vessels through the different Trek productions and their real-life analogues in both contemporary and historical navies.

    New Star Trek art book you say? That'll have to go on my Christmas wish list.
    MustangCamaro's Other Projects: TaelonMothership MarsAttacks SeaQuestDSV
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