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3DLate night (early morning) Trek design



  • MelakMelak332 Posts: 0Member
    Well there's the obvious connection to whales, so how about:

    the USS Bryde, Bowhead/Mammalodon/Caperea/Catecea Class?

    I really like the paneling on the underside :)
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Does anyone know of any aquatic races in the federation that this could have been designed by, and possibly have a name influenced from?

    I wasnt thinking of being as litteral as naming it after a whale, i did think Catecea Class but again that might be too obvious. but thanks for the suggestions.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    sorry keep posting random bits,but i was thinking of having a section of the ship dedicated to houseing these aquatic scientists, a deck or part of a deck, as opposed to a tank.. maybe having glass tubes for them to be able to acess other areas of the ship too.
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    the Enterprise-D had cetacean operations areas in the saucer. Ed Whitefire's blueprints are best, but the "official" version also shows them. Huge, multi-deck rooms. Andrew Probert did some conceptual sketches for a people/dolphin interaction area, too. I'll post links later, if I can find them. I don't know anything about an alien aquatic species, though.
  • somacruz145somacruz1450 Posts: 0Member
    The Xindi aquatics are the only ones I know :D They were pretty friendly so you can use those . Oh and the bottom of the ship indeed rocks, it's one of the best designs I have seen lately.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Cheers traq, i didnt realise theire were cetaceans on earth in star trek, i know they brought back 3 humpback whales in the voyage home, but despite what the bible might say, i dont think its possible to populate a planet with 2 individuals.... unless it was just humpbacks that were extinct.. who knows.. but cheers yes a link would be awsome. but i'll see if i can find some aswell..

    sumacruz, thanks xindi just looked those up. i didnt watch any enterprise so id never seen those.. says they helped set up the federation interesting... But yes something like that is what i was going for... Dam you know when you think you've had a realy good idea.. I was thinking something a little closer to whale than how they look, i've sort of gone off on a tangent now...

    Thanks again plenty to think about.. I'll put some update pics up tomorrow when i've finished the nacceles
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    Atlantic & Pacific bottlenose dolphins and several Takaya's whales, according to the TNG tech manual. My impression was that it wasn't the entire cetacean population that was extinct, but the Humpbacks. As far as the Xindi go, I never enjoyed Enterprise, so I wouldn't know.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]2 Posts: 3Member
    I've got to concur, the bottom is splendid

    Nice Job :thumb:
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Thanks for the comments again guys. Also to traq for the post, i saw it before it went.. but yes ive researched that a little more now for when i start my interiors.

    Finlay started on the nacelles, just need to start working on the details over the whole ship now..

    Also ive put the front panel back in front of the torpeado launcher i was thinking of having it covered when not in use then popping out when needed, same for the aft launcher, or does that sound like a realy crap idea?
  • thth0 Posts: 0Member
    Interesting concept and unique design, beautiful take on Star Trek , Star fleet design lineage. The covers sound like a good idea is the a fail safe for the covers?
  • RekkertRekkert4200 Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPosts: 2,321Member
    Really great and innovating design! I love the shapes and the whole concept, and I like the torpedo launcher cover idea.
    For all my finished Trek fan art, please visit my portfolio
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Thanks guys i guess the fail safe would be "dont hit the fire button the launchers haven't been extended...." It was a fix for not being able to find a good place to put the aft launcher, without it looking like it had been bolted on. so i placed it up by the top of the neck, just under the impulse engies under a panel. and thought that would be good for the forward launcher aswell.

    Plus it works with the none aggressive, science looking ship.... I was toying with having the phaser strips do the same and rise out of the hull, but i think that would take up a lot of room inside..
  • thth0 Posts: 0Member
    That's great, I'm really intrigued by this design and look forward to the renders. It would be great to see the effect of the rising phasers.It has a advanced feeling.
  • BorgManBorgMan209 DutchlandPosts: 581Member
    Although the nacelles aren't quite as I envisioned them, they work exceptionally well with the curves of the ship ^_^
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Thanks BorgMan, i tried not to completely rip them off..
  • blackbird17blackbird170 Posts: 0Member
    Nice work on this ship you bring a new standard to starship hull plating. I'm looking forward to more updates on this beauty.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Thanks blackbird, the seams of the panels on the underside still need looking at but sheA’s getting there.

    Worked on the escape pods and the voyager esc sensor array. Next i guess I need to start looking at windows, IA’ve not been that close to the hull yet to work on the tiny details. IA’ll get to airlocks and access hatches at some point. I'm going over Greek mythology for a name, looking at all the water constellations Aquarius, cetus, delphinus etc.. See if I can take something for this race that designed and named it.

    I was thinking g of how it would work on the ship, with the whale like creatures.... there wouldnA’t be a tank on the bridge, that wouldnA’t look good. I thought of having a telepathic relationship with a humanoid species.. So they would act as interpreters.. These would be scientists as well. Working on the ship, but would hive the creatures a presence..
    Then I got to thinking what if these creatures had been stranded in this galaxy or universe for thousands of years, and were trying to get home.. ThatA’s why this ship was built.. they would have fled their home because of war, come to this galaxy, due to not being able to repair their ships they colonise various worlds earth being one of them, this is me tying threads of Greek myths together... But prosper on a planet were they begin a symbiotic relationship with a humanoid species.. Who I years to come join the federation. Sorry I didnA’t need to bore you with that... itA’s a work in progress...

    i like the idea of the ship being sucked into another galaxy,but that might be a bit too stargate....
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Excellent update! It worths the wait.
    What do you think about naceles a little longer? I believe it could gives a better balance to the ship. ;)
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    thanks staship, i kind of like the shorter nacelles though. your right having them longer would even out the size, but i like how most of the mass is at the front... if that makes any sence.... and the bulk sort of flows down the the rear of the ship...
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Last update for a few weeks.. im off to new zealand for 3 weeks..

    Added a little detail. thw windows to the mid section, and added a small cargobay door.
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    the windows show she's much larger than I imagined. looks good!
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Hi traq just thought id put this up, its what i've been using for my scales... my ship comes out at 450 meters long..

    This is where people shout, yours scales are way out....
  • baxartbaxart0 Posts: 0Member
    Really nice stuff!!
    I have to say that I prefer design this over the Intrepid class "Voyager".
  • traqtraq0 Posts: 0Member
    markmassey wrote: »
    This is where people shout, yours scales are way out....

    ha, just don't use DS9 and the Defiant as your reference. No one agrees on how big they "really" are
  • HellsgateHellsgate0 Posts: 8Member


    Sweet progress. Let's see her against a Utopia Planetia parking station or a Nemesis-style drydock/construction facility.
  • markmasseymarkmassey513 StaffordshirePosts: 587Member
    Been back for a week or so now, but not had much time to work on anything. but ive added a a little detail to the saucer of my ship.

    Added place holders fo the windows, i'll cut them out later, the larger windows which i'll be putting rooms behind.
  • unusualsuspexunusualsuspex331 Norfolk UKPosts: 0Member
    I know MY scales are way out! They keep telling me I'm overweight! :lol:

    Coming along very nicely Mark. :thumb:
  • AresiusAresius359 Posts: 4,171Member
    wow, nice work.
  • StarshipStarship469 São Paulo - BrasilPosts: 1,981Member
    Welcome back!
    SheA’s a beauty!!!
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