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3DSkies of Septerra WIP



  • bbzwbbzwbbzwbbzw1 Posts: 0Member
    That looks absolutely great! If you could have some spin blur on the propellers it would really bring it alive.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Khay wrote: »
    Who is the genius at Ankara Shipyard who though bottle green was a good color for a raider airship ? ^^

    It looks great. Model is incredible, shape is great, plenty of guns everywhere to look serious, the bow mounted props for lateral maneuvering add a nice realistic touch (but what about vertical maneuvering?^^). Texture and ambient lights work fine to my untrained eye, you seemed quite concerned about that (appart the fact that green is discutable in terms of discretion, but, oh well, it still looks cool and seems to mean business). The glass panels might need a little bit of... well, i don't know much about texturing, they just look a little bit "fake" compared to the hull.

    That poor dude on the conning tower must be freezing, though :)

    Funny thing, I can point at Valkyrie Studios as the color selector :). here`s a screenshot from the ancient game:
    On the front is an ankaran carrier and on the rear - ankaran jager.

    However, I think there`s a logic after the color selection. If you think about it, the color will do a good work, hiding the ship in it`s most vulnurable state - on the ground.

    Can you point out, what looks fake with the glass?

    And, despite sea of clouds under the ship, it isn`t too high. Septerra is layered. And bellow ship you see a cloud layer that is one shell bellow. If there`s a landmass nearby, it may be not that feezing around the ship. Here`s a little graph to illustrate the structure:
    bbzwbbzw wrote: »
    That looks absolutely great! If you could have some spin blur on the propellers it would really bring it alive.

    I still have to find out how to do the spin blur, both in kerkythea and photoshop...
  • KhayKhay0 Posts: 0Member
    Thanks for the answer and the graph. I was worried for the poor watchman ^^
    I like the idea of the storm layers, that must make for risky but greatly rewarding opportunities to sneak above and below, i imagine action sequences in the style of Tom Clancy's submarine action in The Hunt for Red October or Red Storm Rising ^^ But in the air!!!

    Concerning the glass i think what bugs me is the color. After a look at images of warships on wikipedia, windows often either reflect the grey-ish color of the hull and the maritime environment, or look near black when there is no reflection, depending on the angle. To me the color you choose is more reminiscent of the colored plastic pieces of a scale model than the "real" thing. Of course i realize that it is a very personnal feeling, and that getting the thing right is easier said than done. With the green hull and grey-blue sky you might actually have nailed the right color blending both, actually, and i i might be perfectly wrong. I'm nitpicking on details, there.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Khay wrote: »
    Thanks for the answer and the graph. I was worried for the poor watchman ^^
    I like the idea of the storm layers, that must make for risky but greatly rewarding opportunities to sneak above and below, i imagine action sequences in the style of Tom Clancy's submarine action in The Hunt for Red October or Red Storm Rising ^^ But in the air!!!

    Yes, ability to pass through the storm layer, is what divide "littoral" ships from "intercontinental" ones.
    Concerning the glass i think what bugs me is the color. After a look at images of warships on wikipedia, windows often either reflect the grey-ish color of the hull and the maritime environment, or look near black when there is no reflection, depending on the angle. To me the color you choose is more reminiscent of the colored plastic pieces of a scale model than the "real" thing. Of course i realize that it is a very personnal feeling, and that getting the thing right is easier said than done. With the green hull and grey-blue sky you might actually have nailed the right color blending both, actually, and i i might be perfectly wrong. I'm nitpicking on details, there.

    Well, originaly the material I use for windows was a mirror-like window on some kind of building. I just liked the color and use it without any second thoughts on most, if not all my models with non-transparent glass parts. I see if I can make it more greyish and render to see how it wil looks like.

    BTW, re-read your previous post just to find out that I missed one question - about vertical maneuvering. The ship maneuver vertically just like submarine or dirigible will. Increase it`s "lifting power" to move up, decrease - to move down. If you need to adjust stability - different tanks in lift system can provide different lifting power.
  • ElowanElowan0 Posts: 0Member
    Green is not a bad choice at all. My Antaran fleet is green though of a darker shade.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Glass looks better now, I think. Still can`t find how to make transparent blurry props...
  • KhayKhay0 Posts: 0Member
    AWESOME :D the transparency and innner details are great!
  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    those are quite amazing. strangely enough it seems to look it'as best when seen from the shadowed side. are you going to try some renders with the cargo bay thing folded up? maybe also try some images from further above or from below.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    This seems to be as good blur as I can do. No idea, how to make the border increasingly transparent. If someone can find an example for kerkythea, It would be a great help.

    There aren`t that much inner details - just a few chairs :D Will do some console mock-up soon.

    Yes, I like shadowed side view too. Will do some renders with external cargo sled closed, when I finish all minor details.

  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    your back engines are cutting in to your hull also for the trasnperancy issue addd a gradiant transparancy to it..
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    There`s no such thing as "transparancy" in Kerkythea. There`s "clipping" which cuts the rotor area from square texture and there`s "refraction" which make the object transparent AND "glassy". From those two, "clipping" do not work in "gradient". It`s "on" or "off" on any given point. "Refraction" do work in gradient (rotor blades are less transparent than other disc), but I wasn`t able to make border of the disc to gradually disappear. Probably, there`s a way, but I don`t know the right settings.

    And no, engines do not cut in the hull. The disc isn`t exactly circular - there are gaps between the "blades" of the rotor texture - that is the area, that you think is cutting in. If you look at that area accurately, you can see some separate pixels of texture inside the "cut in" area. That`s how "clipping" work on "gradient" texture.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    do the transpernacy gradiant in photshop then
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    colbmista wrote: »
    do the transpernacy gradiant in photshop then
    Sadly enough, as I posted before, kerkythea is not working this way. You can`t add gradient to "clipping". Any given point on clipping map is either "on" or "off". You can`t make gradient map to "transparency", because there`s no such separate parameter. You can add gradient map to "refraction" and that is done allready.

    Few quick renders.

    Basic internal layout of the ship. I won`t be doing detailed interior - but there is a basic layout, since it is a player`s ship, plus it gives basic understanding of ship`s construction and functionality. Not all internals are there yet, but here`s what i have done allready.

    And a few outside renders. Testing how navigator`s bridge will look loke with internals and once again trying to make propellers look better...
    Funny thing - the solution seems to be the clipping turned off, and in addition to refraction, black background color of the main texture. No idea why it works this way.
  • BorklessBorkless171 Posts: 0Member
    Cool! Are those fuel or lift-gas tanks in the upper hull? If they're the latter, where's fuel/water/consumables stored?
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Those tanks are part of lift system. Water and nutrient supply (yes, ship have some living organs as part of lift system) are in those "monolythic" areas near the keel. Not modelled yet. Living core of the lift system is that spherical thing in the center of the ship, under the bridge. Behind the lift core - generators and steam turbines.
  • bbzwbbzwbbzwbbzw1 Posts: 0Member
    That looks incredible! Some of your best work for sure.
  • ZeropointZeropoint0 Posts: 0Member
    I want to give you major props for two things: first, realizing that naval-style turrets take up as much space below the deck as they do above, something that many people don't seem to grasp (although its hard to blame them too much, because you can't SEE those parts without a cutaway view). Second, realizing that a military ship has a large proportion of its hull volume taken up by engineering and propulsion systems (in this case, lift systems). This looks like a low-endurance ship to me, meant for short missions, because I don't see much storage space for fuel, ammo, and food . . . but you did say it was a raider, meant to get in, take stuff, and get out; it's not meant for long patrols away from home.

    Of course, this is the visual arts, not naval engineering, so all of that is for nothing if the finished product doesn't look good . . . and yours looks great!
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Zeropoint wrote: »
    I want to give you major props for two things: first, realizing that naval-style turrets take up as much space below the deck as they do above, something that many people don't seem to grasp (although its hard to blame them too much, because you can't SEE those parts without a cutaway view).
    Well, As you can see, there IS some space reserved for ammo storage and ammo elevator. Not modelled, since this is just a schematic view. Additionaly, since the weapons are in essence railguns, there is no propellant storage.
    Second, realizing that a military ship has a large proportion of its hull volume taken up by engineering and propulsion systems (in this case, lift systems). This looks like a low-endurance ship to me, meant for short missions, because I don't see much storage space for fuel, ammo, and food . . . but you did say it was a raider, meant to get in, take stuff, and get out; it's not meant for long patrols away from home.

    And here comes in play the world settings. There is no "fuel". Generators provide heat constantly... Think of it as a sort of nuclear reactor without radiation and need for radioactives. 2 specificaly shaped corite crystals (native mineral, much like diamond in structure), when placed in focus of each other, are heating. Such systems, converting radiation, emitted from core of the planet, into heat, are used by natives in conjunction with different steam engines, to convert heat in nearly endless supply of electricity. In some cases thermo-couple converters are used, when miniaturization is the key feature. In case of current ship, it have nearly unlimited (in long run) amount of power, to spin the propellers. Of course, this apply only to cruise speed, when all the steam is fully recycled back into water and used again. On maximum output, excessive steam is jettisoned through the pipes into the atmosphere. Here the supplies of water comes into play.

    Another limiter, is the nutrient liquid supply. Since lifting system is partially alive, it require something to keep it functional.
    And third - yes, this ship is a raider. It isn`t supposed to handle continuous or numerous combat situations, so the ammo storage is limited. However, it can handle enough space for food and water supplies for the crew, to handle prolonged raids.
    Of course, this is the visual arts, not naval engineering, so all of that is for nothing if the finished product doesn't look good . . . and yours looks great!
    Well, I try to keep the design "belivable", in borders of given rules of the world. Thanx.
    That looks incredible! Some of your best work for sure.

    Thanx, that means a lot for me.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    you know this is a really fantastic piece of design and modeling - love it - love the whole idea really ever since first played skies or arcadia - but something just struck me - yeah i'm going technical here for a flying battleship lol - but the surface area of the ship is quite large and it would weight a lot so a 60mph wind would totally overwhelm the engines except for going into or with the wind - realistically this would need jets at minimum for any sort of directional control in anything but static air conditions - think blimp but much heavier -engines would need to be orders of magnitude more power just to account for the fact the things is made of metal not fabric and lighters than air gases so steering issues blimps have in strong winds would just be amplifed

    but otherwise excelent work - love it
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Ship is still lighter then air technically ;) Altho, my thought was - more inertia - less problems with steering against wind. I could be wrong, of course. Additionaly, this ship isnt THAT large - it is ~ 80 meters long. About 1/3 of famous "Graf Zeppelin" And very small fraction of it`s volume. Sure thing, it takes some time to speed the ship up, but I doubt that there will be lot of issues with wind. As I`ve said before - I can be wrong, I`m not a specialist on this matter.

    And jet engines are almost impossible by world settings (no fossil fuels, no oil, no natural gas, but unlimited electricity). For steering, instead of rudder, steering thrusters are used (those in the hole in the bow of the ship). Think of it as helicopters tail rotor. Same function.
  • StormcloudStormcloud2 Posts: 0Member
    no expert either but problem with inertia is the wind would impart inertia probably easier than your engines - that said getting technical seems a bit silly for flying battleship - but it just popped into my head that this thing would have to spend most of its time pointing more into wind than at its destination - but then as you say no fuel so might not be quick but would get there in the end
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Temporary ship sheet. Both render and frame errors would be updated soon.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    Stonecold wrote: »
    Temporary ship sheet. Both render and frame errors would be updated soon.

    great work, would add an orthographic diagram somewhere in there though.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Would be there in final version. There is a space on the grid left for orthographic projections :)
  • Rick27Rick270 Posts: 0Member
    Looks great, do you render with Kerkythea too? if so, they look very good!
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Yes, everything done in Sketchup + Kerkythea + the image frame in photoshop. In kerkythea - "metropolis light transport" was used as the renderer - 200 passes were more then enough for near-perfect image.

    Well, here`s the final version of the ship`s sheet. Changed the look of the frame to sort of "techno-magical" style, added orthos.

  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Resumed building of courier cutter. Here`s a little update - minor model improvement and start of pannel lining on top of the wings.

  • spacefighterspacefighter2 Posts: 0Member
    Stonecold wrote: »


    how did i miss this? awesome!!!

    i must admit i am not very keen on the courier cutter, seems too much like a world war 2 aircraft( p51 mustang). would prefer to see something delta winged or not like most aircraft at all. it's propeller position is cool and i guess they are counter rotating.
  • colbmistacolbmista2 Posts: 0Member
    courier cutter is very cool and space fighter the delta wing is to advance for the era he is modeling in his air ship looks more ww2 so the fighter should be similier to that era as well the delta wing is a jet wing configuration and a ugly one honestly an iv ealways liked how the mustang wings sit thye look so cool
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    how did i miss this? awesome!!!

    i must admit i am not very keen on the courier cutter, seems too much like a world war 2 aircraft( p51 mustang). would prefer to see something delta winged or not like most aircraft at all. it's propeller position is cool and i guess they are counter rotating.

    Yes, couter-rotating blades. Shape is intentionaly similar to WWII prop-fighters, since they are almost the top of propeller-aircraft evolution. However, you are somewhat wrong about the origin of the shape - MiG-3 was the inspiration for the hull shape ;)

    In addition, cutters are somewhat more than simple propeller-planes, due to the same lift system, that larger ships possess. This means, that cutter can lift vertically, or from a very short runway, and swich to the aerodynamic flight when allready in the air.
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