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3DMy Take on the Excalibur



  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Not really a update but the Excalibur is being put on hold for a bit because i'm working with my step mother to make a custom tailored Starfleet uniform for Cons. This is not going to be a cheap o off the shelf costume either.
  • Randy TjangRandy Tjang0 Posts: 0Member
    stfanboy wrote: »
    Not really a update but the Excalibur is being put on hold for a bit because i'm working with my step mother to make a custom tailored Starfleet uniform for Cons. This is not going to be a cheap o off the shelf costume either.
    Which era?
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    TNG-First Contact variant.
  • Apollo RacerApollo Racer0 Posts: 0Member
    I was checking out this thread, and I've gotta say, this Excalibur is one amazing ship. It's really saying something when you use Sovereign-class starships as auxiliaries. I mean cripes, you need to use site-to-site transporters just to travel within the thing. :lol:
  • kuckuk333kuckuk333178 Posts: 209Member
    well, honestly i preferred the original size of 1919 meters length, but i'm still curious what this baby will develope like
  • kuckuk333kuckuk333178 Posts: 209Member
    i just discovered some discrepancies. taking the last sizecomparison as reference with 685 m for the Sovereign the Birg-Cube is only 1819 meters long. but actually it is 3036 meters long. taking this scale for the D'deridex this means a length of only 995 meters for the romulan warbird, but it was originally designed at a length of 1353 meters.
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    Interesting uniform. Does it have something like the TWOK++ uniforms, or why the shoulder strap?
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    kuckuk333 wrote: »
    i just discovered some discrepancies. taking the last sizecomparison as reference with 685 m for the Sovereign the Birg-Cube is only 1819 meters long. but actually it is 3036 meters long. taking this scale for the D'deridex this means a length of only 995 meters for the romulan warbird, but it was originally designed at a length of 1353 meters.

    Yeah the birg cube is off a tad.
    Aresius wrote: »
    Interesting uniform. Does it have something like the TWOK++ uniforms, or why the shoulder strap?

    I did at first but it would be easier to make it like a first contact admirals jacket. Kept the strap for rank pips.
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Nice Work on the Excalibur Class refit, like how you made the ship longer. This should of been the original Excalibur. In my opinion the Sovereign Class should be as big as this Excalibur Class. May be that will be your next project refit the Sovereign Class to be Almost the same size as the Excalibur.
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    The Sovereign is good where it is.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    I look forward to seeing more.
  • regemetregemet0 Posts: 0Member
    So do I.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Something to spark any interest in even larger starships.

    Imagine widening this ship's saucer,
    And combining it with this:

    Nice find here O/T
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    That be cool to do. BTW waiting on a upgrade so "Cali" is being put into hibernation. Every time I start cutting 3DS crashes and Windows is like "AH HELL NA!!!". So I'm restarting Starwolf from scratch while i'm waiting for a upgrade and more monies.
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Lack of money is a plague on all creative people. The personality type of folks who make a lot (Mr. Lohan from Wall Street--type A to the max) isn't what you see here. I move that Facebook's Zuckerberg spend one of his many billions into making 1,000 people into millionaires. Freed from jobs, what they would really have is time.

    Thanks again for making trek ships larger while doing it in a decent, non-over-the-top manner.
  • JaeihJaeih0 Posts: 0Member
    Outstanding work on your Federation Excalibur Dreadnought! Also I congratulate you on your awesome work with the drawings of your Excalibur Dreadnought with the Weapons Pod!! I do have a few questions that I hope you would be able to take the time to respond to answer them. What are those 4 weapons located just above the Deflector Dish? You know....I think that you could have placed the same type of cannon (I still believe it to be 4 Isokinetic Mk II Cannons tucked close together working as one very large Isokinetic Cannon, when fired) that Brian Minosh created with his Intimidator Class Kitbash. It looks like a Sovereign Class Starship but with an extra Warp Nacelle above and in the center of the other two Warp Nacelles. If you care to e-mail me, I would be happy to send you his drawings of that starship with the awesome cannon mounted in the forward section of the showing the cannon at rest and the other two drawings showing the cannon firing its massive blast! It is truly impressive to see! Please trust me when I say this; I care for the Federation Excalibur Class Starship more than any other Federation Class Starship. Therefore, I would not want to clutter up the front of that Excalibur with anything other than that type of Isokinetic Cannon! I ask you to consider adding that front end weapon design to your awesome Excalibur Class Dreadnought. Again, I think your Federation Excalibur Class Dreadnought really "Rocks" and if I sounds like I am out of this time period... it is truly "The Bomb"! I would also like you to, if you could find the time, to provide me with all the "Specs" of your fine starship, including its "Mass" in Metric Tons, complete speeds of your starship {Cruising Warp Speed/Max Cruising Warp Speed/Max Rated Warp Speed}, since it has dual Warp Cores, unless the other one is for the weapons systems & cloak, also other types of drives, and a complete breakdown of its weapons. If I may be so bold as to please hope that you do not have "Type XII" Phasers...hopefully they are at least "Type XV" or better yet, "Type XVIII", which incorporate the Phaser Array with a Pulse Phaser derived from the Defiant Class and it has three settings...(1) Pulse Phaser Beam, (2) Phaser Beam, & (3) a Wide Beam. I hope that I did not bore you but, please, if you can, respond with your answers when you are able. Thank you very much!

    Always In Christ,
    [email protected]
    Always an Excalibur Fan!
  • Steven_PicklesSteven_Pickles0 Posts: 0Member
    You know me, I've loved the Cal since you first started modelling it. I've always been a fan of larger ships, now if I can get my head round the likes of blender I could try and model Warrior.....
  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    rwking wrote: »
    But the important part is that none of these larger scale vessels.......vger, fesarius, voth....etc, were FEDERATION / STARFLEET constructs or builds. That was the point I was making.

    Actually, the Fesarius was constructed by the First Federation.. :p
  • BCBC0 Posts: 0Member
    The First Federation is not the same Federation that Kirk and company work for, though from the visuals in ST:TNG they eventually either joined or at least exchanged ambassadors since some of Balok's people seem to be present in the background in one of the government buildings scenes.

    One non-canon but commonly accepted belief is that the Fesarius is a bulk cargo carrier with a small independent "tug" command module similar to the Nostromo from Alien.
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    Melak wrote: »
    Actually, the Fesarius was constructed by the First Federation.. :p

    Haha I forgot about the Fesarius.

    Thanks Jaeih, I actually don't know the specs on her. I haven't really thought about it. I just wanted a large, very large Federation ship. Also the credits don't go to me. The orginal ship was designed by Steven Davis. What ever happened to that dude? Steven, What ever happen to that ship you are working on? Busy with school?

    I haven't worked on this ship for a long time because I had to start over. I do have some things that I restarted but haven't touched it for a few months. I have been busy working on Terra Station, fighting with Iray, playing CitiesXL2012, and working out. :)
  • Steven_PicklesSteven_Pickles0 Posts: 0Member
    Mine is on hold for the moment, just busy with school. I'm planning on going back to the drawing board literally with some aspects of the design as its always evolving. The general shape is perfect, that I don't want to change its just other minor details. So Im going to start sketching again and once I've done some I can scan it on here for you to see. Then its a case of getting my head round blender.......
  • publiusrpubliusr551 Posts: 1,749Member
    Keep up the good work--and here is hoping for better luck.
  • MaxonisMaxonis0 Posts: 0Member
    -Sees thread and gets excited!
    -Painstakingly reads every post and follows the timeline (I'm just not the kind of A-hole that goes to the last page immediately)
    -Sees date of last post

  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    So... you're the kind of A-hole that necroposts? :flippy:
  • MaxonisMaxonis0 Posts: 0Member
    Sure I'm a bit (just over a year) late to the party...and yeah i have no 3d modelling skills worth mentioning (I did actually do a simple render of the NCC-1701 in flight a few years ago but for the sake of what little dignity I have I'll keep that off the internet thank you very much), but that does not by definition make me an A-hole, and neither does it change the fact that this project looks (looked....) awesome, and deserved completion, at least as far as I'm concerned.

    As for the post itself, all it does is draw attention to this thread and the fact that it died prematurely. How is that a bad thing?

    I realize I may be overreacting, but I've seen a few internet arguments start in ways nearly as insignificant as this, and if this thread comes back to life again (which as I said I would love to see), I don't want it to be to house an argument about...well...nothing.

    This concludes my rant, I hope you had fun reading it, and if you did it, then congrats on wasting a few seconds of your life.

    P.S. I am very well aware that I cant take a joke...:argh:
  • evil_genius_180evil_genius_1804462 Posts: 11,127Member
    Here's the simple non judgmental and non hostile explanation for why necroposting is frowned upon:

    When you post in a thread in which the author hasn't posted in over a year, you're bumping the thread to the top of the list of threads. When you do that, you move threads that are active down the list. You also draw attention to the thread, making people who were following the project hopeful that there has been an update. When they see that there hasn't been one, they're unhappy.

    Now, there are a few reasons why a thread goes dormant. First, the author may have simply lost interest in or stopped working on the project for a number of reasons. Second, the author may no longer be active on the site for a number of reasons. Third, the author may have died. (don't think that can't happen, it has in the past) I could go on, but you get the idea.

    Whatever the reason for the thread's dormancy, necroposting usually doesn't bring the author back. The author will only come back if he/she wishes to. If they lost interest in the project, they may never get it back. (I've been there many times) If they're no longer active on the site for whatever reason, they're not likely to be coming back to check on the status of their thread. In the case of stfanboy, as far as I know he's still active on the site, but that still doesn't necessarily mean he's going to come back and work on his project some more. He may. If he does, that would be the time to bump the thread.

    Anyway, that's why necroposting is frowned upon.
  • MaxonisMaxonis0 Posts: 0Member
    Thank you for not being aggressive right away (being called an A-hole in response to your first post isn't the best motivator in the world), and though I realized it was futile, I felt i had been lurking long enough and should take some sort of action.

    If you will now excuse me, my lurker brethren have summoned me...
  • StarscreamStarscream231 Posts: 1,049Member
    Maxonis, just two points:

    1) My response to you was actually a joke (despite the fact that, yes, necroposting is bad forum etiquette); the emote should have been a clear enough indicator, and I suspect it was successful as you then admitted yourself that you can't take a joke. If I'd intended it to be "aggressive", I guarantee there would have been no mistaking it. And just so we're clear, that comment right there is likewise not being aggressive; I'm simply providing clarification.
    2) You referred to yourself as "not a certain kind of A-hole" in your necropost; what I did was merely a callback to that comment.

    (And, apologies for the late response; I've been away overseas where the internet quality was less than wonderful!)
  • CaptRicoSakaraCaptRicoSakara171 Posts: 0Member
    If I may ask, STfanboy, how many decks is your Excalibur-Class, and what's it's length in meters?
  • stfanboystfanboy67 Posts: 388Member
    If I may ask, STfanboy, how many decks is your Excalibur-Class, and what's it's length in meters?

    My Friend Steven Pickles who is also on here did a calculation but I can't remember. I think it was around 350 or something. It might be more though. The length is 11.2km.
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