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3DStar Trek Interiors



  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited February 2023 #3662
    @ashleytinger: If using the raised flooring I would have the TMP-style machinery below it, though again I most likely won't go that route.

    @lennier1: Indeed, modularity's always my approach for these things. :)

    @BolianAdmiral: Thanks!

    @vfxart: I'm actually using Cycles here as I do for all my fan art. I use some Octane for my day job at The Roddenberry Archive, but obviously I'm not posting that here. ;) As for the panels, here's an explained node graph I did a while back, though these days there's also some falloff added on the textures to make the LCARS look a bit more realistic to how they were illuminated on sets.

    @scifieric: Thanks so much!

    @evil_genius_180: Thanks, still a lot of work to be done but I'm glad the idea's coming through.

    @Rory1707: Thanks mate!

    Not much time to work on this but some more progress on the walls, added paneling all around and the small door into the staging area. You can also see a rectangular black cutout on the floor right in front of the control alcove, where machinery would be hidden. This is my interpretation of a middle-step between the exposed elements from TMP and the totally flat floor of TNG. Thoughts?

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    vfxartcaveat_imperatorPreVizwibbleRory1707ashleytingerscifiericBolianAdmiralLizzy777DoctorShmullusand 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    That works my friend! 🖖🏾
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    IDK why, but I’ve always loved how the TUC transporter console area was always isolated behind that partition… it helped convey the feeling that the transporter puts out some serious energy fields that the operator should be protected from… like how x-ray technicians need to be in that little booth adjacent to the machine.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited October 2023 #3665
    @BolianAdmiral: Totally! I've been reading up on 'Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise' and it mentions precisely that as the reason for the partition, with the more advanced transporter systems, the operator needs protection from long term exposure.

    Bit of a sideways update today, not at all related to the Victory transporter room. Work is being a bit too much at the moment (can't wait to show you all what we've been working at the Archive), so I rather take my time with that interior.

    For a long while I've been meaning to reorganize my website to better showcase each starship and have all their interiors in a single place, so today I started that process. I created individual pages for the Potemkin, Victory, Yeager and Appalachia; and organized the interiors for each. Feel free to follow the links, they should look like the image below, though right now only Potemkin and Appalachia have brief descriptions on them. It's very early days of this idea, I still have to edit the description for each interior in order to avoid having so much repetition; plus add more in-universe text for each ship; etc.

    Like I said, it's early days, so feel free to give your feedback to how it looks, how the side menu works, etc. I want to polish this idea more if necessary. For example I still don't know if it's worthwhile doing this for all the ships I have with only one interior, or if it's better to leave those on the "other works" section. I fear having too much clutter on the side menu, but I also don't want things to be hard to find.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    ashleytingerlennier1evil_genius_180wibbleRory1707PreVizBolianAdmiralStarCruiserLizzy777DoctorShmullusand 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • lennier1lennier1919 Posts: 1,287Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @BolianAdmiral: Totally! I've been reading up on 'Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise' and it mentions precisely that as the reason for the partition, with the more advanced transporter systems, the operator needs protection from long term exposure.
    Nice thing is, you could also reason that it doubles as a shield projector in case the weapon detection system gets circumvented and someone starts shooting after materializing.
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    I love it. Seeing how each interior links to one specific ship! 🖖🏾
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Bit of a sideways update today, not at all related to the Victory transporter room. Work is being a bit too much at the moment (can't wait to show you all what we've been working at the Archive), so I rather take my time with that interior.

    For a long while I've been meaning to reorganize my website to better showcase each starship and have all their interiors in a single place, so today I started that process. I created individual pages for the Potemkin, Victory, Yeager and Appalachia; and organized the interiors for each. Feel free to follow the links, they should look like the image below, though right now only Potemkin and Appalachia have brief descriptions on them. It's very early days of this idea, I still have to edit the description for each interior in order to avoid having so much repetition; plus add more in-universe text for each ship; etc.

    Like I said, it's early days, so feel free to give your feedback to how it looks, how the side menu works, etc. I want to polish this idea more if necessary. For example I still don't know if it's worthwhile doing this for all the ships I have with only one interior, or if it's better to leave those on the "other works" section. I fear having too much clutter on the side menu, but I also don't want things to be hard to find.

    Brilliant design, I love it. Being able to click on a ship name and get information about the ship and look at the interiors specifically for that ship make for a great interactive experience. I also like how you can click from room to room without leaving that ship to see all of those beautiful renders you've done over the years. :D
  • lennier1lennier1919 Posts: 1,287Member
    @Rekkert: BTW; did you have a hand in Star Trek: Resurgence? Those interiors look surprisingly good like it's your handiwork.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited February 2023 #3670
    Glad people seem to like the new website style! Do you think I should do the same for ships with only one interior, such as Thunderchild or Fontana Station?

    @lennier1: Not involved with Resurgence. They did contact me ages ago, before the game was announced, but then proceeded to ghost me lol

    I finished writing short descriptions for all four starships. These are all written as current in the time period where the "snapshot" of the interiors was taken. So for instance Victory was brand new on its 2293 description, but Potemkin was already 60 years old on its 2368 description.

    As someone who is by no means a writer, I'm quite proud of these. Some info such as Captains names are taken from novels or comics. Do let me know if there's any grammatical error or something like that, having to not only come up with something but also translate it into English is certainly different. :joy:

    I also took the chance to rework the dedication plaques of all these ships. The plaques aren't usually very visible on renders so I never paid super close attention to them, but now each one has the appropriate layout for its era and a unique motto, even though they're purposely low resolution as I didn't want them to dominate the page.

    USS Victory description:
    Originally planned and built as a fast response cruiser able to intercept possible Klingon incursions into Federation space, Victory was commissioned a few months following the signing of the Khitomer Accords. Thus, it was equipped for a role no longer deemed necessary in the political climate of the time.

    Following an initial period of uneventful patrols of the Tholian border while Starfleet Command reviewed its sudden surplus of starships, Victory quickly proved its usefulness when a plague struck Epsilon Canaris III on stardate 13408.7. Despite not being assigned to the relief efforts, Victory's powerful warp engines allowed the ship to reach the afflicted planet faster than any other vessel, and its vast shuttlebays were quickly converted into quarantine areas for the sicken population, helping to quickly isolate the virus and develop a cure. By the time the medical ship USS Houssay reached the planet, Victory already had the situation under control, impressing both the Epsilon Canarians and Starfleet Command.

    Initially thought of as a ship doomed to obsolescence before even leaving drydock, thanks to the ingenuity of its crew Victory became an example of how cold-war era starships could excel at peace-time roles.
    USS Potemkin description:
    A ship of the line when first commissioned in 2308, by the late 2360's Potemkin was an old but reliable workhorse mostly assigned missions inside Federation space, such as outpost resupply runs, VIP transport, or low-level diplomatic assignments. The ship is currently under the command of Captain Marcus Bertrand, its 11th commanding officer.

    Multiple computer system upgrades over the years mean the ship's power requirements exceed those the 60 year old warp core is able to deliver. Because of this, low priority subsystems are run at a lower power than standard, which results in dimmer levels of lighting when compared to most contemporaneous Federation starships. A 3-months refit scheduled to occur no later than on stardate 49327.8 at Starbase 74 aims to, among other things, replace the warp core with a newer revision to provide the needed power levels for all of Potemkin's systems.
    USS Appalachia description:
    Appalachia was among the first Steamrunner-class heavy frigates completed on Copernicus Fleet Yards in 2373, with the starship class having been introduced only a couple years before. Its shakedown cruise on the outskirts of the Sol system coincided with the Borg incursion into Federation space, and Appalachia proved instrumental in the hours leading up to the Battle of Sector 001.

    With only a skeleton crew on board, the ship shadowed the cube at maximum sensor distance and took detailed readings before the rest of the fleet was in a position to attack. This tactical information proved the basis for Vice Admiral Hayes' battle plan. After finishing repairs following the battle, Appalachia was properly commissioned and placed under the command of Captain Ahmed al-Rashid.
    USS Yeager description:
    One of the first Saber-class starships to enter service, Yeager was commissioned under the command of Captain Melissa Binde and assigned to patrol shipping routes in the Typhoon Sector, a known hotspot of Nausicaan raiders. During its first 15 months of deployment, Yeager disabled 6 Nausicaan ships before eventually driving the raiders off the area altogether.

    This glowing performance added to the raising reputation of the Saber class as a small yet dependable escort. While not as capable as the more compact Defiant class, its more traditional construction and larger size meant it was more popular with both crews and construction yards personnel.

    On stardate 50893.5, the Borg began a new incursion into Federation space. Yeager was part of an assembled response fleet, and assigned to the third combat wave alongside starships Anchorage, Hiroshima, Tannu Tuva, Galatea, and Pearson. By the time the fleet managed to engage the Borg, they had already entered Sector 001. Yeager performed admirably during the battle, but received extensive damage to its ablative armor and power systems in the engagement.

    Currently undergoing repairs, Yeager is scheduled to return to service by stardate 51027.4, and expected to join the Seventh Fleet ahead of Starfleet's counter-offensive against the new Dominion threat.
    Post edited by Rekkert on
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • wibblewibble1374 Weimar, GermanyPosts: 613Member
    I as well like the new design and I feel like the design of a website should be consistent over the whole site. Therefore I vote that you do the same for the ships with only one interior. Also it's always possible that you will do a second or third interior for those ships at some point in the future.
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    edited February 2023 #3672
    I love the look of the new website style my friend and I think all interiors should receive the updated treatment in the future when you have the time. 🖖🏾
    Post edited by Rory1707 on
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    It's interesting seeing you list the Victory as originally intended to be a "fast response cruiser." While it's not canon, the original intent by its designers for the Constellation class was for it to be a fast science vessel. In the article in Star Trek: The Magazine, the mission was slightly updated, but still science driven:

    "The class's mission statements were: long-range sensor analysis within threat territories, communications, intelligence gathering, deployment and retrieval of cargo and stealth shuttles, general science and patrol duties."

    In case anyone is wondering, Rick Sternbach is the source of this information, via Memory Alpha. B)
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Glad people seem to like the new website style! Do you think I should do the same for ships with only one interior, such as Thunderchild or Fontana Station?

    It looks great for the ships with multiple interiors, but I personally wouldn't go to all that work for ships with just one. Your "Other Works" pages are working nicely. :)
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited February 2023 #3674
    @evil_genius_180: I do think different vessels are slightly optimized for different purposes even on the same class, so Victory specifically was intended for a more militaristic mission profile over other Constellations.

    Finished tweaking the website design, and added another page with all the ships one after the other in chronological order, so that if you want you can see them all together. Because of this, I decided to eventually convert all my personal projects into this format eventually, even those with only one interior (and you can see I already did this for the Lalo). My original fear was that having dedicated pages for ships with only one interior was a chore to navigate through for folks who just quickly wanted to check all there was; this new chronological page solves this:

    I also changed the naming convention I use for each interior page, given there's no need to repeat the ship name I now have the deck listed. For example, 'USS Potemkin Ready Room' became 'Deck 02: Ready Room' on the USS Potemkin album. This now means that hovering over an interior in the ship view displays more relevant info, as you can see:

    There's still some stuff I'd like to change, but I'm up against the limit of what ArtStation's portfolio builder is able to do. I'd love to have the cutaways shown centered rather than starting from the left; for the text utilize more of the page rather than being confined to a small portion on the center; to be able to change the font, color and placement on that 'Deck 02: Ready Room' text; but this will do for now. Tomorrow it'll be back to 3D interiors instead of website design. :p

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    @evil_genius_180: I do think different vessels are slightly optimized for different purposes even on the same class, so Victory specifically was intended for a more militaristic mission profile over other Constellations.

    Indeed. There can be different missions for different ships. Besides, none of the stuff about the Constellation class being a science vessel is canon anyway. That's just what Probert and Sternbach had in mind when they designed the ship.

    The website looks great. :+1:
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited February 2023 #3676
    Kept working on the website on and off this week, learnt a bit of CSS to get some stuff more like I wanted to, and now and all the interiors of the listed ships have in-universe (if a little brief and formulaic) descriptions. Part of me wishes to give it a proper in-universe name kinda like the Starfleet Museum or ASDB sites have, but I can't come up with anything so at least for now it still has my name even if that's a bit awkward IMO.

    Anyway, more progress on the Victory transporter room. I've shifted things around a little, and reworked the control alcove somewhat. There's now different detailing on the walls, a segmented display panel on the back, and different detailing at the front below the "USS Victory" text, as I didn't like the previous paneling there.

    On the transporter pad itself, I designed a new top platform to try and bridge the gap between the TWoK and TNG transporter platforms, it now has 6 individual spotlights beneath semi-translucent platforms similar to the TMP-era ones, but sunken instead of elevated. I also turned the vertical lights at the sides back on, to add more light into the room.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    evil_genius_180caveat_imperatorRory1707ashleytingervfxartDoctorShmullusStarCruiserBolianAdmiralLizzy777scifiericand 2 others.
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  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    Definitely would look more fitting to the era. I still think they should have - when they used the TNG transporter room for the Enterprise-A one in TFF and TUC - changed the back paneling to the honeycomb that was seen in TMP, TWOK, and TSFS. Of course there was the budget and time problem, although they did use a different back paneling in Insurrection when they re-used the Voyager transporter set for the Enterprise-E.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    @Rusty0918: Yeah, the back panel instantly turns the set into a different room, it's so easy to set the era and tone with it. To be fair they did a pretty exhaustive job at redressing the room for TUC, only the transporter pad area was left almost entirely as it was on TNG (well, and a side LCARS they forgot to remove :joy:).

    Added a lot of new labels all over the room, and in fact took the chance to completely redo my existing TUC-era labels as well to make them more accurate.

    I also changed the way top elements of the transporter (the 6 circle-things with the wavy lines above the pads) worked. These are now proper glass wafers with thickness, so the light behind them can be more natural and doesn't bleed into the room so much.

    DoctorShmullustrekkiRory1707ashleytingerStarCruisercaveat_imperatorBolianAdmiralevil_genius_180Lizzy777Warp Propulsion Laboratoryand 3 others.
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  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    Added miscellaneous stuff, like more paneling on the walls, the transporter control graphic on the console, and some light sconces on the walls. I wanted to break up all the grey but I didn't like how coloring any of the existing elements looked like, I think the sconces work instead.

    @Donny suggested some tweaks to me as well, and I decided to go with his suggestion to warm up the vertical lights at each side of the transporter pad, as it better balances all the cold lighting coming up from that area.

    DoctorShmullusashleytingerWarp Propulsion LaboratoryRory1707BolianAdmiralevil_genius_180StarCruiserLizzy777caveat_imperatorscifiericand 1 other.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Nobody tell McCoy or Pulaski that the nickname for that glass partition is “splatter shield”… j/k… 😜
  • Rusty0918Rusty0918272 Posts: 460Member
    Nobody tell McCoy or Pulaski that the nickname for that glass partition is “splatter shield”… j/k… 😜

    That's what McCoy called it in the novel "Ex Machina," which takes place just after TMP.
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited March 2023 #3682
    Splatter shield? Sounds like it would've been useful to have one of those on the NSEA Protector... :joy:

    Not much time to work on this today, but I finished the displays, plus tweaked their coloring and lighting a bit, to make them more accurate. I also did new textures on Inkscape for the floors, creating more accurate patterns to both the metal floor from the Ent-B bridge and the rubber floor from the TNG transporter room, both of which I'm using here. I also finished doing the access panel on the floor and added details on the step into the side area. I won't be adding a carpet in the end, I did some test patterns but there's not much space for one without it looking awkward IMO.

    I think this is finished now? Am I missing something obvious? Have so much on my head I honestly can't remember so help me out hahah

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    StarCruiserRory1707DoctorShmullusLizzy777ashleytingercaveat_imperatortrekkievil_genius_180Warp Propulsion Laboratoryscifiericand 2 others.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • vfxartvfxart1315 PNWPosts: 273Member
    Cup holders? USS Victory gift shop? Dunkin' Donuts replicator?
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Rusty0918 wrote: »
    That's what McCoy called it in the novel "Ex Machina," which takes place just after TMP.

    That’s hysterical… I didn’t know that.
  • BolianAdmiralBolianAdmiral1227 Torrance, CaliforniaPosts: 2,650Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    Splatter shield? Sounds like it would've been useful to have one of those on the NSEA Protector... :joy:

    Poor pig-lizard…
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    "...and it exploded."
    "Did I just hear that the animal turned inside out, and then it EXPLODED? Hello?"
    "Hold, please."
  • RekkertRekkert4348 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,336Member
    edited March 2023 #3687
    Gonna call the transporter room finished, did some very minor tweaks the other day but that's it. I'll render the final images when I have time during the weekend.

    Meanwhile, I've been tweaking the other Victory interiors given the modifications I've done to my resources for the 2290's. The bridge, briefing room, and sickbay all got the new floor texture, updated labels and okudagrams, and a general detailing pass.

    The briefing room in particular got a new carpet below the table and sconces at each side of the door, plus a slightly redesigned Starfleet Command flag. Sickbay got the most changes; with a brand new main entrance door inspired on the Enterprise-B sickbay door rather than the awkward turbolift alcove it had before; a modified ship patch for the beds; a carpeted area for the CMO's office, among smaller stuff like extra labels all over the room. Feel free to go through the links above to see all the new renders.

    Post edited by Rekkert on
    Warp Propulsion Laboratoryevil_genius_180Rory1707Lizzy777DoctorShmullusscifiericStarCruiserwibble
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • Warp Propulsion LaboratoryWarp Propulsion Laboratory915 BrooklynPosts: 324Member
    Rekkert wrote: »
    I think this is finished now? Am I missing something obvious? Have so much on my head I honestly can't remember so help me out hahah

    Hey Rekkert. Sorry I'm late to the party, but I'm not sure if you wanted to add the "transporter faders" to the console or not. I think you nailed the lighting on the LCARS displays.

    Please visit my YouTube channel!

    Formerly furswift
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804824 Posts: 11,337Member
    I like the new entry alcove for the Victory's sickbay. It no longer looks like you borrowed it from the bridge set. :)
  • Rory1707Rory1707243 Posts: 247Member
    edited March 2023 #3690
    I love the update to the Victory’s sickbay doors. It has its own look now!
    Post edited by Rory1707 on
  • GateGirlGateGirl111 Richmond, NSW, AustraliaPosts: 58Member
    That is absolutely amazing. I love doing interiors, sadly they are way below the mark for publishing. B)
    Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
    Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
    A dream from which — we pray to wake.
    A dream from which — we wake and go
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