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3DSkies of Septerra WIP

StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
edited February 2016 in Work in Progress #1
At last, I`m starting WIP tread on my long-delayed "Skies of Septerra" project. The goal is almost the same as in Vir Inter Astrum - to make sort of "technical readouts" for the universe of tabletop RPG.

At first, a few words about the universe of Septerra. Septerra is a planet, somewhere in the abyss of space and time. Wery strange planet, also. First thing first - the planet itself is clearly artificial, and that is known to the most of its population. The tales of the Creator, who built the planet are still fresh in the memory, and abundance of artifacts from the time of creation ensures that the tails will live on. The planet itself is a giant artifact, breaking several laws of physics with ease. Planet consists of seven layers of flying continents, called "World shells", connected wia tytanic "spine generator" to the "core" - enormous bio-computer in the center of the planet. The core regulates the rotation of the shells, that provide power, via rotating the spine generator. However, the system works as "perpetuum mobile", creating more energy, than it uses, without any known external energy sourse. Some "waste" energy is radiated from the core, and can be used by inhabitants of Septerra, both to cast "magic" and to convert into electricity via so called "core generators".

"Magic" is, roughly speaking, an ability to "tap" into the processes of the core and request desired action or effect on exact location. So the "spells" are more like computer program, written in computer language.

"Core generators" are possible, due to an ability of specific diamond-like material, found on the 7th shell (that lies directly on the Core) to produce heat from core radiation, when two pieces of this crystal are properly cut and positioned. Then, the heat is converted into electricity via the steam generator or the termocouple.

Septerra is very poor on natural fuels. There are forests and turf, plus some swamp gas. However, there are no black coal or oil. This stops many technologies from development. Internal combustion engines are known, but electric motors are more effective and are widely used. Same goes for jet and rocket propulsion. Instead of powder-based weaponry, electromagnetic one was developed.

Another interesting moment - core radiation inhibits both radio communications and radars (the closer to the core, the more useless thees devices are) and wrecks all precise electronics. Shielded and robust electric devices works ok. So, the calculation machinery developed in different ways, using optical processors and biological neuro-nets as a base.

And the last huge difference from Earth, there is a wide spread animal on Septerra, called "helgak", that flies, via producing some gas, that is lighter then air. Interesting feature, that this gas provide more lifting force, then the same volume of vacuum, acting like some sort of natural anti-gravity device. The gas itself still is a mystery, and can`t be synthesized artificially. More then that - it is extremely volatile, and can be held either by welded shut metallic tanks or by the organs of helgak itself. The animal was long since domesticated, it`s genetic code decrypted and it`s organs are grown artificially to required specs, to be used in the ships.

I will add the information about the Septerra as (if) there will be interest to this project and the questions arise.

The universe of Septerra is loosely based on old Monolyth`s game "Septerra Core, The legacy of the Creator".

Current early WIP is the light cruiser of the Kingdom of Seven Winds, from the third world shell.
Post edited by Stonecold on


  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Interesting. Where do the inhabitants get the raw material for their tech? If there is limited resources do they strip mine the shells?
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Shells are almost natural, and quite rich in minerals. Imagine if on Earth, under the continental plate, instead of magma, was some empty space, and then another layer of continental plates. So, there`s no problems with metals, but more then enough problems with fuels and composite alloys, since the planet is too young to develop coal and oil "natural way".

    Here`s the screen of in-game map, despite being quite "toonish" it gives the rough idea what the world looks like. That`s Shell-2 - second from the outer layer. You can notice the spine generator in the nothern area and Shell-3 below the clouds.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    I understand :) Very interesting kind of world indeed! I could see getting pushed of the edge of a continental plate would be a great way of executing felons, and just getting too close to the edge could be a bad thing for the curious :) Oh, mining too deep could have very bad penalties but you wouldn't have to worry about the high temperature todays miners have to deal with in deep mines. But not having nice hot springs would suck :( You could do a lot of things with a world like this but I think you would miss a lot of things that we take for granted. Could be a fun gaming environment!
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    impressive work, I like it.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    I understand :) Very interesting kind of world indeed! I could see getting pushed of the edge of a continental plate would be a great way of executing felons, and just getting too close to the edge could be a bad thing for the curious :) Oh, mining too deep could have very bad penalties but you wouldn't have to worry about the high temperature todays miners have to deal with in deep mines

    I`ll keep this in mind in my upcoming campaigns ;) BTW, deep-mining isn`t developed in the same extent as in our world, partialy due to abundance of easy to reach ore deposits, and partialy due to the troubles with process automatisation. It`s possoble for this world to make completely autonomous minimg machine (or biomachine, for some nations) but hard to make remote-operated one. Also, continental plates are about 15-20 km thick in the thinnest parts, so it`s hard (but not impossible) to "dig through".
    But not having nice hot springs would suck :( You could do a lot of things with a world like this but I think you would miss a lot of things that we take for granted. Could be a fun gaming environment!

    Yes, "natural" hot springs could be only on Shell-7, and there... well, not too healthy climate :) Absence of sunlight, enormous humidity and poisonous fumes from "mold forests" alone, make the stay there memorable, but hardly pleasent for normal human.
    impressive work, I like it. impressive work, I like it.

    Thank you. Hope you meant the ship, and not the map ^_^ Since the map is the screenshot from an old game and not my work.

    Menwhile, some update on the cruiser. Added secondary artillery and drilled the holes to release water from the decks. Now thinking about making caliber lower a bit - currently main canons are 443mm in diameter and secondaries about 100mm. Guess, that`s an overkill for a "light cruiser".
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Another little update. Lowered caliber of weapons, now main guns are 230mm and secondaries are 76mm for anti-aircraft defence. Added railing and some details. Added lower deck. It is used as a platform for loading supplies on the ship - there are to main cargo doors above the deck. The rough model of the cutter is for scaling purpose mostly.

    Frontal view

    Rear view
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Pretty much failed attempt of texturing, and some minor updates, like propulsion motors. Texturing, surely is the major weak point of SU. The program itsilf maps eash poly with some sort of really inhuman logic, rotating and bending texture as it see fit, and there`s no way (at least known to me) to make something as simple as "box" UV-map for the model as whole. And to map EACH poly on curved surfaces manualy is the work for a masochist. If any one knows the way out of this situation, I`d be gratefull to see it.
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    Reminds me of Carceri or 'Planet' Baator...
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Never read this, but the structure have some similarities. Thou it is turned inside-out - on Septerra, the inner shells are generaly hotter then outer, due to the denser atmosphere and heat from the Core. the only exception is Shell-2, due to the large landmass surface and abundance of sunlight it is somewhat hotter then Shell-3.
  • publiusrpubliusr555 Posts: 1,753Member
    I think there was a French Cartoon with a similar idea... A multi-universe capable ship was in this series.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Haven`t found anything particulary similar (at least in Wiki). Septerra - isn`t "multi-dimensional" or anything like this. It`s biotechnological clockwork construction, built for unknown purpose.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Stonecold wrote: »
    Pretty much failed attempt of texturing, and some minor updates, like propulsion motors. Texturing, surely is the major weak point of SU. The program itself maps each poly with some sort of really inhuman logic, rotating and bending texture as it see fit, and there`s no way (at least known to me) to make something as simple as "box" UV-map for the model as whole. And to map EACH poly on curved surfaces manually is the work for a masochist. If any one knows the way out of this situation, I`d be grateful to see it.

    Yeah, SU sucks for texturing. But the comment I have is about the propellers you made. I think that they might look a bit better if they were more like the big curved paddle style blades on the new Herc J model aircraft. Right now they look too skinny for their length. But still a cool idea :)
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    I was going for the Tu-95 look, with dual counter-rotating props on each motor.

    The curved rotor design (BTW AN-70 use them too) looks too futuristic for over all retro - style ship. Well, I`ll try if I manage to do the correct curve ;)
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Slightly better texturing of the main hull. Turret posts are still buggy :( Rotors are still the same - the outer one is a failed attempt of making "blurry" spinning rotor. Something wrong with transparency map transfer, from SU to Kerk.

  • Dr.SleepDr.Sleep0 Posts: 0Member
    Looking pretty good! :D
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    Looking nice although I must say that rivets with 1 meter diameter would be pretty hard to punch in :p As for the blur, you can always do it in post-processing.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Looking nice although I must say that rivets with 1 meter diameter would be pretty hard to punch in :p As for the blur, you can always do it in post-processing.

    Rivets are about 30cm in diameter, maybe even less. The ship isn`t THAT large (there`s a default SU dude on the deck for comparison purpose) Still huge rivets, I know :devil:

    As for post processing, - I suck hard in photoshop, that`s why I`ve asked Bbzwbbzw for a help in postwork.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Some update on a cruiser. Actualy, I`ve almost completed the work on this ship - only minor details are not completed. Changed the prop shape, added rudder engines and a lot of detailing. Also, managed to fix most texture problems.
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    looks great dont know how I missed this thread, only crit is i dont like the observation/bridge thing on the bottom. Reminds me of the old airship bridges, just looks too exposed and vulnerable on the bottom like that. Maybe if you armored it and made it a bit more angular to fit in with the rest of the design?
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx a lot. As fot the bottom post, it is supposedly made this way ;) The bottom bridge is the workplace for a navigator. Yes, it is vulnurable, like almost all lower part of the ship. Extra armor plating is fitted only around the gas tanks, that keep the ship in the air. Everything else is supposed to be repairable, and armored only from small calibers. This ship is a light cruiser, so, it is not supposed to widstand the fire of battleships. The armor of it is fairly light, due to limited lifting power. Also, the warfare in the sky of Septerra, looks more like naval one, rather then modern aircraft combat. Ship-to-ship missiles are almost non - existing, and main firepower is the artillery. Given the unguided nature of the projectiles, range of engagement (over 20 km for largest calibers) and ballistic trajectory, most possible areas of impact will be the upper deck and upper part of the sides. The situations, where one ship is firing from close range and from bellow, is supposed to be largest miscalculation of the target.
  • sorceress21sorceress21269 Posts: 577Member
    Really very cool work Stonecold! The universe concept is neat, but I have to comment that much of it seems straight out of The Last Exile. When I first saw the cruiser I thought you were doing an updated ship for TLE. But, that does not take away from the work which is first rate!

    I've been having much more luck with textures in SU. Do you know the texture alignment trick? It can be a little time consuming over UV mapping but it does work.
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Really very cool work Stonecold! The universe concept is neat, but I have to comment that much of it seems straight out of The Last Exile. When I first saw the cruiser I thought you were doing an updated ship for TLE. But, that does not take away from the work which is first rate!

    Thanx a lot :).

    Last Exile (or, more specific Antoran battleship) was one of the designs, that inspired me for the cruiser design. The universe itself was created by Valkyrie Studios long before Last Exile. Well, since I`ve made a lot of changes to universe concept, to make it a better place for long-term RPG campaigns, it includes bits and pieces from many sourses. One of them is the Last Exile. Kingdom of Seven Winds (wich have no fleet in the original game) uses the ship designs close to that of Antoran in TLE.
    I've been having much more luck with textures in SU. Do you know the texture alignment trick? It can be a little time consuming over UV mapping but it does work.

    Yes, this trick was the only way to texture those cyllinders under the AA turrets. Everything else ruined texture completely. Also, given the number of polys, hand-mapping the hull, would be VERY time consuming ;)

    And now, I`ve got some technical issues. "Cutters" are a close analogue of WWII fighter planes, but built around the lifting gas core. So, wings are more for stability, then for a lift. Originaly, I wanted to go with "electric turbine" design. Roughly, the tube, that houses numerous propellers, driven by electric motor, inside. The idea was to make sort of "electric jet". However, propellers on the cruiser looks so natural, that I`m thinking about using them on cutters as well. BTW, small red ship on the image is a rough concept of the cutter (with electric turbine design).
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Stonecold wrote: »
    Some update on a cruiser. Actualy, I`ve almost completed the work on this ship - only minor details are not completed. Changed the prop shape, added rudder engines and a lot of detailing. Also, managed to fix most texture problems.

    Wow! that is even nicer than what I was thinking about. Love the bow and stern thrusters too. Just like a modern large commercial ship.:thumb:
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Thanx :) As for thrusters, I`m bad with those "bow, stern" etc. names, since they have no analogue in Russian. Allways forgetting what is called with each one. As far as I understand, you are talking about frontal and rear maneuvering thrusters. Well, since the ship is sort of dirigible (impossible in reality, but flight principle is the same - lifting gas body) that was the best way of steering I thought out. Conventional rudders won`t be enough for precise maneuvers, I think.
  • cavebearcavebear179 Posts: 623Member
    Stonecold wrote: »
    Thanx :) As for thrusters, I`m bad with those "bow, stern" etc. names, since they have no analogue in Russian. Allways forgetting what is called with each one. As far as I understand, you are talking about frontal and rear maneuvering thrusters. Well, since the ship is sort of dirigible (impossible in reality, but flight principle is the same - lifting gas body) that was the best way of steering I thought out. Conventional rudders won`t be enough for precise maneuvers, I think.

    You understand quite well :cool: I'm looking forward to seeing what other craft you populate your game world with!
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Next one, most likely will be the cutter - I need it for the final render, anyway :) Plus, some minor detailing on the cruiser is in progress. Also, any help, suggestions, critics and coments are welkomed as allways !
  • liam887liam887322 SwedenPosts: 575Member
    you going to be painting over these in photoshop or similar or going for the full renders?
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    If Bbzwbbzw will get enough free time, probably, there will be "paint over" data cards. Menwhile, all I can do is full renders :)
  • StonecoldStonecold331 Posts: 0Member
    Minor updates with further detalisation, and a few renders from different angles. The sky... well, that`s just a test render.
  • StarSlayerStarSlayer0 Posts: 0Member
    I dig it, course I've got something similar cooking myself so I'm already inclined to dig it. One thing I might opt for personally is making the superstructure less advanced. I tend to think a more WWI/pre-dreadnought look(flying bridges, tripod masts, straight stacks covered in search lights) might fit better with the hull then the current version which has a bit of a 50s, 60s vibe to me.

    But thats just my personal taste so feel free to disregard.
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